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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the unit was coming to live from berlin. israeli forces withdraw from all she fall, hospital in gaza sees of devastation in the wake of the 2 week rate that israel says was successful and it's fight against time. us. also coming up on our show today as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects calls from tens of thousands of protesters for him to resign over his handling of the war against the mass and hostage negotiations. then yahoo says early elections would only benefit from us. and a blow for turkey is president, rest of tire of air to want as his rivals make a huge gains and local elections across the country. is the opposition to the
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biggest victory since air to one came to power 2 decades ago. the unclear richardson welcome israel's military size. it has withdrawn its troops from gauze was i'll shoot for hospital after a 2 week long raid israel's army released video footage, reportedly showing weapons found them within the facility. they claimed scores of how much fighters have been killed and valuable intelligence secured. israel describe the raid as one of its most successful operations in the near 6 months of war against the group that committed the october 7th terror attacks. let's get some perspective on this from dw correspondent rebecca river is joining us from
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jerusalem. rebecca, tell us more about what you're hearing about the aftermath of the rate at all she for hospital and gaza. or what clear as a reporting. the ideas have confirmed what we were hearing from the ground that is rarely troops have now completely withdrawn from the area um, from what we're seeing, the video is on social media and what we're hearing from eye witness accounts. it's really best scenes of devastation and destruction most if not all the hospital rented completely or partially on usable. but the idea of confirming that several key buildings are in fact, unusable completely destroyed. they blame hamas and islamic jihad militants full. barricading themselves inside the buildings in the hospital and that they were using the hospitalization battle ground. and, and that's the reason for the level of destruction they uh, as you say, you have a cold vis a very successful and precision operation. the precision precision perhaps isn't
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the words that many people would associate with an operation when they look at the pictures of the hospital, which is completely in devastation. and then you had already, the idea spokesman spoke of the fact that they made 900 arrests around about the 900 to take care of that 900 more than 500 people has been identified is affiliated with mazda or islamic jihad. and that they are going to continue to identify and word count with the other arrest the rule. so a members of the militant groups they spoke of around $200.00 or so day during that operation. but as you say they, they said it to be quite a success. and they, they found a huge caches of weapons and that in fact, amounts. and as long as you have were indeed using the hospital as they say, they say as a, as a sort of headquarters, if you will, that they had re grouped in the hospital and we're trying to use it to, to resupply and get back into that northern part of garza to try to re occupy areas up there. so the military saying it was a huge success,
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but as we can see from the scenes of devastation, the hospital has been rented and usable. let's take a look at some events within israel. i, rebecca, stay with us because in his ro, we've seen a tens of thousands of people turn out from mass of protests against the government . on sunday classes broke out between protesters and the police at the anti government demonstrations. these protests were the largest we've seen since the start of the war and gaza. we also had families of hostages present a then of course demanding the return of their loved ones. there is also a mass riley outside israel's parliament. the connect that calling for a new election to replace the government. so rebecca, bring this up to speed here. why do these protestors think that their country will be better off without benjamin netanyahu as prime minister? the ways protest is largely angry with the prime minister. angry with a government for the way, particularly that they have handled the optim off of the attacks on october 7th.
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and the ensuing will, they say that the government hasn't been focused enough on the release of the hostages, that they have been either too focused on all the military items. and the benjamin netanyahu is, in fact just watching out for his own political survival and not paying enough attention to the families of uh sorry, the hostages that are inside cancer and, and returning them to the families. this is a, you know, a part of the anti government purchase that we saw earlier last year before the will, this is a sort of resumption of much of the, the anger, but we seeing a change in the further end these protests, they were smaller than many of the other anti government government protest prior to the war. but as we mentioned, the biggest since the war began. but really that the timing of the protest has, has changed. people are more angry, more upset, more traumatized, even i, i think you could even goes on to say and they're really cooling for elections.
