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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballot. nicaragua, it takes germinated. zip codes over its support for his rent, international court of justice and the hey begins hearing a claim by nicaragua. the berlin is facilitating alleged genocide in gaza. germany says the case is not justified. also coming up under people in gaza, return to the homes of the israel, surprised withdrawal from from eunice palestinians. a rushing to discover what is left of the neighborhoods and german troops arrived in lithuania, as nature shows up. defenses on its eastern flank. it's the boat. this vast trust permanent deployment abroad since it was founded in 1955 plus
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gazes across north america grady, the telescopes, as they wait for the full solar eclipse, but will the clouds stay away? the gulf is welcome to the program. the international court of justice in the hague has begun hearing a claim binding, colorado that germany is, quote, facilitating the commission of genocide and the gaza strip. in colorado is arguing that germany is breaching international law by supplying alms and other aids to israel. for his military campaign against thomas, germany has resolutely rejected nicaragua, his accusations, as well as also repeatedly denied committing genocide all crimes. and it's responds to him off october 7 terrorist attacks to nicaragua. his case against
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germany has to main goals to holtz violins, military exports, to israel, and to restart german funding for the un palestinian refugee agency. the arguments that germany's actions are in breach of the genocide convention government is taking to onto it. so medication to prevent genocide, which with respect of international humanitarian law, gemini, supply of alms to israel is a central pillar of nicaragua, as case germany is israel, 2nd largest supply of behind to the united states, accounting for about 30 percent of all israel's weapon imports. nicaragua argues that by continuing to provide these weapons, germany is enabling israel to commit acts of genocide in gaza. in the international court of justice is currently examining whether israel has committed genocide in a separate case launched by south africa in bringing this case before the court.
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nicaragua says it is acting on behalf of the palestinian people. i mean, this is a very important case. obviously for out of the stadium brothers, but also for the people who make it, i will, as you may have heard, going, always oppression indicates where we have a norms, sympathy with an experience with the suffering device. and if people are going through and that's why we felt that if we had to do something, obviously the only thing that i will can do is use the to record since it has one of the few things. i think that i've had some experience with the international court of justice, close ties between nicaragua and palestinian organizations, dates back to 1979 when palestinian groups supported the send. and this the guerrilla forces that the through nicaragua was dictated to germany. staunch
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support of israel goes back to just off to the 2nd world war. the german government seeds supporting israel security as a historical responsibility for germany's actions in the holocaust. the lin categorically rejects nicaragua, his accusations does not another date while at the genocide convention nor international directory in the gym, and he will get its chance to make its case in court. on tuesday, dr. lawrence hill costs o and as an associate professor of law at the personal university, and he told us more about the legal ramifications of this case as well. so, so the low seats alleges germany's responsibility for, for several violations of international law, both in respect of its failure to prevent violations within garza, including its failure to prevent genocide, its failure to prevent violations of the laws of almond conflict and its actual
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supported aid. and assist protecting the form of weapons transferred to israel. and much of this arise as much of that. the case in the way arises from an earlier case instituted in, in january brought by south africa against israel in relation to the assault on golf. uh, in which uh, south africa, religious genocide is, is being committed in golfer itself and in legal terms. does nicaragua have a case? yeah. well, yes it dogs and certainly nicaragua is not that the 1st state or, or, or entity to alleged these kinds of violations being committed in golf. or we have had the, the un tech for general make these points. the un committee on the elimination of racial discrimination, a number of un special rapids tubs have have like you, that there is a risk of genocide being committed in gaza. the international court of justice
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stated in january that there is a risk of a reputable prejudice to the rights of palestinians to be protected from genocide. i'd even domestic courts have sought intervening benevolence. the court of appeal, for example, ordered the suspension of um, sales to israel on the basis of a clear risk that that'd be used to commit violations of the law of armed conflict . and so that's quite a lot of clear evidence of the series risks of violations of international being committed in golf. now why do you think it is nicaragua, of all countries finding this case? or yeah, it's a very good question. nicaragua is actually of a common lift before the international court of justice that so, so it's appeared quite frequently before the court. many of those cases concerned its neighbors in, in central and south america. but some have concerned all the states. and in particular, 40 years ago, nicaragua brought a case against the united states,
