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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. the suspect to just really strike kills international aid workers in gaza. they had been working for world central kitchen providing badly needed to, for the people because of israel is calling the incident tragic and says it's investigating. and also coming up is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's moving to shut down l, just syria. and israel with parliament passing a new law, allows him to temporarily band 4 and broadcasters and high times as new kind of as
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laws come into effect in germany. marijuana smokers celebrate. we look at what the partial legalization means and who is against the law. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. world 8 organization world central kitchen says 7 of its team members in gaza had been killed and is really airstrikes, according to god's is how most were on health ministry. the bodies of 44 and 8 workers and one palestinian were brought to a hospital in the town of there by law. australia is prime minister has confirmed that how strongly an aid worker is only frank. com seen here on the left and a world central kitchen video posted in march is among those killed. israel says it's investigating the incident as it continues its operation and gaza in response
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to the from us. october 7, tara tax australia as prime minister engineer uneasy has given this reaction astray. it expects full accountability for the death of i'd with his which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work in the data o. innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. was crossed straight over to our tourism correspond rebecca rivers joins us now. a rebecca, what more can you tell us about this incident as well as it is mentioned terry wells central kitchen has said in a statement that 7 of his team members were killed in and a legit is really a strike. it says the team was traveling in a d, a. d conflicted zones of an area that was supposedly comparatively safe to other
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areas. it wasn't in a, in direct conflict. and it wasn't a direct complet going on at that time. it says that same were into our vehicles and one soft skin vehicle. the end of the vehicles were labeled with weld central kitchen on them that they were identifiable and the team were allegedly killed in this strike. but they've been working very closely according to the world's central kitchen and according to the israeli military, they were working very closely in conjunction with the military. and the idea of says, as you mentioned, that it is conducting a review, it says in a statement that it makes extensive efforts to enable the safe delivery of humanitarian aid. and that it's been working closely with that particular organization. so if it isn't a concern that this was an as riley a strike, it really points to 2 issues that we've been saying throughout this conflict and things that 8 organizations has been wanting about. that there is a problem with the confliction and the area of that situation where
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a organizations your work in conjunction with the military and it organizations have for a long time been saying that there are issues when it comes to that we use is not the 1st time we've seen 88 workers killed in attacks. now the world central kitchen says that it is going to pause its humanitarian efforts and there is more aid from that organization expected to arrive in gauze. and so it's not clear how that may now be distributed. we know that it's, it was, it unloaded $100.00 tons of aid and that there is more on the way. so now no, no clear a message about how or east will be able to be distributed. so a very serious situation that will have why the ramifications certainly for the people who were desperately waiting for that aid in northern gaza. of course, these a deliveries were just a drop in the ocean, but of every drop in the ocean helps when we're looking at a population that's facing simon. other 8 organizations to, of course,
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are looking at what just happened there. could this end up having an impact on the provision of humanitarian aid in gaza? well, as i just touched on, it suddenly could, i mean, you know, we're already seeing very little a getting into northern garza was saying, you know, there's a report by the us state department that came out last week saying that in fact, northern gauze, at pots of northern guy that are already in simon, they believe, uh where all the pots of the strip could be facing some simon, and then certainly our and facing severe food shortages. so the fact that this may holt or him to this much needed a getting to those areas where people are facing salvation is of course a concern. and as you see the, the world central kitchen now pausing its operations and taking stock, wondering where to go. other organizations might indeed, uh, you know, take the same measures if it's not safe. so they work is even when there has been
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discussing, gonna have been working with the military to try to ensure a safe passage. if that is still not possible, then i think we might see might well say 8 organizations taking a different brewton, perhaps posing what middle operations they're able to undertake as it is rebecca. thank you very much. that was our, correspond to rebecca richards in jerusalem. i mean, while syrian officials saying is really air strike has destroyed iran's consulate building and damascus. brands revolutionary guard says what about senior commanders was killed along with several officers. a foreign ministry spokesperson into iran says it's considering its response and punishment for the attack. this is what's left of the rain in conceal it in damascus. officials say, and these really stripe on the building killed several people,
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including members of the runs is why make revolutionary god? why do we strongly condemn this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who are passing by the streets? and so again, we emphasize out position. besides our brothers in the arabian embassy and the atlantic republic of be around the phone, and we can assure that syria and the islamic republic don't forget the enemy's sort of yeah. what did you want to go to? some of the last one, the other home among the dead is pretty a general mohammed res. as a haiti he was a top command in the elite codes for us, the for an operations of these. why mac revolutionary god? these riley nutri hasn't commented on the attack there. israel has been increasing its operations against iran linked forces in syria since the october 7th. how much
