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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news life from bartlett's finder of world central kitchen says israel deliberately targeted the convoy of his charge. you workers in target, you know, they don't fit into on it and everything. so my idea then, knowing that was our team's moving on that route. israel's army is calling the strike that killed 7 people, a mistake due to a miss identification. also coming up rescue cruise race defines potential survivors after the biggest quake for 25 years. shakes taiwan, killing at least 9 people and traffic dozens more on pots. one of the president's
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proposal spending style, sense of unwanted elephant to germany after berlin moose to bonnie import of hunting trophies the . i'm how to promote, walk them through the program. we begin with the growing follette from an is really air strikes that killed 7 aid workers and gossip the finder of the fact to charge the world central kitchen has accused israel of systematically targeting his workers as it carried out. the strike is real, has apologize, calling strike a grave mistake. the incident prompted world central kitchen to suspend operations in gaza and other 8 groups are also pulling back for transporting the bodies of aid workers. they were killed and then is really air strikes well overseeing the delivery food aid in gaza. the us base and g o released the names and photos
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of palestinian australian, british polish, and us canadian staff killed in the attack. the remains of 6 were taken out of gaza to egypt to beaver patriot or to their home countries. the founder of the charity world central kitchen set. the convoy was targeted systematically, one car after the other of the word target, the hands you know, the confidence on it and everything. so the idea then, knowing that was our team's moving on that route. $77.00 people that they are 7 on top of our lease. so what i know there 192 money dining workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. israel's government said it regrets the incident and promised to insure it would not happen again. but its conduct in the war has come under mounting criticism, not just abroad,
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but also at home. tens of thousands have taken to the streets in antique government protest, any guns, a member of israel's 3 man, more cabinet and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose main rival is now calling for new elections to be held later this year. i believe that the, these really, society needs to renew its contract to music leadership and i think the only way to do it in still maintaining the nation of f. 14 fighting come us and there was group and other secure with the challenges is by having an agreed election date that we have to discuss when and if the early election proposed would have to be backed by the majority of israel's parliament where families of hostages held in gaza, continued to protest, maybe over to tie one nowhere else to r t say dozens of people are still missing or stranded. following the strongest
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r squeak to hit the island and more than 25 years. at least 9 people were killed on a 1000 injured when the quick struck during rush hour on wednesday morning. emergency crews are not working to clear roads, unsecure damage. buildings, quick ship, all of the taiwan. but the city of quality inn on the east coast was the worst hit. the rescuers have managed to save all residents from partially collapsed buildings and from under rubble and down departments, survivors and damaged homes are being moved to temporary shelters. now it's time to prepare for the aftershocks teeth and not that i'm afraid of aftershocks, and i don't know how bad the shaking will be and then the house is already mess. okay, how do you get in that? but there's no way to get in, didn't you post quick,
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major roads are still blocked off in other areas. taiwan, president elect says they're working to bring everything back to functioning. median one song song, we're aiming for 2 way traffic to resume by tomorrow evening. as for the water and the power supply, those will be restored quickly so that people can resume normal life as soon as possible. taiwan lies on a fault line. the island is used to quakes view, and recent history have been the severe. more than a 100 after shocks have already been recorded. dw correspondence, so it's on how to rush out of his office and ty pay. when the earthquake struck. i asked him to describe what the experience was like for him. well, it was massive. the i was in type a on the 9th floor, so i had to really pull out of the office and leave the building immediately. and
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to be honest, is like living in one of the disaster film. and you know, like people here and i want to very used to different kind of a big as low as quakes. but when it happened, this type of window is different because of the way it is slow. so land, it's shallow big, it's really hard for people to even stand. so after day, even though like everything has been stoves of restored, but it has really been a sleepless night for many people here and okay, that sounds really scary and claudser. okay. what is the situation like now as well after the major earthquake happened, there has to be more than $200.00 after shocks actually. and the feelings like of living on the boat for a period of time because it's coffee shaking. so you feel busy on from after shops to at the shock. so it's really scary. so many people here even still now and from there it's like we already know there are night desk and move into the house and
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people injured. all the 143 people trapped had been rescued. but, and we know like the one is missing right now, but we start to hear a lot of the staff stories, most of fatalities, it will cost by all the rocks, what people are driving or hiking in the mountains. and we also know like the last victim, she was at high school teacher who originally investigate the half past viewed him, but she went back in order to see her cat. but she didn't make it to lead that beauty up towards. ready it's really sad, but most people say right now, oh, horrible situation in the fall in region is well known for being an earthquake hospital and there are measures in place. how well did they actually hold up? yeah. how do you know there it is kind of a discussion started going on about like, how huge the us big was, but the image is not as big as we imagine. it's really because parents or it's like preparing this is so one of the most advanced in the world,
