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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from bell in nicaragua and takes germany to quotes over its a pause of israel. the international court of justice in the 8th begins hearing the claim buying the car. rog allow that villainous, facilitating alleged genocide in gaza. germany says the case is not justified. also coming on people in gauze, i return to the homes of the israel surprised withdrawal from con eunice, for the students are rushing to discover what is left of their neighbors. first joined military drills by the united states and allies in the south china sea and to strengthen defense corporation and counter china is growing. and
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the i'm gonna hold off is welcome to the program. the international court of justice in the hague has begun hearing a claim by nicaragua, that germany is, quote, facilitating the commission of genocide in the gaza strip. nicaragua is arguing that germany is reaching international law by supplying opposite of the aides to israel for its military campaign in gauze. if once the courts of order begin to stop ex bolts, germany has resolutely rejected in nicaragua as acquisitions. israel has also repeatedly denied committing genocide all crimes, and it's responds to hum us october 7th terrorist attacks. now let's listen into what the neutral raglin and bass of the, to the netherlands and the lead of nicaragua,
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still engaged in that to say in the present case because i was invoking the responsibility of many in connection with the genocide committed by israel. also the response of luther, germany for the violations of the so lovely jason's a to the attendance i convention. i know the violations by to many of its own obligations under international humanitarian role. government is taking to, i knew it, showing obligation to prevention. decide what with respect of international humanitarian law that says control set up with our correspondence garcia, schultz and she's at the i c j in the hey, colonel or chief political it is. let me say, look, who's not drawing says from valid let's see what's nicaragua as arguments. yeah. what do they want? the quote to do is certainly colorado a today was making hits. you mentioned the hearings and they basically wants to court at this stage of the proceedings to ground so called provisioning measures. and let me cut roger's asking for,
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is that germany would stop all military assistance to israel and also that it would start funding again, right? these are the main things that you correct the ones here. it's been saying that germany is violating the genocide convention, visitors facilitating ad to internet a breach or to an electric genocide. it is important to note that such a genocide has not yet been ruled upon by the court of trespass beyond me. it is another case which is pending here which says every car brought against each trail there. this question has to be answered. that has been a 1st judgment in this case. in this 1st judgment, the court said that there is a, as a risk of this to happen, but it has not yet stated that this is the case. and with this in mind, the nicaraguans have said today that germany must be aware that there is at least the risk that is facilitating the commission of genocide. so that when jeremy need
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to stop sending the, the military yet, and also to start funding against, all right, and this is what there are the quoted to auto. and today we hear that how is all this being received in political berlin as well. the very charge that germany was assisting any kind of attempt of attend the site is being slightly dismissed here quite to the country. we've in recent weeks at hud, the german 4 minutes to say that gemini sees itself bound by the geneva conventions . and that that translates into reminding old policies of the duties on the international uh with the german 4 minutes to having travel to the region several times over. its important to note that germany is one of the 2 key remaining friends of israel. the biggest one, of course, being the united states, which doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of this court. and that's also why the scene windy, correct?
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what ones to go off the germany here because it's the only really viable option. and so many as a policy commitment, a fundamental one reason, a state commitment says it stands in to defend that security of israel and do a slide for round the world that increasing the here in germany is also meaning more criticism of the lesson, yahoo, government. but the very notion of a genocide being committed has not been legally established and is still being completely denied here, invalid it. let's see. what can you tell us? why in the club? well, felt compelled to pursue a legal action against germany or so we just heard from the ambassador's in nicaragua, nebraska the, to the netherlands, fail to came out here of the code and explain, said they think or that they were going against germany, because they can do something for the palestinians, and they,
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they said that germany, they can go against germany because germany has accepted the jurisdiction of the court behind me. and they would also like to see the united states. but this is not possible asked the united states, do not accept the rogers fiction of the court. and they also have said that it is they do have an experience of going to this court. so 40 years ago, any progress has been here at this court as to in the united states. and from this experience that they gain like them, they came here, they have said that they believe that germany would follow the international law order and do what the international court of justice is going to tell them. so there is a whole that germany holds up to international law, but we are still we of course, still not there yet, and there is nothing yet the germany has to do and out. so critiques of this case and like people that are saying that nicaragua is doing this maybe as a political campaign and others are saying that doing this to divert from their own human rights providence. but we also know is fed venica raw goods and the
