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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, the news line from time and then you try the ass dr. destroys iran scholarship building in damascus. officials and syria confirm that have been tests and injuries runs revolution regards as one of his generals, as among the deck also on the program is ready forces withdrawal from causes out chief, a hospital leaving behind scenes of devastation. israel says the 2 week ride was a success and as far as the games, thomas took his present and ventured time to run suffers a political blow. as his bibles makes huge gains in local elections, it's the offices. it's the opposition, sage paced, biggest victory since president, one case of power folding 20 years ago.
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the i'm so getting a welcome to the program. we starting syria where official saying is ray, the strikers destroyed iran's consulate building in damascus is right, administrator hasn't commented on the attack though israel has been increasing itself relations against iran, linked forces in serious sense the after the 7 homage attacks around some boss, the vista serious as at least 5 people have been confirmed that runs revolution because one of the senior commands us and mohammed rest as i had is one of those killed a foreign ministry. spokes person into around says is considering a type of response and punishment for the attack. so i spoke to him released expert irish as easy from clemson university in south carolina in the last
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and asked him what he thought was behind this attack. there's not much is permission needed his route doesn't usually say yes we did it, but it's very clear that that that is right. did it. i, you know, all these right, the off, that's our reporting it as such as well, i'm not, but i 0 need. the syrian outlets now is i the words for a long time on the key least of his riley is he is a very important i r g. c general. that is a general office militia is mama grizzlies and every gosh, corpse that the most parts and forth any iran and runs the lawns policy in the region. i would say perhaps this is one of the most high profile. i always use the come on there is that they have a fascinated head event and long time, yes, they have denied using with decades in viewing the 8th is the fault. and then why would against iraq, he was at some point of the deputy head of the i r g c. he was the head of its air force for a brief period. he was the head of his ground force. i mean, the least recent years. he was the head of biologists, is operations in the 11th regent that's in c uh, 11 on. so there's no surprise that he wasn't the, is riley heats and target this
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a for the very long time. but what mix of the attack is sort of important to even more important and dangerous is the fact that the aid was carried out of, you know, in a building right next to the, on an embassy effectively running and consummate warranty on most of the rack. but it was actually in his office according to himself, and when the, when the attack occurred. so it's certainly a escalate 3 and the dancers, a strike by his ro, some at least export to ours as easy from clemson university. i mean, while these rounds ministry has withdrawn its troops from a gauze, as i'll see for hospitals saying it's 2 week reg, is one of the most successful operations and it's walk ins, thomas and casa. is there any defense process as it killed that schools of homeless fights, isn't gathered weapons, unintelligence building throughout the medical complex that being completely destroyed. this is our she for hospital,
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the largest medical facility in gaza after a 2 week range by the is ready to ami. it is now a shell of its full themselves, situated in a devastated neighborhood. strewn with level. as with the amount of destruction is far and wide and the chief of compound, as you can see, and they have been many casualties. now we will move this to kind of waited from el cheapo to the baptist hospital, which is the only one in the gaza strip and still providing services to patients, video probation described by as well as one of the most successful of the 96 months war is now or the end the troops has withdrawn. these vital defense sources say around $200.00 militants accounts during the ride. and the 2 seized over $3000000.00 in cash lights and intelligence documents and weapons who have asked and medical staff denied the protestant insight does have any um,
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presence in hospitals is rarely, i mean those sides, the ready to is carried out well preventing hom, to civilians, patients and medical staff. however, the world health organizations direct to general disputes is claim his post on x formerly to it's a paint. so di, picture, he says 21 patients died during the siege and more than 100 was still lacking vital medical cat to involve a cheap smart now and pulls out to about see for what they've left behind. is a community in shop. let us doing this, the sound of a song called in jerusalem, what he'd heard about the aftermath about right. and there was no doubt the gods and as civilian population, again, these are paying the price for this war. this is
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a wages in between. and these are the military and the hum us a minute then, you know, in, in his room the praising is this, the operation. they're saying that the not only have the confidence skated arms made the mass arrest, but also have a laid their hands on the intelligence as this place was used for a combined and, and so forth. but i think that if you look and they also listen to the eye witnesses on the ground, you realize that it, what is your and has been waging in this hospital? is it goes beyond eh, going asked eh, wanted man, uh, but also an attempt to actually destroy the hospital drug. because we've seen that the hospital building itself. it was a being set on fire,
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and the being woods that have been destroyed. so this is going to be a major bro to the medical infrastructure in the gaza strip, which on this on me. so i'll call in journalism. we'll take a look at some of the stores making news around the world. and we'll stop in a while, where prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said that he's moving to stuff back a tardy news. after that, i'll just see it or from operating in his room as after the conscious pilot and past the lo, allowing the government to bands and this delta blow to president vege of type of bond, and he's conservative, a k policy. the almost all of votes counted after local elections, so position cents left c h p not only defended or claimed to major cities, but also have expanded into areas previously filled to be out on strong homes election. observe, let's say it's a k p's worst as the election defeats after more than 20 years in power. a
