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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the double your news, live from berlin. israel remembers the october 7th come off terror attacks, thousands of 10 visuals nationwide and around the world for those killed and kidnapped from here from a family member directly affected. also coming up prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel is on the verge of victory and gossip and again, rules out any truce until him, off fries, the remaining hostages, the mariana evans, dean,
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welcome. 6 months to the day since the homeless terror attacks visuals are taking place around the world and across israel to commemorate the victims in jerusalem, thousands of gathering to remember the $1200.00 killed and the more than 200 kidnapped on october 7th of last year. they're calling on these really governments to bring home around 130 people still being held captive in casa dw correspondent. i mean, as of has more from one of the visuals in jerusalem. this is a very somber affair. these people gathered here well over a 1000 in jerusalem, but also a 1000 more and tell us even other cities around israel they've gathered to commemorate to honor of the hostages. those still held captive by a mos over a 130 still held captive. we're hearing testimony from families right now and you can see the crowd behind me and it goes on about 500 meters behind me and another
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few 100 meters in front of me. we're hearing testimony from families of those hostages. still held captive. now they give often a very somber account of what they've gone through with their loved ones. they're going through now, but a lot of times these accounts, these testimonies end with the chance, bring them home now. and when they chance there's, there's anger in their voice because a lot of people here is real. i cannot believe that after 6 months of war, a very bloody, more in gaza that these hostages have still not been uh, brought back safely. that was dw correspondence. i mean s, as in jerusalem, well and other developments, israel's army says it has pulled all of its troops out of southern gauze them. the withdrawal covers the city of con eunice, which came under heavy bombardment bonds. the military says a significant force will continue to operate within the homeless run, gaza strip,
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focusing on what it calls intelligence based action. meanwhile, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel's forces are one step away from victory. natania also repeated that there can be no truce without the release of the remaining hostages being held by him off addressing his cabin is atanya who summed up what he sees as israel's accomplishments in the war. a home say my own. there were marking 6 months of war today. the achievements of the war are great. we've eliminated 19 out of 24. how much battalions, including senior commanders, and we've killed wounded or captured a significant number of how much terrorists we've cared. she felt as well as many other terrorist headquarters. we've destroyed rockets, manufacturing plants, war rooms, weapons, and ammunition caches. and we continue to systematically destroyed the underground tunnels, where a step away from victory land. it's
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a home very near own of kings college london told us earlier what she makes of natania whose list of achievements the video with assessment is very interesting because these are some metrics by which he judges success. however, as has been shown in the past, such as during the vietnam war of so called counting on enemies casualties doesn't really provide your real metric of success of the operation. and what we're seeing right now was events on the ground and the fact that one battalion moved to the left in the cells and part of gaza will see that the 2 things. and destroying from us was the 1st one and releasing the hostages. they have still not been achieved, and the question is, how compatible as those 2 aims was one another that
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was maurine moran associate professor at kings college luncheon. well, among the targets of the attacks launched by him of 6 months ago were isolated farming communities and a peaceful music festival. we look back now to what happened on october 7th. are these festival goers seemingly oblivious to the exploded rockets overhead? soon afterwards, panic is how much the militants run. run page at the know the music festivals in something, israel almost 360 young people were killed. and this attack just killing me to is from the guns a boat, a dozen small. what kidnapped us lights on saturday. october the 7th. i'm us began firing a biology of rocket some of the gaza strip towns in southern israel, such as ash, cologne, bowed. the brunt is limits, militants also broke,
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so it was really bold offenses. cctv future, it shows them entering a couple woods. but thomas also felt the terra. it's inflicted on his way to communities as well as coming around 1200 people move in to 120 would taken hostage and driven over the boulder into garza. that's mounting evidence, some were subjected to serious sexual violence in an audio message. how must minute tree come on to my home a day if cool, don't old palestinians to fight. this video footage shows palestinians on the go, as opposed to celebrating on top of and is really time that was sent to have been captured by come us. the empty israel robbie's in the occupied westbank as well as in other countries such as iran. israel's response was swift as it began. it's
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bombardment of the gaza strip with devastating results. as i saw him, citizens of israel. i mean, we are at war not even in operation will be said to have more than we come up. this is rouse, most powerful ally. the united states offered its total support. the united states stands with israel. we will not ever fail to have her back. october the 7th day of terra and cottage it continues to traumatize israel and to day for which garza is still paying the price. let's turn our attention out of some of the other stories making news this our storm. kathleen has swept over the u. k. and ireland