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terror attacks iran says it preserves the right to retaliate. after we told you before, the zionist entity knows very well that such crimes and any kind of crimes will not remain without respond as rescues kind through the rubble for survivors or body use concerns over a rapid escalation of violence in the region. arising a rush as the is the middle east expert from clemson university in south carolina in the us. he said the incident is not surprising, but in some ways, unprecedented is not far surprising, but it is an act of um, you know, even somebody is unprecedented. is right, is really opting dionte. it has changed the usual rules of engagement. this thing is right. let me run, have been in something of a shadow barn off for a very long time for more than a decade. but part of the rules was that you don't, you don't do actions like this says in the attacking a iranian constituted, which is considered internationally. your unintended authority is somewhat
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unprecedented. alejandro has also, of course done many operations on iranian sword, but also it killed a brother, hired i t i r g c. official design id was very important in many ways in charge of, of the operations of the i r g c in the syria and lebanon. but it's not entirely unprecedented. as in the last few months is right. it has also a sort of cube, the other of the shows that are not quite at this level, but not so far from it either. but at any rate, it's definitely a day done. just act of it's condition that was middle east expert to rush as easy. they're speaking to dw a short while ago. now the al jazeera news network is close to being shut down in israel. the is really part of it passed a new law on monday, allowing the government to band for and networks perceived as a security threat. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has accused the guitar
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broadcaster of actively taking part in the hum islip october 7th terrorist attacks is ryan's volume and the connect that has cleared the v for the government to how does he to from broadcasting is right. and to shut it's offices for at least $45.00 days back out. many, i guess the bill preventing a foreign throwed costs from humming state security was accepted in the 2nd and 3rd reading costs and will be entered into low peak on or let's say a friend who is right has long headed rock you relationship with a to z to accusing yourself, bias again is right in the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu labeled it a tennis channel in a to eat and he accused it of harming is riley security. does the card that a court dangerous and ridiculous lie? the united states said it was concerned about is the right decision. i'll say we're
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just with, with respect to, i'll just 0. obviously, we, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us. think our top is news channel is one of the few international media outlets to remain in garza, after the october 7th data tax. some of that stuff and generally does have also been among the victims of the war. let's take a look at a few other stories making headlines around the world today. for us present, donald trump has posted a $175000000.00 bond in his new york civil fraud case. averting the cesar of property. in february, a judge found him guilty of over valuing his wealth to get cheaper loans is appealing verdict, which includes
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a total fine of $454000000.00. for bruce president has replaced 6 ministers after they abruptly resigned amid the scandal that's become known as rolex gate over the weekend. please rated the home at the office of president dina border law to as part of the probing to how she obtained a collection of the luxury watches for warranty is this. she purchased them with her own money. mexico is the latest country to evacuated. citizens from haiti as violence continues to search their armed gains control about 80 percent of the capital lawmakers some struggle to form a transitional council to select a new leader after haiti's prime minister step down. last month in germany's football association says the design for the number 4 on the national teams shirts will be changed due to concerns that it resembles. and nancy symbol, critics say it looks like one of the s is from the interim,
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this nazi assess paramilitary units. germany has partially legalized cannabis for recreational use. adults canal possess up to 25 grams in public and grow up to 3 plants of home. decision has divided public opinion. critics point to health and regulatory concerns. germany's conservative opposition says it will revoke the law if it regains power. at of berlin, beer garden guests aren't worried about the new policy, so i need lots of people should decide for themselves so they will be well informed and can do it within the space. during like smelling and the others have the same problem when people smoke tobacco. and also i mentioned often, but there are rules to, for the partial legalization. for example, smoking around children is not allowed. but regulating these restrictions may prove complicated. you have one over here. we don't want to regulate, know a gas and we rely on mutual respect. but i take,
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the sage club has outdoor space for some, 2000 people, but management says cannabis is controversial in a he's always talking to the regular customers, so they tossing around a joint till the time that wouldn't be good to see me. i would use my right to intervene. i'm house, as people hop on. now adults can grow up to 3 marijuana plans, but they're still banned in community gardens. to decrease that i got this simply because lawmakers have linked us permission to grow cannabis to the home to the place of residence. and this is generally not the case for a lot of them gotten anyone over 18 can now cause this up to 25 grams. of cannabis outside and 50 grams at home, beginning in july, smokers will be able to legally buy weed from so called the cannabis clubs. and after 2 years, authorities will examine whether miners have been adequately protected. and if the legal ization of cannabis reduces drug related crime, you're watching dw news up next,
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we have her for you with 3 women from different aging countries, sharing their stories on what groups and tradition mean to them. it's coming up in just a moment. meanwhile, you can course you can get old ladies news information any time you want on a website that's dw comp. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the people in the trucks injured when trying to feed the city center and more refugees are being turned away and support families on the tags in syria and these creative suite, again, straight to if he explained to his son around


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