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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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located the policy, so let me know where to said conflict them and the response how did you sign a pin number? oh, i know, but yeah, we're not a man. as long as people are gray. so next time there will always be somebody willing to risk everything to get a share of the big money. the hey, all you guys out there, we have a personal question. what sort of underpants do you wear? comfortable and airy, or tight and sexy? so watch out tight under parents can affect your testicles and therefore your efforts. hillary. one study recorded a 17 percent lower sperm counts for the type brief wearers compared to guys who prefer boxers, that's probably because breeds keep you warm are down there, but don't head off to buy new ones just yet. we might have more for your to do list . welcome to in good shape the
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how many genders are there actually? many of us learned early on that they were just to male and female. but it's not that simple. sometimes the way a person sees themselves differs from their biological gender, their transgender. other times the biological sex can be clearly determined. this is known as intersects, but biologically burst. most babies are either clearly boys or girls. though the differences are smaller than you might think. most of our organs are constantly focused on keeping the bodies allies, but on sexual organs like aliya peripheral role. a nice every day process is instead that busy for doing their own time in secret. even though male and female
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sexual organs look quite different, they have a surprising number of similarities. it's only in the 6 weeks of pregnancy, the reproductive organs begin to develop different names. the peanuts and glands thoughts out in the same way as the labia includes risk. the going us develop into either ovary or testicles. sometimes none can sexual characteristics. develop reproductive organs have an important ally in the brain. name least the hypo side of this. it regulates flow to the function like hunger, test, leading hutchins and also sec. so i'm reproductive behavior. when we interview between the hypothalamus on the sexual organs, begin to implement that because the high so sinus sends out messenger compounds, but stimulates and released at the most important sex all names. the ovaries
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increase the production of features and them projects to right on the testicle to creating more testosterone. during puberty, the amount can increase that to fold. all of a sudden bodies begin to change men's shoulders go. brutus winnings hit some brice 6 fund. it begins to grow in all kinds of places and the voice changes. pull this is accompanied by mood swings. but it's the sexual organs that benefits much from that plan. the child to shoot and the painless, like christmas grow and develop a superpower. they can swell, went around, making them up the largest and does that as well that many nerve endings become even most sensitive due to the increased blood circulation. spun cells, developing the testicles on the 1st x, so makes its way in the ovaries to the uterus statistics. organ. copeland has become a reality. they've turned owners into sexually mature human. it's time just now
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come up and staples. see you that passion. it's not just the sex organs could have to work out the, the age old. this, that man or the stronger sucks still persists in some guys minds. nothing can hold him back unless of course he gets a cold, then he can grow convinced he's close to death. is a cold really worse for a man then for a woman. and this is so does the colon. um, one thing women are used to suffering pain and discomfort and because of their monthly periods, oh, it's not. and then what's on this and talk to home about the differences and hormonal make up are also a factor to which people are often men have higher testosterone levels. that means their bodies produce slightly fewer anti bodies now, so they may suffer a little more from the viral load. then women do me a diety,
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or that is abuse. men also die younger than women. that's true across all cultures . women have 2 x chromosomes, man, one x and one y. the y chromosome disappears from their cells with increasing age. that accelerates agent and damages the heart. in particular, the chromosomes alone are to blame. the w a chose as men are also more likely to work in noise, smoke and dirt. they lead to risk year end, unhealthy or lives than women, and they go to the doctor less often and that can have dangerous consequences. breakfast has become exact science way down to the gram hemmings nor has diabetes and tries to keep his blood sugar levels in check with a strict diet. the god house of the smoke, nearly as good as it doesn't make your blood sugar rise so sharply. in fact, it even lower, is it in the face type? uh, she's pretty disciplined,
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but he's still tests his blood regularly to make sure all is well. headings, no, it was diagnosed with diabetes almost 2 years ago. left to his own devices. he wouldn't have made an appointment with the doctor. it was someone else that urged him to take action a my limbs, cassandra in the i would have them come home. my partner works at the hospital, does the snack. she noticed that i was quite thursday at night and drank a lot of water and food and she told me it's a typical sign of type 2 diabetes. so i am and she was right. his blood sugar levels were very high. type 2 diabetes is usually associated with older people, but it can occur any time paintings, nor is only in his thirty's as a caught them, give it as to the silent with type 2 diabetes, especially you don't have any immediate sack on this one. you don't notice your blood sugar is high, but the consequences can be serious. the condition can lead to heart attacks,
