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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw, new who's coming to live from berlin, needle marks a 75 years with a call for more assistance for ukraine to support your training. so child, it is a fortune to greatness and investment of our own security. that is the kremlin warrants that russia ends. nato are now in direct confrontation. also coming up on our show, dw, meets the women and ukraine volunteering to clear minds. some 30 percent of the country is contaminated by concealed explosives and outrage over as well as a deadly attack on aid workers and gaza. the n g a world central kitchen is demanding an independent investigation into the strikes that killed 7 of its staffers. the groups founder as they were deliberately targeted
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the inquiry. richardson many thanks for joining us. the kremlin, says russia as nato are now in direct confrontation with one another. the comments come on the day that nato marks it's 75th anniversary. for ministers from the alliance gathered in brussels on a day when russia's foreign ministry also said that dialogue between moscow and tomato has reached a critical 0 level. this week, the organization's board ministers discussed a long term aid package for ukraine. and following a ceremony in brussels, nato secretary general against oldenburg, spoke alongside ukraine's foreign minister, dimitra. cuz eva, once again, erica, noticing the courage to the nations of bravery. oh, dear training people, different armed forces as a new person in standing up against the rushing,
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brutal aggression against the crane. this is not this for your crime, but there's not. there's also for the whole night to, for our security is. so what you do is important for her all of us, and therefore i stated many, many times that to support your training. so child support, it's too great. it is an investment in our own security. i don't want to spoil the party, but of course my message is the birthday party, but my main main main message today will be better because saving you creating a live savings, creating an economy saving pregnancy just depends on the availability of categories and other air defense system seems ukraine and we're talking about petra's because it's still in the system that can intercept ballistic myself. and only march craigslist kate was 94 by myself. but providing petrie, it depends on what they have plenty of them. let's get some insights on this. i'm very pleased to welcome a february spoke to a ceo at rest musson at global
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a 75 years after the founding of nato. in your view, is russia once again, the biggest threat to nato. i mean, is clearly the number one for it. the other ones, uh terrorism being another one and kind of growing. and i would say uh, be younger region and beach is uh china. but to actually securely uh close to an existential threat to nature. and, and there i think the launch, these are 2 things. one is obviously spend more money in acquiring and requiring defense capabilities that that'd be lost. so this invested us to the doctor caldwell and so going to allow your client to really we dislike. because if your credit fails to detect a successful russia and ukraine would be extremely cost intensive and resources and see for the alliance. so our interest is also to make you quite successful. and
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what has been announced over the last few days, as is ryan encouraging. but these, i don't think, you know, as a game changer to allow ukraine to really start to finish this was how much support do you think you crank can expect from this meeting? i think there's a clear us default the, the, the, a big routine here is you see a lot of practical companies months starting with 100000000000 ural farms over the next 5 years. we still needs to be agreed a, it needs to be brought to your brother context. we spend the equivalent of 1200 videos over the last 2 years to provide maybe 30 a to crate. so if you were talking about the sentiment that sprayed about 5 years, and of course it wouldn't come on top of by let's run another much electronic support including from the european union. but it is substantial, but it is not game changing and nothing new. so no cards, no central question, which is when, when you can be a member of the a lot, because the moment you claim joins, oh,
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i was invited to join the lines. i think this is when he starts to begin over a flag and direct sense of summer lice, se with the lien in washington to cross the line. he's acting, keeping the war going and, and also keeping the war going. we've all to clear and 2 ways that you wouldn't be for her, but to ukraine, but also to us. he mentioned the us there, and nato secretary general stalls and berg has called for unity between the us and europe. here it sounds like nato preparing for quite a bit of disruption is donald trump, the comes president, president, again in the united states or what i think 1st unity is usually when they talk, somebody do anything just because they want to avoid, obviously divisions divisions between their lives and not so much ahead of the truck, but small, i hate the washington, somebody to july where they don't want to repeat of what's happened at the last somebody to the news west on the lies and ukraine. obviously we're pushing grey hauled up for ukraine. membership to the alliance. so there isn't that sense here
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to keep a lot of concrete commitments as we have heard over the last few days, but to the board to be forwarded to kind of could be and, and then at the end, not to repeat, been use. and i think this is where, especially washington, the, the lead me to really look at his story in the eyes and wonder, what is you know, best interest? is it you caribbean or keeping your credit out? just before i let you go, i want to ask you one more question about russia's a form, ministries, comments, russia, same dialogue with nato has reached a critical 0 level. is that, is that true? in your view? are there any communication channels? it's still open between nato and moscow, or i think this use a communication channels between some nato allies and most goal, starting with the united states, especially the c i a director who is a well respected in moscow and used by a president biden to carry some some key messages, but community may to institution does all of a substantial,
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any or anything close to a guide of both the political and the media very liberal and having the mean side to continue that this is not because natal i stop tried. this is because the russians have not been serious about it, and that's not my neighbor. there was an old for a, to have military to military dialogue. all political died up. they have either shut down that possibility or the enemies use it. so i think this is to because i would say most gopal by going to come to table on, on they told, given the person we're not for the dialogue and piece wise nature has been almost too much for dialogue in the past. every thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. that is a breeze apologize to you very much. i or ukranian authorities say about 30 percent of the country is contaminated by russian land mines. unexploded ordnance and other explosives up to 174000 square kilometers of land or thoughts be contaminated, posing a threat to civilian life and is making it off limits for farming and other uses.
