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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from bell in israel opens the new aid crossing into garza, it says the 1st trucks carrying vital supplies have arrived. israel opened the new 8 routes under international pressure as we pull it up from our growing also coming off. german is call them and makes it easier to change. a name and gender on official documents with all of his controversial new lo means folder transgender community. the folder in american football style o. j. simpson dies age 7 to 6. is griffith not a trial, became a world wide sensation in the 1990
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guy that is welcome to the program. israel says the 1st a trucks have now entered garza via a newly opened northern crossing points. is very limited to the pictures apparently show vehicles carrying desperately needed supplies. crossing the boat off to being screened for the south. the is ready to government has come onto international and the international pressure to allow more aid to ease the human a terry and crisis. israel control the land and sea roots to gaza, even before the war, which began when hum us launched terror attacks on israel. on october, the 7th. let's go to our corresponding correspondent. i'm in a city in jerusalem. and what more can you tell us about this? a convoy as well the i d. f said that these trucks were moved into
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gaza during the night time. you can see that it's dark in the videos that they've published. this is an unnamed crossing on garza's northern border. it seems that the trucks were 1st. i uh, went through inspections at the southern crossing of care them so long, but instead of moving and the guys are there, they went back around the gaza strip and then entered through the north. now what's interesting here is this comes one week after a phone call between us present and joe biden, and it's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in which nothing yahoo promised to do more to get aid into gaza. and right after that announced that they would be opening a crossing and gathers causes northern border. at that point they said that it was going to be the air is crossing. but it seems that because of logistical reasons, they didn't open the arrows crossing and opened a separate crossing. this one a little bit closer to the c instead. although a journalist have not been taking there and, and showing around. so we don't really know where it is or how they're doing this.
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and now, i mean, is this a sign that aid could regularly pass through the northern border from the as well as well? the idea of in their statements. so this was a 1st uh truck crossing uh, truck shipment of humanitarian aid through that crossing. so applying that there's going to be more hopefully many more according to the 8 agencies and say there's a dire need there. but there's a lot of questions remain if, because of logistical reasons, the aid is not going through areas crossing which before the war the current war was i'm off was the only crossing on the northern border of gaza if it's not going through there because of logistical reasons why is that going through this unnamed crossing instead and our aid organizations able to bring in the mass quantities of humanitarian assistance into northern gaza through what appears to be in the videos of dirt road. those questions remain and hopefully the idea of full answer,
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those in the coming days. now explain to us why is it so important for a to come directly into the knolls? well of course the un says that all of the people living in gaza are living with foods shortages right now. but the, the emergency seems to be the most acute in northern gauze. but that's because as of last week, all the a that was coming in the gaza was coming through the south through the roof of crossing with egypt or the cancer long crossing an israel and making its way up through the gaza strip to the north was a treacherous journey. we know that an aide con boy was targeted by his where the missiles just a days ago. and so it does a lot of time. it does not get up to the north where some organizations say that the gardens are living on just $250.00 calories per day. so that's why there's this big push to get an aide through the northern gaza crossing the us is pushing israel
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and that 8 organizations are doing so as well in order to assist those hundreds of thousands of guys. and so we're living in the north, unable to access humanitarian aid, as well as medication student. this man is, is that in jerusalem, thank you very much. i'm in lawmakers in germany have back to a government plan to make it easier for transgender intersects and non binary people to change the name and gender in official documents. the so called self determination acts will drop the 1980s legal requirement for 2 psychological assessments. and a court decision, the law has run into a position from conservative and religious groups as well as from feminist. as the national debate continues, we met a trans friend of mine who reflects upon his transition. oh the 5, the father, the 21 year old jamie williams seen him on the left. i'm sharing pictures of his
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childhood with a friend. then he was a young go on hand as i was, and i always did everything with my brothers when i was a child, we grew up together and there was never any difference. besides, we've all the same clothes, we had the same hobbies, and there was no role model for me that i had to feed in somehow. and then at some point the moment came when society made a distinction between us. for some years jamie dressed like a go and went along with societies expectations and then come at the moment and then time the moment when i realized that i didn't feel comfortable in this role tool that was being pushed into it. and obviously it's, and then i tried hard to push myself into it and somehow fulfill this role. but at some point i really realized that this wasn't possible. it wasn't me, it's been, this is age 15. he confided in his mother and told her that he wanted to identify as a male. under the existing rule which has passed in 1980, the procedure for changing a person's legal agenda was lengthy, expensive,
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and at times invasive. until 2011 trends, people have to be stabilized to officially change the agenda to the settlement time off on the, at the moment you need to independent medical experts and a court order and you have to pay money for these. if you don't get legal aid on it, simply a very, very long process. so jamie says the new little and makes the process for trends. people much easier that the flow from some a self determination means that i know best to why and then can determine that myself. while the passing of the little remains controversial, especially among german conservatives. it's a landmark moment for gem and these trends into 6 and binary community. as brand probably a knox coordinates from german trends association here in billing. now, what will change in the day they live for people who cannot change the 1st name
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agenda more easily? the has to imagine being not, not to be able to pay with your ac cards in a store, not be able to go to the doctor. and so your insurance without being accused of fraud or depending on the situation, having the police call them you. this is something that happens to transfer people very regularly in germany. now this, the new law people can change the name and gender mark how much more easily and the state today just from the nation situations will faint. now that law has been criticized. for example, for allowing people to change the name and sexual identity every year. why is that necessary? this is emily. i'm 2 years ago the government started to talk about key points. the law will have. and then conservatives and right to bring parties,