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blindness or wounds that won't hear many man or like hennings nor they'll go to the doctor if they think something's wrong. but not just for a checkup of god by your own. i think that's especially true of young man. if, if you're not ill, you don't go to the doctor. it's on. i think lots of people are that way. generally as well. why would i go to the doctor if i have no symptoms of skin? and vs mostly on almost left it too late to see a doctor. 7 years ago his g p sent him for a colonoscopy. he was devastated by the result. some capes colon cancer, just the word was so scary and such as john's most especially as i never had any real pain. almost when i didn't go to the doctor because i thought there was something there i was of. i had no idea that to that use was have a new on gastroenterologist peter huber discovered the tumor during the colonoscopy
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. it had grown, generally 9 centimeters in length. and to the small c on underwent surgery which was successful, he's now doing well again the vice of, if you've been cancer free for 5 years, that's magic 5 year mark, you're considered relatively out of the words web back. so how can mormon be persuaded to undergo screening? celebrities can help promote early detection of colon cancer, for example. and there are many brochures, but such campaigns are not actually that successful. men continue to avoid screening. experts say we need to start much earlier educating children and adolescents who the life of visitors think is info. i mean, i think it's important in families that fathers go to the doctor with their children and so that the sons can see that their fathers are also taking care of their health on that scapes and harvest on just a few weeks after is cancer operation? 70 years ago and today as massey on was back at work. he manages
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a children's activities center. he's so glad that he went for a checkup just in time. his message to other men is clear. this is exact model the consort, leave your comfort zone and get it done. all so often that get lots of excuses. my come to mind me i'm, i've got no time in this and that, and that may be all true was i and i. but this is about me help you believe i only survive to because i took action up and he said, i'm very grateful for that and i can only pass it on it. i can just do it and don't put it off with less kind of sacrifice. and appeal to all go to the doctor from time to time, even when you're young, and it could save you problems in later life. for tillery is falling, male sperm counts, have dropped by almost 60 percent since the 19 seventy's. it's a problem worldwide. numerous studies have speculated on the cause,
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it might be due to pharmaceutical and chemical residues in drinking water. it could be fine particulate matter in the air or the heat from a cell phone in your pocket. but a low sperm count can also indicate the illness, including testicular cancer. history on young 2 recently became a father for the 2nd time. the 34 year old is extremely grateful to be alive and to have a family lets me out of on the other about this vehicle. the last few years have been very dramatic and difficult or something. i wouldn't have gotten through it without my family. they've been my supports and my source of energy wasn't quite the energy for the trustee on young who had tested kid that comes that he grew in his early twenties, a typical age to discover it consisting. so it wouldn't save testicular cancer is
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relatively rare overall. but and young man, it's the most common cancer of all. according to the latest figures from the whole, the cost institute just over $4000.00 young men are diagnosed with testicular cancer in germany. every year and dusted ex castille noticed a holiday heavier on one of his testicles while taking a shower. next of the stuff i saw that you noticed there's something wrong this. it doesn't hurt or staying more everything functions. ok. so it's just that there's something on the testicle that doesn't belong there and it can get out when the areas started growing. he went straight to the doctor a few days later he underwent surgery. that was 11 years ago. 6 will be a little bit earlier. we diagnosed testicular cancer, the greater the chance of recovery almost midnight, and most men can actually be tour just through surgery all in at 4 kind, even if it's more advanced and we can successfully treat the vast majority of man. i don't know that during the operation effect to test the college opened up tissue
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samples are taken and examined immediately. give me while still in the operating room, the surgeon gets the results back. in this case it's cancerous. the testicle with the tumor was then removed. the overall chances of recovery all around 95 percent. without surgery, the aggressive con, so would be faithful. to deduct such as these tumors go very fast and you wonder why some young guys didn't see a doctor earlier, but it's because it's taboo. may feel afraid or ashamed, but it's important to act fast and this is a tumor you can easily feel yourself in around 2 sets of patients. the cancer has not yet spread a know for the treatment is needed after the operation. the most patients can go home the next day and have few restrictions in terms of physical activity and stability of the going to stay on. cuz that could also to stick to that cancer. his
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was discovered by chance when he and his wife weren't able to have children, he went to the doctor to find out if that was a problem. this what the doctor said we'd have to postpone our plans to get pregnant. as you could see, a structure and my right test, the goal that didn't belong there. to tc think you got to kristin underwent surgery and like whole patients was monitored of to it's in his case the cancer had spread . so we had to of chemotherapy products of pins. the doctor said if i'd come 3 weeks later, it would have been too late since it was such a shock. for me that was 11 years ago now. christie, and cuz like i still has his blood work done regularly and every year he sees the urologist for a checkup because even though he stayed healthy for a long time, this to risk the click of its height. and he, mr. correctly will always have a higher risk of developing a tumor in his remaining testicle than patients who never had this answer. what if
