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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 10:30am-11:00am CEST

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of the, the world as he's never seen it before, the crime, no dw documentary, the how can we build a better future? well, yes, that's a pretty big question. and one that demands all kinds of answers. we'll be looking at some of those today. hello and welcome to a new edition of eco offer of chris, a lens. joining you from lagos. and i am sandra to whom was a 3 nobody coming to from complex right to in uganda. yes, greece. we need to protect our fellow creatures on the environment. reduce on
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carbon footprint and help people and nature flourish. here is what is coming up. what will discover how human west has been reduced in kenya? needs the green lady off to find spike training people to roll their own food. and find out how much is done is funding the west into museum pieces. but fost we had to egypt come with less, my brother, we bought head across the country. each. you bought many don't supplies, which i'm on a gyptian and g o has come up with a win win solution for the but i'm the truck has on the hunt is too hot of that old phrase, which is tons. again, keep is well, good. you're buying the killers out and take a look, smile well,
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well. 7 who this is the story of an experiment. the main subjects are endangered birds at lake bar last in northern egypt. and on the human side, a bird hunter who liked to stop. if he had another way to feed his family. and an environmental list with a new idea 5, and we work with small tour agencies that are based in the area plus a 2 or 3 to who's up for challenge and look into why we didn't have any guide books on that. i knew nothing about the birds without getting into us from egypt who are paying a lot to see the birds. will it be worth it? the old trying something that's brand new to them. especially the bird hunter. ebony falls, he heads out onto the water, sola abilities checks who smith and lake photo loss history,
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because to use fake docs to encourage real migratory birds passing through like ducks to join them. that will be much. it was a lot to me. this is doug called, so it's the same purpose but the only sometimes quick clean dec recordings of real called is a more reliable way to attract them. this makes it is illegal, but the state doesn't prosecute hunters like him. in fact, there are thousands of them all the next morning. some of the seas discovers that he didn't catch any ducks during the night, but he did catch 3 nights parents who sells them to private buyers and restaurants . the bird hunter has no other source of income and a family of 5 to feed. but this is becoming more difficult because the animals he
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prefers to catch are declining in number. yeah, my son is the clock might include $200.00 ducks now and there may only be 50 if it comes to have a lake bottom noise. it's more than 460 square meters in size and is located in a densely populated area. today is a 1st, a bird watching to a more than a 100 bird species. it can be observed at the lake. now that the endangered locals are starting to understand the value of seeing them and even pains to do so. so you need higher i never saw that. i would travel such a way just to watch but action because part of the organizers were ensure is enough. people would book the tour and there are lots of details to work out front
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of the election. we can't organize bridge watching, fixing up binoculars because the birds are too far away and you need binoculars to see them. the, the, the binoculars are not the easy to come by each of the environmental organization, nature conservation. egypt provides them. it was bad idea to launch the 3rd watching to a together with local to operate is have another how move in from we're supporting and training them and how inside we'll try to help them make these trips and we'll stay there until they no longer need us i'm afraid to ask them when they manage to get access to the tourism market research birdwatchers and build connections with the hunters. but i got a little comment with you connection being open and sadly there are very few bird watching guides each other and such and lea, non like bird hunter, sla optimised ease for his work as a guide on the trial day, she received the estimated earnings, but he lost from not hunting and then the magic
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happens. brooks come right up to the group, resting on fishing it's they were black, crowds nights, parents, and square coherence on the way from your to asia. the. it's also a moment for some of tennessee is a part hunter. you can now she's knowledge of the birds. the rare of the book, the more expensive the for region is dec as one of the rarest and most beautiful. i the, the ex, expensive. yes. but that they don't, they exceed the minutes why i've been the, if we focus more on bird watching, tourism, there could be many benefits in terms of jobs and the places we are trying to protect and, and if people understand that these birds in these places they can earn the money and then they'll protect some because they'll be profiting from them directly. because i believe in that, like some of the to upgrade to is happy is already thinking long term problem.
