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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news loudly from berlin. international pressure mounts on israel over its warren gauze to army officers are dismissed over the depth of 8 workers and drones strikes earlier this week. israel says its troops, thoughts, terrorists were firing from the convoy, also coming up thousands to renounce in iran for the funeral of revolutionary guard members killed in a strong and syria. earlier this week. their commander has vowed revenge against israel, which hasn't yet commented on the strike. less shaken, not the stern, a small earthquake jolts, new york city, people reward feeling the earth move under their feet. but luckily, nobody's hurt. the
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welcome to the show. israel says it has fire to senior officers and reprimand a 3 others for monday's air strikes in gaza that killed 78 workers. an inquiry carried down by israel's military found that its forces mistakenly believe that humanitarian conroy had been taken over by her most militants. and that drone operators, ms. stoke, a humanitarian worker holding a bag or a gun in the a group is calling for an independent inquiry stating that israel's military cans credibly investigate its own failure. of course bonnets, rebecca ritter's andrews and told me more about the results of this internal inquiry. the results came out just a few hours ago here in israel, from the military, from that uh so cold. the independent investigation though it is an internal
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investigation done by a separate branch within the is really a military. and the basically identified that this, these strikes were carried out in serious violation of military prior to gall protocol. and it says that we carried out, ju, to miss identification. that in fact, the, the military felt that there was a threat. they felt that somebody thought that they saw a gunman on this humanitarian con boy, that was going uh, this was earlier before the firing actually happened that was going to this warehouse. and that they thought that that gunman then proceeded to go with this convoy. and that's, of course why they're saying that the, the convoy was been fired upon, you know, we, as we know from the reporting of the incident of the, the convoy was fired upon the 1st call. the 1st a vehicle was fired upon and the people tried the people that were still living, we're trying to get out, go to the 2nd and the 3rd and i work, you know, it was continually fired at so that is being identified as
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a miss identification and in and in direct violation of military procedure, as you've mentioned, we've got to senior military personnel has been dismissed and of some have been rep reminded, including the head of the southern come on that looks off to the military. that, that is basically carrying out the operation in gaza. it also says that this is a breakdown in the chain of come on, but we've been reporting on this week from internal a tunnel reporting that's being done here in israel magazine called a 972 plus 972, that they're in fact is a, is a gross breakdown of the china of come on in the military and that has been throughout this, in fact, that a machinery has been you to identify targets. and in fact, there is very little in way of china of come on. so if that is indeed concern that could potentially go some way to explaining how something like this could happen. that was our correspondence, rebecca rivers in jerusalem, speaking to us earlier there. well,
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the ease foreign policy chief to that burrell says a decision by israel to open up more core doors for aid and to gauze. i won't be enough to stop starvation in the territory. israel's move came after pressure from the us on thursday. the opening of the air is crossing into the palestinian territories north was among several steps approved by israel's cabinet to let in more humanitarian assistance. the ports and ash dont will also be reopened to process 8 shipments bound for gaza and more deliveries will pass through crush along in the south was here how you as president joe biden responded to israel is move to the for us and it just stopped mid a tree, are you there is ro i asked of it there what they're doing? well, for some context i'm joint now. why are corresponding benjamin alvarez in the washington? benjamin, a very short response there from the us presidents saying that israel is doing what he asked them to do. do they lay out any steps beyond the opening of the 2
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crossings that he's being implemented? a very short on site indeed. and president biden did not announce concrete measures in this raw, the cryptic onset from the us president as part of broader mixed messaging from the whitehouse regarding and score and stance a to israel while the wide has welts and israel's announcement of opening this 8 roads. washington stressed that the plan must be rapidly implemented and that is expected part of the assessment of the united states of israel's immediate action that will determine a u. s. policy. that's what the white house set off to the cold between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. but at the same time, yes, officials told the washington post that the board has ministration approved the transfer of thousands more weapons to israel on the same day. that is really a strict think of the killed it'd be $78.00, which is now the warning that we heard yesterday coming out of washington was quite staunch and quite unprecedented. but the humanitarian crisis and gaza has been
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reading since the war began. so in your opinion, one took the bite and administration so long this there is a question that many not only here in the us are asking themselves after october, 7th of last year. more than $168.00 workers were killed and gaza only in that year . in those a few weeks. the total is larger than all 8 worker that's worldwide. and every year since 1997 according to age book, a database. but it is this killing of the west and aid workers that appears to mocking inflection point full bite and support of israel. the colts, the condition military a to as well as the gas does, with every other ally, world wide on new indeed, but actions speak louder than words. and the frustration here is growing that the yes is not completely using. it's leverage with israel showing that there was this phone call in the statement that made it a israel, also the pressure to israel to open this new intrigues me at job. d and benjamin yeah, we've had
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a difficult relationship. how much strain is this war putting on us is really relations on top of the, of the relationship between both countries. strange indeed and patients is running out here in washington. also. it because president biden knows that he's losing a lot of voters, had of the presidential elections that are happening this year in this country. more and more petitions also from the democrats, from his party is speaking out in favor of conditioning a to israel. and they also know and it happened telling the winehouse that it words are not enough. the actions are actually needed in talking about actions. we just need to look it to geneva today. whether you enter human rights council approved this resolution calling on countries to stop selling weapons it to israel with 28 countries. voting in favor. 6 against and 13 extensions in the u. s. and germany, which account for the vast majority of israel's arms exploit both voted against.