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but the us is the intervention and supportive of rebel groups within nicaragua itself. and that was alluded to by nick ragas agent this morning in the court. it's also the case that this is an example of, of what we might think of as public interests, litigation, or an applicant state is bringing a case against another state. not a soft from the bates as a palm being committed to the applicant state. but robin, in order to protect a particular interest of the entire international community. i'm not something we've seen increasingly in the long last 10 to 15 years, a germany. it says that this case is quote, grossly bias. what do you say? well, as i said before, i think there's a considerable amount of publicly available advocates from burial far to the of sources that serious violations of international being committed in golf and those
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violations. i saw that they not only entailed the responsibility of his royal, but they can also entail the responsibility of every of a state in the world for failing to prevent those violations on for aging and assisting in those violations. so i actually think the argument were on the marriage is quite a strong wife and because he didn't see a specific code is one of his lawsuits, germany serving as a scapegoat for the united states. or well, of course they'll be implications for all the states and the us is the principal arms x for to, to, to each row. so an order from the i c, j to suspend, when this transfers to each route would therefore be it'd be an important consideration for the us as well. but germany is the 2nd principle exporter of, of the threat accounting for something like 30 percent of alms exports. to israel, and the obligations being invoked by nicaragua in this case, clearly relate to the,
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to the actual acts and responsibilities of germany. so, so i, i think, i don't think this is a thought using gemini as a skate good for the us. it's about germany independent responsibility. the thank you very much low on sale, a call on from the center of international lowered bristol university. thank there is growing uncertainty over israel's ground offensive and got in the gaza strip off to these rarely, military pulls most of its troops of southern gauze on sunday. israel said needed to protest soldiers for the future future offensive, including into the city of rough off, more than a 1000000 people are sheltering. meanwhile, some of this the indians have begun returning to their homes. but after months of strikes and ground battles with homeless militants, many are returning to ruins. this is con units. after months of bombardment, displaced residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and,
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and most of its troops have been pulled out of the area. the, it's a shock, a shock. what happened was not small. one by way, here in the car, i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and then know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move that around the so i can get a show the do a bit further north and daryl bella much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies, the un says funding is fast approaching and i many children have suffered from del nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that is my last
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it 6 months and with no end in sight. that had a couple of people that i was a spokesman for israel's military, and he told me more about the strategic considerations behind the idea of withdrawal soldiers from han, eunice, your eyes. we know that um the adf is continuing its mission through dismantling destroyed from us as a governing authority in the gaza strip. and indeed, as to the defense minister pointed out, the forces have been re withdrawn or taken out of the gods the strip in order to regroup, recuperates, and continue for operational planning. wherever it takes us, we do know that in the gaza strip, there are still at least 6 operational battalions or from us. 4 of those. indeed, in the rough area to in most central garza, i operating at a lower capacity, but in the south and roughly there are still 4 operational battalions. if we're going to be successful dismantling how much we're going to have to go to rough. i
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think if we've learned anything from our risk operation 2 months ago, in rough up the hostages are being held there. and that there is a extensive force that can conduct organized bytes and you're getting stuff. so we need to operate in order to get rid of from us and bring back the hostages. and now that's, that's the speculation that's pulling out a large number of troops with change the face of that war. indicating that maybe the idea is going more into a surgical mode instead of a full on full on war, if you will. what do you say to that? so the operations has different stages and indeed as we have, the war involves moves forward and we dismantle much of how much has been for structure, the operational capability, production and industry capabilities to this not to produce the terrorist,
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the weapons, and then it's almost systems. so it's cost as a different type of operation that is required. we all maintaining operational capabilities. both precision strikes phony sky, as the operation develop, but also ground operations based on intelligence based on the operational flexibility of freedom that we will maintain will continue to main thing. um, as we, as we look forward, you know, we have to realize that this operation has to work in conjunction with a human to turn up ration that supplement supports is the right thing to do and also it's an operational, strategic and right now, some critics in israel say that the troop withdrawal give some us the chance to regroup. what's your view on that? i would say, you know, we have a good confidence in our forces in l strategic poster at this time. of course, as we saw or when i'm us went back to ship a hospital, it is an opportunity and it is an option. but as we prove what we were read back to
