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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm CEST

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see a wide spread race as depression today. history. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the does the new toyota prius hybrids move up to the height of $1000000000.00 solution that's going to solve traffic jams. and is writing plastic motorcycles, the ultimate monitoring joy, now on rags the news? this is the all new toyota prius, a model looking to change its image and attract new customers time to check it out
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. welcome to rep for sale. since 97, the prius was the 1st series production car with a high brit drive train. the 5th gen is hoping to be as popular as its predecessors for pre, if a is powered by $164.00 kilowatt plugin hybrid system that consists of a $122.00, the electric engine, and the 115 kilowatt combustion engine. the, the system has a 13.6 kilowatt hour battery. and with that you will be able to achieve fuel electric ranges of up to 80. busy okay, allow me this, and that is quite a lot. if you compare that to a lot of all the plug in high recalls on the market, those will have like 65 kilometers appeal. the electric range around 20 kilometers more. that is quite a bit of course,
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if you take the car to the highway and speed with it, then you won't be able to achieve that by driving in the city and maybe on countryside roads. then you have good chances of achieving that. 84 kilometers or lease, like some 70. that is quite a good fee or as well and more than enough to take you to your workplace and back without having to use your combustion engine. on the outside, this iteration of the free is stylish. the redesign complete with a new lower roof line and redesign front grill help its shed its previous some would say ugly genes. when i 1st noticed, when i got into the previous is the steering wheel has a lot of buttons. there are 13 switches that have at least 2 or 3 or even 4 different functions. and that is a little bit too much. of course,
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on the other hand, that saves you for having buttons right here. you have the touch screen to operate everything you need. and when i also always like you have physical buttons for the climate control, the drivers display is located quite high. and again, that is why there is no head up this day because you don't need it. it is very close to your field of view. if you look at the street, and that's why t or i could afford to do that, it doesn't have like a sun shade over it. but despite the fact that the sun is shining onto it, you can still easily read it. so it has a very high contrast the infill team and system is quite big. you have everything you need and what all do, i have to calculate, but they have to say it's a little said that and also can be used wirelessly. but you have a lot of us be soccer,
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it's to right here. you have tomorrow right here in the console. so more than enough to charge any smartphone you might have. let's talk about the space in the back and a half to say the like room is absolutely okay. the head room is already somewhat difficult if you are one meet or 8590. depending on you, i have style. you won't be able to sit here without having to lean down the law or keep your head tilted. this is what the trunk looks like. yeah, i don't know about that. i mean have you saw the to tell me the trunk is open. ok by that too. loud too long. anyway, this is what the trunk looks like. 3 backpacks, 3 and
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a half. so i would guess 2 suitcases would fit in it. but that's it. of course, if you don't have any passengers in the back, but you can fold down the season and there is lots of space. so the way it's right here is just to data. of course it's because of the roof line that comes down very low, makes the colleagues 40, but also makes it lose quite a bit of luggage space. just the most of the electric all probably like to cause the toyota prius features of the drive mode that has higher recuperation. and you can also switch between 3 different levels of recuperation, the 3rd level. so the highest one is somewhat suitable for one pedo drive. of course you need to press the brake pedal in the end to stop the car completely. but apart from that it works quite good.
