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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, the state of the unit is coming to live from berlin. hundreds injured and a powerful earthquake that rocks taiwan. the tremor hits near the eastern city of plug in, bringing down buildings, knocking out power and trapping. people under russell as a coming up world leaders condemn israel's era strike on a humanitarian convoy. d z is uncomfortable, but it is an inevitable result of the way the warranty is being conducted. the attack kills 7 paid workers is really admits the strike is a grave mistake. at nato, as foreign ministers meet in brussels,
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paid for your crane is at the top of their agenda with further discussions on making support for keep less dependent on the us the low. i'm terry morris and thanks for joining us. a massive earthquake has hit taiwan, causing damage and knocking out power the 10s of thousands of people. it's the strongest quake and 25 years and was centered near the city a plugin. on top, it's on taiwan, it's eastern coast. at least 9 people had been killed and more than 700 injured government officials say over 70. people are still trapped after dozens of building and buildings and tunnels collapse. the powerful quake initially prompted. so nami warnings for japan and the philippines. those warnings have now been looked as a reading spring morning and type
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a interrupted by the biggest us quite to strunk taiwan in 25 years. once i once brung at east coast, the city of juan in was west hits. the folding, rocks killed hika and violent shaking his damaged dozens of buildings. some were left on the verge of collapse, which shocked residents warning each other not to touch the straight electric wires . there's nothing we could do. everything fell down every pink collapsed. time when some of the trees assisting ongoing search and rescue operations, but efforts to being made more challenging by frequent off the show to use and some main quake have been stronger than magnitude 600 more expected in the coming days. time once president search the public and emergency response teams to remain cautious watching, i'd like to ask you to continue to pay close attention to the situation in various places and initiate various contingency measures to protect the safety of the people in the past. and so i'm not sure gets to know me evacuation warnings in
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japan and the philippines. some waves hit japan, south west and ok now prefecture, within an hour of the quake. good morning's release. lifted in both countries with no major down at triple neighboring countries, including china and japan have set they stand ready to provide disaster release seems high one. the rescue is no rush to find those 2 terms under the rubber for the very latest. let's cross to our east days or bureau in taipei in our correspond to james change or filed a report that james qual, yeah. and seems to be the worst affected area that's on the east coast. tell us about the area and what's making rescue efforts. there's so challenging yeah, this is a coastal city on taiwan is east coast time to several $100000.00 people. and what seems to be the case. i mean, this is, this is a city to is actually among the most prone to of craig's in taiwan. and what we're
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really seeing at the moment is a lot of people that are in difficulty. a lot of people that are missing or stuck in a national park, which is a funding mountainous region. the east coast of taiwan is very, very rocky. a lot of these cliff face is kind of full directly into the sea, and that's why the majority of people who seem to be missing and where the majority of the rescue operations are being targeted at the moment. again, as you mentioned in the introduction, some people so missing the majority of those in quality into and so in the coming i was an overnight, that's really why i'm a deal. thirty's will be targeting that rescue operations. what sort of international response are we seeing to this earthquake? so for james, what as i mentioned in our reports, other countries are initially worried that they might actually be cool. top in the, and parts of this of credit. japan, in the philippine districts unami warnings and need me to talk to most of the credit collar this morning. local time. those, you know,
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i mean warnings with been lifted and it looks like when it comes to japan, the philippines, there's been no major damage reports. it's not being said, though, those countries have since said that they will be willing to provide international disaster relief support, especially until care and also paging as well. and of course, you know, a lot of these countries also have foreign nationals which in, in taiwan and that will also be a priority for those governments sides. um, the, the style of the destruction from the south crate becomes clear. now the reason there is no stranger to earthquakes are people in taiwan generally pretty well prepared. that's hi, one is very private. and so this type of seismic activities. so it's something the people i use to that was this big off quite in taiwan and 1999, which led to which caused the death of some 2000 people and damaged tens of thousands of homes, scent, sense of quake. time one has introduced much more stringent regulation when it