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because here in taiwan street, i'm a building codes were implemented and schools and workplace is costly. conduct earthquakes of drills and low levels of public media as issues are as fake and safety notice when it's needed. so all these measures have to significantly in has, how is earthquakes or assistance and help reduce the possibility of a catastrophic damage. and the casualties will still, nonetheless, what type for those after shops and stay safe, either assume dw correspondent, serious on hand in type k. thank you so much. well, let's take a look at some other stories making use around the world. mourners in mexico have how the funeral for a marrow candidate who was killed just hours after launching her campaign. that attack a ton had asked for protection before she was gone down in the land in central mexico. at least 15 political candidates have already been killed this year ahead
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of elections in june. a uganda is constitutional court has rejected a bid to overturn one of the world's harshest laws against homosexuality. the legislation imposes penalties of up to life imprisonment for consensual, same sex relations and possible death and some cases of so called aggravated homosexuality. activists say the law violates their constitutional rights. petitioners say they will appeal to ruling out the supreme court and nature of foreign minister as our meeting in brussels to discuss a 100000000000 euros and support for ukraine. the proposed fund would help bolster keeps defenses over the next 5 years, as part of a push for the western military alliance to take over the us, let group that currently coordinates, west, and shipments to ukraine. nature also wants to make support for keith, less reliance on contributions from washington. because of the month long impasse
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in the us congress over a $60000000000.00 ukrainian aid package. as after more than 2 years of fighting ukraine's armed forces, desperately need fresh troops to hold off. russian offences president brought him. his lensky has signed a controversial law designed to do just that. as ukraine struggles to beef up, its military president southern sky had signed a law to lower the country's minimum conscription age from $3725.00. it's an effort to increase army personnel to fight drug. she has invasion. oh you, i have your school as a military officer. i say this is good. now we soldiers need replacements, like we're running out a guy like me fighting since 2014 and still alive is a great rarity, which is a way you can screen shot edges of infantry and emanation, have helped russia get the better the fees and wanted the spot some ukrainians are
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opposed to loading the conscription age. so thought so most of these might affect my child's young. i don't want this. you know, i have just one son. i'm a single mother is the why did i race him for so many years for him to be taken away and then killed by someone for fun the but i don't need this one when you live with the tech support. see the need for you cleans mobilization law became more pressing because keith expects a new push, but i shouldn't pauses a description low means that ukraine. i'm so i'm not willing to capitulate. they do bring and we'll be defending them this unlikely to be a um, you know, the magic settlements uh to this war simply because as we heard from putting, sees up for the war you create currently for boots, men under 60,
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from travelling abroad. the new law could have at tens of thousands of young troops to the ukrainian military and finally, berlin or bavaria might not be the 1st place you think off when it comes to elephants. but they could soon be as plus one as president has his way. while great seam fcc has threatened to send 20 stars and elephants to germany after berlin warrants, but it might limit the import of hunting trophies botswana is home to one of the world's largest ellison and populations and conservation efforts have caused their numbers to swell to more than a 130000. in recent years, the government has issued a limited number of hunting permits to keep their populations in check and raise money for local times. president msc told a german newspaper, that's a bond on hunting trophies, could impoverish some books one in. as the dw correspondent,
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pamela are most so as in the box, one and capsule got barone, a. she explained why the president is threatening to send so many elephants to germany. that yeah, i agree with you. do 1000 is the low over elephant. i think the president messy says just trust 3 ted. um, they have tried to do the news, the side of the web towards just tried to show the rest been well, but this is what is the opinion on the ground business. why we need to, to do it this thing, but the western world has other ideas. so that's why he's also have a new way of doing it. 1000 telephones goes on. he has done so well in terms of close of ration and where at this stage, because we have be heavy all these campaigns. we have the dream, the crown with try and, and close out. look only the friends, but
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a lot when my friends in river, which is coming to happening and because i'm a, is waiting for us and i don't see any reason why it should be stopped. and we have 850000. we have 830000 electrons so you can imagine, i think, right? and that was, that is a leading country when it comes full, ellis and population in the wild. that was dw correspondent, pamela room, s o, in the box, one and capital capital one a. and he is a reminder of our top story, the head of the charge of grand. he's a convoy was attacked in gaza on tuesday, has rejects it is really assertion that the strike was not deliberate. world central kitchen finder on celebrities chess jose andras sites his age. workers were targeted systematically by israel car by car, over a distance of several 100 meters. you're watching the daily news. stay with us coming up. next we have our environment show climate,
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a looking at innovations in the solar energy industry. as always, you can get more news on our website and our social media channels, not dw news. more news for you at the top of our roland. thanks for watching. taking the name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys would of being nosy, bay like good. everyone to king. you're healthy award winning called called the whole back do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for electric.


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