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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from bell in israel thomas has the army officers involved and deadly drawn strikes in dallas, a 2 offices of 5 and seem to come on those rep from onto, to over the strikes that killed 78 workers on monday. israel says that vehicles the wrongly identified as having her mas gunmen and some also coming up the w news fellows rescue workers in taiwan off to the orleans devastating has to go, which proclaimed us the entrance through our co, a national park. this bridge is as far as john, this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. so with 48 hours since the quake struck with very low clouds,
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efforts becoming more and more urgent. i'm glad that it says welcome to the program. israel says it as 5 to senior offices over mondays as strikes and gone, so that killed $78.00 workers. the incident has increased pressure on his realm, especially from its strongest allies in washington. the us told israel to change its military tactics and allow more age into the palestinian territory. seen a view as democrats have signed a that's a edging for the whole thing of armstrong 1st. israel doesn't do more to protect innocent civilians on friday be is really government said would allow humanitarian shipments into one of its hobbles as well as temporarily open to land crossings into garza. here it is,
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rails are stalled paws. h shipments bound for gaza will soon be accepted and for the south, the air is crossing will be reopened, says he's rent. it used to be a pos way for people to cross the border until her mouse militants used it as an entry point for their october 7th terror attacks. now israel will reopen the check point temporarily, as well as the kareem show long crossing into southern gaza. israel is about phase comes after pressure from its closest ally, the u. s. on attempt starting coal, president biden told prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that the us would review it, support of the wall. if changes weren't made a reprimand that appears to have sped israel to action partner,
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he's rails about face on aid fuller's international outrage over in a strike earlier this week that killed 78 work is in the gaza strip. after swift investigation, these riley army fired 2 offices and reprimanded and 3 senior command. uh i was supposed to know the inquiry found. they had a tax the a trucks off to miss identifying the vehicles as having come off. gunman inside israel has expressed quite deep, sorry for the incident and made a commitment to protect aid workers. the un, however, is demanding an independent investigation exam or bar visa only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that the allow for those mistakes to multiply by and by the gain. nearly $200.00 humanitarian
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aid workers have died in gaza strip attacks since october 7th, according to the un. and as the war news is a 6 month mock, several 8 agencies want that mold and fall off of causes population is on the brink of famine. while the w correspondence records, as joyce is now from jerusalem, rebecca, the pressure is growing on israel from various sides, especially from the us to change its tactics and gauze. and tell us more about that as well. got as you heard in that report that you and he's calling for an independent investigation into the incident that killed the 7 international aid. wel, cuz the world central kitchen has organizations, employees were caught up in that attack is also cooling for an independent investigation. it says anything short of an independent investigation is not good enough that the is riley military investigation, just lacks credibility. and that is something that we're starting to hear. the
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ripples that we're starting to hit wider and wider in the international community. overnights a letter was co signed by around about the c, a senior congress, people in the united states to address to president bon and secretary state anthony, blinking, calling for an independent investigation into this incident and also calling for the whole thing of weapons transfers to israel until israel improves that it is going to do more to help the in suing humanitarian catastrophe. that is currently underway in gaza. they say that, you know, is really simply not doing enough. and that, you know, basically the only leave of that that the us have really is to hold weapons transfers. and so that is a very strongly worded listed by some of the my senior members of congress, including nancy pelosi, the former house speaker, a close ally of president biden. so it is unlikely that we will see no response.
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but of course, that left to came just a couple of hours after the us not national security advisor, john coby had told the media that the us, we're not going to call for an independent investigation, but it's, i think it's the pressure is definitely growing and it's unlikely that the international community and certainly also members of the us congress are going to allow this to be brushed onto the compet. there's also more pressure and threats are coming from iran, both the us and the as well on high alert. now why, as well that is certainly the big news here. it's what's taking up most of, of the, you know, the, the, the space and all the national papers here is this. now, new threat from iran, it valves around valves to retaliate for an attack that it says was carried out by israel in syria on monday, killing several events senior come senior commanders in that in that
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attack. and it says it is going to is going to retaliate, now it's loudly so that iran will now directly retaliate rather than going through one of its proxies such as has belong, according to us media reports, the iranian military is on high alert, u. s. military in the region has also been put on high alert. and of course here in israel, the military on high alert israel saying it is prepared to defend an attack and it will retaliate to any such attack. we're starting to hear series of what might happen though, of course, nobody really knows exactly what the iranian plans could be. but the, we're hearing reports that likely scenarios could be an attack on embassy embassies, is ready embassies around the world. and suddenly embassies all taking precautions, many of them remaining closed. and now the possibility could be a direct strike on infrastructure he with in israel. and the, as i said, is really military preparing for such an event. and for retaliation,
