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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the the, you're watching the, the name is coming to live from berlin. international pressure bounce on israel over its floor and gaza to army officers are dismissed over the death of aid workers and drums strikes earlier this week is roll. size its troops, thought terrorists were firing from the 8 convoy thousands. turn out in iran for the funeral of revolutionary guard members killed in a striking syria earlier this week. their commander has vowed revenge against israel, which hasn't yet commented on the strikes. the horror of the rwandan genocide, 30 years on. many of those killed floods, churches hoping to find sanctuary. we need one survivor at the sight of one of the
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worst massacres. also coming up on our show today, dw news fall is rescue workers and tie one after the islands. devastating earthquake, of course behind us is the entrance to throw coat and national park. this bridge is as far as john, this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. but with 48 hours since the quake struck with very low cloud efforts becoming more and more the i'm part richardson, thank you so much for joining us as well. so as it has fired to senior officers and reprimanded 3 others for monday's air strikes and gone. so they killed $78.00 workers. an inquiry carried out by israel's military found that its forces mistakenly believe to be mandatory and convoy had been taken over by him ass militants, and that drone operators mistook or humanitarian work or holding
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a bag for a gun, ma'am, the a group is calling for an independent inquiry saying that as well as military can't credibly investigate its own failure. us secretary of state, anthony blinking says the us as carefully reviewing israel's inquiry into the killings. it's very important that as well as taking full responsibility for this incident. it's also important that it appears to be taking steps to hold those responsible accounts. even more important is making sure that steps are taken going forward to ensure that something like this and never happen again from us, or that you all indicated to president biden is israel would be making further changes to his procedures to make sure that those who are providing assistance to people who so desperately need it, and guys that are protected. so we're going to be looking very carefully what those steps are, how it achieves better. deacon's,
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flexion better coordination. so that aid workers are protected. or correspondent rebecca rivers has more on the results of that investigation or will play these. the results came out just a few hours ago here in israel, from the military. from that, so cold independent investigation though it is an internal investigation done by a separate branch within the is really a military. and the basically identified that this, these strikes were carried out in serious violation of military price of gold protocol. and it says that we carried out ju, to miss identification, but in fact, the, the military thought that there was a threat. they thought that somebody thought that they saw a gunman on this humanitarian convoy that was going uh, this was earlier before the firing actually happened that was going to this warehouse. and they thought that that gunman then proceeded to go with this convoy . and that's, of course why they're saying that the,
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the convoy was been fired upon, you know, we, as we know from the reporting of the incident, the, the, the convoy was fired upon the 1st call. the 1st vehicle was fired upon the people tried the people that were still living, we tried to get out, go to the 2nd and the 3rd and they work, you know, it was continually fired at so that is being identified of the miss identification and in and in direct violation of military procedure, as you've mentioned, we've got to a senior military personnel has been dismissed and of some have been reprimanded, including the head of the southern come on that looks off to the military. that that is basically carrying out the operation in gaza. it also says that this is a break down in the chain of come on, but we've been reporting on this week from internal a tunnel reporting that's been done here in israel magazine called a 972 plus 972, that they're in fact is a is a gross breakdown of the china of come on in the military and it has been
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throughout this, in fact, that a machinery has been you to identify targets. and in fact, there is very little in way of chain of come on. so if that is indeed confirmed that could potentially go some way to explaining how something like this could happen. well, after the release of the results of this investigation, have we heard from world central kitchen or other 8 organizations, their response? the wealth central kitchen has come out with a fairly strong response. they are calling for an independent investigation. i mentioned that the 30 uh is there any military or calling this an independent investigation division? in fact, an internal investigation carried out by a separate unit in the army. the world central kitchen say that the apologies for these outrages killings, as they say, a represent cold come set and in fact, they're cooling for more to be done. we've also heard from the un who is encouraging, urging israel to allow an independent investigation. and as you heard that from
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secretary blinking, it could what well be that the us also cool for an independent investigation though they are reviewing this current investigation before they make any comments towards that. but certainly the pressure on israel is growing and you know, we can say that the, the results of this investigation may not satisfy many, many people. let's turn to another development here as well as well today has announced the temporary opening of more aid roots into gaza. well more can you tell us about that? that's right. the air is crossing a, predominantly the one in the north, very prominent crossing that was before october 7th, that was the crossing the most aid and people went through council and also for goods and services. sorry, goods rather going through that crossing. but the areas in the north which is really very close to kansas city in that northern area which is facing simon and a severe, severe food shortage and an area facing the most acute of