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they want to hear that in a, they wanna hear elections announced by the middle of may. and they really basically calling for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. yeah, i understand down. he has come out to say that elections during the war would be a winning for her mass that it would take attention away from the war effort. but the protest is say that basically that everything has been in a state of paralysis and the only way to win the will and t in the will is to bring down the government. thank you for that update. rebecca that is indeed of use correspondent rebecca rivers to turkeys president wrapped up, ty of erewhon and his conservative a k party have suffered a major blow in local elections. turkey's main opposition party, the secular c h p claims victory in key cities, including a stumble and the capital anchor. or the one calls will be set back a loss of altitude and said his party would analyze the message of the people had given him. the votes are seen as a bell, whether of support for every one after his 20 years and power
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to position supporters is done. both are painting the town, read, celebrating the main opposition. c h. b, 's, spectacular victories in local elections across dokie. the secular party sees it as a sign that it still stands, a jones, the national level against the ruling, e k. parking these election results have been a response to the a k t regimes repression to what they've done to the economy. and the social structure of this contract, and that's why i'm very happy now for my country boys under kim, with the not to we were very disillusioned of the last 2 years to know where the elections. but now being here, celebrating with people being able to tear, we really miss these kind of feelings. we are very happy. and so is the mind of the hour. is done by mayor efram and my model. this is his 2nd victory in doki is
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mega city. a my model has achieved superstar status the case politics put him on the bottom nation of our many see him as president of the ones. chief arrival is stumbling blocks of the nation itself gives the order and the instructions to not just one person, the officials receive instructions from the nation that to about. so the period of one man room is over. as of today, it is done because there's the republic and democracy can go full speed ahead from now on how you set a jack, who's the votes mom the was defeat for or the one n as a k party in more than 2 decades in power. the president had thrown everything at winning is done by duck easy,
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can all make and politically powerhouse he conceded the loss at his body's headquarters and, and got a whole year to is it gives my city is really sort of mean we will not disrespect a nation's decision, but under any circumstances mean that we will stay away from being stopping with the nation. the acting against the nations will be let and questioning the nation's discretion. well, good as we have done since today, you know, like through all those do not march 31st is not the end for us to say it is actually a turning point to the just on but it was wet or the one launched his body go. courier as me or 2 years ago. know many sees potentially challenger following in his footsteps. let's get the very latest a from a dw correspondent, dorian jones, joining us from assemble stories we just saw in that report. supporters of the opposition celebrating throughout the night. you tell us what the mood is like
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today after these local elections of summer calling historic as well as be said, the mood is quite quiet. it's the days and actually to a holiday. and i think given the fact that many people with celebrating re, literally in through the night, down seeing coll, collin voice funking that holds a sense of jubilation. i knew for you now. i think these people have a little sole heads this morning and it will expect to be so for the rest of the day. but that has to be said that the reason why this summer should for you is the opposition never sold the scale of this victory. there was a sense of absolute desolation in the run up to the elections, the opposition with the p divided, shocked by the feet in last year's presidential election, which they had hoped to of one. and they just really sold. this is the last trump saloon for them, standing up to what they saw with the doors increasingly tightening, grip on power control of the media. persecutions of the sense crackdown, holding the pete the independent media. there was a feeling that was increasingly digital space to operate and to oppose. ah,
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the want. these elections are completely changed. and in fact, a criminal law addressing us thousands of supporters in the early hours of, of the, of today with saying that this message from is down bullies a message to the well to move forward to re enroll kind of fee to peacefully and democratically. and that is the message of the opposition of taking away from these results. so the opposition surprised by just how well they did here to tell us what election issues were on the table that the opposition did particularly well with in this election. a well, i think it has to be said that the main issue in this election was the economy, the countries in the grip of 70 percent inflation here. and this time policy to be, well over a 100 percent, there was a huge amount of economic pay in the, in the sample, in many of the cities across all across the country. so there is a recognition that has a much a reaction of rejection of the government's policies. what they perceive is that in difference, but the same time, the opposition have to successfully filled
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a very positive kind to the people that did resonate that reached across the thing, the bites of the talk control position. and i think that they were revolted by the, the condensate chose i'm the campaign that they ran with surprise, a lot of people. and you mentioned already the assembled america, chrome i am, although clearly one of the big winners in this election can tell us a little bit more about what his victory means for president or the one as well in my molo has now defeated the go on to meryl elections as will on the line sees of credentials as the man, but the feet of the one on these powerful electro machine. even the old one wasn't on the ticket or the one let the campaign see or in this tumble from the front, with 17 ministers touring the city and the run up to the old, old one put his prestige on the line. and he was humiliated because of the fence, so the defeats in this tumble was expensive. it was places that have never voted for the opposition. sage be real strong, holds a village on even where he was born and grew up in bay all over the place where he considered his with important costs of that house pulled into the opposition as
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well as number of and pull some areas of the city and that's also send the ever down thing victory, not only the with the of the extent of the votes, but also where they have successfully, school fig trees, where they have never done any generation. well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed that his date of the as a door in jones and assemble in afghanistan, schools have opened for a new academic year, but only for boys with girls band from joining secondary level classes more than 2 and a half years have now passed since girls over the age of 12 were 1st of band following the tale buns rise to power. lawmakers have repeatedly promised that girls would be re admitted, but the band remains in place with no explanation. another academic year gets under wayne cost city in afghanistan, east spots physically having a mission among the students who make their way to school goals. once again,
