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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST

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i'm going to have you as a one, dodge, so they need this of course we're going to respond and unexpected side. so slide the, this, the state of the news that for said coming up on the program, 800000 people murdered in just a 100 days, 3 decades off to the one to a genocide. can they ever be completed reconciliation? it was mass killing, ordered from the top, meticulously planned and executed without this to cease and moderate horses mess the kid with machetes by vigilantes. that road blocks with has been even killing their wives. many flipped to churches hoping to find sanction. but there was none. we made sense how to manage to escape the killing in
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a church that became a mess burial ground. and we talked to a london full makers who discovered the colonial roots of the genocide held germany and belgium sees and used one to at the start of the 20th century. sewing the seas of division and deliberate policy of divide and conquer the hello. i'm cassim adult. welcome to this special edition of the program. we're looking back at the 1994 genocide in one to the east african nation is mocking 30 years since the start of a 100 day mess because in which 800000 people was slower, said the killings were mostly carried out by extreme is from the countries majority, if the recruiters against of the influential minority towards the population,
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but also moderate horses. here's a reminder of how this bruce whole civil conflict shocked the world. and just to warn you, much of what you're about to see is distressing. april 1994 and a plane carrying lawanda as presidents. just bermonte and counts of politics shut down. it will kick all the juvenile happy you. ramona and slippery and a had shamira killed along with everyone on board the basement of essex hutus the next day. the genocide begins over 100 days, games of many who to extreme is slow to hundreds of thousands, mostly ethnic tutsis orchestrated by the rewan denobia militia neighbors turning on neighbors. the club submissions these thousands heads of churches, many after being off for the shore and says that they would be safe. but nowhere is safe. choose. the lights are recognized as the science of numerous mass killings.
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the extreme threats of life pushes masses of people to want as borders. sexual violence is also used as a weapon with as many as 250000 women raped during the genocide behind the buns. the violence, is it possible for power? between one, this ruling, hutus and the towards the dominated lawanda patch. you take front rebel. great for the mass. mad. you eventually coming to an end. we now p f fighters reach the capital pic ali, and july 1994 may as it is led by pull to gummy, the wind is coming presidents in the days that followed up and takes control of the country, arresting those accused of being involved in the genocide over the years since tens
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of thousands of, of london's have been convicted. but 100 small suspects are still at large. ringback the numbers of the data are impossible to comprehend. take the example of the yeah, my to genocide memorial sites. a single church with $5000.00 people limited over the course of 3 days, the w's. mario miller reports from the side of one of the worst mess because of the genocide it's not often that sometimes finds the strings to come here to a former church. now a memorial to the rhonda genocide, she says this is the place where she refused to die. clung to tim. were you coming back to this place 30 years later? i think there is still a big wound, but it helps me to remember many of the people who died here. man, according to our belongings,
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are still here frozen in time. and each piece tells the tale. a person's elbows tightly tied behind their back before being executed, toddlers killed with their parents. the killings that started a few days earlier, many to 2 families, including some talent, had children suited refuge here. thinking that be safe, this time of good and not the 1st day through grenades into the church. and many people lost their legs. i was so much screaming. those who tried to leave the church were hacked with machetes, though a place of century turned into a burial ground. the remains of more than 45000 people rest at the memorial side, some on display. a reminder of the massacre. shantelle managed to escape, a judge was injured at a corner and we fled to
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a nearby school when i felt something hit me in the mouth and other parts of my body where i was holding my kids. i think it was a grenade. then i saw that one of my babies had been killed and that able, she had a nearby bushes, but they ended up home with the who to me initially committing the genocide, found her attacked her with a machete to a rock. i to her head the friend lying next to her hiding under banana leaves was done to life safety. when does it? he came back off and they rammed a spear. and to me, mocking us saying, you cockroach has don't die easily. i stayed in there for some time. my wounds were rod and comedy had maggots falling out of them. days later has been found and brought to safety that taking them into se another community is trying to reconcile with the past and move, removing it from the perpetrators and the families of the victims. live side by