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palestinians do have ties and they have a history of close links that go back to 1979 to this sending us their revolution. and they say that what would happen if the i c j ended up routing in nicaragua, say the or well that would really throw into question as a very dom and uh, and also us policy at the moment it is safe to say that is not this will be decided will be ruled upon in time to really change the course of events in gaza, where day by day people are dying. but what we do have, it's not like everything hinges on this individual quote, it says a un security council resolution that is quoting for an immediate hope to the fighting. there's a legal argument whether that is legally binding or not. and most recently the human rights council of the united nations and the very, very strong criticism by israel and has pasta resolution calling for an end to alms deliveries, which is also being cool for and towards germany and the united states. at the end
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of the day, this is all a political question and the very question was that genocide has been might be, could be committed, is one that is more likely to happen in the future. usually historically when it's too late. here then 1000000000 lucio shelton, and the hague. thank you both very much. i us as well as defense minister us gallons says the withdrawal of soldiers from san eunice announced on sunday is to prepare troops for future offences, including into the city of rough off following the droll down sun palestinians have begun returning to their homes. but after months of past products and ground baffles with almost militants, many are returning to ruins and rubble. this is con units. after months of bombardment displaced residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and asked most of its troops have been pulled. i have to of the
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area. it's a show, a shock. what happened was not small. one by way, here in the car, i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and i know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move that or i'll move so i can get a show the do a bit further north and daryl bella much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies, the un says fireman is fast approaching and i, many children have suffered from now nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that has not lost it 6 months and with no end in sight.
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and after these various troops drove down many i now looking to rough software, more than half of gauze as population is searching. i also corresponding to an exam and jerusalem. well, the next phase of the war could look like, i mean, is really a military analyst who believes that this is more of a tactical move and no longer has tried to achieve, might be a new phase where you see more as the army puts an intelligence based position or targeting, but again, as we heard of the chief of stuff had c, i levy saying the board is not over and that also includes also. so what we're having right now is a brigade that is still in the north of garza. also guarding this new cory door that has been created by that is really military that uh, separates the north from the south that is uh, located in central, goes around body of us. uh and uh,
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this allows actually the army to go in with the ground troops when ever it is needed, as they said. and of course, strikes. neighbor strikes as well as the artillery are still a continuing of this military unless you believe so. a rough operational offensive is not off the table, but it does no, it allows some of the population that has taken a show to or trying to take some kind of show to him, but also to go back to con units. as you said, they don't have much to go back to, but again, this would move some of the population out there and we have to wait and see what will happen next. but some reading also into this situation that might allow some progress in the hosted stokes that are ongoing in cairo. tonic, some of the reporting from the jewish to them. let's now turn to the but tv, the director for west bank and gaza accounts and national for more and they submit a terry and situation inside the gaza strip. now our report shows residents
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returning to their homes. what are the biggest problems that facing a just a quick carts and my name is ebony jersey and i'm the regional extra advisor for karen international. so just to state, as you saw in the report and people are going back to absolute destruction, the main problem being that infrastructure has completely been destroyed. the homes have been destroyed, but there is nothing left for the civilians who are going back. you saw in the report as well, one of the civilians kaylee say it's like he's just going see if he can retrieve just the most basic thing. shut up some sort of thing that he's talking for at this point. so i just can't imagine this military withdrawal doesn't really bring any sort of piece of the people inside of us or what we really need. and we continue to demand many gypsies via phone. no rush. i have carson tucker. now people are trying to get back to the homes, many are facing health problems and shelters due to overcrowding. what is kept
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doing to improve conditions that we are trying as best as possible to provide much needed exist civilians or in the shelter. but there's only so much us as parents, national can do and all the ages agencies can do. we are operating with a hands tied behind our back as you see the central kitchen attack and with all the taxes, it was in a convoy. there was no safe place inside of goods. and so we continued to monitor an immediate cease via and once again continued to to mon, 4 o 8 crossings to be broken up and full 8 to flow concerns because that includes a that's tied towards medicine and health care, which has been also destroy the destination side effects of during this period. now if it's something is on the safe side now that people want to leave the bath conditions in the shelters. is there anything and then you are like, yours can help to get them back on to hurt. as, as i mentioned, there's only so much we can do and we have our hands tied behind how back there is