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the. the only thing i found quite strange is that you can actually change the level of free corporation by a simple switch. instead, you have to take a look into the menu that you can open via the buttons at the steering wheel. and you cannot change those settings while you're driving. it's only possible if the cost then still, and i don't know why toyota did that because changing the level of recuperation is a basic thing. if you have 3 different levels, why not give the driver the possibility to change that while driving some pedals behind the steering wheel, i guess will a lot of other manufacturers have changed. the recuperation would have been great. the charging the battery of the previous takes quite some time or on for all us. that is nothing that you would want to do on the
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long distance trip on the highway. but if you put it in your garage or at your charge, ride home with your wall box anywhere, then it doesn't matter how long it takes. what's quite nice is that down here in the center console, you have a button that will allow you to change between the e v mode or the auto mode, where the call would choose whether it's an e v mode or not. and you also have a button that will allow you to charge the battery while driving, so the combustion engine will provide electric energy for the battery. that way, if you're driving, for example, on the highway, you choose charge the battery and when you come into a city where for example, the restrictions for combustion engine costs can switching to review. busy and then drive into those restricted areas, which is quite practical. i think the price is for the base model of the new
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prius started around 45000 years in germany with prices for the top of the line version beginning just under 53000 years. something up my previous experience, i have to say i liked the call. i like the way it looks like the way it drives. and to me it's not a problem or that you don't have that much space in the bag or in the trunk. the 5th gen free is now rather sporty, both in terms of looks and driving and handling capabilities and the interior and infotainment system are a plus. on the downside, the recuperation settings could have been better and the limited space in the rear and trunk are disappointed. the transportation issues are nothing new. if you think of just the modes of transportation throughout history, this going from you know, horse and buggy to rail, to ocean going best olsteen liners,
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air ships. so there's always been something new to try out that would solve some of the problems of the old and each one of those new this thing says introduce to turn a new problems. today's transportation mix is no exception. the biggest problem is that roughly a quarter of global energy related carbon emissions are linked to transport. but that's just one of many. many people have the experience of being stuck in traffic, and of course people don't like that. and there's also the high cost of kind of owning a vehicle if you have to do that in order to get around. and unfortunately, you know, in many places, transit services are not always the most accessible. the most efficient, even the most affordable traffic terms are so universally hated that there's a bunch of jokes and moves, little wonder that tech trains jump down to the transit bandwagon. big tech has
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reshape the economy and flashy hype, fuel presentation, no matter what their substance were key. and so instead of kind of really mundane things like invest in bosses and uh, you know, think about how we distribute st space and maybe make some cycle lanes. it sounds a lot more attractive. this a, all the cars are going to start driving themselves and we're going to make this new tunnels, this them for transportation, and we're going to have flying cars. finally, investors and media, laptop, high tech, exciting new transit projects. and the company you saw potential to people spend loads on transit in the us. for instance, 16 percent of household spending goes to transportation, 2nd only to housing. and while investors currently only have promises not results to go on, it hasn't stopped them. for example, you on most of the boring company name that because they bore tunnels, get it, picked up $675000000.00 in private capital. in 2022. local governments have also
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jumped on board mosque announced deals, promising to build underground tunnels for high speed travel in chicago in fort lauderdale, in 2018 in 2021. the either have been built so the high train is rolling, the venture capital is flowing. everything is fine and dandy to a tech companies have to deliver on their spectacular promises. one of the most glaring examples of hyperlinks, a high speed above ground vacuum to popularized by musk in 2013 and pursued by a number of firms billionaire richard branson. the owner of virgin also got in on the phone in 2017 and a virgin hyper loop announced plans to build overground vacuum tubes that would hurdle people at 670 miles an hour across the us, india in the middle east. what the closest these came to materializing was a single crude test in 2020, which reached about 100 miles an hour. far less than promised. costs were nearly
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$10.00 times higher, and the test drive transported just to passengers instead of the promised $28.00. and deterred by the failure of his above ground travel, project fussy officer, to go underground with his boring company. burske pledge to dig elaborate systems of tunnels under cities were autonomously dripping pods. with 16 passengers would sit around with the and that became a pledge to develop a system of so called skates, which would sweep electric cars across town at speeds of up to 130 miles an hour. which became a one way tunnel to drive the test was through at about 40 miles an hour called the lute, which at least exist. you sold the systems to a bunch of cities around the united states. and in most cases they have not materialized. and then the only place where it, where it has, which is las vegas, it's a short tunnel that connects up the convention center. and it's mainly just and it's an attraction for has was, you know, it's a way to sell it as low as it's not really affecting traffic. it's not really
