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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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to my name is some way to ship me. i'm assuming reshaping history. our documentary stops april 6th on the w, the. it happens in war. the was of his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu, reacting to the king of 7 aid workers in gaza. israel defense forces, mr. nasa in yahoo to describe the strike as tragic count unintentional the will central kitchens. the bad workers have been targeted despite co ordinating that movements with these really military mr. netanyahu's promise to trans bounds investigation and to show the governments of the dead followed i'd work is that they that he's country will do all the code to prevent incidents like this happening again. i'm feel guideline by then, and this is the day the
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we were outreach to learn of an idea of striking the killed the number of civilian humanitarian workers yesterday from the world central kitchen side opened demand. these rarely government clarifies as soon as possible the circumstances of these brutal attacks. unfortunately in the last day, there was a tragic case of our forces, unintentionally hitching innocent people in the gaza strip to out of the way of all things as well to investigate what happened to us gently. because clearly there were questions that need to be on also, on the day concerns over an escalation of violence in the middle east. i suspected that is reading the attack on an iranian come to the building in damascus. killed several of the senior generals in iran's revolution. we got the alarm by the alleged is early strike on your any and diplomatic building in the syrian capital, into my schools and to target think of the consulate to actually reach his diploma
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at the facility. and our position is that in these highly tens original situation, it is really of an utmost importance to show restraint. welcome to the day, well after the condemnation and calls from around the world demanding answers, there's maybe 5 minutes that i benjamin netanyahu has admitted to an unintentional is right. and the strike a killing 7. 8 was the food charge, the wells central kitchen and as a one of his convoys was pay, it's after leave no warehouse in central gaza. your organization has now suspended operations in the territory. sorry for says that means ships carrying more than 200 tons of ice and are turning back without completing their deliveries. is us secretary of state and we think the victims of yesterday strike joint a record numbers humanitarian workers have been killed in this particular conflict
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. these people are heroes. they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what humanity has to offer when they're going really good stuff. they have to be protected. well there's well says it is investigating the incident as it continues its war against hamas in response to the october 7th to attacks another day and gaza. another tragedy. 7 members of the food i'd chavez, the wealth central kitchen with killed often is really asked kit tonight, conroy footage. taken off, the attack shows to bounce out of the vehicles featuring the n g as level go as well as a saw in vehicle. a statement published online, wealth, central kitchen, c, e o. having goals said she was hot but can adding that using food as a weapon of war was unforgivable. the n g i would say is the vehicles are traveling
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through the d conflicted zone and had coordinated to the movements beforehand with deal socrates. among those killed was 44 year old say me friend come from melvin. so you know, on the left here at the food tent in gauze i last month, australia is prime minister anthony alban, easy described to us as tragic, and reiterated his cool for sustainable ceasefire. my problem and to call it, this is someone who was volunteering. this is to provide, i threw these charity for people who are suffering a tremendous different vice in gaza. and this is just completely unacceptable. we want full accountability for these because this is a tragedy that should never have a good, as well as prime minister said isabel was responsible. let's, honorable norma. unfortunately, a tragic incident happened in the last 24 hours in the gaza strip and assume it
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happens involved. so we have fully looking into it for contacting governments and we will do everything. so these incident won't happen again because there's the notion issue. well, central kitchen has announced its pausing itself directions in the region until further notice. we'll do that to my is communications director at only why the humans released from works agency for palestinian refugees a welcome to d w. so now that was the kitchen at wells central kitchen, has that suspended, it's a deliveries to gaza. i'm what effects does it's not likely to have on the ground. so let me start by saying how they were states as we all are under a to at this this, this news. this is a huge bill to the humanitarian community and it comes out such a great, a great time. us we work altogether inside goes out to a foot, simon,
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where the clock is ticking very, very fast, especially in, in, in northern garza. okay. and israel has just looking at the why the a picture of israel has bought your agency from delivering a to the nose of gaza. other i'd groups say sending a common voice, nor is difficult because of restrictions placed on them by the idea. so what a is getting through to gauze as knowles. so right, that's the question i think is very, very clear. is that getting to the north or if anything, a tool and you're absolutely right. it is really all for tease, have band around which is the largest the humanitarian organization in the gaza strip from getting to the north and delivering much needed food and nutrition supplies including for children. and we call number is really ok. busy things