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a 3rd shortage. is it close to the areas crossing? so obviously that would be a huge relief to be able to try to get the food in, quote, much closer to the people who needed up in the north. now this has been cooled on for weeks and months. even that 8 organizations have been saying that this crossing needs to be reopened. so it really begs the question now, following on from a phone call between us, president biden. and benjamin netanyahu that happened last night that was reportedly very testy, but suddenly, of a cabinet kinda proves that the crossing be opened. and suddenly this can start to take place. and we don't know exactly when it's going to happen, but it's certainly been agreed and been signal that it will happen. that really makes the question why it has taken so long. why the, as riley government has been so reticent and why they haven't been able to do this despite the international goals and a n calls from engineers and the like,
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just demanding that this crossing the open because that the air drops and the see age that will central kitchen we're providing just, you know, was, was not enough for, for, for the humanitarian catastrophe that is going on and gaza. rebecca, thank you. it is rebecca rivers for us in jerusalem. or the commander of ron's powerful revolutionary guard has said that there will be retaliation for an air strike that destroyed around the consulate in syria. on monday, killing 12 people. he blames the strike on israel entire, on thousands, turned out to attend a funeral for 7 members of the guard, including 2 senior generals who were killed in the blasts classes between israel and the wrong box has bla along b is really lebanese border have increased since the war and gaza began, you know, he's 6 months ago. the funeral took place on oakland, stay an annual event when people in iran and elsewhere around the world stage pro palestinian rallies to let's bring in my colleague new fargo laundry for more welcome. why are we seeing this on our could stay and what kind of reaction have we
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seen from, with in around it to the funeral? from what i hear from pro democracy active as an ordinarily people or a read on social media. i can assure that that people in the wrong and they don't more, but they are happy because i urge you see i'm goats. floors are hated among majority of iranians as they are actively involved in a pressing citizens during various process, especially in the recent process. and you want after the vessel gene on my so i mean, so what we've seen in these for a funeral like always is the minority who call price with the regime directly like regime supporters or the people who are financially or ideologically have some interest in the regime, so the pro democracy active is also saying that this is the perfect timing for this long as republic as they use such events for they own propaganda against israel and
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the west. and just briefly, before i let you go here, looking at the increasing increasingly dire security situation, how likely do you think we are at this point to see a direct confrontation between iran and as well the only in 2024 is where it has conducted more than 30 attacks on iranian targets in syria until 21 quotes force members. but there has been no answer to these attacks. i, i don't think this time is won't be any, a direct confrontation as a it could drag us to the war. if you want and it is the listing, does it uranian regime ones need to mention that here. that's one of the political organizations that belong to the hotline is claimed as all heavy that has been killed in the c a we off was involved in the plots of the attack us on sunday. no october 7th in israel, but i think it's only be attacked by
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a proxies on the far thank you so much for that. that is new of our goal on me to us take a look at what's another story is making a world news, a camera at the united nations in new york, a captured at the moment. a 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck the city. the quakes epicenter was a neighboring new jersey. no damage has been reported, but new york's governor says they are taking the quake seriously because of the risk of aftershocks. 14 people are dead after a truck collided with the boston south, western bolivia. local police said the truck which was filled with salt viewed across the road and crashed into the bus. the fast food chain mcdonald has announced it's buying back, all is really restaurants from the franchise are following boy costs over the war and gaza restaurant operator alone. you all had offer discounts and free meals to is rarely soldiers. mcdonalds has experienced a sale slump in the middle east since the war between israel and hosp again. and at
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least $1500.00 migrants of arrived on the italian islands of land produced in a day and a half after being picked up at sea. the increasing arrivals which coincides with com spring weather conditions and the mediterranean has led to overcrowding in the islands migrant reception facilities. we're looking back at the 1994 genocide in rwanda. the east african nation is marking 30 years since the start of a 100 day massacre in which 800000 people were slaughtered. a warning that where you were about to see you may find distressing. now the killings were mostly carried out by extremists, from the countries majority ethnic hutus against the influential minority towards the population. but also moderate who two's sexual violence was also used as a weapon with as many as 215000 women rates during the genocide
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the numbers of the dead are almost impossible to comprehend. take, for example, the new am i to genocide memorial sites, a single church where 5000 people were murdered over the course of 3 days to dw smart on without reports from the sight of one of the worst massacres of the genocide. it's not often that sometimes finds the strings to come here to a former church. now a memorial to the rhonda genocide, she says this is the place where she refused to die. longer time were you coming back to this place 30 years later? i think it is still a big wound, but it helps me to remember many of the people who died here over into a hush for their belongings are still here, frozen in time. and each piece tells the tale. a person's elbows tightly tied behind their back before being executed,