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no safe space inside of that that and so we can provide it, but it's minimum because we're not able to access everywhere inside. it was due to the fact that there are areas still under bombardment. there are still a tax occurring throughout the memo. so we need to also remember one important crucial thing. just even though there's been a withdrawal forces and for the cleanliness, this the one battalion still remains invite opinions. that doesn't mean that the high news, for example, is safe or secure for people to go back to. so right now, operating inside of the areas that we can't operate in reference to being one, we also work through partners and then throughout the but as i mentioned, at the very beginning there's no sci fi, we are really limited on what we can do to help these people and don't forget as always, people are not disturbing, but some of them are in some and like conditions. and when you reach that level, it's really essential. but it's not just 8 that reaches them, but medicine that they have the hospitalization forwarded to them. so they're able to get the treatment that they so desperately need. is there anything you
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organization can do and helping residents with the initial rebuilding assets at this point, my magazine, the sci fi, it's very difficult for us to do anything we've been struggling even to get basic suppliers like tents in flight of as the so once again, rebuilding requires construction equipment, it requires us to get rid of unexploded ordinances. it requires rubble, he needs remember the one in 3 houses of buildings have been stored inside of a vis. you can only imagine the amount verbal that is littering has that and for us to be able to rebuild anything, we need to play that role and nothing itself is going to take months if not years. thank you very much. he bought a huge as a cash original, as advocacy advisor, and my apologies for the confusion within that right now, let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world as at least 96
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people have died after a boat capsized off the coast of mozambique, local authorities save more than 20 others. i'm missing officials said the fishing vessel was heading from whom got to a mazda big islands, where it's sun, local media said the boat was being used as a make shift, very whole power list. south korea as successfully launched it's seconds military spice satellites, into little bits. the launch from florida and the us came, comes days off the north korea space agencies said it plans to send up several more of its own spice satellites. this year. a space race follows increase weapons tested by turning out the kennedy space center to the south china sea. now with today, the 1st pictures were released of joint military drills between the united states, the philippines, australia and japan, in the dispute of territory. on sunday, the u. s is seeking to strengthen defense cooperation with its allies in the region to count of china is growing, inflict, spitting claims, almost the whole of the south china sea,
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as it's totally leading to confrontations with its neighbors. china said, carried out its own exercises at the same time. let's go straight to the w correspondent, james j to in taipei. james, why are these drills taking place now? is one of course the key concepts of these drills is china is growing assertiveness in the south china. so you mentioned in the introduction, the about the grubbing aggressiveness. we've seen talk through the philippine vessels a not region around disputed items. even though paging wasn't mentioned explicitly and the announcements of these drills is very candid. this is the target all of the countries of visuals that are taking place between these 4 countries. as again, as he mentioned in natural, the introduction, china thing, suburbs here is almost the entirety of the south china sea. that's despite the 2016 building that's ruled against china is a statement where the unbelief that it has control over the south china sea. and so
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what the us and its allies are really trying to do in this situation, according to the statement, is to uphold the freedom of navigation, whether that's in the maritime, say, or in the ad to around this holy contested stretch of voice. so now what exactly did these drills entail? well, one of the key things was anti submarine maneuver exercises that took place between the navy's of those 4 countries. they're really the focus of these drills as to increase interoperability and the level of communication between the 4 countries. we see these images coming out from the drills of personnel from the formula trees sitting around the tables discussing those activities. and this really is a sort of a very powerful statement and symbol of the unity that the us and its allies are trying to precise. and this parts of the wealth given the small,
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precarious environment that we see now where we have china pushing back against philippines. the philippines in the south china sea, but also against taiwan to can we expect further cooperation between these countries in the future and maybe even more wide wide range of or it will. these shows the old part of these, these type tonic shifts that have taken place. in the, in the pacific where the us is trying to build with lots, a slight network of relationships between its allies in the region. so late to this week, of course we have this really historic toilets ro, somewhere between the us, japan and the philippines. that will follow biological, somebody between the us, send you a pond, of course, hovering in the background. also negotiations between japan and the philippines. so we're looking to sign a reciprocal access agreement between those 2 militaries, which would allow troops to be stationed on each of these territories. so again, this trail with just the latest example of this ongoing theme we're seeing in the,