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especially in light of the tragedy from last night to reverse this decision and allow audra once again to be able to configure you, teens and deliver most need to to minute terry. in the systems including food to people who aren't hungry in northern gospel. as of the fact that the world kitchen is now a no longer operating, that must have a significant impact on the ground. what goes on and people really need right now is more humanitarian aid, not less human to turn in. and therefore, there needs to be more humanitarian assistance that flows via the board meetings through the crossing points that connect the enclave with is read. that needs to be more access to northern gaza, including through honora, which is the largest humanitarian organization at the moment that i've been your
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secretary of state. the engineering thing today described israel steps to allow aid into gaza as in sufficient, given the mileage again, to national pressure. is it possible that this tragedy could actually become a turning point? and perhaps even giving is ro, unexcused ease restrictions on, on a, into the territory. right. is there any needs to use those restrictions and lift or these limitations a bit of catholic and politically. it could me to and now organizations like i'm running to deliver the much needed supplies. you see the clock is ticking very, very fast with simon. there is no time to waste on the route because see, and politics at this time for human action. and that can be done, including via on route, which is the largest humanitarian organization in casa, i'm what all the restrictions that bets humanitarian that i off facing, that you,
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that asset to being posed by israel. as was the beginning when there is a siege, which means bound, there is a very routine human in terry and the more commercial supplies that come into the now the strip and when we do eventually get the fair, we mix a number of trucks that but it's really, a thirty's allow getting because those supplies up north is also a challenge because of restrictions about that is really all towards these have imposed on the movement of the convoys and then you have the risk and the security involved. you see on 3 different occasions as under uh, we have is really, or ortiz is really forces hate at our convoys either on the way off or back from northern jones out we've come voice um and delivered food to, to know what the goals are talking thanks so much for joining us to, to, to, to my,
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from under the weather and the secretary general, antonio guitar rash has condemned to monday suspects it is ready to be asked strike on evading and console the onyx building in damascus. these statements reiterated the diplomatic and concert of premises must be respected. in accordance with international law is the assistant secretary general for the middle east. speaking of the un security council, i agreed to rates the secretary general condemnation of the attacks. the invite liability of the one that you can call through the premises and person, and it must be suspect that the an old k as in echo does with international law the silver anti entered. a total integrity of member states must be respected in accordance with international the rules visit that the restaurant or the is essential for international peace and security. which discussion is monday through
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to month teams to run blames israel for the attacking which at least 13 people accounts around the revolution regards as one of which senior commanders was among that was killed mohammed dressed as a hate. he was a top general. but if they run, the zip codes force, which overseas covered operations of overseas abroad and several other offices, but also count police rel, haven't commented directly on the damascus attack, but he is defense minister. you're off the line speaking on tuesday, the sheet, the names and we are currently animals, the front war. so in defense is incumbent on december. first. we see how it is every day and the including over the last few days. i mean my whole name. we operate every well every day before and in order to prevent your enemies from the way the strands should always be shut on. and in order to make it clear, if they want me to offer it. so again, she's going to make it then all over the middle of the piece,
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the price or an action against israel show me here will be a big one for lucky maybe the society of misuse of it. will that i'm ben tally blue is a senior fellow at the foundation for the defense of democracies where he focuses on political and security issues related to the wrong welcome to the w diplomatic strikes. so sites like be a radiant column. so that's in damascus of a legitimate targets for attack it well, it's a pleasure to be with you. it's an excellent question. and one who spirits could be answered by the un cliff, who had just played about safeguarding the relative immunity of all sorts of diplomatic and concert facilities. there's only one major problem or a copy of her foot, note to that which is that the government of these comic republic commences hospitality. 45 years ago, nearly with the outside world by literally violating that diplomatic immunity. and creating this sense of hostility and using its embassies emissions, and cultural centers. and counselor often is the broadest fronts for terrorism or recruitment or kidnapping. and what you've seen, most importantly,
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is that you run use the civil war in syria at this fractious, chaotic situation. there to not only support the murders the sod regime, but to use that situation to function as a bridge had in the 11 on the create yet another front against israel. so if there was any one here violating international norms and rules, there was a linear line between cause and effect that needs to be transferred to be assessed 1st. all right, but my question was all of a legitimate targets. your question seems to be probably not but vice doctor that there's cognitive fact here indeed. okay. norms, di, when both sides transgress them. but you have to understand what leaves the transgression of that norm. it'd be a little bit unfair to see the retaliation and not the cause behind it. an hour could each mile be so sure if it comes to that, it was housing such a high value revolution. we got figures as well. this is actually really
