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tv   Unseen  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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tional, if this really air strikes, the charity has suspended celebrations and turned back it's boats carrying desperately needed food for the region. israel's, as an investigation, is underway for washing dw news up next. it's global us going to malaysia and terry martin, thanks for watching. the worst i know, i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport task don't strengthen out, but it's actually about move join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to that, just to subscribe already. listen to paul. gosh. then we'll take you along to the right. the
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. this is just perfect. now for the final ingredient, the you wouldn't never, you cross that, you'd say the chances are you already do. the stuff is the,
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the, the food has always been part of my life. it brings my family to sit together. and i love it so much. i've made and leaving out of it. i am the host of the number one from jo. emily's yes. the and visit is hash tag team. those who did my family. hi, i'm signing. hi i laura. hi, i'm right. no this. i think i heard about micro plastics the 1st time in a documentary that i watched on tv
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a couple of years ago. we thought that it was just a problem that we could see. we didn't realize the problem was way, way tinier, micro level that we were not able to see with the naked on the eighty's estimate to about to 150000 ton plastic afloat. the see? it's every way. so it means it's also in your for the plastic, doesn't buy your degree or magically disappeared. it can breaks into small. but
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because car michael caustic, that smaller than 5000000 oceans . this full of plastic engineering organism living in the school system or funding mistaken. as we have for soul to michael, fussy and up to our place, the previous report estimate to the 5 grams of michael fussing a week that similar to one could it so we we know we need home cooked food. does that stay in our stomachs yet?
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so this is a week, wait, wait, line. so i need to know how the bus to get the fluid. and now that we know we can actually learn and do something about it. all right? so the we see, i don't know yet to be facts of life professing to a human have. but in the previous 10 years, many researches all over the world trying to find the effects to dimmer organism to human has. but what we can call to check it is not a good thing for us on the last thing we've got to make some real changes around this. how it is our responsibility to raise our children with this awareness and the looking to us for inspiration.
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they're looking to us to lead the way. okay, name is what it is going to be 2 items. maybe just put it on a table. so you have to choose which item your think has more plastic items. number one was prawn was my favorite one. us fish, the one that has more micro plastics in it. mm hm. i'm going to say fish because they fish. i'm thinking fish swim or you team fish or team from fish. ok? classics often fall in the digestive tract of guts, of marine organisms, even malaysia. we all fun e, i so hold fire zone for i says, climb bylaws and so on. if you have a choice between shells, fish and fish do pick is because normally when it the finish,
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we really must the contents of the digestive tract that to be happening. i'm out from no need to read my fate. if you choose to show fish, do remove the guts and to show us so we put this in though too, right? so there's 2 different channels that one is people. is it yet? so that was my paper to use like paper. so icing. well, i'm sitting here the okay, we made a choice. me that's right. a 9 o 2 backs or phone to leech. vineyards off of michael plastics in your cup of cos. if you chose the tea leaves, we built 2 bags. any small preferable items? we yeah. i mean,
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you guys remember to choose the item that you guys move plastic versus how much you know. so that's what it is as bundled what i think the answer is fairly obvious, which is what i've got a searing my head. so i'm goodness, here we agree. that in my capacity presence in the test and what, what else? but if you could choose the fit to tap what this is much more better. what, what this, this water right out of the tap. it's not even filter. yes, but at the same time, there's no plastic in the piping system and such. like here the plastic you're interested into the warranty itself. now we know better, okay? the
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effects that plastic has and to, into our system. eighty's symptom of much bigger problem. the policy makers, or the government itself, actually be a very important role in reducing plastic waste and something ocean that is mismanage. we received a lot of complaints from the precedence on the app lucian, on to reboot pollution on the water pollution. we found that all of these rubbish is plastics and not pollution plastics. they come from verify from the developed countries. they share the same ocean. if you will see all type of data plastics
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from one to at least develop well and then it did not get recycled. properly, eventually all this will not be an option. the small testing both parties in law might capacity government beans, contrary to popular belief, my co passive chest, the ocean, and one of the most common is entering dental. and we would like to investigate airborne, microsoft, particularly these fit the paper on how the
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this is what we have. now we have several types of my to plus states such as for them and time for life. and son, this is lucky in cheese every day. really good stuff breathing while we breathing in plastic right now the i think one of the things that we we should do is to use less caustic 1st use less thing to use plastics. me use. so plastics would have to go outside to ensure that no plastic goes in to oceans because of what goes into the oceans, goes into the animals, goes into the very environment, goes into that. it goes to what the americans right back to us said no to back up
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the they found out in your pilot michael plastic product as well as the skeptical micro plastics. what i feel really, really good about now that we know the things that we know is i feel empowered knowing that yes micro plastics are already in our environment. they're already in our food. but we can do something about it every single minute of every single day . we can choose how we buy and we choose what food we eat. and we can also choose how we throw out sport,
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manage our waste. and by finding out that we can actually the cycle or up cycle, at least we can present the cycle from, you know, repeating. i don't wanna sound too preachy, but of the learning what we've learned. we really have to put the message out that, you know, every person should have the responsibility of where we leave this this. we're gonna leave it a little bit better than when we found it. if every person on did that, we wouldn't be the better for children from children. so at least you know that it starts with us to misery the or the st.
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breathing life. but how do you protect your airways? and what should we do if we have asthma allergies or a cold? and when do our loans reach their threshold? silver even breathe out and tune in to find out in good shape. next on dw. welcome to a place that gives a lot of things, right? copenhagen's bustling bicycle friendly city is known for his design and architecture. the data is capital might give us a glimpse of the urban future. copenhagen's hip green, sustainable in 60 minutes. on the w. o. o
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we say they're about never getting up every weekend on d w. the, do you want to know how fit your lungs are? here's a simple test. inhaled deeply and then blow up a balloon with one brass. if it then ends up bigger than your head, well everything's fine. tried to blow out a candle from a distance of one meter. if you can do that, your lungs are in great shape. but before you put them to the test, stay tuned to learn a lot more about breathing and your lungs in general. welcome to in good shape.


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