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according to a survey, find you an old shop published last year. mines have been detected in 11 of ukraine's 27 old lost among the most contaminated regions are make a life her so on the and yet. and har kits human rights park points out that ukrainian forces have also deployed land lines against russian forces. the area is in need of checking and clearing and that area is larger than the size of greece. dw is abraham traveled to booty and northern ukraine to see some of those who are taking on this dangerous jobs a year ago. victoria was training to be a pastry shop. now the 20 year old is helping clear ukrainian soil from unexploded russian mines who's doing so in the northern ukrainian village previously occupied by russia. this work is crucial for life to come back here. i'm
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gonna go to but my brother is currently serving in the army for 2 and a half years already. my father was also called to the army, but because of course you positive commission but was not draft annually. i also wanted to do my part, so i came to work here, of course with you a little bit. they have a younger brother, and i would like him to walk on clean land and the course of the mortgage. and so would my future children who do presumed, as you might, would need you to the course. victoria says when she 1st swapped her pastry apron for a metal detector from other pants in assisting, the job was too dangerous, not appropriate for women. but women are taking on new rules all through ukraine replacement, who are at the front line, the halo trust and n g o that works to clear landmines and explosive devices is seeing more women wanting to do the job. doing my work. i need
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a lot of our women and to actually they inspire me because and many of them like um, ranch out of zone or from fort because they used it previously. absolutely different end to work. so like, for example, the phone was working, making money to sell was, was built around, this is all it to someone who was working as a teacher and the now they decided that at the moment that maybe we need to fleeing for the last not far from kids you yeah. who used to work in an office trains new d miners when you put the to i'm just delighted when they come the next day and just and can tell them what i told them yesterday, including the record. that's why i like being an instructor. but we have many women whose husbands are at war and these women are not standing by and crying and not waiting for them to call brother. they also did the position that the more we work on this, the sooner we will finish it all with your,
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with the civic income. some estimates suggest it could take hundreds of years to clear all of ukraine of landlines. these women are making start. let's bring you up to speed with some world new stories. now, armed resistance groups in man, mar, claim to have caused casualties. and a drone attack on a military base and the capital nature dog. the capital's, the seat of power for the military. when to that, over through the democratic government in 2021 who dressed as it shot down 7 drones claiming no damage or casualties were caused by master on health ministry involves us as a total number of people killed since the october 7th attacks. as now, risen to above 33000 families are morning. the depths of more than 16 people killed across the strip. in the last 24 hours over a 1000000 people are sheltering in the southern city of rough off, which is under regular is rarely compartment. meanwhile pressure continues to
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grow on israel over it's a deadly attack on an aide, convoy and gaza. whole as prime minister, donald tusk says israel should compensate. the family of a polish aid worker kills him. the attack and australia as prime minister anthony alban, easy has criticized israel's explanation and australian, but also among the 7 people killed. and the as rarely strikes on vehicles carrying aid workers from the n g, a world central kitchen. we need to have a can ability for how it's ok and what isn't good enough is the stipend so that they might a including that this is just a product of war. now the founder of a world central kitchen has accused israel of systematically targeting his workers . when it carried out the strikes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the workers were killed, unintentionally. the incident that was prompted world central kitchen and some other 8 organizations to suspend their operations in casa for palestinians are
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desperate for food and other necessities for un suspended. it's night time samantha terry and a convoy for 48 hours. and this comes as rights groups, a gaza is headed toward famine. it's as well launched as invasion of gaza after hamas is october 7th terror attacks. transporting the bodies, if aid workers they were killed and then is really air strikes well overseeing the delivery food aid in gaza. the us base and g o released the names and photos of palestinian australian, british polish, and us canadian staff killed in the attack. the remains of 6 were taken out of gaza to egypt to be repatriated to their home countries. the founder of the charity world central kitchen set. the convoy was targeted systematically, one car after the other, who they were targeting hands, you know,
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the confidence on eric months old idea. then knowing that was our team's moving on that route. $77.00 people that they are 7 on top of our lease. so what i know there 192 money dining workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. israel's government said it regrets the incident and promised to insure it would not happen again. but its conduct in the war has come under mounting criticism, not just abroad, but also at home. tens of thousands have taken to the streets and anti government protest. any guns, a member of israel's 3 man, more cabinet and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose main rival is now calling for new elections to be held later this year. i believe that the, these really society needs to renew its contract because it's leadership and i think the only way to do it and still maintaining the national f. 14 fighting come