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re, uh, she for a lower safe, we can always take out of us wherever they are. we can operate, we can mobilize swiftly, we can engage, or we can stick them out even if there is an attempt to regroup. we'll take control of different locations like they did in the she, for instance. now the israeli government declared a clear i am still there as well from the beginning, the elimination of hamas and the release and also hostages. uh, have you gotten any closer to that? so we dismantle destroyed. are you sure? miles of the battalions there. operational forces taking out many of the commodities, their political leaders as well. i would say yes, every day that goes by we are moving closer and closer to dispenser gum us as a company go far too because the strip that is the goal. uh uh or that is goal number one, with alongside with goal number to bring home the hostages. we have to be
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successful because if we all successful of dismantling of us, it will set the very clear message to terrorist organizations around the world. if it's okay to come into people's bedrooms and books and then that's something we call to expect we call to accept. and we will continue to fights and wants to make sure that it doesn't happen. so i would say yes, we are moving closer every day. it's a role that they've been planning for and building their, their invest structure and the industry over the last 16 years. so if that's the situation there is no quick fix to the reality regards to take our time until we reach our goals. but that, and kind of pete a lot of that spokesman for as well as military and till a v. thank you very much kind of good evening. that's, i don't know what else is happening around the world. full process has met with relatives of the hostages taken by home office and the october 7 turbo tax around
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100 and thirty's. people are still missing. it's the 2nd time the pope has met with families of sausages last year. he also met palestinians with family and gaza and south korea has successfully launched the 2nd military spice satellite into all the tennessee laws from florida. and the united states comes days, often north korea space agency said it plans to send up several more of its own spice satellites. this year. the 2nd, the space res follows increased weapons testing and 5 pm young. in the us, the philippines, australia and japan of health joints, military drills and the disputants south china sea sign, a set of carried out its own exercises. at the same time badging claims almost the whole of the area as its territory. but the 2 women leading the race to become mexico's next president have faceoff at the 1st debate ahead of june selection, front brun claudia shane balm from the routing morena potty and
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a main rival shelf to a governess, flashed over corruption, engender violence, and all the issues popular president andras, mano a lopez over adult is time limited from running again. at least 90 full of people have died off for a boat capsized. also coasts of mozambique local authorities. same more than 20 others are missing. officials set the fishing vessel was heading from little guy to mozambique islands when it's local media said the boat was being used as a mixture of ferry. many on board were reportedly trying to flee a color outbreak on the mainland. basically, operations are still underway and i'll south africa correspondent, dan holcombe told me why the boat capsized as well. um, information from the beacon government is that the boat is actually
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a piece of fishing basal which was loading people onto it and a fishing base. so would not have been to both arise to carry over a 100 people. and that's one of the main reasons why the boat is said to have capsized. and that's a big concern. it'll be a contributing factor. ah, that's what the width it in that area i spoke earlier on to a made a representative from the government in that province. and he indicated that the, with the at that location is, hasn't been great. there's been a lot of intimate with the rain and some wind, and he said that generally that stretch of ocean can be quite treacherous. this is leads for some members of the opposition party to coal, forbid, to enforcement from the government when it comes to the use of fishing vessels and, and other types of boats to ferry people. they say that they needs to be moved maritime safety and information given to people about the dangers of using this
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kind of a boat, which is not actually authorized to carry this number of people. now it probably several people are still missing. is there any hope of finding survivors as well? i think that as a time goes by the hope of findings to survive as does decrease the most beacon government has said that it has requested assistance in the search and rescue operations from the national government. so this is the, the government leading the problems as cold in the national government to assist in, at the moment 10 people appear to have been notated, but they are still a number of people. you know, that have not been found. and it is likely that the death toll would increase if those people are not found by later this afternoon, or early tomorrow morning. that also reports that people on that boat were fleeing
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a color outbreak of what more do you know about this? well we know that the issue of the color it has to be the major concern in mozambique, and in fact is above way. and that the, the has have been cases that have been increasing over time in mozambique. the government has said that they've reported 15000 cases and more than that you did as a result of contrast, the area of the pool that has been quite severely affected and it seems that the was, was indications. we're not 100 percent sure whether it's true or not, that they were both cases. and this late this group of people to panic and try to relocate to another area which they the need would be more say off respond at the ad hoc of that. and john is, but for us, thank you very much, diane. the german soldiers being deployed to loose away and yeah, and as nato allies seek to show up the strength of the alliances,