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revolution at the ballot box read space headline. searches in turkey were copying a very different political landscape of to president edwin's a k policy suffered on presidents had losses in local elections. he had thrown everything at winning east on bu tech. he's economic and political powerhouse. but he didn't succeed. and the policy even lost ground in areas they had considered strongholds homeless and i've voted for the current government to 15 years. i didn't buy them yesterday. obviously, due to economic conditions and the premises, the one kept and the a 70 percent annual inflation rate. and the devaluation of the lira his hip 1st as well as hod eroding support for the ruling a k policy. the set to a c, h p, which claims big victories, sees the result is a sign that it can still succeed at the national level. it suddenly
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a worrying sign to add one to pulled at a turning point for his policy. i think it's a serious message because a turkey has an electric motor time machine. and ad one's candidates already had the advantages of a 2 to playing fields and yet base the last but the touch. additionally, that still has full us into the next presidential election to change the tide. and the policy still has both the parliamentary majority and the loyal version of bass working in its favor. told me i was devastated and very upset that the results weren't in our favor. for 20 years there was abundance. everything was perfect. there. we got over pandemic on there was an earthquake and 11 provinces were destroyed all at once. wasn't everything put back together to put it back together? the person who governs us to, didn't he? so now everyone's popularity may be bruised,
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but it's certainly not basin aspect corresponding thought in jones, in a stumble, whether these results are being seen. this of support for c h p policies or those against present other ones, a k p a. well, i guess it's a combination of both, but it has to be said the main factor it seems behind the ones major and actual set back is the economy. i mean, we're talking about inflation of around 70 percent here in the sample is believe to be in excess of a 100 percent. and you have 50 percent interest rates. so the thing that these or major factors in he's, he's the feats in many places. also the fact that he didn't introduce a major hiking pensions, which was widely expect to just the full, the polls also was a major setback for one. and i think the to also a factor it's, it does appear as so many people and node wants to pull just didn't turn out to vote. there does appear to be the dropping turn out in many key areas of the one stronghold. but having said that, the, the magnitude of the success a given the,
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the position half of school major victories in place that they've never succeeded before. by wipe knowledge, is taught to indicate that it was also a move towards the c h b. i'm a success by this age, be the main secular policy to be accessible to these photos. and i think that that was also a key factor in the success. one of the big windows that of this election is a matter of a stumble across a mama lu. i'm a, this must be a particularly painful for the president of the. oh absolutely. yeah. there's one. did everything to get back. he stumbled the humans very personal is where he started his electro curious way. he grew up and he put all these resources integrated, assembled by the last week of the campaigning. they were 17 ministers campaigning and assemble to turn the tide and they all fail. so it is seen as a major humiliation for ode one, and i made a victory for the other man, a crumb and my mono. this is a man who is now defeated out 13 times. and that has done is his reputation as
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a man ultimately can win the presidency. and i think it was a successful further give him a mental and his expected the he will, why the child for the presidency in the next selection. and this was all just being a major boost to them. so. okay, let's, let's, let's follow about national about national look with that. because remembering that these were local elections, kind of small about what possible changes they might indicate for the national political landscape. well, you have to understand is of these may of ships of municipalities do give a lot of pallets who's ever in hidden power if they allows them to points thousands of jobs, they distribute income, they all a major opportunity to present alternative way of living. and i think the fact that the success of the you may know all positions h b, not only in the major cities, but also in the provincial cities across tuck you places, cities say i've never one before have now but are under the leadership. and that gives them an opportunity going forward as
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a spring bold into the next election if they can deliver the services if they can reach out to all photos. that is the major challenge faith to if they do that, then they become a potent challenge to of one of these a k particular product on an update of his daughter and jones and assemble as well here in germany, a new law possibly legalizing cannabis has come into effect midnight last night, so hundreds gathered from central above and to celebrate. the legislation means over a change cannot possess up to 25 grounds in public for personal use and cultivate up to 3 ponds at home. but the legislation has its critics to point to health on law and order consent. germany's conservative opposition says they'll be folk the law if they get into power next on the w, i show the goes back to its roots, takes a look at the role that traditions play in women's lives. that's next to on data
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the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in, that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d, w i. so i assume one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide. in such an one.


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