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anything happens, it will likely be discovered very early because mystics back is very aware of it. so his chances of recovery will still be excellent over 95 percent for sure. in the 90 percent. meanwhile, christiane young who is undergoing a checkup in munich, he also had to undergo chemotherapy to treat his cancer. then 7 years later, it came back again. but today is urologist has good news in dash on the c t scan, you can see very clearly this lymph node of about 1.5 centimeters. this now on the right hand side they can no longer be clearly delineated. so it's completely in remission. it's all thanks to a 2nd, particularly high dose of chemotherapy that he received in munich. it was so powerful, but he also needed a stem cell transplant. it was a stressful time,
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but necessary to save his life. you've been talking to somebody, it's good. we call it salvage chemotherapy is key material, and it takes much more of a total on the patients because they've already been through 3 or 4 cycles, that chemotherapy how to. but it allows us, even in the advanced stages of this cancer, secure the majority of patients can stand young, who is once again healthy and active. his advice, if you suspect anything, see a doctor quickly opens because even if it's nothing it's better to see a doctor once too much than once to little people's better to be called a hypochondriac than have the doctor say funny. why did you wait so long, or this is almost long about the christians, other to be sure to check yourself regularly. but how do you check yourself? well, head over to our tech talk channel, where you can find videos like this one,
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guys did, you know that you can get testicular cancer before you even turn 20? it's easy to check your tests bestest to begin doing it once a month. after you turn 16, a good time after a warm shower, 1st cup them into your hand to see if they feel normal. then gently roll them between your thumb and forefinger. one testicle at a time, also examined at the did them. that's the tissue at the back of the testicles pay attention to whether they feel heavy, painful and watch out for any heart loves or if you're testicle swell, reports in all these cases get checked by a urologist and don't freak out. up to 98 percent of testicular cancer is can be cured if detected or late find beyond says yes, loss on dw science. oh, take talk channel. the scientists have also looked into how men can improve their sperm quality, young man, who 860 grams of almonds and other notes every day. so dramatic improvements in
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storm quality, at least, and one small study try also to eat lots of blueberries, cherries, radishes, lemons, and oranges. because there's such a help with a reptile function and being able to get it up. just kind of important boys get their 1st nighttime erections during puberty. it's a perfectly natural phenomenon that will happen throughout their lives. of these men often won't have an erection during the day. that means oxygen supply is reduced and blood circulates more poorly. only during interaction is there a lot of oxygen in the peanuts and a lot of blood fuel. but the payments may get to work out 5 or 6 times a night, each direction page, the way for the next nerve impulses are transmitted from the head via the spinal cord to the nerves and the peanuts. the erected tissue is then inundated with blood
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and become steps since he directions are generally controlled by the sub conscious mind. if you think about it or try to exert a direct influence, then it usually has a blocking effect. but it looked at the book you. in other words, the pain is doesn't always perform to order. at some stage, almost all men will experience a prolonged period of a recto dysfunction. then it's important to see a doctor. it's often due to psychological factors like stress, but it might also indicate a testosterone deficiency or circulatory disorder. erectile dysfunction, can be an alarm signal for your overall health. because we didn't, we know from studies, for example, that about 8 years before a man has a heart attack, he develops a reptile dysfunction. of course, not every man who develops direct time this function will have a heart attack to have to try. but if the dysfunction is due to a vascular problem, so because the blood vessels to the peanuts have a problem and are no longer transporting enough blood, then that indicates
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a high probability of a heart attack or stroke in the future and stuck on fights of because but for many men erectile dysfunction, doesn't have to be a given. they can take charge of it, use it or use it, use it or lose it that applies to the brain. the muscles and the pain is given your brain to work out is important. and so is training your muscles and it's the same for the pain is they're all important. and if they're not stimulated or trains, then they deteriorate. and that applies to the penis to us giving it to you all for the peace. but many men simply don't feel like it that can be due to hormonal disorders, but equally pressure to perform stress and relationships or an unfulfilled desire to have children. in the vis you might know that you have to perform today at noon because you and your partner want a child and that's when she's on delayed it. so many even get calls that work along the lines of, hey honey,
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i just started audio late and you need to come home. they might have 0 desire and may suffer a rec time this function as a result of that or to install. and i could often when men age and father and children is no longer an issue, things are more relaxed or red tile function less for a lifetime. older men can often even retain directions for longer because their experience makes them more relaxed. they know their body, but sometimes problems also arise with the prostate uptake. seems like there's the one extreme that says the man's prostate is like a woman's g spot, but that's because of the many nerves around and in it. so it's a crucial point for an orgasm. on the other hand, we know of some man who had their prostate surgically removed, but still have orgasms the feeling of oregon and remains. that's the other side with you guys or customers that puts enough 15 of those already under those items. whether young or old, with or without restrictions, a satisfying sex life is healthy and can remain so even into rightful day.