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the, the critical story behind the strike, which is that for several years now, even in the pre cobit era, you've had a running ministry of intelligence officials. even the heads of these ministries, talking about the relative penetration of iran security services by foreign intelligence services, assuming leave and b is really most odd. you've seen these realize now for a little bit under a decade, be able to pin prick and target areas where there was munitions where those training facilities where those depos and where there had been in the past a senior as nomic, revolutionary guard core visuals in syria. so this essentially leaves one's only one conclusion, which is that these really as had been able to either with signals means or which human intelligence or a combination of both be able to pinpoint and g, o locate where these officials are. and when detective, these are taking place still usually start to be implying that it's not just that is right. how that has as penetrated. it runs this intelligence network in this way . the presumably you'll think of the americans might be in that as well. uh
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presumably, but the thing that that was formerly a point, a pointed in that i think 2018 or 2019 comments did go back to israel's or the finger that was formerly pointed after there was a comment about foreign intelligence services. i did go back to is with the one has to assume that any other foreign intelligence service that is interested is also monitoring this situation as well. so how much will this attack against iran's revolution be gone? how will it affect to iran's ability to threaten israel as well? if you look at the biography, for example, of someone like brigadier general, so he's held a series of post because his teeth in a famous conflict that was a former enrollment for the revolutionary guard quarter. which was the 198019 eighties around iraq war. he was the terror on base commander for the i r g c. but most critically, he was a good codes force chief for the injury, for the serial 11 on theater, which is basically the front that supplies frames equipped lebanese as well. which
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is the ron's most successful proxy. i think these relays were looking to kind of disconnect the connective tissue by going after this individual, as well as other could force members of his team. so this is not a can to solving the problem. it's a can to, i think, handicapping the problem. and if you look online right now, there were some comments talking about this individual diety as almost the 2nd. so emani, who was he runs chief terrace mastermind and had really architected iran visual security strategy and that part of the world. and so that it's interesting to bring up some money talk to us and about iran's likely response because of the general. so the money or you mentioned that also taken out and also assassinated. and the time around talks about responding where and how and when it was ready, same is as, as it's talking about an hour or so where and how and when is that likely to happen? do you think indeed, and even between this only money strike and this current strike,
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there was another seniors, nomic revolutionary guard, core official, chilled either in early january or late december, also seemed to be by his real and also in the syrian theatre and the local public did respond to that in a multi pronged way, both any rock and in syria in syria claims as right guys as targets. but in iraq ended up striking the house as a courtesy business man, that is a ledge. had some kind of ties to these really government search with these really goes up. so he runs evolving missile capabilities are increasingly being used to publicly adjudicate and respond to these conflicts. that could be one, there could be more or resume targeting of us diplomatic facilities, military facilities in the area. you've already seen reports of the strike on a or an attempt to track, i should say, by a drone, by any run back. she and militia on a base and syria, there can also be more kind of broader support for the multi font more against israel that these monica public has already provided. and then there's always of course, the cyber domain, which one has to keep their eyes on as well. and when you look at the running, you get today,
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they're talking about this response of the potentially multi point response. okay, good to hear. thank you so much for talking us through that. about ben tally been so the foundation for the defense of democracies. thank so much. thank you. the rest of the officials say 13 people have been wounded and ukrainian drone strikes and the toughest i'm region video verified by their voice as news agency shows, a drone keeping a target on exploding rush just as the sites is a student dormitory, the crime claims that targeted a drone production plant and an oil refinery. this appears to be ukraine's deepest drone this tie into russian territory. the sites in the cities of the buddha and niche can months are about to 1200 kilometers from the ukranian border as well. some ben data is an advisor with a russian studies program at cna. he's also with the center for
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a new american secure se. i asked him if he believe the strike had been launch from inside ukraine. it is entirely possible that it was indeed launched from inside ukraine. you print and military has multiple types of long range from it, causing drones that can fly for many hundreds of kilometers. last year, one such strong, actually strong keep inside moscow into the crowd was so it is possible that this particular drawing could have flown from eastern you crate well into a level there. okay. so if you cry and says uh said, recently uh, validated produced a drone capable of flying a more than a 1000 kilometers. i rapidly escapes drone. a capability growing it is growing really rapidly and the capacity to develop such a visa is actually aided by the need to develop and manufacturer as many that you use as possible by that ukraine military discharge. the research and development
