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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news long from berlin cousins return to their homes. following israel surprised withdrawal from con units, palestinians are rushing to discover what is less of their neighborhoods. also coming up the new ones, nuclear watchdog condemns a drone strike on your grains upper region nuclear plant, but it says the attacked it's not compromised. safety at the facility and the sky gazers across north america ready their telescopes, as they wait for solar eclipse spots. will the cloud stay away?
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the uncle for at least welcome to the show. israel's defense minister you off go on, says the surprise withdrawal of soldiers from southern gaza, announced on sunday is to prepare troops for future offences, including into the city of russell following the withdrawal. some post indians have begun returning to their homes, but after months of air strikes and ground battles with homeless militants, many are returning to ruins and rubble. this is con units. after months of bombardment, displaced residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and, and most of its troops have been pulled out of the area the. it's a shock, a shock. what happened was not small. one by way, here in the car,
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i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and then know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move that or i'll move. so i can get a show the do a bit further north and daryl bella. much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies, the un says funding is fast approaching. the many children have suffered from mal nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that is my last 6 months and with no end in sight, after b is really true, drawn down many are now looking to a russell were more than half of gauze us population is filtering. i asked our
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correspondence on your kramer and jerusalem, what the next phase of the war could look like as well. i mean, is really military on the list to believe that this is more of a tactical move and no longer a strategy might be a new phase where you see more as the army puts it, intelligence based, uh, position or targeting. but again, as we heard of the chief of stuff head salary saying the word is not over. and that also includes also. so what we are having right now is a brigade that is still in the north of causa. also guarding this new cory door that has been crated by the is really military that uh, separates the noise from this house that is located in central garza wrong body of us. uh and uh, this allows actually the army to go in with the ground troops when ever it is needed, as they said, and of course, is twice neva strikes as well as to attend. we are still
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a continuing of this military honestly believe. so a rough of operational fences is not off the table, but it does know, it allows some of the population that has taken a show to or trying to take some kind of show to him, but also to go back to con eunice. as you said, they don't have much to go back to, but again, this would move some of the population out there and we have to wait and see what will happen next. but some reading also into this situation that is, might allow some progress in the hosted stokes that are ongoing in cairo. let's talk about those conversations in kyle. we're hearing reports about progress being made with israel. soul determined to continue the military operation. cannon agreement be reached. i mean, it doesn't include a exclude of one another because we're talking here. i mean what has been talked
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about was a temporary a ceasefire. so they could be still a then followed by another operation. but that is speculation at this point. so what we're hearing here on the is where the radio this morning is based on addiction sources. they are cautiously talking about some progress. and they've been saying that the have most of the gauge and has left cairo also the or is really an american delegation. have list kara, but will return as we understand and also consultations on the lower level a will continue. uh so how mouse had said in the beginning of the sticking points is always that it wants to see a full withdrawal of israeli forces and full a c supply a israel has. the government has called that a delusional a demands. but you know, we have to wait and see the devil is as always in the did how, how are those talks progress?
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but at least they continue talking at the moment, has to be done with w's, tanya, kramer, andrews and as always, thank you. well, the international court of justice and behavioral today begin hearing acclaimed by nicaragua, that germany is, quote, facilitating the commission of genocide in the gaza strip. nicaragua will argue that jeremy's support for israel violates the geneva convention. politicians of germany think there is little merits and the charges, but the case shows the complex nature of the conflict in the middle east, in the international court of justice in the hate judges here ruling disputes between nations such as the current case brought by south africa alleging that israel is committing genocide in the gaza strip. incorrect use case before the i. c j is separate, but related a claims, gemini, is facilitating, and his ready genocide against palestinians. a judge, the gym,
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and government rejects. doesn't have to be that you have any has not violated the genocide convention or international humanitarian law. and we will set this out before the international court of justice. but nick, a regular says jim and these decision to be found, the un palestinian refugee agency. i'm raw is costing lights. germany and other douglas suspended funding after allegation. some i'm right employees took part in the october the 7th attacks by a mass on russ head. felipe lots of rainy has cooled on west and states to restock payments. but among many politicians in berlin, after cheats of hon, this director of uh, when were, is the same guy who said he was, uh, he does not help um, uh, i'm us enough to what's uh, the word child dollars, that i'm the just headquarter of the infrastructure of i'm, i suppose that the, the solve us, the i t stuff and he said he did not know this. this guy's,