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a problem with different organize the trip and, and successfully about the people who come to bring more people next time and then well, not so many people are interested in lake burleson. now, as the tours will make that number grow underneath the burden to of deluxe, these can be proud of his 1st day as a bird watching guide the tourist. what impressed with his knowledge, i know have you been like the wretched people? so how can i give it to me that you mentioned the thing i liked the most was having a guides that could tell you about the bird speeches around us, some auto body. huh. and you gave us some background information about the different areas and model of it. and they also explained how bird migration works, and that will do it protect line with the holiday. despite his success as a guide. so often as he's will continue to hunt birds for the time being, it will take time to create a real change here. i live in is that it was one individual. i don't know if i'm in my, if of a home does the same that would make a big difference in height of time difficult. i am quite slow. yeah. this
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a lot of tennessee's has caught a king feature magnificent specimens to release a super lucky king street. shes not on the menu around here. hug the notice that groceries has become a lot more expensive. recently, climate change, the wall in ukraine and the know on effects of the colby mountain fund, demik of old contributing to escalating food prices. yes, some people find you, they difficult to afford fruits and vegetables. so what about growing your own? it's not only good for you, it's also good for the environment we had to, john is burg installed to offer co to check out a pioneer in evon gardening project, a missile up to the high rise offices of downtown. john is the lives lawrenceville,
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but it's no high income neighborhood. in south africa, food prices are used by 14 percent this year. and residents here, a barely scraping by every day and tides, sometimes 8 or 10 as you can see, the green people. i see last time i usually buy the books, they 5 ran last week i go to the, i see the books, it was $75.00 run. one way out of the predicament could be urban agriculture. this revamped industrial sites, much the piece of my car. bonnie wants to motivate urban dwellers to grow and process their own food is beautiful, this is mean it's very good. you can even put it on tv. so you want to be a new i t. i love to so much. here john, his book self proclaimed dream leading. it's the green business college, a place dedicated to inspiring people to get their hands dirty in the soil. and we can live in from it. the good economies, big. so as a college, much as
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a cover all those sectors that, that i mentioned was touch with a new food. and then the new foods we started the beginning, and the beginning is foods for about $75.00 euros. the college offers a 5 day workshop teaching skills to grow organic food, cool kids, and preserve it. to date, my company's teaching his students to be paid, sharpening on how to pick a which device will storage. it's done with household staples like vinegar, sugar also. but the green business college also goes beyond plants in cooking on preserves. and we cut part of this training with business skills and exposure, because we're a business coordinator. and do also want them to be and type in to us who does go beyond doing this type things for themselves. south africa can produce enough to feed its population. putting 2021 in full house when it's when hungry. because of the rising costs. making healthy food. affordable was one reason can offend. poke,
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who got into agriculture with us as he graduated from the green business college 4 years ago now runs a small urban farm in the north of johannes. but yeah, the trained musician believes that people in cities like i need to re learn how to grow their own food on his plots. he regularly teaches young glucose, basic farming principles. i hope to see everyone not competing about how guy anymore, you know, customer take this to big get guidance and so that everyone has a smaller, as well as more than a piece of what we have, you know, and, and then the stuff, see opportunities that costs you know, a good catch up, come up outside as a lot of oil put you into teasing of this so much money here. we pull good offers. these coal sees for free. today another local woman has come to show how to make self watering plant to out of old plastic ruffles,
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to grilled vegetables and herbs. that's home, valuable, green skills and hard times. okay. all right. so with this group, i say that's an id and that would be heavy. and for this, do i after training more than 2000 students, it's success stories such as these that inspire months, the piece of my company to spread her green message thing. what is everything that's right, that's everybody has to corporate or know cause its limits in order to images pop up to him to provide to people have to it and everyone. it's going to the president staying with friends. safe is now for the next and final assault makes us there, is about a new display. can vienna, austria that's been built to cope with future 5 made challenges. you can find all the, all the episodes and lots of other exciting content on the dw is the front page.
