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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the of the news coming to live from berlin under parents is really air striking, kills a several aid workers in gaza. a vehicle from your old central kitchen is hit during its operations to provide badly needed pollute for people in casa, the strikes parks, international calls for an explanation, as israel calls the incident project and says, it is investigating another suspect, it is really air strike his iran diplomatic compound in damascus. officials and serial confirmed there have been deaths and injuries. iran revolutionary guards as a talk in general is among the dad. also on the show today, india implementing
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a controversial new citizenship launches weeks ahead of miss national elections. we find out what it means from us once in india, the empire richardson welcome several countries are demanding answers from israel after an air strike killed 78 workers in gaza. the food charity world central kitchen says one of its convoys was hit after leaving a warehouse. it's as citizens from several countries were killed. israel has promised an independent investigation as it continues its operation in garza, in response to the homeless terror attacks. warning that some viewers may find the images in our next report distressing another day and gaza. another set of bodies, a 7 members of the food, a charity wealth central kitchen,
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were killed in an apartment, is ready to be attacked on an age cutting by footage. taken off to the attack shows to bent out of the vehicles featuring the n g. i was let go as well as a socket. and vehicle in a statement published online wealth, central kitchen, c. e. o. evan. go said she was hot, but it could. adding that, using food as a weapon of war was unforgivable. the n g o sized the vehicles are traveling through a d conflicted zone and had coordinate to the movements beforehand with the osama to use. among those killed was 44 year olds. amy frank, come from melvin. so you know, on the left to it's a food tent in gaza last month. australia is prime minister. and so now been easy described to us as tragic and reiterated his cool for sustainable ceasefire. must have meant to call it. this is someone who was volunteering this is to provide,
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i threw these charity for people who are suffering a tremendous differ vice in gaza. and this is just completely unacceptable. we want full accountability for these because this is a tragedy that should never have a good. the is really, um you said it would conduct a review of what happened as a professional military committed to international. we're committed to examining operations thoroughly entrance. apparently. we will be opening a probe to examine the serious incident further. this will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. well, central kitchen has announced its posing itself directions in the region until further notice to for more, let's speak now to sariah lee, the global media manager for save the children international. who is joining us today from rafa in gaza. first of all,
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thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us on what i'm sure is a very busy time. i'd like to begin with your reaction to what has happened here. we've heard the ceo of world central kitchen calling best attack on all humanitarian organizations who do show up in dire situations. do you feel the same? i think everybody here in rasa and gaza today is heart broken. the news is absolutely devastating, and i think it speaks to the gravity of the situation on the ground. we know that humanitarian aid, where kids, health was no enforcement protecting humanitarian operations, has been at times quite as really as strikes. and this needs to stop. we need apologies that his international humanitarian law. we know that humanitarian aid work is, should never be targeted. and the situation on the ground here in gaza is continuing to deteriorate as well,
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has stopped short of our claiming responsibility for this attack. but they have promised an independent investigation. i'm wondering what, what this means for your organizations plans to continue providing aid in gaza? does it, does it give you pause or you re thinking security as well? the news is just broken, of course, and i think everybody now is looking at what we can really achieve. i think the difficulty is we know how great the need is right now. just today we're, we're in a hospital with pediatric doctors and nurses here. we still eyesore a 6 year old. busy a who's missing an um we know that more than a 1000 children since the beginning of the school had lost either one of those buildings the need instead of great children are already done as malnutrition. and dehydration disease is ramping in gaza and it's really difficult for humanitarian aid workers because we had to do our job and on the job is becoming increasingly honda. and this is something that should never happen. and as you are working with
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these children and just dire circumstances, the safe of children then also get reassurance as from israel, about its ability to operate safely and provide this kind of assistance. we have security mechanisms in place of cost at the situation is fluid on the you know, i can't comment on that right now. but while i can say is that we, we know that right now, no way to say thank god, safety, monetary and aid workers. john and this health workers have been attacked. we lost one of our colleagues here in december and, and we, we just have more than anything that old policies in this conflict can hed international humanitarian law to ensure the protection. but we know right now that the only thing really that will protect civilians, family and children, hey, in gaza is a definitive ceasefire. we need a ceasefire as quickly as possible. it's been 6 months this pre to will and children hearing cause it cannot wait any longer. we need to see action from the