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comes to of quite proofing infrastructure and buildings. and that's why we don't see the level of the types of damage in big cities like type a are in the south and go shows well in the, off the mazda of a crate like this. and crucially, this is something that's very important for the global economy. looking at this type of natural disaster in taiwan 70 conductive font trees which i'm titling produce, and some 90 percent of the walls most have gone. somebody can go to absolutely critical to the global electronics industry. they were a little bit in parts of by, by the scale of the crate, but it seems in the, in the grand scheme of things that going to be able to continue all pricing with relative. no mine. i see again that note just in 4th and 5th high ones. i'm an economy but for the global economy to james. thank you very much. that was our correspond to james chase are in taipei now to the war and gaza and world leaders condemned and is really striking on the humanitarian
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con boy there that killed 7 people working for the n g o world. central kitchen for nationals from australia, poland the u. k. in the us are among the victims. us present. joe biden said he was outraged and heart broken by the tragedy while australia slammed. the attack is completely unacceptable. israel has blamed to strike on miss identification and called it a grave mistake. un secretary general antonio gutierrez, also contend the attack and has called for an immediate cease fire. and gotcha. the devastating is rarely have strikes that skilled world simple kitchen personnel yesterday. being the number of days what good skill will be in this conflict, 196, including more than 175 members of all new n stuff. these is uncomfortable, but it is an inevitable result of the way the warranty is being conducted. the w's
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tanya kramer is interested in covering the story. i asked her earlier, international criticism will put further pressure on israel's prime minister to change his gaza strategy. miss watson, this is still a to see because we've heard a lot of this international and criticism. a lot of international pressure on the is rarely cabinet to protect or to do more to protect a civilian given the high death toll in gauze among the civilian population. but that also, of course, includes humanitarian workers that doing essential work there to bring this much needed age to the civilian population. and we heard, you know, this is this, this pressure is not really always reflected on the ground and the military efforts . there seem most of the times a take a precedent. although israel says it's, it does enough to protect a civilian snow. you enter officials here in jerusalem have said after the incident
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that this is not an isolated incident, but it's of course, the most serious, the most tragic one. but that, that needs to be done more to have a working mechanism to make it possible to that these convoys can go into garza and deliver the 8 that's needed. and also that you meant determine 8 workers are protected on the international humanitarian little now, foreign ministers from nato countries are meeting in brussels to discuss maintaining long term support for ukraine. they said chief installed in bag is proposing the creation of a 100000000 euro fund to bolster keeps defenses over the next 5 years. a move is part of a push for the alliance to take over the us led group that coordinates weapons shipments to ukraine. nato is seeking to reduce as dependents on the us, where a $60000000000.00 ukrainian aid package has been installed in congress for months.
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so the very also told, members of the oppressed that security of the block depended on bolstering the rule of law throughout the world. ukraine will become a member of nato. it is the question when know if so tomorrow we also need to we all were in the pacific partners, australia the seasons are pano southcourt out together with the european union. we know that our security is not regional. it is global. the war and the crane illustrates this clearly. rochelle of friends, the nation are vital if we continue its war of aggression signed laws popping up russia's war economy in return most go is mortgaging it's future to bridging north korea on the wrong or the living. substantial supplies of weapons and ammunition in return from young, i'm fed on receiving russian technology and supplies that help them advance. let me
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start a new phase of capabilities this as the regional um global security consequences. so like minded nations around the world, needs to stand together to defend a global order rule by law, not by force or brussels. fear or chief alexander phenomena is at nato headquarters covering the summit and joins us now. which under what can we expect from the summit? as well, i think that's the key issue here today is to make sure that the native support for ukraine and the support coming from individual need to elyse was praying that this support is a continuing, that nato all lives on not wavering. and that is of course, at the top of the agenda and you have just mentioned the proposal put forward,
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but in spite installed back, they made some secretary general. he's proposing new funds, 100000000000. europe's us. and of course, at that to money would be given to you trade to buy or to get new weapons and ammunition. and he's also proposing for nato to take over the call, the nation of the so called ramstein group, the ukraine defense concept group. and that would be a big step for the organization, because even though individual need to elyse on all, providing ukraine with administration and weapons made so as an allies is only providing non lethal aids to ukraine. so if the organization is going to decide that they are going to take over the drum stating group and organize weapons, deliver it to you. crane many he if he a death could that they could be then perceived as a boarding party by russia. and still,