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the architecture in vienna's news districts features small tennessee come send it challenges architects to use building materials to ensure minimal home full effects to the coach system. in fact, they start to time to some of your it's most ineffective. sustainable buildings developing office building will not require heating, cooling, ventilation. that's actually thanks to an old technique. building with extra 6 great cool vision shows that the temperatures in the office building are always between 22 and 26 degrees celsius. another line bulk is the hi tracy for me to is. hi, it's one of the coolest timber buildings in the world. 75 percent of the building has made a port to i need the corps country wooden buildings comes across to companies. even
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off to were dispelled at stores c, r t for up to a 100 years. another key aspect is the ecological construction management on site. like reducing the material that was excavated when creating this, a shot late meeting the fast houses with actually bone out if the light from a green city of the future to one with a dirty paused for reverse sent to re coal mining was the main industry. and always for bald islands, but what was once a money child is now being returned to nature. and one of the kansas big guess they have a reading. they to ration projects yet not everyone thinks no is motives with switching away from fossil fuels. iris people, as they might 1st see it's pretty quiet and nowadays, but not so long ago. this area was part of the bustling coal mining industry on the
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uptake of japan like a fall bond. astounding, the few traces remain of that era. thanks to the efforts of noise, biggest of the re not to ration project because of is it trying to make, let the nature take it back or in make the nature itself. that means let's creeks run freely. let the make sure that avalanches do happen. because that will transport more the on the settlements down, it will make you creaks. it was over a 100 years ago in 1917 that the swedish company opened the fast mine. here it was late is taken over by no waste state and coal mining company. still an oscar while as the rest go, run the place we have the most is berks for $300.00 peoples we'd come. teen with an air filled with a yearly 35000 passengers power plant workshop storage.
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built in full of 2023. the town of 5 on disconnected as copeland for good most buildings and machinery has been dismantled and removed. just a few has been left as historical on to fact. the ownership had to go is a long way from the mainland. 1000 kilometers south of the north pole, and 1000 kilometers. no, there's no way while it belongs to no way other states are allowed to engage in commercial activities in no way and russia mind coal for decades. it wasn't always profitable, but it allowed them to stay claim in the region. now the norwegian government has decided to let nature take back the site. we also see this as part of the commitment we have done internationally to take more care of what this left of the nature because human kind has been quite harsh with mother arts
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and we need to behave in a better way in the future. lacy only just andrew hudson once at the local university, he views the projects through a somewhat different lens. ready if you ask most people about one of the motives behind these changes, then as the show, a lot of people are quite confident that is also a political motivation behind it. and it's a way of know why sort of gaining more control on line management here. but this is the foster swimming region on the planet. so these changes all good for the environment and long overdue. and they all good news for scientists and the rest of the world. we have an opportunity here to start to demonstrate how we can restore things to a natural state and in the most difficult environment. and so if we can record success, that is
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a good news story for other parts of the industrialized northern hemisphere and elsewhere in a wild goose. this re wilding project succeeds here in this rugged polar landscape expense believe it could work in all the climate zones to the electronic waste is a big problem enough for car. unfortunately, a look get sense from richard countries awful. illegally and ends up in landfills or elsewhere. electronics are in dispos, the properly the chemicals inside the account for he's on the f soil on what's it in these weeks doing a beat. we meet a man who says old electronics from the john kit. the 19 sixty's telephone, young people in particular are in treat. many of them have never seen
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a reckless plaid before and i knew of some one go shows visitors around the exhibition and come paula. he often takes his move all vintage museum on tour around the country. over the years he's collecting all kinds of vintage items that he remembers from is used by children. this be the generation that we have. they notice much phone on the flat screen that's, that's kind of thing. they don't even know that at one time we will have the remote controls for the tvs that we have here as we move apart and wanted to tend to station the things that go and help them do that even radios. so people don't know that depth analog system make listed he's become an expert in all things analog. ready there's nothing someone to comp repair. these picked up some items from scrap metal dealers like this gramma phone, people who visit the museum then often donates items. most of them would otherwise probably end up on the street. like so much i like tronic waste and uganda. an
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estimated 4000000 kilos is generated every year they, i've seen many of the what a waste globe with a lot of things. but if we keep such things and keep them for purposes of educating either, then we are removing a lot that will be going out into the, into the environment. some of these things may also have if you chemicals that have not good for environment, which is will be some wine grease preserving cultural history and helping the environment or one of the biggest on the most pressing challenges, vaughn, to shoot them kind to, is going to assessing is finding or penalties too full. so fuels font a visa might lie in. so just get to the new technologies. but other solutions might be simpler than we think. this one at least is right under our noses. let us go to kenya and find out to be it's natural resources are finite,