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international community. i'd like to ask you a little bit more about what you've seen in your work. in the field there yesterday, the the destruction of all she for hospital became clear after israel's withdrawal . what is the lack of a facility like that mean for children's access to health care and gaza. the children's access to health care has been decimated. we've seen a tax on hospitalized and we know that the entire population is facing assignments . and of course not the technical classification, but we're already seeing children dying as a result. as malnutrition and dehydration on the streets had as complete over crowding. and you know, raso was home to around 275000 people before the war began. and now an estimated 1500000 people a crumb in this tiny patch of lines. and overwhelmingly, there are children everywhere. i've seen children on the streets with no shoes,
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bloody beats covered and brushes, and you know, we met one family, a mother who lost a child in an ass strike. and she's now sheltering in a tent with 30 other people. and she is sharing a boss from a 200 other people, the conditions a dia, hit, and raska, and they will continue to get west until a ceasefire. it is agreed to because we know the bones continuing to drop. and if the bones don't kill the children, we know that disease, dehydration and malnutrition. well, thank you so much for joining us on dw newsletters that sariah lee with safe the children international. now syrian officials, i say on this, riley airstrike has destroyed parts of it runs and diplomatic compound in damascus runs revolutionary guards, as one of its senior commanders was killed along with several officers. and the suspected is rarely ever strike. a foreign ministry spokesperson into ron says it
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is considering its response and punishment for the attack. this is what's left of the rain in conceal it in damascus. officials say, and these really struck on the building code. several people, including members of the runs, is lumnick, revolutionary god, of the well deed which strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who are passing by the streets and you almost. so again, we emphasize out position, besides brothers in the arabian embassy, and the as why mac republic a be around it. and we can assure that syria and the islamic republic don't forget the enemy's sort of yeah. what did you want to go to? some of the last one, the other among the dead is pretty a general mohammed res. as a haiti he was a top command in the elite codes for us,
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the for an operations of these. why mac revolutionary god? these riley nutri hasn't commented on the attack. there israel has been increasing its operations against iran linked forces in syria since the october 7th. how much terror attacks iran says it reserves the right to retaliate stuff we told you before the zionist entity knows very well that such crimes and any kind of crimes will not remain without respond as rescues kind through the rubble for survivors or body use concerns over a rapid escalation of violence in the region arising lots of bringing military analysts. marina murano from king's college, london, from war on this story, good to see you again marina. israel's allegedly struck this iranian diplomatic compound in syria. i'm sure he's from, from a military point of view. why do you think israel would choose this as a target of the day?
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well, is row has been conducted, what is known as targeted killings, namely eliminating high value targets such as brigadier general is a heavy and it's been going on since the beginning of the syrian civil war it. so it's been going on for more than a decade. now the situation is of course precarious because israel needed something to we can house, blah, and to secure its moles and border. and in order to begin week and a half of a lot, if it was important to eliminate the key player who has been coordinating operations was half blocked from the rain inside. and this was precisely generals are heavy. so perhaps the timing is odd because it's real how to act on intelligence. we don't know how many times they have tried to eliminate him, but that it has been a name of israel it's. it's no surprise. and how much does killing the leadership.
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in fact, we can, has the law here. the problem is that the ram has lost a very high ranking official. so this is a greatest loss of since the killing of consent, fully money and generals a heavy. he's been active since the running and revolution in the assignment convolution in regards course. so he has great experience in terms of conducting these sorts of operations. replacing him will not be easy. so in the short term, israel is hoping to at least we can and disrupt hospitalized operations. however, in the long term, will this be enough, just eliminating one of the generals in the hierarchy because somebody else will most likely replace him. ok, let's think about what it runs. response might be here. we've heard of president abraham. right. you see saying that israel's attack on errands console it will not
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go on answered. do you have a sense of what we might see from tyrone this on the most obvious response is that iran could use is by activating as a proxies. however, it would seem like of banality, i think, in this situation around will take its time to ensure a calibrated response because for a run, it's important to establish a credible deterrent. and therefore, iran will not only use the military instrument which is a blunt this one, and i don't mean the uranium, the military not, not or tash, certainly, but uranian affiliated group, such as a who do use such as have full ramble. also use most likely, it's diplomatic ties with russia because we have to remember that russian forces are still in syria. and they have been moving to the syrian is fairly border.