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it seems that the support for this proposal is growing that's made so as an alliance should do more and called a need more a when it comes to weapons deliveries and supports for ukraine. they installed. and they also said this new ukraine accord would send a strong message to russia. but is it not also meant alexandra to reassure those were concerned about a lack of support for nato and ukraine. among some political factions in the us of course that's the purpose of this proposal. and are we hearing fee of here from senior officials telling us that. and if need to is able to take over the coordination of aids and weapons deliveries to ukraine. the support would be protected from any influence of, of any domestic issues in any member states. and of course they are talking about,
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do you ask to speak you as a package for ukraine is still sold in u. s. congress. so by, by making a, the, the, the task of providing you create with a and weapons and need to issue a that could guarantee or a best support for key if that's the thinking here in brussels will speaking, how did the summit start back singled up north korea and iran for supplying russia with weapons for his war against ukraine. we heard his statement there somewhere also where the preteen is feeling a bold and after having just been re elected. present. how concerned is nato alexandra about russia making even further aggressive moves in europe? well, i think that a nato and nato members are very concerned about the situation in general about the situation on the battlefields in ukraine. and that is why they're trying to find ways to make sure that russia is not going to win the war
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a there. and they're also concerned about this growing ties and cooperation between russia and they run into north korea and they're getting weapons and ammunition from there. and the big issue he is, of course, whole china is trying to support russia would do a goods and how that is sort of helping russia with their a war efforts in ukraine. which sounds good. thank you very much. that was our brussels bureau chief alexander from now to take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world today. hundreds have gathered in the syrian capital. the mass goes to more than those killed by an alleged as really strike on the iranian console of monday's attack. killed 13 people, including 2 or any and generals around supreme leader. i a told her how many is bound to retaliate raising fears of a wider regional conflict. uganda is constitutional court has rejected
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a bid to overturn one of the world's harshest anti homosexuality laws. the legislation passed in may last year, criminalizes same sex acts with punishments, including life in prison, and the death penalty. you can even government has accused western nations of trying to pressure africa into accepting important values. north korea says it has tested a hypersonic missile that can be fitted with nuclear warheads. leader kim jong praise the successful test of the solid fuel system which can watch faster than traditional miss house. this comes a day after japan and south korea detected a north korean missile fired into the sea between those countries she is gripped by violence as armed gangs tightened their hold on the capitol porter, prince. and they now control almost 80 percent of the city. a transitional government is in place after the former prime minister ariel only stepped aside last month.
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can you is proposing to send hundreds of police to the country to help stop the violence, but many are increasingly worried about the idea that we use it as kamani reports from nairobi on a deal that's proving a hard sell in haiti's capital puts a prince bonus erupt 2 seconds and flows uninterrupted onto the city streets. i wonder when the gunfire ends to civilians dead to assess the damage to powerful gangs that believe to have to watch these open air garage. for the survivors, there's nothing left with new boons to leak back. another one, everything has been bumped down. we are living in such a bad time. this is not life. young people who have a professional cannot live here. the country is i don't remember. b, i use up from 12000 kilometers away. thank you. can, as president william router says, you might have a solution for haitians. think at the beginning of march, who to,
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inc. a deal that would see a 1000 canyon police officers sent to haiti to lead multinational secuity to support the importance. significance and audience of this mission cannot be overstated. these mission for a few money. it is a mission in solely deputy, with our brothers and sisters. in hate, the president's also to send can boots so far from home has been met with cost resistance, which predicts accusing him of using the deal as a cash grab. america has committed up to a $100000000.00 to finance its arrangement. security analyst, georgia was somebody says kenyans have no business in haiti. like getting the whole arrangement to something more sinister from us. it could be perspective, we're going there as much. and that is because now you're talking about being given equipment. you're thinking about being paid. you're thinking about being trained.