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i'm unbelievable. another focus of nickel rank you his case is military assistance to as well of to the october the 7th attack spelling increased approvals of defense exports to israel thought as a feeling in the buddhist of the gym. and his role should not be exaggerated. it is really small things. it is some ammunition, it is some uh, some medical uh, stuff for the, for the military, but very, very or low budget. so if you compare it to other military, 8, bill in strong support for his mail has let to questions about where the limits of solidarity might be. but some say the nicaraguan government also wants to distract attention from its own human rights record. under the leadership of president dunn yellow take governments and it's all previous because the day before nicaragua has brought up this case, they were abused by uh, some,
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some experts abroad audra report. that's a key with this r t gas government in human rights. um yes. so violations in, in nicaragua, and that's why you, how archie got on and his government can. yes, deviates from this the, the, the case is ridiculous. the case before the i c, j could take years to conclude. in the meantime, few in germany believe it will change much on the ground and goes a lot to unpack here, let's bring in our corresponded lucy, a shoulder, an at the international court of justice in the hague. we'll see you. why is nicaragua taking germany to the i. c j's or me is not the only countries applying the military equipments to israel, nor was it the only one who was suspended funding for unreal. this this is too, um and there might be political reasons for any colorado to have chosen germany who
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is known to be a sounds ally off each trail. but there might also be legal reasons because it is not that easy to bring a court against another state to the international court of justice, which is right behind me. because this court needs to have jurisdiction in germany on like all the lice, like the united states. hex at have said that this international court of justice has compulsory jurisdiction. that means that, of course, that another state that also accepted this, it's complex, which is fiction like nicaragua can bring a country like germany here. so there's my also play into the considerations of nicaragua because it might have already across the threshold to bring it to your whether the quote really has jurisdiction. that is a question that is an answer um at a later stage of the proceedings. mm hm. we heard it briefly in the report in a separate case at the ice, the j, south africa as acute israel, of perpetrating genocide in the gaza strip. there hasn't been
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a final ruling on this yet. so, so how can nicaragua claim that germany is the quote facilitating the commission of genocide against palestinians? yes, sir, this is indeed another case that is still pending here at the international court of justice. south africa has brought a case against each re claiming that there was a breach of the genocide convention. this case is likely to take another couple of years until it is finally decided that has been a 1st judgment over some provision of metro saying that there is a risk that this might be the case. but this is not the final verdict. there is not yet a decision that there is indeed a breach of the genocide convention. so this might prove as one of the problems to you in the case for any progress legal as experts say. but nevertheless, nicaragua has brought abroad a case, been only the breach of genocide mentioned. they've also said the gemini has been reaching other international laws including international humanitarian law. so this
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case is a bit broader. um, so it might be that the case, fine. so testers, diction andrews on this. but what is today here at stake is the question of provision and mattress. so if you're still in a very early stage here in these proceedings against germany and the colorado is demanding emergency measures to be imposed on berlin, how likely are they to succeed before the court with that? so this is for the quote to decide they will have hearings here today and because i will be here today then jeremy will be heard. nicaragua has been asking for a number of provision and mattress among them. this and asking that germany should stop sending military assistance to each try it, but also that it should start funding on right again. um, so the court is not bound to what nicaragua has been asking. it will um, run a search and testbed. we'll see whether there is indeed reason to grande's
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provision and mattress and then give these provision and address also other one it once it is free to choose and we'll see a children in the hating. thank you so much for that update the u. n's nuclear watchdog says a drone attack on ukraine. separation of power plant does not compromise safety, but it again warned the danger of attacking nuclear facilities. ukraine has denied russian accusations that is carried out. the strike on europe's biggest nuclear power plant processing is control the facility in the 1st weeks of its invasion in 2020, to give. and moscow have repeatedly blamed each other for attacks on the plant. we can go straight to the w correspondent and they connelly in keys, make russia and ukraine blaming each other for the attacks. it's something we've seen time. and again, any indications on who was really behind this attack,
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it's v i a, a that to you in body, you just mentioned have me to confirm that these drug detects happened. they. so the officer affects without actually seeing them happening in real time. they are based on the site, but they're basically not free to move around. they have to ask permission from the russian occupying forces that the power plant to be able to move around in the past . we've definitely seen long delays between things that lives be happening and those inspectors being able to access the impact side as we have heard from the media here in ukraine, bills are from russian media that was supposedly damaged to attempting and to a truck bring food to the site as well as one hit on the dome of one of the reactors. so it is very, very close to home, but things are important. and all this, remember that russia has made this, your biggest, one of the world's biggest new policies, just a minute treat. so there are a minute treat their troops based as much equipment, even within the power thoughts. you have pictures online over some sol, just barely hanging out inside the power plant. and that is obviously