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in the pacific between the us allies trying to raise the level of the tyrants and complexity for us rivals like china and north korea in, in their emissions in the region of this, james say to this, thank you very much sense to ukraine. now, web president's the landscape says, without further support from the u. s. congress, it will be difficult for ukraine to win the war against russia, or even survive. us speaking to a visiting delegation of scientists, historians and cultural fitness in keys, so landscape has been pleading with wisdom conscience to provide more aid and defense systems. as you frame is facing intensive fine bombardments from russian missiles and drones. next report looks at a group of volunteers defending the framing and capital from drone to tax. using everything they have including weapons from a world war, one museum w, correspond to john phillip shots reports from keith's. they are among rushes,
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most feared weapons shall had james. they asked me cheap and available in huge quantities. judge you have getting resent said has taken up his own personal bottle against the drones. during the day is that said works. it keeps administer to quote the job to work. he swaps his coat dress, so come a fraud in stats hunting drones. and he and the other judges take up position on a high rise building on the outskirts of the city, the most important weapon museum and a machine gun. roy, you would go to solar shape. this weapon was used even in the 1st world war we ended in the 2nd the it's quite reliable, but it's obviously not the best weapon for shooting down hard tech drones we believe so. we really need more modern and more effective weapons to fight because it's obvious that russia will not stop this war to this stopped part for
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a 2nd for that i to never put in and see the me 40 judges of joining the volunteer driving hunters. they call themselves team justice, as judges, they are considered indispensable in the capital. so they are not allowed to join the army on the front lines. not that not leave on to what has also become crucial, leaving the cities regular defense force. and despite that, i've dated equipment that's managed to dow numerous john had drains. they say the biggest challenge is staying a lot and ready to jump into action. no matter what. well, it's happened to me many times. i'm quite relaxed, but then suddenly the air right did. let's start to see mike, but we getting ready. we climbed to a firing positions and we start shooting. that's what prevents, are you able to the, what? the judges can remain in the purse up to 24 hours at a time in the capital and elsewhere. nevada is declining. ukraine is struggling to
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sign up for new recruits most. so mostly people still know that everyone in this world is born to be a warrior, i don't know, but not everyone is going to be responsible citizen. and i'm for a credit union. i don't want to condemn people who don't take on a more active part to defend a country for mission aggression, even though which is do you everyone makes their own choices in life. ers here, when are you familiar with someone who used to be the last that is intensifying? it's that campaign and this means that these judges terms, jo, hunters may be spending most of that time monitoring the night sky eva keys. german soldiers being deployed to this away, india as nato allies seek to shore up the strength of the alliances. eastern flank kit represents a major shift and german policy, the 1st term and then deployment of german soldiers abroad since the end of the 2nd world war. drum defense minister for us to store it was that to see off the 1st
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contingent of troops from belen around $5000.00 soldiers will be stationed into to am with a brigade expected to be fully operational. in roundabout 3 is w as chief political correspondent, nina honda is travelling with troops and told us more about the reasoning behind this deploy steering. the cold war west and germany was nato's eastern flank and was protected by western allies who was stationed, the permanent fate. now it's time for germany to give back says german defense minister borders stories and help protect data is current eastern find in the baltic. countries who say that they very much feel that rush that poses a very concrete stretch. now, rest as war against ukraine is seen as a turning point into politics and in history. here in germany, it's been dumped the titan vendor and these images of germany stationing soldiers abroad permanent plays for the very 1st time. since the end of the 2nd world war
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are clear illustration of what site means in concrete tubs. you know, how's that reporting? now tens of millions of people in north america, i'm hoping for clear skies in the coming hours, as they wait for a rad total eclipse. of this spect titus and mexico the united states and canada are flocking to areas along the path of the eclipse to experience the phenomenon in some areas, the moon's shadow will completely block the light from the sun. for more than 4 minutes, the seaside city of mazda at lawn mexico lies in the path of darkness. a solar eclipse tours are flocking here to see seems like these ones captured in argentina in 2020 the move block design and cast the 160 kilometer long shadow. creating what's called the path of to tally and eclipse. soon, that passes from mexico in texas to maine and parts of canada. the viewers will see
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stripes of light and darkness as the eclipse advances and even planets. forecast of cloudy weather may have short views throughout much of the pathway, but that's not stopping. texas star gazers in texas where the 1st major area that's going to be able to say something again, it won't be ideal. so we'll get to see the mood here as optimistic as i am definitely nervous, but i'm trying to just think of it as i've never been to talk this. try to enjoy the weekend as a whole and keep a positive spirit because i would time generally a little nervous about the weather. the eclipse will last around 2 hours and 30 minutes from start to finish. expert advise that viewers were protective solar glasses, fostering at the sun, a message from me,
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and it has the mf and all that i have an update for you at the top of the hour. don't go way up next. global oss us with a globalization is a blessing or cuts god, berlin from me, and it is team. thank you very much for watching the
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