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side mean noises. 2 brothers and a cousin were killed during the genocide. these quin knobby but they were brutally killed hacked here and here in the head in the throat, all parts of the body shred it was done by the my dead brothers. i loved the hands that would have supported me down, as the man who killed them supreme at that bottle was tried and one of wanda's post genocide tribunal and spent 12 years in prison. on his release he asked to be useful forgiveness and she accepted. now the regularly participating group activities together with other form of potatoes and victims. it's all part of a government program to create unity among brandon's re establish trust following the genocide that split communities would. would that work for sion tied to could see, forgive her attackers and killers of her baby what, what do we have
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a good country and that has brought us together and we loved each other. but it does not rule out the possibility that there could still be remnants of genocide, audiology and some people's hearts you can't see and people's heart, it's an older woman. her son was killed during the genocide, would now be a grown like other kids. and just have some kind of hopes that generation would be able to put the genocide and the divisions of the past behind them. but some say the desire to overcome division has come at a cost. polk odami has played a leading role in run to since 1994 becoming president in 2000. and there are no signs. he intends to go a position leader of x, y, and go be ray is one of click on this fits this chris x database, maureen, let us set down with her into gully. and us how fall has one become since the genocide with president to come me he,
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i say or was the he was the deadline to pay this on to the right to mention that it is, it was, he was the mind. that's the one that needed to of the genocide by to today after 50 years. i think that's we need the new fresh abroad in order than the session. so, but i'm afraid nothing of it but to you there is some activities in to this and a new beer didn't give me to daddy. you kind of see that really there was so much of a man to meet you getting bought in the hot. we need it to be the also they have to for london. so that's, that's why i say it's a few years because what we actually that i don't get didn't get it goes to the ocean, is the sources. we need to have a longer way to go. so what is needed in order to achieve that are constant ation? what's needed is to to can nice to autumn one eyes or is story i said one does s one a nation's because on to 2 days or, or to start, that is $35.00, our country divides us onto today before the genocide that gets it to cease and
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during that, the genocide in the after the genocide that are so kind of guessing you money to come into the it can stick with those. those are victims until today's no budget talk about it. but they have a lot of tapes and they look at these, they need to whom to express, they find affinity cooper credit. we've talked to that to we've had to 6 and you've been a long time critic of president for cut on the end of government. you also challenge the official narrative as it just mentioned, of the genocide. what happened before and during the genocide. so could you if plane of its size, what do you mean by that? what kind of atrocities or crimes against humanity has been committed when they total the kind of get some money. they talk about the number of citizens where the kids, when they was in the roof and just come inside the land. when they was in day homes, when they they home sort of destroyed into and kids summer. so just and most of them committed to those crimes. and if i say to they say you got
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a full rise bodies to noodle on. but that isn't the choose, that is the order, the auditability editor for wanda. if we need really to bid and nation to have is to send a bit of different elements, we've come to have it. so spend a bit of development if we are not the north trust a month, as i said, one downs. because we need before to be one in nations. why where you bought from the next election? uh, because i was gone down by one the quotes, even if the african the quotes has cleared to my name, but did want a government refused to the colonize this, the decision of the one that i quotes and a they bundle, mentor bus, fits into an extra do you think that this out of 5th, because you are dangerous? well the government did or didn't get bye t o as to say the to the candidates because the company is so popular among the london. and the i say if you, he's so popular. why do you order for that to being
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a competition to me for someone that has, i don't a lot on distant. why do to susie me to participate in the edison bought the story short. the answer is that they know if i'm going to in the competition for london, run down, submitted new flesh a blog and they, they know that they can easily with the electronic. this is why they bundled in to us, but thank you so much. you have come one didn't so make of samuel issue with parents were killed in the genocide. he was 2 years old at the time and saved by his medic. he's recently co produced a documentary where he sold to understand what led to the mass murder. i'll be talking to simulation with off to this except off his phone, which is called reclaiming history. the colonial roots of the genocide in rwanda as the this is around a 1000, the hillsburg dies,