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bringing disruption to air travel and fairies. the storm also caused power outages and over $30000.00 homes and businesses in ireland. residents there have been warrants to avoid coastal roads. poland is holding local elections is the 1st test for the new government of prime minister donald to us opinion polls show his centers. pro european coalition is neck and neck with a conservative law and just as party and govern full in from 2015 until last year. vitale and fashion jain, georgia armani operations has been put into judicial administration during approved over work or exploitation. armani allegedly used off the books, labor, who were paid just 2 to 3 years an hour and were made to work long shifts in degrading conditions. reno, nevada, russian authorities have evacuated more than $4000.00 people, offer several danverse on the euro river near the border with context of flood
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waters broke through the barrier after hours of torrential rain. more than 2000 homes are flooded in the city of orth to respond to now, which is marking the 30 year anniversary of the start of the 1994 genocide. it's estimated that more than 800000 people were murdered, political, religious and community leaders gathered with survivors and keep going to remember the victims of the killings which were mostly carried down by extreme is from the countries majority, ethnic hutus against the minority tootsie population. d, w. 's, mariel miller visited the nie a motto, genocide, memorial, signed a former church where thousands of people were killed over several days. it was among the worst atrocities of the genocide in rwanda. it's not often that sometimes finds the strings to come here to a former church. now a memorial to the rhonda genocide,
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she says this is the place where she refused to die. look, look, i get off at the gate and not the 1st stay through grenades into the church, and many people lost their legs. i was so much screaming. those who tried to leave the church were hacked with machetes, though the belongings are still here, frozen in time. and each piece tells the tale, a person's elbows tightly tied behind their back before being executed. toddlers killed with the parents who 2 minutes i had stopped at its kenning street a few days earlier. many to 2 families sold refuge here, thinking that'd be safe from the symbol you're coming back to this place 30 years later. i think that is still a big wound, but it helps me to remember many of the people who died here. we're going to rush with you. you shouldn't have left the church but was attacked and injured. one of
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her children she was trying to protect was killed to the remains of more than 45000 people of rest at the memorial side. some on display, a reminder of one of the was mess it because of the genocide. 30 kilometers south east. and we're moving move village, an attempt at reconciliation, former perpetrators, and the families of the victims, left side by side. here, louise's 2 brothers and the cousin were killed by a neighbor. what are these twin knobby but they were brutally killed hacked here and here in the head, in the throat, all parts of the bodies, shred it, go by them. oh my god, brothers, i loved the hands that would have supported me down. the man who killed them c p. m . i tremble was tried and spent 12 years in prison. on his release he asked who we use for forgiveness and she accepted with other former perpetrators and victims irregularly participate in activities promoted by the government to create unity
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among brandons. but with that workforce on tied to could she forgive her attack? cuz and can as of her baby what, what do we have a good country and that has brought us together and we loved each other. but it does not rule out the possibility that there could still be remnants of genocide ideology in some people's hearts. you can't see and people's heart, it's an older woman. her son who was killed during the genocide would now be a grown up like other kids. had hopes that generation will be able to put the divisions of the past behind them. governments across left america are condemning a raid by ecuador on the mexican embassy in quito, mexico. several diplomatic ties with ecuador over the detention of the former ecuadorian vice president hor, glass. he was facing corruption charges, but had been given political asylum inside mexico's embassy. the
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big photo is right of mexico's embassy has caused outrage. a growing list of countries have issued scaling. refute protein in mexico took the theory to the spring with a mixture of helplessness, anger, frustration, and above whole. seeing that the spot there, if it's to keep people inside safe, i don't want to. i did not succeed. normal garcia, equal of forces broke into the mix. the can. the embassy on friday night arresting a quarter was full of vice president, jorge eyeglass, who had been granted assign them the last spaces, corruption charges, and has been taken to a maximum security prison. the embassy has been closed off to the right, which makes the courtesies violate international norm. 40. so to
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me, the president, again, that is my as per instructions of president, under this monday lopez open the door. we are coordinating the return of one of our diplomatic stuff in equity do along with that families off to the violent a time, carry down. but ecuadorian police in the embassy unrestrained by sullivan make equal equal door is defending the risk which it sees was due to the risk of immune and escape by the fact we don't know, criminal can be considered a political refugee because the you in is cooling for come over the escalating spat, aging both it's what, what end mexico to show motivation and some of the differences through peaceful means. and that's the latest on dw news up next is our technology show shift with a look at virtual reality tourism. where headsets images take the place of actual travel. marian evans thing,
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i'll be back at the top of the hour with some more headlines for you from me and the entire team here in berlin. thanks for watching the fast fashion as an environmental nightmare. a closing graveyard image of land desert this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and the lightest textile waste gets stranded here.


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