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i'm not allowed since 2021 teenage girls and women have been banned from secondary schools and universities making afghanistan, the only country what goals education has been outlawed off to elementary school. many of the boys here in this classroom would also like to see this little reversed them on this, on the left, the, we hope that the islamic amaris of afghanistan officials will open the school for the girls of the beyond grade 60, now they've done a lot of we hope that ministers opened the doors to our sisters, the the we ended that and asked me to do it that way. so let me joke and see if it goes to should be given the rights in his let me close because he knew that they should be allowed to to where the he jumped to school or guy. yeah. yeah. they should have advice because if assist is educated type that she can educate the rest of her family we have that can do about that. so we hope see, education minister will re open the schools that goes on june. at that point. it
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asks in response, online educational tools for goals of surface to fit well taken t v. a power space production company has looked to help by broad costing televised lessons and talks to screenings across afghanistan. is that the channel mainly provide educational programs the all day long. we'll be showing educational video modules based on the outcomes school curriculum from the 5th grade to the final year. we put everything on video into languages who me on video. so do know some thoughts, not everybody who's able or allowed to access shows like these kind of final thoughts. he's having says that they're working on establishing a system that would allow goes to re attend schools under islamic low spots. they get to the liver. so millions of girls across afghanistan turning to classes like this one remains the ultimate goal. and that's where you'll just be now with some
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other world news headlines. emission to rescue 13 workers trapped inside a gold mine. and russia has now been comes off since a land slide some 2 weeks ago. they've been stuck more than 140 meters underground at the pioneer mine and the countries eastern. i'm more region authorities say they've now halted rescue efforts, fearing a nother collapse of the sites form or tie when he's president my enjoys headed to china for an 11 day trip at a time of heights intentions between badging and type pay. the reuters news agency reporting he's likely to meet with chinese president children paying the to last met of a summit in single port in 20158 people have been killed and a shooting in ecuador. no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. the seconds mass killing in as many days on friday, 5 tourists were killed by an armed group. police said drug traffickers, miss took them for a rival gang. here in germany,
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a new law partially legalizing cannabis has come into effect. at midnight, hundreds gathered in central berlin to celebrate the moment. under the legislation, over 18 come now possess up to 25 grams in public for personal use and cultivate up to 3 plants at home. but the legislation has its critics to point to health and law and order concerns. in germany's conservative opposition says mel revokes a lot if they come to power we smokers in germany are lighting up legally for the 1st time from april. first, many are celebrating kenzie, you know the pictures when carol's out loud out to pester for the 1st time after winter. they jump with joy and of course that will be us at the beginning of april . but the new cannabis measures are only a partial legalization. so what do they mean exactly? adults over 18 in germany are now allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis on
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them. they can smoke weed in public, but not within 100 meters of schools, sports facilities, or playgrounds. people can also grow up to 3 plants at home and store up to 50 grams of cannabis for personal use. for now, there won't be any shop selling it directly to customers. the only way to buy we legally will be through a so called kind of a social club membership, but only from july 1st sorts itself and social clubs can have up to $500.00 members . and they all actively participate in that kind of bas production. for each individual member and then the club can grow up to the suite plans and conducts produce the members monthly supply, which is a maximum of 50 grams. and then give it to the member for the general terms, i assume in berlin, people hope of the new law will reduce the legal market for the drug. make an assertion is a good idea and all because it decreases the black markets, which is essentially the problem because people are buying stuff and they don't
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know what's in it. it's better to regulate regulated the whole whole process then just have a huge black margin. well, many in germany are celebrating, some have raise concerns about the legalize ation. well, police union say it will be hard to enforce regulations checks and penalties. doctors are worried that the new law sends the wrong message and plays down the dangers of cannabis use and the diction. i'd like to welcome a band to a vast, so the co founder of the center for drug research that goes to university in frankfort, which is been track like tracking this legalize ation process. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. i'd like to start with your thoughts on this new law. do you think it does indeed play down the dangers of cannabis use and addiction as we just heard, some doctors are saying, well, we have seen in, in, in, in, in other countries where you had the with they had to liberalize liberalizing or
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even legalizing laws that it's didn't come into effect at the best people, the older people attended to smoke more, but not the younger people. so all these concerns about young people as smoking more and sending the wrong message and so on as that, as it hasn't been true in other countries. and it won't be true in germany as well . i won't ask you about other precedence for this kind of law. what do you think about the so called cannabis social clubs being used as a platform for the commercial sale of cannabis? is this the best model that germany has chosen and has it been fried elsewhere? before, as well as some countries where they have tried real cannabis social cups, meeting clips, we can also use the cannabis and not only grow, grow their that's different in germany. perhaps it's a very german approach that to, you know, cannabis clips where you can use and you have a clubs,
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i'm up to 500 members and everyone has to care about these plans. i don't know how this really should work in, in such a big clubs. and so it's, it's not, i mean, is this a collapsible company to, into effect at the 1st of july. and um, we will see how we will get around with this. i think the much greater part of the, the new, the legal market will be taken by people who are growing up to 3 plans at home. and they will the impulse saying that up to 10 percent of germans are willing to grow cannabis at home. okay, so up to 10 percent of germans. uh, perhaps going to pay for the opportunity to grow at home. um, what about the other 90 percent? do you think we could see the legalization of commercial pop production in licensed shops? for example, would this be another possible model that germany would work toward?