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the country i was born in 30 years ago when it was 2 years old. the genocide was committed here. my parents and the big spots of my family. what killed i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 1994 genocide against the to see and run. my name is some way to ship. we're almost in america while my parents killed. i knew it killed by the militia, but i didn't know why. as a kid or just thought he was war. between us. 131450. that's. that's we asking questions. somebody from the ends reading books. and yeah, that's what, that's how i start understanding our kid with children because of their for christmas, which includes what if we speak to some language, shut us from culture. so i'm confident. how do we become, what was the identity before germans in the villages, jim to the nicer one. at the end of the match,
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essentially. we divided us to talk to a sales, or was it the to see twice already existed before community. it is around one percent of abundance called themselves twice the colonizers to defend them, as picking these natives who lived here before the who to and to it's just going to court appropriate do it to, to, to, to put some dispute dressing in the service. she is doing a this looks like on crow colors. it is a man, somebody so so high the meaning of for to, to, to, to are in pre clear. rhonda, this is debated among custodians to visit when they apply that to me or to to cisco s good on predictive or more. so when do you have a tablet eviction?
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nope. either one separate community basically. so you got to use a shockey 15 wheel presumptive sequences also around directly to the way us it, it makes it is apparent compared to, to other teams. so i said to, you need to be sure is also going to swap. the ebc isn't too good to, to see the, what the deal is going to press. the ideal to jump damage commission was introduced to run the at the end of next century by european researches, the colquitt, that the to see quite a so called negro home bytes. collab integrated from the north and dominion to this . of course the indigenous which was for hundreds of years the, as i was researching for this firm, i came across the recent german run and started it refilled that into it. around 900 human scholars kept in germany their last tongue from rhonda in
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19071908. most of them are appropriate to buy an actual purchase to named young children. no school for over a 100 years. nobody knew one than knew about the existence of these 2 months because the, those who minded a new c d is used for classifying a good one. that's just to prove that there is a community in need one. in the cruise, the cruise is being the genocide, but better it to the games fit to i'm running a lot about how my identity force destroyed, how these divisions came about and of quote, recorded history the need. so my next step now would be to go to this the, for myself, the
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ability of the significance place for many reasons. first of all, the so called co conference in which africa was divided like a piece of cake and given to colonial powers, took place here in berlin, in 1884, in 1885. the rest your theories to divide the humanity of teresa as were very popular. also at the museum forest origin, director of the african ocean, the departments fixed on lucian, instructed aconia researches to appropriate the mode. the 9000 human remains from germany to put on use. most east coast, but also for skeletons. whatever did that open grace took out the scouts. normally when you just go with this racial studies, measuring the type polo g bas goes and the rest of the body, but it's not important because you quickbook detect races when history isn't run that ran it, pointing the finger,
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i think someone's saying the 1st was to introduce a rush of curious on plastering picture. think that somehow in germany it can be held responsible in some type of form of the juice. has anyone lay 94 in the way? yes, because they brought this, this division between 2 to will to question is another one. is it the must that off to this division, which the trim and brought to run the? was it the must that 100 just later genocide type into the dentist of my journey is belgium. the 1916 dimensions to quote and you're confronted from the germans. during world war one, product can seem to give a 1000 run of troops to the germans to fight the guess they've been just. but the builders wonder will have to control for under, under the mandate of the league of nations, systematically dick's that a division of a to, to central, to, according to the, for me to commission,
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did you almost have to go to run the was talking to me to run that so, so that was the initial please pick from clear powers was actually this is to magic dictation. to teach this is a george and some if i people, induction will cod are to these 2 properties that they are from different and i am joined institute here by their funding. so make has some real issue with who we just saw in best form of it. it's really good to be talking to, you're welcome to date of me is africa. sam? i was particularly struck in fact, surprised to learn during the documentary that actually the what who to into, to identity was rooted into saw. that was cost. right? so this was not sort of an ethnic difference between these 2 peoples. it was haves