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a very day situation situation where you've had ukraine and this is why the world asking the russian explain forces to demonstrate that zone to get out. since basically move the minute, treat it kind of the infrastructure hardware further away to avoid any kind of misunderstanding. but that still hasn't happened series on how dangerous are these attacks because a power plant is, of course, protected to some extent. can you give us a sense of the security situation at and around the plant? i mean, by all stands, this is a mad situation to be in this huge powerpoint and you have regulatory 5, pretty close by. you have a ukranian hill town, opposite the other side of the river that is called sweet and go to the re attack which when you go through the people say that the author, the rejects, coming from the russian forces need of help on basically hiding behind the power plant because they know that the finance conte reply in with fire any way, any of that power plant. importantly though it's public is not operating right now
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. those records have been shut down, but they're still safe in radiation that there is and you feel that it needs to be cooled. when you chose the experts actually say that a direct kit is something that these pal thoughts were built for during the cold war periods. and actually the bigger issue is i lack of power to cool. that's a nuclear fuel. so we repeatedly see power facilities being destroyed as part of the cut out to re fi. and then that kind of emergency generate, just having to kind of jump in to provide that cooling and often they have data supply just for a matter of days. so i think if you look at the why, so this is a pop up is very close to city and zip a res or the ukrainian health city, which is, you know, of almost a 1000000 people that kind of a duration. and this is a very kind of danger point that doesn't go away. and also when you have a real sense that the russians are very aware of the fee, is that these kinds of incidents raised in europe and that they, you know, i'm not happy about that. kind of concern spreading from that. there's obviously a sense here you can, this could be a russian publication. we can't tell them to count fact check. but this is a situation that doesn't go away. and so far, the interest community hasn't found a solution for, you know,
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we use an economy. thank you. always great speaking to both sides in the ring. conflict have relied heavily on drones to carry out attacks during the war and recent weeks. russia has repeatedly targeted the ukrainian energy infrastructure using a rainy and made sha have drones, but a special group of volunteers is fighting back against them with everything they have, including weapons from a world war, one new z m. you know, we've corresponded young philip shots has more as they are among rushes most said weapons. sha had james. they asked me cheap and available in huge quantities. judge you have getting present, said has taken up his own personal bottle against the drones during the day. is that same works, it keeps administer to, quote, adopted what he swaps his coat dress, coming frogs and stuffs, hunting drones. and he and the other judges take up positions on
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a high rise building on the outskirts of the city, the most important weapon museum and a machine gun royal, you're probably good associate. this weapon was used even in the 1st world war we ended in the 2nd, the it's quite reliable was obviously not the best weapon for shooting down hard tech drawings. we believe we really need more modem and more effective weapons to fight because it's obvious that russia will not stop this war. to least stop by for a 2nd for that i to nip in and see me. 40 judges have joined the volunteer driving hunters. they call themselves team justice, as judges, they are considered indispensable in the capital. so they are not allowed to join the army on the front lines. not that not leave on to what has also become crucial, leaving the cities regular defense force. and despite that, i've dated equipment,
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they've managed to dow numerous john had drains. they say the biggest challenge is staying a lot and ready to jump into action. while it's happened to be many times, it's quite relaxed, but then suddenly the air right to let start seem like but we getting ready. we climb to a firing positions and we start shooting. that's what prevents are there are to what the judges can remain in that posts up to 24 hours at a time in the capital and elsewhere. nevada is declining. ukraine is struggling to sign up for new recruits the most. so most people still know that everyone in this world is going to be a warrior. i don't know to be this, not everyone is going to be responsible citizen and i'm for a credit union. i don't want to condemn people who don't take on the more active part to defend the country for mission aggression. thing though, which is, do you everyone makes their own choices in life? ers, here, when are you familiar with someone who used to be but russia is intensifying,
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it's at campaign. and this means that these judges terms, drone hunters may be spending most of that time monitoring the night sky eva keys. at least $9.00 and $4.00 people have died after a boat capsized off the coast of mozambique. local authorities say more than 20 others are still missing. officials said the fishing vessel was headed from luna to mozambique island when it sank. local media set, the boat was being used as a mix of ferry. many on board were reportedly trying to flee a colorado outbreak on the mainland. let's bring in diane hawker, our south africa correspondent, and diane. this has said to have been an unlicensed ferryboat. wine that have capsized, what do we know? well initial information coming from representatives in the boys and the government,
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the secretary of state in the province seem to indicate that the boat was not actually structurally sound to carry that many people of the secretary of state the saying that it was overcrowded, overloaded, and that was that it wasn't actually means to be carrying that many people that seems to be one of the key reasons why it capsized. there's also been some severe with that in the southern efforts in region as far down as south africa, but also on the most in beacon coast. and that may have also been a contributing factor. some reports indicate that there was a big wave that hit the, the, the, the, the diesel. and that, that also leads to is capsizing, considering also that they may have not been a, you know, both to carry as many people as it had on board. an estimated $150.00 people believe to have been on for one at the time that tech sized and several of those people are still missing. is there any hope to find survivors?