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well, that's what the german government is planned, but i didn't see any concrete if fords regarding this is taken below the so called 2nd pillar of the, of the cannabis law. and i hope that the government will be, uh, will, will set up a draft laws quite soon because otherwise, uh, they won't have a chance to get it done in this legislative to and what happens now until july, are we in a bit of a legal gray area for people who might be carrying cannabis in germany as well. i mean for many people there's few that will be changed regarding the procurement of, of cannabis. they will get it from people that they know well from friends, from acquaintances, from private dealers. but the main thing that has changed is that millions of
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people are not a criminalized anymore. they can smoke in public, they can uh carry up to 25 grams and they won't have to be fearful against police man when they meet them. and i think this is really a very big step in german drug policy. thank you so much for sharing your insights with us. that is that fast from the center for drug research. you're welcome. now let's go to scotland. it's famous for it's stark and rocky landscape, but well, many people don't know if it was once rich in forest. now across the country, steps are being taken to bring back the woodlands and wildlife of previous centuries, dw, because mass reports from the south of scotland. not a tree, not a bush grows. and these barren hills and south in scotland, at least not yet. so you only to grab a fun things for you.
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they want to change that the 25 for them to us from the scottish board, as far as trust one to help loan to forest check. but you're not right on top of a boat. that's a stick experience. that's fine. yeah. so that's the soft ground. and denise not to give you a whole the right size for the tray. which in our vision is to make this into night to put them. so all the chaise, all around holly, all the trees species you'd expect, and the ground is good ground and the trays will do well here. it's supposed to look like it did thousands of years ago before people cut down the forest for firewood and to gain past you. when i've got it, i feel like i get the feeling of the a mother. i need to get arrived twice for her and then wish it could grow out very strongly and have a heavy lies sort about. so i'm it really,
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it's just this punting traces the i think is the best thing. ordinary people can do . it's so easy to do is just isn't investments in the future really flaunting. many thousands of saplings with sheep have for centuries, munched up everything that takes some physical assets. this makes sense of purpose here, so this land won't be sold to the highest bidder in 20 years time. it will stay as it is in the neighboring valley. the boat, as far as truss has already planted around 750000 trees. since then, 20 species of the us of recycled as of many wide plants and hubs. an eco power dies and the scottish shoes, the volunteers hope it comes up as a model to regenerate many of the valleys. speaking of trees, many of them have started to flour here in germany earlier than usual. the premature bloss make is thought to be due to climate change and in the western city of bon japanese cherry trees are putting on
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a spectacular display. although meteorologist, save this winter has been one of the warmest in recent years, and that that is causing the trees to flower a few weeks earlier than as normal. as a result, though, several streets in the old town has been closed, the traffic so that everybody can enjoy the spectacle. just before we go, we'll bring you a reminder of our top stories at this hour. israel's military says its troops have withdrawn from god as all she for hospital. they claim to have found the weapons and other valuable intelligence. and se scores from us and other militant fighters have been killed during what they described as a successful military operation. and the turkey main office action party is celebrating as it has toward major victories in nationwide local elections. partial results show the ruling, a k party of president air to one has suffered defeats in the case cities of uncorrected and is that is your nissan sour coming up next on dw,
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with the question, can we put a price on nature that next on global ost and of course, there is more news analysis online to app dfw doc. i'm clear, richardson, thank you so much for watching. the
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securing evidence you can take to the changes in south africa. poaching is a business with millions of heroes. ultimately, main and detective that has to end so right ages are now being trains in forensics. turn snow to purchase noble on d w. this that is not made of plastic. this bag
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is made some to pull. some is in bangladesh, it promises an economic boost. and so the load potential future without plastic but processing cubes is expensive, complex, and time consuming. so what's the low down on the golden natural flight? in 45 minutes on d w, the if you speak just a minute which should be some culture, some country. how do we become different? ours discrete logic. one of the people in just a 100 days. my power is because of my family. what killed the, i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side for
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games for to see the my name is some way to ship where i'm assuming reshaping history out. documentary stops april 6th on dw. fortunately there's probably no place on earth that won't be affected. what's more, what we already know for sure is that we'll see desertification stretching from argentina to the american midwest. the wealth is losing its forests and false results of wildfires. looking it's climate change under the trees go the animal species with seeing as a mode as a terrorist and oceans with voss deads those without any marine life, we can still change things. but what would it cost the
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