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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 3:00am-3:14am CEST

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the the, this is the, the way you use life from bill in the suspect. it is why the strike destroys the runs consulate in damascus. officials in syria confirm they've been deaths and injuries runs revolution. re god says a top general lives among the day is by the forces withdrawal from causes el cheapo hospitals leaving behind devastation israel hales, the 2 week operation, a success in its plan to get some us and high times as you kind of as low as coming to effect in germany, marijuana smokers celebrates. we look at what the possible legalize ation means and who's against the
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i've been visible and welcome syria and officials say it is way the strike is destroyed or runs close to the building in damascus. it runs revolution regards, says one of its senior commanders was killed along with several offices, a foreign ministries folks posted in payroll and says it's considering its response and punishment for the attack. this is what's left of the rain in conceal it in damascus. officials say, and these really struck on the building code. several people, including members of the runs is where i make revolutionary god of the was not in the deed when strongly condemned. this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by the streets
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and you almost. so again, we emphasized out position, besides brothers in the arabian embassy and the islamic republic of be around it. and we can assure that syria and the as lemme career public. don't forget the enemy's sort of yeah, what did you want to hear this from the last one, the other among the dead is brigadier general mohammed res. as a heavy, he was a top command in the elite codes for us, the, for an operations of these allow mach revolutionary god. these riley nutri hasn't commented on the attack there. israel has been increasing its operations against iran linked forces in syria since the october 7th. how much terror attacks iran says it reserves the right to retaliate. after we told you before, the zionist entity knows very well that such crimes and any kind of crimes will not remain without respond as rescues kind through the rubble for survivors or body use
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concerns over a rapid escalation of violence in the region arising. us as easy is the middle east expert at clemson university in the us. i asked him whether it's surprising that is well, would attack in a rainy and diplomatic side in syria. this is not so much surprising, but it is an act of um, you know, even somebody is unprecedented is right. is really opting dionte. it has changed the usual rules of engagement. this thing is right. let me run, have been in something of a shadow barn off for a very long time, asked for more than a decade. but part of the rules was that, you know, you don't do actions like this doesn't mean attacking a iranian conflict, which is considered internationally. your unintended authority is it's almost unprecedented. always road has also of course done many operations on your audience board. but also it's cute, a very broader hired i team on our gc, official design. heavy was very important in many ways in charge of,
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of the operations of the i r g c in the, syria and lebanon. but it's not entirely unprecedented, as in the last few months is right, has also sort of killed other officials that are not quite a dis double, but not so far from it either. but at any rate, it's definitely a day by killing this top command is is there a has a program of cheating top i or do you see a picture of what it has gained is that it undermines the abilities of the eye or gc to support its allies in the regions that, you know, there are just these diminish of that on the go to the power of the iranian regime . it has a key role in supplying has belie 11 on and also the solve the policy ma'am forces at times. although really in this case is mostly as well on and other munitions, the rocky munitions and the rest, but operate on your, on, on a syrian territory. i know about what does that get and also, i mean it's, it's, uh, it's clearly it's showing that if the on is not able to respond to this,
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it shows that it's not, it doesn't have any to terrance the wrong. doesn't have any to terrace against this ro and from the initial responses, if you look at, if you look up what the foreign minister is saying and what define ministers post person is saying it might appear that iran will do some sort of retaliation. i think against us uh for somebody in the region that are tons of us for the region, they might do some sort of a retaliation. retaliatory attack, perhaps one that would ultimately lead to us soldiers of getting to that this isn't other rules of engagement. they run has usually tried to observe, but there are a lot of push on the wrong. of course, amongst a supporters are there is you mean it wrong amongst his supporters in the region for the higher ed, for a more directly tell you should a guess is or a. and this is, this really puts us all in a adventurous situation. and the chances of the broader conflict, which is something that you're on, has tried to avoid the not,
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the state has tried to avoid, you know, but, but new. and it's something that many as is right. we'd also like to avoid becomes more real by the minute when was the act like this? the middle east expert rush as easy that officials from israel and the united states made virtually on monday over a planned ground defensive in rafa. and southern guns. that is why these agreed to consider us concerns about the huge number of civilian sheltering that in central gaza. palestinian media reporting that a suspect it is way the strike killed. 5 employees of the aid for weld central kitchen victims a said to be from poland, australia and the u. k. a palestinian was also killed, is why the military says it's investigating the incident it comes just now is after as well as military withdrew from causes el cheapo hospital is where the defense forces says it killed schools of thomas fire. it has in the rates and gathered weapons and intelligence. buildings throughout the medical complex have been