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and have nots. but as you then take us through this documentary, we learned that the colonizers actually pushed the notion that said that there was a difference. yeah, absolutely, that's right, and it's, it's one of the biggest, i think, misconceptions i think in history where you with this profile creation of an identity and i just know that before and which i read because of course is a new one. the inbound in some of the original countries. and yeah, you mentioned, you all know the famous way to go to the, to the source of that's of when did you see the difference come from? yeah, so we, so you traveling across rwanda coming to your number of countries here as well. you missed a lot of people. you spoke to a lot of people. a lot of research went into this by the end of the project. what was the one thing you would have said stuck with you? so we'd have to tell you because a lot today just in this, in this uh process. uh,
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but i think one of the biggest thing that stuck with me is there is look know that's the was a creation of from the skis and glenda and other cars. and there was any casual, actually occurred on your intention on your project to actually push differences from the creating differences, but also to politically push the differences and to make these people feel the different. and that was for me there. and they said to the biggest thing that it was, look at these papers looked like, uh, just the actual pressure from the state towards the political. we have to divide people. yes, we race track, striking to discover that. yeah, because we have people in the arguments about colonialism. you hear people making the points and you highlight this as well. that over colonialism wasn't all that bad. it brought civilization there. it's supposed to be the argument because that clinician position was ordered by the starts today with all that's introduced to actually dealing with the consequences of that. it's lucky to only in the genocide in rwanda, even today and 2024 seem dealing with that's we come to borders. identities,
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destruction of casual structures. duties of that is something that still has shows consequences on the african continents to that. so i don't, i don't see any positive outcome from colonization or examination was there before, you know, send your parents were both killed. you are 2 years old and that time a lot of your family members were to, the city is on. right. i'm just wondering what more you feel like you lost me, but also way you are at, in the sort of like the healing process would, would you say that today? city is on as a parent yourself, that when you're at peace with what happened that you've, we all you, in, in this whole like process of having to confront what happened. but also having to move on. if it's a, it's a very interesting thing because people of my generation where there was
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a young thing, the genocide is now and today, that's what i noticed, that was just starting to confront that history. i mean, there's a generation of people who lived. it's an over the time, hadn't had the time to we move on from me or dealing with it and for other things studying now, that's what adults that's we're having to do all of our own that stuff mostly now dealing with all of this. so i'll say, i don't know it and we try to move on, of course, and to be positive and the country is moving on. but on the personal and emotional level is something that is still uh it'd be a big thing to explore and to do with it on the, on a daily basis. so i think it's an ongoing gap, a journey with the, with the heating. yeah. yeah. well, thank you for taking us on that journey with you. i thought the film was a standard, a standard projects and we just learned so much about what happened and you'll kind of free and how it is still a real present reality today. so thank you. so much for coming into your very much
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and that is it for now be sure to check out our other stories on d. w dot com, forward slash africa were also on social media. now you may have noticed the plaintive music in the phone or the that was sophie zeiss saying, the singing, the song. rwanda will hear it isn't full. and we'll see you next time by as the. 6 the the . # the,
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the blue one, the the study modeling put it in, but i'm doing the best of what i've done is grab. 2 the, the, the, the,
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. this is dw news line from berlin. israel remembers the october 7th come off terror attacks, thousands of people attempt visuals nationwide and around the world for those kidnapped and killed on that day. we'll hear from a survivor who has family members are among visit and captured. also coming up, some palestinians return to their homes as israel withdrawals troops from southern casa, the homeless run health industry says more than 33000 people have been killed since of war began. also rolanda marx, 30.


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