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well search what did begin yesterday to search for those devices and understood that 5 people were located off to the incident. however, those a severe way the conditions have made it difficult didn't make it difficult for the switch to continue. and it's not p a if the, any more people that have been located today, we've been keeping a close eye on reports from those most of the to determine if a new people have been located in the search, the more than 20 people that have not yet been accounted for at the state and local media are reporting that the people on the boat were seeing a color outbreak. what more do you know about that? the upgrade has to be something that has severely affected the number of problems with this incident took place within those and b is one of the most of the affected areas in that region of the outbreak has been going on both in both of
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b as in bob way along with that there, but it seems like that particular area has been quite badly affected. not only because of the conditions be, but also because of some, a large groups of people who have been seen as the northern part of mos in be bringing more people to that region. and of course, stretching resources the indications from the beacon government, the other 32 people have died from this kind of a outbreak in since october last year. however, the w h o is actually saying that that number could be as many as 57. so you can see it's quite a difficult situation. the and this is a way to be made. people do actually want to see the situation and try and find the faithful ground. how's diane hawker in johannesburg? thank you so much. thank you. and a quick look now at some other stories making news around the world. today. the u.
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s. the philippines, australia and japan have held joint military drills in the disputed south china sea china instead of carried out its own exercises at the same time. beijing claims almost the whole of the area as its territory, leading to confrontations with its neighbors and the region south korea has successfully launched its 2nd military spice of light into orbit. the launch from florida and the united states comes days after north korea space agencies. that is the plan to send up several more of its own spice satellites. us here, the space race falls ramped up weapons testing. 5 young young as the case that's already is in grace. i've raised a wildfire alert level on fears that strong winds could reignite and dozens of blazes, firefighters on the island of crete, worked throughout the 9 to control a wall. i'm sorry that force dozens to flee their homes. tens of millions of people
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in north america are hoping for a clear sky is on monday as they wait for a rare total solar eclipse, spectators and mexico. the us and canada have the guns flocking to areas along the path of the eclipse to experience the phenomenon, and some areas of this part of the world, the moon shadow will completely block the lights from the sun. for more than 4 minutes. stalk gazes in dallas full of anticipation that preparing for total solar eclipse and then not letting possible cloud cover get them down in texas. we're the 1st major area that's going to be able to say something again, it won't be ideal. so we'll get to see a little compromise. yeah.
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millions of people across the us, mexico and canada will be plunged into darkness as the main comes between the us and the sun. many eclipse phones of travel to areas and this so codes positive to tell it to the nearly 200 kilometer wide area of darkness. cost by the means shadow . i can't wait, we got we're from nebraska and we're out of the road. the line of the totality. so we're going to be flying to dallas just for one day and then going back home just to be there for the few hours to experience it. it's the cosmic co incidence that will shine on in the memories of those who witness it for us to come . and before we go, here's a reminder of our top story today. palestinians began returning home after israel surprise withdrawal from parts of southern gaza. but much of their neighborhoods are and ruins following months of air strikes and crowns battles. and
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that's your news update for now of next is to 77 percent switched this week focuses on the applicants political outlook, including the impact of unemployment in liberia. i'm really thank you so much for your company. the
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of the come to the polls. it's indexing yet in south africa as solid, sorry. young volunteers, opportunity to exchange your own dismiss together. let's come together. let's do it together and repeating here when we change things around the settings instead of the
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next on the fast trash as an environmental 9 clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile ways get stranded here. all about the final stuff in the global fashion industry. the fast fashion watch now on youtube is the most important stuff can be used across different geographies. the real challenge itself has needs to be an incredibly scarce way. what the heck us transforming business is
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real new deal. and let's just greenwashing what's now on the in 2024 is election year and a good number of african states. so today we'll look at how young africans few level if they're elected officials and how they are getting involved in politics themselves. my name is low, so welcome to the 77 percent. here's what's coming up. in liberia we need angry young citizens who are disappointed and the leader is the one selected ahead of the 2024 election the young so that they can tell us they can transform the.


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