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us and there was group and other secure with the challenges is by having an agreed election date that we have to discuss when and if the early election proposed would have to be backed by the majority of israel's parliament. were families of hostages, held in gaza, continued to protest. let's turn to tie one now, where authorities saved thousands of people are still missing or stranded following the strongest earthquake to hit the island and more than 25 years. at least 9 people were killed and 1000 injured when the quake struck quality and city on wednesday morning. emergency crews are working to clear roads and secure damage. buildings. quick ship all of the taiwan. but the city of quality inn on the east coast was the worst hit. the rescuers have managed to save all residents from partially collapsed buildings and from under
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rubble and down departments, survivors and damaged homes are being moved to temporary shelters. now it's time to prepare for the aftershocks due to not that i'm afraid of aftershocks and i don't know how bad the shaking will be and then the house is already mess. okay, how do you get in that? but there's no way to get in, didn't you post quick, major roads are still blocked off in other areas. taiwan, president elect says they're working to bring everything back to functioning medium . one song, song. we're aiming for 2 way traffic to resume by tomorrow evening. as for the water in the power supply, those will be restored quickly so that people can resume normal life as soon as possible from taiwan lies on a fault line. the island is used to quakes view,
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and recent history have been the severe. more than a 100 after shocks have already been recorded to these correspondent james, a chapter reports now from outside, a damaged building. and while the in city, as we've arrived in call in on taiwan is east coast is the city that has been west of fights. it's by wednesdays of quite a can right now. we're outside one of the buildings which has been, i'm, i'm on the west. i'm interested in quality. and because of the sounds great, you can see some of the damage is clear to see down here you have rubble from what was that just pulling down and the update. there's some cracks in the walls um, produced by the crate. was there some shopping costs and we were taken on the tool by the fiber gauge a few moments ago why he showed us some of the stairwells red avery is really everywhere under the conditions inside remain pretty treacherous on their astray. electric wise everywhere was the pipes for the bus and leaking a water. and so what's happening behind us here is these people residents of this
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building and the fiber gate is taking them up to the homes floor by full um, so that they can collect personal belongings, but they're only allowed to collect some portion belongings, increase the, they're not allowed to stay in the building for too long because they're all concerns about the structural integrity of it. and as i mentioned, those, those conditions inside the building remain, it pretty treacherous and that's also our authorities of saying that people call and return it to this building so far as so many of the people that you see behind to say will be staying in the back to ation shelters or friends homes. and so that's really the story that's emerging from the size quake in taiwan because coming into the city this morning, you really notice the, the impacts of this creek is definitely evidence. you can see the destruction is clear here, but what's, what's crucial is that the destruction isn't close. so i'm not really a testament i thing to the stringent measures. it's high. one is pushing in terms of us quite proofing,
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building over the past couple of decades. and that's why we've seen this big difference for you. so number of people that have been killed by the south quake versus the number of people that have been injured and which is now supposed to start with james trader for us. let's take a look now with some other world news headlines. heavy rain has had parts of china, particularly in the east of the country, where extensive water logging is affecting the growth of early rice seedlings to put on province in southern china has also experienced heavy rainfall. rescue work is ongoing. murder warners in mexico have held a funeral for a mirror of candidates who was killed just hours after launching her campaign. that's it. he said that guy ton had asked for protection before she was gunned down in saliva in central mexico. at least 15 political candidates have already been killed this year ahead of elections in june. the late 40 gunning going as well and president, because that's my daughter has
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a question to ask the law to effectively amec the as a q are region of neighboring guy on of the oil rich region makes up around 2 thirds of guy on his territory. memorial held a controversial referendum in december on the issue on the latest move raises fears venezuela could now invade his neighbor, south african police have arrested its former parliament speaker as part of a corruption investigation. i'll see if, even if he saw enough clues that step down as speaker on wednesday, she is accused of taking several large brides from a former military contractor. while she was defense minister charges that she denies $148.00 and you've gone to is constitutional court has rejected a bid to overturn one of the world's harshest and by homosexuality laws. the legislation passed in may last year, criminalizes same sex act with punishments, including life in prison, and the death penalty active a say the law of violates they're constitutional rights. and opponents say they will appeal to ruling at the supreme court as experts say,