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the yourself to protect yourself from the right child dysfunction. watch your weight, and if you're overweight, lose the pounds. avoid cigarettes and alcohol. both are harmful to your blood vessels. to cut down on stress, bad exercise, working out regularly, you'd like rocket fuel for your pain it, but don't overdo it. excessive training reduces your production of sex hormones. of course you want to look good. that helps with attracting a partner too. but muscles alone won't cut it. uh concept of what is attractive is constantly changing in the 9th 19 century when not everyone had enough to eat. the chubby look was a sign of prosperity. in the 19 thirty's hollywood absence began modeling the slim mind. in the seventy's, the long head rebel legs took a while in the eighty's,
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fitness clubs, within with muscle, bone bodies, all the rage today and the base to fit this train that justin saga says the trend is towards electric, healthy male bodies. so difficult. but what i've noticed with our members is that men want strong chest and shoulder and also some wooden stock. that's with muscles . arms are important to as you know, your mind revise. but there's also a trend towards health in general. and people want to look healthy and feel helpful . i think that also plays a big role because of all that, it's a change that men's fitness magazine symbols so picked up on the trend is moving away from the stereo. typical police, a bunch of bullets. we'll focus on the individual specialist these days. people are less focused on the 6 pack and 10 to see the whole man instead of doing guns. munsey, and the focus is much more on health ones. and it is on just how, where and appearances on. and of course that's reflected in our cover models to
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minutes. and then the men featured inside the magazine and then those can you pull it up. and so it's becoming much more nuanced and complex. you know, the latest issue is no exception. read as were dissatisfied with men being portrayed in a one sided way a so the magazine is trying out something new box for the hundreds of to invest in the current issue. we have 11 readers who deviate a little from the norm in some way, but are totally happy with their bodies. and we portray them with very little clothes that just in trans studies to change on evolution in societies. she calls herself a psych guys research. i mean, i'm just laughing privatized. men definitely need vitality. some of mine who believes this masculinity by smoking and drinking a lot no longer works and you need a healthy image. plenty of energy because you definitely want to have the feeling down hold out for a few more decades. she says
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a well defined body will always be attractive, but other up to be so also proven an important winning today no longer to use. cotton is according to the same criteria. they want to know what a, his communication skills line, what c like in an argument 1st or how does he deal with conflict with gender roles and no longer say fixed. it completely changes how you deal with a difference of opinion with the question. if he wants to what web and how it has to be negotiated, because this is clear that's no longer one id online. i'm fine for the one thing that was always the case still applies. now, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. though it's time to get those arms looking strong and shape blake and build up some serious muscle definition the secret because well trained try sense and tim knows just how to get them
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even looks like i'm shooting out. this is a tough exercise, and it's called the one choice. it's a push up. put you have comfortably in your arm and relax to make sure that your little luck is in front of you. put your hand close to your buddy. then firmly push your hand into the ground and the whole body is coming up until you're on this straight a. so down slowly soft touch and then again pushing on the floor or so. it's great for your triceps, your chest and your apps. my recommendation regarding the repetitions don't care about the amount, just keep the ride for them to do exercise correctly. then of course, which was side because we need to all as and shape ok. they down sideways laser had
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to come out of it and you um and you feel immediately you triceps but don't forget to train your other muscles too and don't forget to tune in again to in good shape. see it at the
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time. it's time for new ideas, it's time to ask to see the drive train, they clean the air or the habitat of many space. these are important climate protectors. but these forest joins are under the trend around the world. ready it's time to recognize that there are no styles in 30 minutes on the w, india,
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50 or 60 percent of the photos weren't way to haven't gone. and that'll come in. and this has happened in the last decade. this is not really long the given in our life go based in g o is helping to protect endangered marine environment. and that's how the, how the eco indian in 90 minutes on d. w. the winning the say never giving us the most exciting sport stories about people that happens every weekend. d,
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w. d, a big oil companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest the, the letter full actually cause awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chains, profit, all that much illegal as a starts may said on d, w, the
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the this is the, the we news life from berlin, palestinians, march adolf feature in gaza under the shadow before this year. the end of ramadan is marked by displacement. death and destruction. aids into the territory has been increased the head of the holiday to east shortages of essential supplies. also coming up a crunch election for south korean president unit. so y'all, even though he's not in the running, the result will decide whether he has enough support in parliament to push through his policy. if we look at how ukraine is using drones to strike targets,
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feet inside russia, targeting people.


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