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toddlers killed with their parents. the killings that started a few days earlier, many to 2 families, including some talent, had children suited refuge here, thinking they'd be safe. but could i get off at them? look good and not the 1st day through grenades into the church, and many people lost their legs. i was so much screaming who those who tried to leave the church were hacked with machetes, a place of century, turned into a burial ground. the remains of more than 45000 people rest at the memorial side. someone display a reminder of the massacre. shantelle managed to escape, a judge was injured. at a corner in that we fled to a nearby school when i felt something hit me in the mouth and other parts of my body where i was holding my kids. i think it was a grenade. then i saw that one of my babies had been killed and that a, she had
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a nearby bushes, but they ended at home with the who to munitions. committing the genocide found her attacked her with a machete to a rock into her head. the friend lying next to her hiding under banana leaves was done to life, sits as little as they came back. often they rammed a spear, and to me, mocking us saying, you cockroach has don't die easily. i stayed in there for some time. my wounds were rod and comforting had maggots falling out of them. days later has been found and brought her to safety, 30 kilometer se. another community is trying to reconcile with the past and move them over the form of perpetrators and the families of the victims. left side by side mean noises. 2 brothers and a cousin were killed during the genocide. these could not be valuable, grew to be killed hacked here and here in the head, in the throat,
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all parts of the body, shred it, even by the, my dead brothers. i loved the hands that would have supported me down. the man who killed them supreme at that bottle was tried and one of wanda's poles, genocide, tribunal, and spent 12 years in prison. on his release, he asked to be useful forgiveness and she accepted. now the regularly participate in group activities together with other former perpetrators and victims. it's all part of a government program to create unity among brandons and re establish trust following the genocide that split communities would. would that work for sion tied to could see, forgive her attackers and killers of her baby what, what do we have a good country and that has brought us together and we loved each other. but it does not rule out the possibility that there could still be remnants of genocide ideology. in some people's hearts you can't see and people's heart,
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it's an older woman. her son was killed during the genocide would now be a grown like other kids in charge of some kind of hopes. that generation would be able to put the genocide and the divisions of the past behind them to the office of emmanuel and my clients. as the french president will release the videos this weekend, addressing francis failure to stop the rwandan genocide, presidential office sources say that in the video, micron says when the phase of total extermination against the tutsis began the international community had the means to know and act france which could have stopped the genocide with its western and african allies, lacked the will to do so. during a visit in 2021 to rewan de cron recognized frances responsibility in the genocide but stopped short of making an apology. and on that note, i would like to bring in a paul assignment handy, regional director for east africa and representative to the african union for the
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institute for security studies. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us french president. my crohn has said, france stood defacto by a genocidal regime. how significant was france's role and rwanda friends. so was playing an important role. it was um and the bottom to ally of the form of government under prison of jerry rana. and these government was fighting a rebellion that was marching towards gabby. so and funds was it was a defense and security path now that come from and so forth. was an important clear . but of course, the way other players, including the us, european union by the gym and, and do united nations. and do you expect to see at any stage
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a formal apology from france for what happens? i think be on a put a j is what is important is uh the recall condition of the drawer in my view of the product to failure of the international community in um i know we can get general sites to happen. um we, i'm talking about the international community here because we have to also take into account the, the failure of the us army in somalia a year before that actually lead 20 per our lives auction. we didn't do, you integrate the concepts and that stopped us eventually to us. so intervene in, in preventing these a, my 2nd step amount just to genocide. and why do you think we did see this, this lack of will within the international community to intervene. i think it was some, i mean it was
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a ninety's beginning of the ninety's and of the cold war. uh the you were in was playing was course to play any more important role. um, the international community did not have the tools yet to, to intervene. actually, the ones in general side is probably was probably, uh, the moment uh, after which, the, the, you in, uh, mostly develop the tools we see to the multi dimensional peacekeeping and an international a to books offers solutions to international conflict. so before that, it was the time of renew one, and during this transition, the general say it's happened. so maria happen, and we shouldn't forget that somebody, every meetings are failed states up to the end. and this, this type of uh,