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brazil and columbia experienced a remarkable decrease in primary forest loss in 20222023 deforestation in brazil dropped by a 3rd and by almost half in columbia. that's according to a new report from the non profit world resources institute. a tropical forests are still being destroy the equivalent around 10 football fields lost every minute and 2023. tree loss is still a huge problem in the amazon rain forest, a region considered a key asset in the fight against climate change. in brazil, home to most of the forest, people in the city, a bullying or feeling the effects of weather experience driven by a heating finance for the people of billing in northern brazil life revolves around the river. tied water levels often rise as heavy rain becomes more and more common over the years of abuse or lima has watched the waves a road,
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the coast and change day to day routines. a view of this besides that most people's lives followed the timing of the river. yes, and if i take the children to school earlier, go grocery shopping before the tide rises, small changes to weather patterns like these are becoming more prevalent as the world birds. fossil fuels and heats up the atmosphere, regions in and around the amazon are especially affected as so no means of availability is the risk of drought. slugging and food insecurity is increasing. k, they look at me is because things like, what are you that you mean thought it but right next to building as one of the world's greatest weapons in the fight against climate change, the amazon rain forest. not only does it absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide, but it also plays a vital role in regulating the water cycle. because it's trees recycle the rain that falls there and return it into the air. under former far right president show you both, sonata deforestation, sword. but now brazil is losing as many trees as it was. according to university of
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maryland data tree loss was found by 36 percent in 2023 compared with the year before. since taking office current president leaves the now to let us use this as cracked on deforestation, especially in the amazon has government bolstered law enforcement monitoring the for us and it recognizes more indigenous territories that safeguard nature. but there is still a potential to do much more, for example, to scale up sustainable economies for native plants like the same as i say, he buries the experts. some studies shows that and things are 1st ation. one thing they scanned far is not, we're not only why tried to climate issues, but also create new jobs, improves localized springs for security. next year, the u. n. a will hold its climate change conference and building president, subject to lima, says the meeting is a call to action. so maybe i key additional thing about i fear my children would
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never get to know this place every single guy to be a russian. but worse than a boss on the we have to participate in this person. and so then this process, the hope is the world leader is for only focus on the amazon rain forest. but that they will also pay attention to the plate of the communities around it. now berlin or bavaria might not be the 1st place that you think about when it comes to elephants. but that could, should soon change if a box one as president gets his way. merquiades the msc has threatened to send $20000.00 elephants to germany after berlin warrants that it might limit the import of hunting trophies. botswana is home to one of the world's largest ellison populations and conservation efforts have caused our numbers to grow to more than 130000. in recent years, the government has issued a limited number of hunting permits to keep their populations in check and to raise money for local towns. president msc told the german newspaper that a ban on hunting trophies could impoverish some books. one ends dw
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correspondent ramos who is in the box one in capital and couple rony and explain why the president is a threatening to send so many elephants to germany. that yeah, i agree with you. do 1000 is the low over l offends. i think the president message, there's just trust 3. ted. um they have tried to do the news, the side of the web towards just tried to show the rest been well, but this is why to say opinion on the ground business. why we need tool to do this thing, but the western world has other ideas. so that's why he's also had a new way of doing it. 1000 elephants was only has done so well in terms of the close of ration and where at this stage, because we have be heavy, all these campaigns. we have the dream of the crown with try and, and close out. look only the friends, but
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a lot when my friends and what is coming to happening and because i know it is waking for us and i don't see any reason why it should be stopped. we have 850000. we have 830000 an electron, so you can imagine, i think, right, and i was on, is a leading country when it comes full, ellis and population in the wild to the state of these correspond, pamela rom, us. so in botswana for us, before we go, let's get a quick reminder of our top story. nato is market 75th anniversary with the ceremony and brussels representatives from ukraine are in attendance, as nato discussed as a proposal long term aid funds for kids. the problem was, as russia and nato are now in open confrontation and the head of a charity group who's 804 was attacked in gauze on tuesday, has rejected israel's planes of the strikes were not deliberate. world central kitchen founder jose on dress, says is 8 workers were targeted systematically. does your news update access our
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thank you so much for watching. don't forget, you can also find us online at w dot com the
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just reimbursing the watch now. the or hello and welcome to focus on your of the thank you for joining us today. my name is liz, sho, russia is intensifying. it's a tax on ukraine, which is the cause of tension in neighboring finland. the country shares a long border with russia and joined today till last year and security among the finish population has been growing even in the capital city, helsinki. finland is prepared for the worst case scenario with bunker is like this one here available.


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