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so it is possible that russia will act here as an intermediary, denying israel and the possibility of conducting so strikes because up till now, russia has been conflicting with each row because as i saw these strikes on syrian territory to eliminate a high value targets have been happening for a long time, so that is one of the possibilities. what else might come? we don't know, but i think that we will not see the response immediately. and i think for around being in a difficult situation, they will take their a time in order to formulate their response in such a ways that it doesn't trigger escalation in the region because it would certainly not benefit the wrong. well, thank you so much as always, that is military analyst, rena moran from kings college london. thank you for having me to and let's take a look at what some other world news stories police in finland say a 12 year old child has died and 2 others have been seriously injured after
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a shooting at a school in the south of the country. officers say another 12 year old student opened fire to secondary school in the city of santa, just outside the capital. helsinki. this aspect was later arrested. the 1st russell has passed through a temporary channel that has been opened near where a bridge collapse in the us, baltimore's francis scott key bridge, came down after being struck by a cargo vessel that lost power last week. authorities believe 6 workers plunged at their desks and to collapse. former us president donald trump has posted a $175000000.00 bond in his new york civil fraud case. averting the seizure of property. in february, a judge found him guilty of over valuing his wealth to get cheaper loans. he's appealing the verdict, which includes a total fine of $454000000.00. so my goal is new leader is being inaugurated as the countries president, after
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a surprise when largely driven by young voters hungry for change. opposition leader buster ruined you my 5 promise to tackle corruption and protects. and it goes economy from the influence of foreign powers. he now faces a series of major challenges as he prepares to take office. his supporters call him mister clean. that's because president elect the pseudo dom i say, is promising a new synagogue. the senegalese people have chosen to break with the past. i think i pledge to govern with humility and transparency and to fight corruption at all levels. i pledge to devote myself fully to rebuilding our institutions and strengthening the foundations of our way of life together. the se is not a well known political figure and only into the leadership race as
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a substitute for his mentor. it was months uncle, a long standing opposition. forrest in the country who was disqualified from the election, a release from joe himself less than 2 weeks before the vote. 44 year old phase now set to become senate goals, youngest president, writing on the back. a song goes young supporters. you will see a different face of the senegalese people and of synagogue because it's a total revolution. everything is going to change behaviorally, socially and financially. everything's going to change to say appealed to jobless voters struggling under the weight of high unemployment. he also rallied support under a populous pen african platform that included promises of economic independence and a new currency not paid to the euro. but synagogue will also start producing oil and gas this year,
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which could mean new international partnerships. to set a goal will always hold his ground and remain a friendly country and a reliable ally to any partner who engages with us and virtuous, respectful, and mutually productive cooperation. sick in the run up to the selection was filled with fears of democratic back fighting fe. now bases the challenge of inspiring confidence on all levels experts facing the goal will need sweeping reforms if it's to move forward in the need for brand legislative reform. that is going to probably people in presidential power in the country and then to hustle fights, colorado so which i think has been to be no development to this country. now it's time to see of say, a young and unexpected leader can really lead synagogue into a new chapter. india has implemented a new citizenship law just weeks before
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a general election. the bill was 1st passed in 2019 and provides a fast track to naturalization for minority religious groups from neighboring afghanistan, pakistan, and bangladesh. however, it does not include muslims who make up the majority of the population of the 3 countries. the citizenship amendment titling doormats incidentally protest in 2019 only to be enacted now as the country heads to the poles. dw veneer chaffee reports its remo done and the streets of shaheen. but in delhi are buzzing the fest. with these, after a long day of lasting in 2019, the muslim majority area became a hot spot in the protest against the citizenship amendment at o. c. a for short. we made us most of a little over 4 years ago spent days and nights at this exact spot,
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leading one of the biggest protest movements independent india hudson. i'm sure someone plays a broken wrench that i'm back. it was a pleasure at a resort and gave speeches in 2019 c. e. a. make changes to an existing law to grand foxtrot citizenship. to undocumented migrants from 6 religious groups including hindus and christians. from 3, mostly majority neighboring countries, focused on the beach and they've gone, it's done mostly migrants were not included in the provision. any religious persecuted, timothy cummings, when the, when i started us for gets them into fine. i suppose that much when you say it one way to get to the ship it except the last name. that's the point where i have a vision. so see, it is totally drama for make it to salt lake tribune. the critics call c e in the us post religion based citizenship test. and the initial step of a logic agenda there are fuse that it could potentially be used to expand most