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weight all of them. as long as there are people, one resource won't ever run out excrement. a company in kenya has specialized harmful pathogens. the raw material is processed into briquettes. the fust in for the live get these curiosity. you see, when you meet an idea that you previously didn't think people as possible, then you find that not only is it possible, that is what i'm wanting to complete the prophy w to generate some, put a couple of some value and doing some revenue from with the company is based in eyeball shop, some 90 kilometers west of nairobi. truck driver's visit, the surrounding communities, collecting fecal waste from latrines and private households. the waste water would otherwise simply sweep away as the sewage system. here is only partially developed john car. yuki has been working here for 3 years and he's impressed with the
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process. partner security, i think it fits for so i thought it was bad, maybe unhealthy, or even damaging. i was surprised to find out that it doesn't produce smoke and it's free from harmful gas. it's the charcoal has carbon monoxide, but briquettes don't. i didn't get enough, but i'm going back among other things like in the, you know, the 12 trunk loads of sequel sledge are collected every month. each contains around $20000.00 leaders. the company is built most of the latrines itself and investment that should pay off in the long term. primarily the challenge authentication is something that has many associates on, on the impact negatively. i end up the contributes to daddy are these, these, this contributes to lot of products for productivity. if you think you can talk as much and sanitation fully monday, sunday session is a challenge that these are all over the world. nice tough studies i've shown that's
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up to 90 percent of width is not a safety managed so far. sanitation is pilot project has been going well. the locals are please to all sorts of garbage ends up in the waste water, including plastic, all that is separated out of the sludge that's collected. yeah, providing them with the 50 my $9070.00 addition, we are taking away the with that would have otherwise cost disease and polluted the environment in the community. we walk in we have also provided employment directly and even directly indirectly. the company provides work for around $100.00 people and employees $56.00 responsible for the various stages of the process. first, the liquid is separated from the solid and then the liquid is taken to the county waste management plan. the solid is heated to several 100 degrees, then it's processed and mixed with bio mass usually sawdust. the final briquettes contain 5 to 30 percent drug ccs. the company produces around $100.00 tons of poor
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fuel briquettes every month. john carry yuki says there were benefits to using briquettes even for cooking are so easy to know. you and your consent and become more efficient less longer. and you cook food. well among other few uses in that model, charcoal has had harmful effect. it has even caused that. i'm not, the brick cats are clean to use and have no harmful emission stuff your via a few restaurants in the box. ya are also using the briquettes including this cafe before they used firewood for their stone oven. but that was more expensive and hard to come by in the rainy season. so you will find that a sudden link forget us implacable by a will this upright bender. it will be small key and save these places because of the quality of firewood. when we say it's content brinkets can even say from behind
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me, the smoke is less they, they legally consume me for a long time. they are going through my friend lee. even if it doesn't sound too appetizing, the pizza tastes just as good. the company hopes that there's unlimited alternative fuel will one day be as common as cole and firewood are today. thanks for joining us today. we hope you enjoy the program for now. i have chris, i let him say so long for lagos, nigeria, by craze, and see you again very soon. and it's on the view of you as all the do you have any thoughts or ideas on ways to build a better future? right and share them with us. we look forward to hearing from you. i am sandra. the home is a 3 know do signing of complex right here in uganda. the
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welcome to a place that gives a lot of things, right. copenhagen's bustling bicycle from the city is known for his design. in architecture. the data is capital might give us a glimpse of the urban future. copenhagen hits green, sustainable in 15 minutes on d w. no more tangled tables. this is how you fill up on electricity while you drive is inductive charging is transforming roads into power outlet and its energy. you can get on the go. is this
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a good bye to overhead lines and go will charging stations via think of the past tomorrow today. in 90 minutes on d w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up, and he employed a score, farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, old friends mean friends,
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and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich frankfurt. berlin can't do it. faced with russia is more against ukraine. grace's ministry line shows weakness. can nato alter its members, suspicion protection and security basically depends the 90 percent on the us basic were attacked. what the alliance really close round out to part nation starts april fools on dw, the the the
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. this is dw news coming to live from berlin. suspect to this really error strike hits iran's diplomatic count compound in damascus. officials in syria confirmed there have been jets and injuries runs. revolutionary guard says a tough general is among the day. meanwhile, in gaza. another suspect it is rarely strike kills several aid workers. us base relief group world central kitchen provides badly needed food for people in gaza. israel calls the incident tragic and says it's investigating. and high time says new cannabis laws come into effect here in germany. marijuana smokers celebrate, we look at what the partial.


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