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the timeline given is also unknown, but many analysts assuming, thinking security analysts thinking that it could be this week even before the end of aid, which has middle of next week. so, you know, suddenly very, very highlight, these threats being taken very seriously, although israel did not claim responsibility for that attack on monday, unless it's due largely see it as an escalation in israel's campaign against iran. and it's proxies. and though it's believed that neither side wants to see in or out conflict, this is certainly the biggest escalation we've seen at since the beginning of this conflict, despite old, that is under us, apparently not losing hope to negotiate a cx 5 with her mazda is there a meeting in cairo this weekend, is there any ground for up to me as well? the us and is raining, negotiate is heading back to cairo. as you just said, i hope i mean these adults have been going on for months now. and this, i suppose,
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always room for hope, although we see little reason to believe that they'll be any difference in these talks. president biden of the us has written to both the tardies and the addictions, to urge them to put pressure on her mazda trying to come to a deal. and it's also being reported that pressure is being put on benjamin netanyahu to allow stick to the empower who's negotiate is if you will to also come to a deal so precious. suddenly bang, put on both sides. the mouse has come out and said united sees, there's no difference in what israel is bringing to the table so it saves, you know, little point to really, you know, take these talks very seriously. it's saying that these are, are clearly doesn't, you know, he's not trying very hard to get these hostages out, and it's not serious about coming to these talk. so i, i think it's unlikely that this rounds, you know, it will say anything much different to what we've been seeing in the previous rounds. of course, the families of the people who are still engaged, that remain like they maintain hope. and many is right,
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is always riley. so i would say are, you know, obviously very, very hopeful putting pressure on the government to make sure this is a top priority. however, we just have to say what comes out of these talks? if anything, you know, the 1st point is rebecca, which is the report from jerusalem. thank you very much for that. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines. the same as president. have you ever met with us military leaders to discuss plans for joint naval base? china has previous the lobbies to establish a base in the tierra del f wiggle region. it lies at the southern tip of south america, which is considered the gateway to an active con. 4.8, magnitude of quake struck new york city checking buildings in an area that rarely experiences seismic activity. the incentive was in the neighboring new jersey. the
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incident caused some delays and rail and ad traffic button. else may have set the quotes, no major live safety or infrastructure issues from that us quite residents of the russian city of oscar being they've actually to do to flooding offer done by us. it's hard to say up to 10000 people could be effective. local emergency services are working to show up the time which is in the euro, mountains close to the board of cosmic stock. and the 600 people are still stranded in taiwan 3 days up to the countries west of quake for 25 years. at least 12 people were killed and over a 1000 injured in the quest. meanwhile, a massive clean up operation is underway in the eastern city of why the in new the sense of work has gone demolishing a building. that's been the tilting of a precarious angle since the disaster struck officials helped to complete the
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demolition into to the magnitude 7.4 time it was the islands. worse than the quote essentially. the w correspondent james straight to results from the remote national park. but many people were still waiting to be brought to safety high up into the wrong co national park on ty, one's east coast rescue teams rush to find people still stranded. 2 days on from the last quake that is provided by authority show the dangerous things being taken to find those who were still missing. the focus is now turned into this roggette. parts of taiwan is east coast, where hundreds remain stuck in a hotel. some have been taken down to safety by heavy called to the with the strong officers shock still broken the area, many narrow roads like this one up to dangerous depaul through to the mayor of florida in the city closest to the last quakes. epi sensor said rescue teams were redoubling assets in the area. he does all things being hook search teams,
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including ones from all around taiwan. nice are being coordinated and dispatched by the turbo highway bureau to search for the missing to through various routes by $10.00 to go good to, to, to associate on the mountain this roads, a steady stream of emergency vehicles and the strain of sirens. the guards behind us is the entrance to throw coat and national park. this bridge is as far as john, this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. but with 48 hours since the quake struck with very low clouds, efforts becoming more and more hudgens back from the bridge is defensive for rescue operations. he made a treat emergency teams plans so sees into the national park. this officer came up from taiwan, southern city of goshen and said his team is helping send food and drink to those traps stacks. i mean, the biggest problem would be rains when it rains. there is greater risk of falling
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rocks and land slides will after prepare waterproof clothing to right now, it's impossible to say how long our efforts will go on. and there's a lot of people who like the senior into local or national park is usually a magnet to the tourist and taiwan. but the domestic landscaping is also made rescue operations even more challenging. are now what is the secret to living a long life? apparently it is to lock that's according to the wells oldest man. the 111 year old john tennis wood from liverpool in england as just inherited the again, as well as records title. he said, you are the live long while you live shorts and to con, too much about his. he doesn't follow any particular boss. he doesn't enjoy his favorite meal bass efficient ships. before i put on him, you're watching the the news here as a reminder of our top story, israel as 5 to the army officers folder of roland, the killing of international aid workers in gauze,
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and his radian quietly fonts. i have detect the close of that miss identifying them as having a most government and so that's it for me in the news team up next read takes the trip to to know got a symbol and thanks for the vis. shadows of jumping. these costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up, and he employed a score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. did you know that norway cells way more electric cars per capita than the us, norway.


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