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lives identified as illegal immigrants. they just sit collectively targeting, listen, i'm back. sorry, it's, again, vehicles will be the secular confirmed that can go that we live in. is there a hidden agenda? we need melancholy, a b, b leader and supreme court advocate. according to coley, the c a is not active listening, but is simply about helping minority non muslims in the region for them mostly, who wants to be an immigrant or wishes to seek citizenship. you will say that i should be false track when he is coming from a muslim majority country and who has the option to go 50 other countries which i didn't do doesn't have a sick. it doesn't that is discriminatory then to the entire calls and purpose. but critics of the, at main themes, the law is discriminatory and that using religion as a basis, positive and ship violates a fundamental right to equality. we spoke decal shanks into an advocate,
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specializing in constitutional law. he told us that citizenship amendment at still faces a number of legal challenges. the question is whether or not the amendments actually boss constitutional muster. and that are already partitions, which are being listed before the supreme court to and this will be in court. we decide on the constitutionality of this act, back in shining buck us. it is what he is concerned that the government might so much the c a with the planned national to just it of citizens for. and i see for sure the proposed to just to would make a list of all legal citizens in india and put dye citizenship rights even more closely to religion. really like it possible that the human cannot see. because that a huge door to slims. and we get on site is building any anything that you can imagine for now, aust, with is clinging to the hope that india, the highest score will strike down any linking citizenship to religion. to data
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over 200 petitions challenging the c e. have been filed for turning out to some other news. adidas has advanced a production of german football shirts customized to the number 44 over concerns. it resembles a nazi symbol critics the say it looks similar to the and signal worn by the infamous s s u. and that's responsible for some of the worst crimes committed under the nazis. adidas denied, but any similarity between the 2 was intentional and said a new font for number 4 would be designed. the german football association set on social media that none of the parties involved in the design saw any resemblance. let's get more on this from mark meadows from dw sports mark. tell us a little bit more about what's going on here. what is the story behind this number? 44, on the back of some germany shirts. i just say that is that it is accidental. i
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mean, i just sent you a statement to say they are not in any way asked me to go in any way races. they also pointed out that actually the ultimate responsibility for the design of these numbers was down to the. ready whole set of ration now the general football federation of put out the all statement the said that they have sent these numbers to you, wait for the european football, governing bodies organizing videos in germany in june. and you, i didn't stop anything wrong. i did stop the mistake online and that's how we found out about it. we don't really know if anyone actually bothered to personalize the jersey with the numbers 44, but to started happening, as you say, added that have basically stopped the personalization of ships for now on that website. i'm gonna be using a new style number for quite how we got through. well, my sister in law are actually go to the designer for a long time and she was supposed to do. we have to remember the nazi regime. it was
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over a few years ago. now the design is that the you won't necessarily of notice that there is the similarity between the designs of the numbers and the ss logo. and as i said in the statement, they say, you know, we have the nationalities looking for like being a human some. and they were basically making the point like all kind of the races. but the very fact that you have lots of different nationalities in bold and designed means the people who are not from jimmy would not meet. or you've seen this comparison between the ss and the number for the fall. indeed and mark, this is also just the latest in a series of controversies that have been kicked out by football. kept makers looking ahead to the euro. 2024, isn't it? yes indeed. i mean, uh, just a few weeks ago we have the new do you have any way to which was it was the 1st time i've got that done. i think jake and that was quite controversial. and then i see great in the moment when there's been a big who of the new england kick by nike, where there was
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a to george's flag on the back of the tape that's purple. obviously this in george's flag is red. i mean here, the really prime minister really so that that's that, that not, you should not be missing the national colors. and so support subsidy made their own little a to just trust these that a read to stick on the photocopies. and then just this morning, we've seen the song, the biggest selling newspaper here in prison with a front page story about a cheesy tv flag which has been produced for the olympics in july. and that was purple and pink. not the traditional cause of the union jack, so that's been criticized as well. right? plenty to write and report about. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed that that is mark meadows from dw sports. and it just, before we go, i'd like to bring a reminder of our top story, the 8 organization that world central kitchens, as a says, one of its employees have been killed in central gaza in a parent is really airstrikes, as well as military has vowed to investigate the incident while expressing it's
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quote, deepest condolences to the a crib the because your nissan, our you can find this online at d, w dot com with much mortgage and analysis. thanks so much for watching the
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