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solving transportation problems. it's really, i call it a disney land ride for tesla fed. western billionaires aren't the only ones with techs, that sounds more impressive than it looks. china is autonomous, real rapid transit. that's got an hype for being a cheaper alternative to the standard trends, and it has been tested in guitar and australia. it's a quote unquote track. what's prem system that traverse has roads and has a driver despite being called autonomy. that's right. pretty much a bus looks kind of cool, but not a transit revolution. if it feels like we're seeing a pattern here, it's because lots of these could be defined as gadget bonds. the transit term for an exciting new technology that's actually less useful than what it's meant to replace. and then there is the holy grail of sy fy playing cars. some companies like jo be, are working on what they call electric vertical takeoff and landing cubicles or flying taxes. even the biggest luddites have to admit that these are
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cool, though they look more like fancy helicopters and flying cars. toby hopes to launch these fully electric vehicles in 2025. they should have a range of 150 miles per job expects the average trip to be around $25.00, meaning flying taxis with compliments, not replace existing transport network or is and when use tech solutions materialize, they often bring with them their own set of regulatory costs and safety challenges or fail to solve some of the biggest translators, ideally, mass transit should serve the masses. that means recognizing it as a public good. something flashy private innovation distracts from. if we wanted to do it, we could have been making investments in transit service and investments into like plenty of this structure and doing, you know, other things in order to address these issues. instead of waiting for the tech industry to create solutions that were never actually going to solve anything in the 1st place,
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practical transit solutions that encourage people to ditch private cars are often a bit boring. while the electric buses popping up all over the world are cool. there are no flying cars. and transit researchers might be the only people on the planet who think the bikes are sexy. i have one right here in the background to tell i get the torque. they're pretty under stated, they're easy to maintain low cost, they enable quicker and longer bike trips without the cost of showing up sway or tired likes and busses are great local transit solutions. but what makes them really shine is dedicated lands like boca tons of bus expressway is where amsterdam so expensive network of bike paths. and there's always room for innovation. like in many eine where cable cars helped traverse densely built steep terrain. so it will take them much more than flashing animations to solve our traffic problems. let alone curb transits, climate impact,
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deep billions of venture capital and sheep slip attention. these tech solutions garner would probably be better invested in truly boring, but more efficient. real solutions. cars, cars the phenomenon with millions of unique stars. that's the dna. john coffin, we need you guys wherever you are. however, up to your flick passion as our module and your stories, our currency might be a refund. cost from gemini, and the craziest place all across to this one here is all dictated from albania, that officially never exit route. once you're sorry. and we
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try to figure out why we feel such a strong, emotional. only with these machines. just story 2 ideas and cost by itself and millions and millions of use that counts. and most of all the fact that makes us better this video make me add more buckets. yep. that's to all thing is love is so cool to watch and keep going. well thank you for the question is now flash. if we go next, right to wherever your sentence your stories and your crazy car into the let's catch up soon. sunroof the conventional engine. no noise, no smoke. this is an electric bike.
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it looks like a regular motorcycle the banks night the v lecture could help sold specific problems faced by commuters in pakistan control has become increasingly affordable in pakistan with prices reaching more than $300.00 rupees or around one euro per liter. running into the bikes of is charging the bikes really and he takes to 10 of us hours of electricity and provides a range of 80 to a 100 kilometers 14 for the actual e motorcycles to money. and if it's more to say the maintenance cost to be motorcycles very low, it's practically non existent. lot comes in. well this is because the bikes have fewer parts suitcase. they have no clutch in gears and they're fully automatic. next thing it's been geared in the auto manual carburetor, no silence or no into the internet. yes ma'am. it's got 80 percent fewer parts compared to a regular motorcycle into the bunker. you got more to say because a hand with fewer parts. the parts come with there are fewer parts failures unless
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need for repair really. it's got but the lead of the then most of the fact that you don't use petrol and it's a motorcycle to me. according to the that is lane and irregular motor bikes about a deal and oil costs go to the amount to around 821-2000 pakistani rupees per month . the bottom of the auto pay go annually. this is around 100002150000 rupees a year. for 5 years, you end up spending around 800000, wrote b. sorry. we tend not to think about this than in the pump. so the electron motorcycles a made in pakistan charging this motorcycle is simple just lucky to not have or has to either of the 2 charging stations in corrupt cheese show petrol stations. but we'll say signal for charging point the d bikes the cheapest around the actual power to counter tops. they're also environmentally friendly. according to reports by the
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send environmental protection agency, the noise generated by traffic which is up to 80 decibels. tvs can help cub this tape for a bikes them to mit smith quit chose to reduce this environmental pollution regarding afford, make us about looking for the bike. like, let's say i can't, i bought a car. okay. and i want to buy a motorcycle may electric buy, could i do or it's off my car, so you buy and want a motorcycle, electric bridge on a journey. and now i have a choice to go for a petrol bike or an electric bike that they have to scan that. that's what i would offer in the bike for to research. so that means that the right to discover the 1st is it is, is that when we using the bike, uh, it doesn't have either petrol or diesel burning inside of hickey o. d u. so there's no harmful tailpipe emissions. skin which would typically be released by the exhaust, they can harm the populace via air pollution. it's meant always be me. so what they