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completely destroyed. this is our chief a hospital, the largest medical facility in gaza after a 2 week rage, by the way, the army. it is now a shell of its full themselves, situated in a devastated neighborhood. strewn with level. as with the amount of destruction is far and wide and the chief compound is you can see, and that been many casualties. now we will move this to kind of waited from el cheapo to the baptist hospital, which is the only one in the gaza strip and still providing services to patients in the video probation described by as well as one of the most successful of the 96 month war is now or the end, the troops has withdrawn. these vial, defense sources, say around $200.00 militants, for kids doing the right. and the 2 seized over $3000000.00 in cash. market intelligence, documents,
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and weapons who have asked and medical staff deny the protestant insight does have any um, presence in hospitals. this is really, i mean, those sides. the raid was carried out while preventing home to civilians, patients and medical staff. however, the world health organizations direct to general disputes is claim his post on x formerly towards a paint. so die a picture. he says 21 patients died during the siege and more than 100 was still lacking. vital medical cat is violence continues to search of games control about 80 percent of the capital. lawmakers have struggled to form a transitional council to select and we need to of to have is 5 minutes to sit down last night. and germany's football association says that designs the number full on the national team shots will be changed to, to concerns that resembles
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a nazi symbol critics. a, it looks like one of the essence from the infamous, nancy ss power military units talk, he's main opposition is dealt with low to president bunch of tonya bad one. and his consecutive a k potty with almost all ballots counted in local elections. the all positions and the left c, h p and not only defended or claimed major cities, but also expanded into areas previously thought to be at one strongholds. election observe is say it's the a piece was the election to feed off the move in 2 decades of bell. the resolution of the ballot box read space headline searches into keyword cup in a very different political landscape of to president edwin's a k policy suffered on presidents had losses in local elections. he had thrown everything at winning east on bull taxis, economic and political powerhouse. but he didn't succeed and the policy even lost
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ground in areas they had considered strong holds homeless and that my budget for the current government to 15 years. i didn't buy them yesterday. obviously use the economic conditions and the premises that weren't kept. and this 70 percent annual inflation rate and the devaluation of the mirror his hip 1st as well as hod eroding support for the ruling a k policy. the set to a c, h p, which claims big victories, sees the result is a sign that it can still succeed at the national level. it's certainly a warring sign to add one who called at a turning point for his posse. i think it's a serious message because a turkey has an electrolytic family. shame and ad one's candidates already had the advantages for participant playing fields and yet based the last. but the touch actually that still has full use into the next presidential election to change the
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tide. and the policy still has both the parliamentary majority and the loyal version of bass working in its favor. told me i was devastated and very upset that the results weren't in our favor. for 20 years there was abundance. everything was perfect. get there. we got over pandemic on there was an earthquake and 11 provinces were destroyed all at once. wasn't everything put back together to put it back together? the person who governs us to, didn't he? so now everyone's popularity may be bruised, but it's certainly not based in germany. has possibly legalized kind of as full recreational use. adults canal possess up to 25 grams in public and grow up to 3 plants at home. the decision is divided public opinion critics point to health and regulation concerns. germany's conservative opposition says it will provoke for
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the oil if it gets into power. but what do regular germans think? out of berlin, beer garden guests aren't worried about the new policy. so any large people should decide for themselves, they will be well informed and can do with it in august, which they do it like smelling and the others have the same problem when people smoke tobacco. and also i mentioned often, but there are rules to, for the partial legalization. for example, smoking around children is not allowed. but regulating these restrictions may prove complicated. you have one over that we don't want to regulate. oh, i guess. and we rely on mutual respect, bye, take. the sage club has outdoor space for some, 2000 people, but management says cannabis is controversial in a he's always talking to the regular customers. started tossing around a joint till the time that wouldn't be good to see me. i would use my right to be my, my goal is to hop on. now adults can grow up to 3 marijuana plans,
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but they're still banned in community gardens. on the list that i got is simply because lawmakers have linked up permission to grow cannabis to the home to the place of residence. and this is generally not the case for a lot of them. gardens, anyone over 18 can now cause this up to 25 grams of cannabis outside and 50 grams at home. beginning in july, smokers will be able to legally by weed from so called the cannabis clubs, and after 2 years, the thirty's will examine whether miners have been adequately protected. and if the legal ization of cannabis reduces drug related crime. a quick reminder of our top story, this, our syria is blaming israel for it is trying to destroy, runs, conceal it in damascus, resulting as dates and injuries runs revolution regards to the top general. but among the dead is there any military has commented on the attack optics. now
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they'll commentary on the difficulty of diagnosing and treating find disease i'm paid for. so we'll see you next out. the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime would probably be secure, subscribed to this channel every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the .


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