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transition actually made this possible without actually justifying what happened. i think would many look at our last reports and then the images. if they're wanting genocide, they ask themselves, how could something like this have happened? what do you think were the biggest factors that played into the escalation of this conflict? and of course, the way i'm eastern are dynamics in rwanda. uh there was a secret wall. and uh that seed was actually, um, just a condemnation of fire. yes. must that goes that had taken place both in the run the and groomed into deacon's before seems independence after the even before independence. so there was these built up that was uh, happening uh and they were actually also launched. give them a 2nd that's happened. we'll seen run that and, and brewing before. and there's also original conflicts with integrate clips that
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has often been relatively on the table and also allowed different doors to play or role. and as i said earlier, there wasn't studies clicked. the failure of both the african community african union, regional organizations in africa, off the u. n. united nations, particularly during the technicians that creates a concert that at the somebody fields including the tree. i think i remember as a member of the united nations at that time it's, i will need that actually one that was part of the us like read your concepts about payments where you see the line for interrupting you've. you've mentioned that out of this genocide came also a tool kits for the international community to deal with this kind of conflict. i'd like to ask you also specifically about efforts by rolanda as government and to bring a hutus and tutsis together it's, it's remarkable to see that you living side by side peacefully and communities
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after the level of violence that happened. what do you make of projects like these? and you think that that kind of scheme could also work elsewhere in the world's that hopefully i mean, what's run, the deed was innovate to you. so what fund to do to us, to actually try and look at what the quarter to do using their own traditional recognizance to di or wish to pass the use very, you know, the chief transitional justice mix thoughts that's worked perfectly way to so a tremendous work was done by one that in terms of frequency deviation. and this is remarkable. i mean, conflict studies studies provide me one of the most important and fees of reconciliation. that's happened after such a tragedy. and probably these kind of these, um,
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eventually you should be uh, replicated but you know, context much i've seen those in the, in those issues. um, it is difficult to replicate what happens in a specific context and try to get it in the other context, but definitely run the uh, both the general sites. um, so it's in the made some historical advances to watch reconciliation. well, thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us today. that is all simon handy with the institute for security studies. we very much appreciate your time. thank you. now rescuers are still working to reach scores of people trapped after wednesday's earthquake and tie. one of the massive cleanup operations begins. at least 12 people were killed and over a 1000 injured in the quake in the eastern city. a foggy and near the epicenter, workers have the gun demolishing a building that's been tilting at a severe angle since the disaster struck. officials hope to complete the demolition in 2 weeks. the magnitude 7.4 earthquake was the islands worst in
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a quarter century. he w correspondent james cheddar reports from a remote national park, where many people are waiting to be brought to safety high up into ronco, national park on ty, one's east coast rescue teams rush to find people still stranded. 2 days on from the quake that is provided by authorities show the dangerous links being taken to find those who was still missing. the focus has now turned to this roggette. parts of taiwan is east coast, where hundreds remain stuck in a hotel. some have been taken down to safety by heavy called to the withdrawal off . the shock still broke in the area. many narrow roads like this one a too dangerous to pass through to the mayor afloat in the city closest to the last quakes. that'd be sensor said rescue teams were redoubling assets in the area. he does all day being hood search teams, including ones from all around taiwan. nice, are being coordinated and dispatched by the tour roekel highway bureau to search
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for the missing tools through various routes. pay $10.00 to go good to, to, to associate on the mountain this roads, a steady stream of emergency vehicles and the strain of sirens. the gorge behind us as the entrance to the right code and national park. this bridge is as far as john, this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. but with 48 hours since the quake struck with very low clouds. estimates becoming more and more urgent. back from the bridge is offensive for rescue oppressions. he made a treat emergency teams plans so sees into the national park. this officer came up from taiwan, southern city of goshen and said his team is helping send food and drink to those traps. does that mean the biggest problem would be range when it rains there is greater risk of falling rocks and land slides will after prepare water proof clothing to right now,
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it's impossible to say how long our efforts will go on and there's a lot and that isn't as update as our i'm clear, richardson in the for lynn for me in the whole team. thank you so much for watching . the, the, the
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remedy or risk means leanna of the scenario. because it's juice can cause hours of intoxication. clean trying to stand as part of the fixed ritual. generations may open up completely new perspectives in medicine. i was next
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profit. all that massive, illegal leather stuff may said on d w the they drink a strong cycle active pru. hi, uh ios sca, taurus often join in the see if i was 6 when i 1st took iowa. and this indigenous remedy is attracting a growing number of visitors said to call me my peripheral vision is better nice and clear with much fuss who need cooling are profiting from.


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