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east and flank the deployment marks a major shift in german policies. the 1st permanent deployment of the german soldiers, the votes. since the phones is that was founded in 1955, the 1st contingent of troops was seen all fat. but an apple, as by germany's defense minister, both the stores around 5000 soldiers will eventually be stationed in this way. and yeah, with the big gate expected to be fully operational by 2027. w as chief political correspondent, nina honda is travelling with the troops and told us what has prompted this move during the cold. well west and germany was natives eastern flank and was protected from potential soviet aggression. not the time by worse than allies, but was stationed that permanently. now it's time for germany to give back and help protect nate as current eastern flank, but is here in the baltic. countries that very much fear that russia could attack
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the european union. now germany stationing soldiers abroad is a significant step. they will be stationed here permanently up to 5000 soldiers that would come to list worry me as rescue because as was the message here in vilnius today, miscellaneous freedom is terminates freedom. this way, new security is dumb, need security. the nozzle that reporting and authorities in the russian city of oregon burg have warned residents to leave immediately. as rising floodwaters are approaching. thousands of people have already been evacuated in the euro to region as rivers bus. the banks due to rapidly melting snow, a state of emergency has now been extended to 3 regions of the it's being described as the worst flooding to hit the arrows region in several decades. but this flood disaster hasn't been triggered by heavy rain is because searching
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temperatures have caused the winter snow to melt all at once. a main focus of concern is now the city of oregon burg home. to more than half a 1000000 people forecasters say the euro river is expected to peak an organ broke on wednesday. at levels, the mayor says the city hasn't seen since 1942 across the affected area. thousands of homes have already been inundated, emergency crews have been helping evacuate residents to temporary shelters, but that is from one guy. we tried to help people who were affected by the snow melts, flooding faster. now where among them volunteers are also pitching in to help their neighbors. so i've been feeling them as flaw, 6 with hot water for them. they don't have any as a preventative measure, emergency services have been blowing up river ice and a bit to control water flows. a crumbling spokesman says president vladimir putin is closely monitoring the situation, which he referred to as
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a weather anomaly. despite previous comments, casting doubt on climate change, president fulton has ordered his government to do more to prepare russia for extreme weather. tens of millions of people across north america. i'm hoping for clear sky is in the coming hours as they wait for a rad total eclipse. of the sun, spectators and mexico, the united states and in canada, are flocking to areas along the pomp of the eclipse, to experience the phenomenon as the seaside city of mazda outline, mexico lies in the path of darkness. a solar eclipse tours are flocking here to see scenes like these ones captured in argentina in 2020 the move block to sign in cash to 160 kilometer long shadow. reading what's called the path of to tally and eclipse own that passes from mexico in texas to maine and parts of
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canada. viewers both the stripes of light and darkness as the eclipse advances and even planets. forecast of cloudy weather may have short views throughout much of the pathway, but that's not stopping. texas star gazers in texas where the 1st major area that's going to be able to say something. again, it won't be ideal, so we'll get to see. so the mood here is optimistic, which i am definitely nervous, but i'm trying to just think of it as i've never been to texas tried to enjoy the weekend as a whole and keep a positive spirit. because i, i would say, i'm generally a little nervous about the weather. the eclipse will last around 2 hours and 30 minutes from start to finish. expert advised that viewers were protective solar glasses fostering at the sun
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us now to tokyo, where an annual memorial service has been held for a very special dog who has come to symbolize the loyalty of all canine companions, locals unto us the life gathered at this stuff too, of how she called the beloved dog, waited faithfully at the train station for his own, or to return from work for nearly 10 years after he died of disciplines on as how she pro, with sprigs from the sacred tree and loudly the you're watching dw nero's here as a reminder of our top story, international court of justice in the hague has begun to hearing a claim by nicaragua, that germany is facilitating alleged a genocide by israel and gaza. it argues that berlin is reaching international law
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by supplying palms and all the aides to israel. and that's it's from me and the new scene from the upper and gulf level world news update for you. at the top of the got a perspective watching the,
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the, the cost is a shipping giant building a gigantic molten, true local residence. so wary of the chinese conglomerate some vicious project, which is causing by corruption and environmental destruction, critical voices of being sensitive, logo next, on dw,
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magical beauty, dark melancholy. the paintings of caspar davi treated like an artist whose works continued to influence the world even today. but why exactly? finally, for the 250 at the anniversary of his birth taskbar david fleet, at least explained both unveiled in 16 minutes on d w, the this shadows these costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed a score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races,
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depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the big promises. china is new mega port on the coast of the sewing sales, but does globalization really benefit to everyone? the trend mountains of trash going on there is drowning and cheap flows from over the world. the .


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