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and that's exactly what many is saying that the us needs to do more needs to use of leverage to condition and put more pressure on the government to spend a minute on yelling. israel definitely use benjamin alvarez in washington. thank you so much. the commander of iran is powerful, revolutionary guard has said there will be retaliation for an air strike that destroyed iran consulate and serial on monday, killing 12 people. he blames the strike on israel and tear around thousands turned down to attend a funeral for 7 members of the guard, including 2 senior generals who were killed in the blast. cautious between israel and ron backed, has bla, along the israel. a lebanese border have increased since the war and gaza began nearly 6 months ago. the funeral took place on all could stay an annual event when people in around and elsewhere around the world stage pro palestinian rallies. simon maven is a middle east analyst at lancaster university and you told me how serious israel showed take this threat from iran. they will be taking it very seriously,
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particularly benjamin netanyahu, who for the past 30 years, has been viewing around us. the great danger to is really, society is an ex, essential strategy. he's been making speeches about around being this, this real puppet mazda, controlling the lives of the region and posing a threat to as well. so for nothing, yahoo, it will be taken very, very seriously. but for others that will be this acceptance, that's a ron, is having to engage in some degree of performance of auction, of having to appease a number of different constituencies. and so i don't think that this will lead to a dramatic escalation in the short term. but what it does do is it makes an already for you bryley k, all tech and precarious environment that much more dangerous. that was simon maven, middle east analyst at lancaster university speaking to me earlier. let's take a look now at some of the stories making news around the world. argentina's president probably army lay has met with us military leaders in the field about and
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for the region of this country to discuss plans for a new naval base china. it has previously lobby to establish a base and the region of the southern tip of the south american continent, which is considered a gateway to antarctica. and bob waste central bank has launched a new currency backed by gold in an attempt to tackle sky high inflation and to stabilize the economy. big as it's known will replace those and baldwin dollar, which has experience of dramatic reduction in value over the last year. and the river send in paris has burst its banks flooding keys in the french capital. the waters are expected to rise to a peak 4.3 meters on saturday. a large clock counting down to the pears lympics the summer had to be removed from the rising waters up to new york. now we're a 4 point. 8 magnitude. earthquake has struck shrieking buildings in an area that rarely experiences seismic activity. the quakes as the center was in neighboring
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new jersey where a camera captured the tremors in a cafe. the incident caused some delays in rail and air traffic, but new york's mayor said, there were quotes, no major life safety or infrastructure issues from the earthquake. encouraged new yorkers to go about their day as normal despite the scare. as earthquakes don't happen every day in new york. so this can be extremely dramatic. the number of text calls inquiries that people sent out to not only our ministration for to family members checking on them. we know how this can impact you, but we're ready for the unexpected. this is new york city and we responded quarterly. and we can now get more on this unusual tremor from the w reporter, daniel attorney who joins us from jersey city in new jersey. can you tell us how it is where you are? it did you feel the earthquake? this must have been quite unexpected.
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and we sent the stockings frame underneath the seats and we met at busing bites, but it was not 4.7 and mug me to talk to him. he said he was using where we are standing right now. but the to the, to the area. most people here there's not much that can shake a new yorker, but what have officials told people regarding the situation? are they supposed to take precautions? now, what about after shock to new york?
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on your custom reports on amy crux, on the paintings department, but the residents, stacy vance, search right on the face of the case. you need to see these basic needs running state dw reporter, daniel. i'm going to be in new jersey. and same from us. please stay safe, many thanks for your update. and finally, the secret to living a long life. we all want to know and i'm sure just good luck. apparently that's according to the world's oldest man. and that title goes to 111
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year old john tennis wood from the okay. he's inherited the goodness world records title from the event as well, a man whose death was announced earlier this week. tennis wood said there was no secret to his diet. and his favorite food was fish and chips, which he, every friday in tokyo, is in full bloom with a familiar spring site of cherry blossoms this year, a little later than usual, a popular draw for tourists and residents. a length of blanket of pink was delayed due to colder weather cherry blossoms known as the kora and japanese. are the nations favorite flowers? the trees usually r a peak loom in late march to early april. and a reminder of our top story, the israel effects to army officers for their role and the depth of international 8 workers and gaza and inquiry found. they had attacked the aid trucks after
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misidentifying the vehicles as having come on a gun. thank you so much for your company. the for now we'll be back with more at the top of the next hour. see that's the little guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for these issues. picture id, you know, on this channel we are not afraid to pass and then it gets copy. young people clearly have the solution, the future of the 77 percent, every weekend on dw did you know that norway souls way more.


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