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so basically, this is what happens to me or somebody, i think, very seasonal that i can now has a history of sending its police office as a broad, including to liberia and yugoslavia with somebody. whoever says this mission is different for one main reason. right now we're going to a country that does not allow me to talk about, lift the head to people themselves or has to themselves. so you cannot tell what people don't really trust themselves. and helping themselves is accepting that they have a problem. they sit down around a table, have a political solution, agree to this, and then now we can send in a mission to go on supporting the official support of this deal, save the can you, as part of a global community, has the responsibility to support our allies and up sending police offices training institutions such as these low so hate see, will signal can you as a reliable partner? however, beyond the diplomacy question, there's also a legal one, but couldn't,
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and quotes ruled in january that deploying police officers for peacekeeping missions is legal. looters, insistence on this matter is seen as a violation of the law. in a recent article, kenya's former chief justice william with whom go a choose the country's government, the us and the un security council of luring the offices to a death trap. in defiance of the quotes, according to move to these institutions a guilty over throwing the condemned constitution, william brutal, now will accept political tightrope as the policy is kind of domestic and global interest. in the absence of a solution, violence remains the only constant in haiti. i spoke about this a short while ago with rosa friedman, a professor of law, a conflict on global development at redding university. in the u. k. she says the presence of 10 in police would be more of a hindrance than a help. i mean this, this police false, she doesn't speak the language of pre owned or french,
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or even spanish, which, you know, is that the language and hate to the doesn't know the local context and does not understand the political climate. it will be burton this will help to, to the haitian police a minute true on the ground. i will actually be more of a hindrance. i'm the worry will actually be for the security of this, of this 1000 people coming from kenya rather than whether or not they can help with the security on the ground in haiti. as we heard the report, the decision to send kenyan troops has been met with harsh criticism there. why is, can use government backing the mission? well, we have to understand the economies of peacekeeping and the economies of intervention can use. government will be paid assessed amounts of money sold, general police officers, toys that the amounts of money is probably more money than they actually have to those individuals. so they won't be back in an economic profit from it. but there's
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also the political economies of peacekeeping. when peacekeepers are deployed from a country that gives kenya all of the countries that detroit peacekeepers at school carpets. so within the united nations, it brings them into tables and rooms of power that they don't otherwise will can say. so there's lots of reasons for candice government to be sending out these 1000 men and women, but those reasons aren't really cares about haiti. so there's still talk of funding alternatives to address the problem. what about the prospect of a un authorized military intervention in haiti? is that a realistic option for addressing the country security crisis? what, what, let's be clear. the reason that he goes through these cycles of violence and instability is because for the last 200 is this being international forces and different guys is that um, the take home of the country festival being like to states occupied the country
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between the 2. what was this being the u. n. intervention recently lost it for about 15 years and has any recent need being taken out? having get to another international dimension is not what he needs. hatred was the 1st black so reinstate it was the best country to throw colonialism, to punish slavery. and yet a time and again of the decades just be more or more interventions that don't allow patients to solve their own problems and find haitian solutions, patient problems. now hated, does not have a functioning government at the moment. there is a transitional council this being put together, but how could any international force get a proper mandate to intervene? what there will be no legitimacy for any international force? the transitional count. so the central government may say that it's okay for an international task was to come in, but that doesn't give the task force legitimacy on the ground with haitian people.
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bear with me mind that they did not vote in this transitional counseling. in fact, they didn't bridge, and the last prime minister around the race route, the 13 months and elected up to the president was assassinated. the only way that it will be legitimacy on the ground is once free and fair elections are being held in haiti. and the only way that haitians would accept any kind of international support is it, this is support that police are going to treat know if it's a top down intervention. okay, i'm afraid we're going to leave it there. professor. thank you very much. that was professor rosa freeman at reading university in the u. k. now to the paul, where poor economic conditions are driving in a legal market for kidney is in one village, at least one person per household has sold a kidney on the list at market and crossed. and paul, young migrant workers are coming home with damaged organs. can these are a vital organ responsible for filtering out waste from the blood. many in the paul
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are desperate for a donor, but are unable to find one behind the beauty of nepal, similes, lies a dark reality. the remote village of hooks is nick named kidney valley. it's a place where too many people's accounts have sold one of their kidneys to organ traffickers for cash. i know nick, i live, i had really bad days and no other options. so i spoke with a friend and he took me to india when i were caught my kidney, it was really hurting right now. i can't work. and that's ever traffickers, make fake id cards for sellers to travel. we're buyers are for organ removal. sellers or in around 3500 euro for kidney education is helping stop people from selling this by the oregon by making them aware of the risk. but it's not fixing the underlying cause of this illegal trade poverty. the reason the policies has a kidney crisis on yet another front migrant workers who travel to gulf states to
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earn money or sometimes returning home with damaged or failed kidneys. doctors believe these organ failures are from working in extreme heat. the often for working conditions, leading to severe dehydration about one 3rd of transplant is this in liver making or because we have come from abroad. this has cost us use burden to or as resources. each patient needs a transplant from a relative, but most won't be able to get one. but the pulse kidney crisis is fueled by poverty, and the costs that affect victims. well after the money they earn is gone. or you're watching dw news up next. it's close up taking a look at the hip, green and sustainable culture of copenhagen. of course you can get all the latest
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news information anytime you want on our website. that's d w dot com. i'm terry martin from me in all of us here at the w. a news. thanks for watching the
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