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used to be, but yes indeed, emissions for an entire city could be brought to 0 since there's no fuel being burned only thing and 5. and the 2nd reason is that it runs noiselessly because there's no engine, there's just a battery and an electric motor, something like that. well, e cause a velocity known ship that is found that currently out of reach for the average person. they run electric buses, provide green transport for correct cheap, sent me by this could soon become another interruption. the undying passion for vintage motorcycle is an evergreen love for the joy of writing and an indestructible. boeing plastic machine and one by india, and push real bad co lava and the size of them by sundays, or se credit, is when the vintage the restroom bikers are from bait or the visa b. b meets for their weekly ritual or ride through the city on their vintage and
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classic motorcycles that celebrates their shared passions. being lading since 1966. and i have own, i have lost con, about 20 to an additional machines i've had in my staples. most of the banks and i enjoy it. i think it gives me a in fact, it was far off keeping galleys collection of motorcycles that inspired the formation of slicing. the sparks of an idea in the minds of co finders various sense i've been inspired fairly young in the motorcycles used tubing body was my inspiration. as a young boy walking to the policy called me was about, you'd always see is leap pub in this motorcycle spots around the corner. and you know, it's, something's going by going into you by motorcycles that are maybe 67 deals or this was in pristine condition. but maintaining and writing pristine machines requires
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a specific attitude. it's not for the faint of heart. when these does not, and what have done is what i enjoy, and i think it's an exercise in patients, sometimes it's dogs sometimes before shape. and sometimes it's less than others davinci and stuff as a visit that'd be a day by then all sorts of stuff. and, and a fuzzy one in the board. see what has been, so things move, punishing it. so yeah. in that sense, it is, it has to be a batch and it's, it was not invited to do this and what it andre disease edge b b was born in 2012. i started with a couple of friends. it wasn't me that the thing that happened once in a way and as the momentum picked up, as i got in touch with the few senior collect, goes who shave the bachelor? and i felt even more motivated, sundays a day. and by when everybody enjoys, when they do it said one day in the weekend, specifically in the morning on a sunday because suicide one by you and see people are doing exactly what they like . so it's basically the suppression date, but decided to form
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a group where we could write together and enjoy together or set up thoughts in our bathroom decade or so later, the group has grown and number and scale and rarely misses the chance to get to straight their motorcycle, the fashion of infants, motorcycles is pretty much an appreciation of things well, but it's so easy to just sign a check and get a motorcycle to day out of our show room way. but the products and abs, and you've got, you know, a 101 cent. so all these things are done mechanically in your mind. we don't have, in this motorcycle, you don't have all the sensors, the sensors that you, you can ask any motorcycle right though? is that there's a specific way that the lights is bike, but the person who owns the bike will have bundled in a certain way with this machine. and it's the quest for this unique phone line that keeps these motorcyclists going guys
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up on the 2nd day of their writing group has some of the rarest vintage machines in the country from b m. w r. 90 s. as to norton commando, m k twos, 2, racing vs a gold stars and more. but how did the families react to their obsession? well, that said, that don't get into it. but we've had rainbows. but the 1st time you saw my bike, you didn't make it so much easier and he said it looks like it's got a lot of the media. that's all good. and my dad started coming with t for right sort of the good bonding. think of me and my dad as for the future, the hope is that like the motorcycles, they ride the club to whether it's the passing years with some folks you know, what's next is hopefully to be consistent. things like this need this time the best of time. so to just be consistent, make sure that we're still loving men dinning and writing a bikes. even with the difficult government procedures and rules that are changing
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and hopefully pass it onto the next generation. the like move, nicely, stories do tune in to the next phase of read the or the
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just one tiny pick fights can lead to pain paralysis and fear lying disease. it's a deceptive illness that is hard to identify. we accompany patients in this struggle to get an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. for a devious disease the in 15 minutes on the double, you know, more tangled tables. this is how you fill up on electricity. while you drive
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inductive charging is transforming roads into power outlet and its energy you can get on the go. is this a good bye to overhead lines and code? will charging stations vs think of the past. tomorrow today. in 90 minutes, d. w. the crises. every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality, the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the new wheel tell here we are happy that we are boxing
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and for the present feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, d, w, a news africa every friday on the w. cost about why does that? because now, i'm lisa and the new host of joining us for an exciting explanation of everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope video will tune in the
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this is the, the, the news life from funding is read, its killing staff, an aid workers in gaza, convoy from the child st. paul central kitchen was taped during its operations to provide urgent, they needed 5th. israel's 5 minutes to assess the strength was unintentional. the charge he says, it's unforgivable. experienced by administer describes these right, the strikers of brutal attack during the presence of jordan, petro sancha assessed. his government is determined that he was congress. parliament will recognize palestinian states with by some of the few.


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