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cycle is really in the matter of months. ukraine, of course, has a lot of industrial legacy left over from the former soviet union will the production of different types of aircraft. and so it is the psychological legacy that is ating, its ability to manufacture long range kamikaze drones, along with some of the new technologies which are seeing on this battlefield for the 1st time. so talk to us about russia's ability to defend itself against drug strikes of his old a rush. it does have a sense of air of air defenses. it does have electronic warfare defenses. it has ready electronic intelligence that has radars, but this defense is not absolute. and there are certainly gaps that exist in the russian defense. and ukraine has become very successful and very adept at exporting these gaps. and so we can fly around these air defense pockets and apparently, well, deep inside russian territory. ukraine can map out the slides along major roads
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away from large cities along forest and rural areas where it's aircraft with the least visible. talk to us about the choice of targets, ukraine's choice of targets. and those things that have to choose is not to target because 1200 kilometers puts must go well within ukraine's range at q u, for state it's hand against the russian capital, except for that token attack on the kremlin where they just broke a few windows and you claim has naturally admitted to carrying that out. so why not attack moscow properly? if i can put it that way, it will actually ukraine, distract muscle multiple times that attack moscow city, which is um, a brand new, a commercial facility built in uh in moscow over the past several decades in the last several other attacks, some of which were uh, and were not successful, but the impact of such as hacks is right. the list is doesn't really impair
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societies attitudes towards the war. it doesn't really impact how society feels about this conflict on this combat. and so, strikes against moscow around the limit at the same time, attracting russian energy infrastructure, industrial infrastructure, possible locations, and sides for long range. drones are assembled against you crate. these targets are rather successful and have a very significant impact on the russian economy and possibly on this ability to wait. sure. okay, but let, let me be plugged to about this if, if your crime can destroy an oil refinery or think so it has the capability to destroy an oil refinery. why not blow up the criminal as well? again, i'm not a great decision maker. i'm not in the military, so i'm not going to speak on behalf of ukraine, but destroying the crime when, or even the attacking the russian government locations. again, it's not going to be as impactful as going after russia's ability to generate
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revenue for this war, including oil refineries, defense infrastructure, railroad infrastructure, warehouse, military production facilities, military factories, attack of the problem and maybe rather symbolic. because after a last year strikes, there are a lot of defenses arrayed against, excuse me, around most going certainly around pro. so such attack may not even succeed. but the attack today demonstrated that most of ross is your view territory. does west of the role mountains is actually within the ukrainian reach and that is where the bulk of the population, the bulk of the industry are located. and that's where the bulk of economic activity is located as well. and now all of that is within reach of you create incoming cost of drugs. rush ads, excuse me, you cry inside the target of this attack was a factory producing the iranian design to sha had drugs is key going to be able to den russian drug production capacity as well. the attack on you, i was,
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it was a rather high value target. that factory is set to manufacture thousands of long range. i have drones which russia flies under the name of get i'm going drones have been rather devastating against ukraine recently. so any ability to dance that production to limit that production, excuse me, to impact the production of these drones is going to be rather significant. and of course, the level of is not the only drone manufacturing plant in the western territory of russia. there are many other enterprises and now all of them are potentially and across areas as well. another target was a russian oil refinery. and this reportedly was despite the us asking key of to desist from the sorts of attacks. do you think we are likely to see more of the site? it is entirely possible, as long as russia maintains pressure on the crane by launching missiles and garage roles against you breaking so good with terry and economic target to grant now has
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demonstrated the capacity to do the same. i guess russia and it is going to exercise the capacity as long as the work continues. thank you for joining us to talk. and so that's assignment that from the sent it for a new american security. thank you. it's not what's today. you can follow out to him on social media at the w news. you'll find devices to headlines on our website, c, w dot com on the d w. and although i found the entire team on the day of suspending a pump tough building, the
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. this is the, the, the news by from the island israel admit killing 7 aid workers in gaza. a convoy from the chatter st. boiled central kitchen was kate's during itself, or asians to provide urgently need to interest 5 minutes to assess the strike was unintentional. the charge he says it's unforgivable also on the program. a few weeks ago he was imprisoned. not a vast through d o. my 5 is the semi goals. youngest president will take a look up the challenges facing him as being the types of office the .


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