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but afraid that people would change the name every 2nd day. so they wanted to have a timeframe in the law that says you can only change your name once a year. because they think we change our names every 2 days. if this, if this year is not written in the law, why not? we don't expect people to change the name more than once. and now why do you think they sound like all has been criticized? not only by the far right, but also by a conservative democrats in the end of it publishing the key points 2 years ago, a big this information campaign has been started around trans people and around the effects the law will have most of the public opinion believed in this, this information. so now we have a rise in print induced us against trans people and also arrive and onto trans
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violence because of the test information. and many of the anxieties of the conservatives are also based on this, this information. for example, major feminist women's organization support the law and also for a long alone us to do something against that this information. now, one of the concerns with security concern, some argue that the criminals could get their names easily changed or get new possible and therefore escaped law enforcement. or when the person changes the name and gender, monica in germany, the birth certificate, and all the other documents will be changed. but in the bus registering the old name and the old under monica will stay the same. so that will be noted which name a person had before and which name a person has now. and the law enforcement also has access to these books written street. so there is no way to escape a criminal offense with
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a name or the market change. now the only 46 percent of germans are in favor of this new law. why do you think that is? i think it also has to do with this information campaign that we face the last 2 years. and also many people just cons. i mentioned how it is to be transgender. not many people are aware that we are as many people as we are, and many people i think just didn't have the information all close contact with the trans person. and so you said most of these things prejudices, thank you very much. god, we are not finished off of the german trans association. now let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. supporters of the former ecuadorian vice president for the gloss demanding his release loss was detained when security forces stone, the mexican embassy,
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and key to where he'd been given political asylum, losses facing corruption charges, british and spanish ministers are discussing the status of control. so they hoped to reach a deal on whether the u. k. overseas territory should remain probably, you know, the britain has less people to relies on access to spain for jobs and trade. a sliding and southern russian cause of style has worse and tens of thousands of being forced to leave the homes as the melting snow caused the your old river to bust its backs. it now tops 11 meters of the city of austin bug, cause exxon has declared the state of emergency thailand says it is concerned about the situation and be a mom of to the military who lost control of a strategically important town on the tie board up the army has withdrawn from the trading hub of me, a body of the days of fighting with resistance forces. that's been
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a steady stream of people trying to flee the country. it's the latest set back for me on most military regime, which is facing growing a position from rebel forces and the shop dropped in support among the people as the tie border arrivals from me in march or up by almost 50 percent. for me here across the over from the town of my wadi, after fighting between the military and armed groups or villages afraid of the situation. these people felt terrified so they moved to me. so i want to scare yes i do. there's no fighting at the moment. yes, not in near what he told me. this time warner check is a short ride from where me a mars military government has been pushed back by rebels. they've been clashing near constantly since october, when the rebels got together and
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a union of fighters to form a larger opposition for us. it's a sign of the moving on post road in power and popularity. they are also at odds the civilians for the posing the amaris democratically elected government run by on some sushi. moving to in 2021 just to be here in the home. but is the displacement and conflict had been widespread since the drawn criticism. but it's from the you in the looking at to call the alexis, 2800000 people have now been displaced, 90 percent of them since the military takeover. many of these people require urgent access to food, shelter and safety. the who to risk losing additional credibility for a strategic loss of my wadi, a major trading point that links myanmar to bangkok by highway rebel attacks on the military and civilians are on the rise. and type forces can no longer rely on the
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who to, to secure the me in more side of the board. united pearson is the director of human rights sports asia division. and i asked if the who died in me a mob might be losing its grip on power. well, yes, i mean, it certainly seems that way. i mean, the loss of me a while the town is a major blow to the me and my military. i mean, this is a very strategic border point. there are 6 border controls between thailand and meanwhile, this is probably the most important one. a lot of trade goes through milwaukee. and you know, this is coming off to a series of defeats that of the me and my military had space on various areas of the periphery. whether it's in were kind states the border with bangladesh and india on the border of thailand. and even to the north, it's been very fee as far seeing. so i think we see that the me in my military is really under a lot of pressure. they've introduced the conscription
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a little before is not popular and it really feels like they are losing piece battle. you mentioned a conscription. the organization says that the military is not forcing real hinge a men and boys to fight for it. tell us what you've been hearing. yes, that's right. we put out a release earlier this week where we documented about a 1000 range of men and boys have been abducted. they've been rounded up and were kind sites and they being forced to finance on the front lines. now the ethnic range are not even allowed citizenship in me in law, and they have fled to bangladesh because of the campaigns of ethnic cleansing and acts of genocide by the me in the military. so it's really sickening to see that and now being forced to fight for a military that committed such atrocities against them. they've been picked up in not time rates boys, as young as 15 years old. they promise money. they promised sex surprise. but they also don't really have an opportunity to refuse this fighting. so this is really
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concerning, but i think it also shows the extent to which, you know, the meanwhile military has been forced into this position because of the heavy losses on the battlefield line pissed. and they have, schumann writes, watch isn't one month since haiti's prime minister announced his resignation during violent unrest. with both say, a temporary government is ready to take over. the new administration's main task will be to pay the way for new presidential elections within 2 years. and to reign and haiti's ramp of gun violence the sound of everyday life in haiti's capital, porto price. despite some police presence, gang fighting continues. meanwhile, ordinary haitians go about their business and their daily struggle just to get by gunfire all around. but i still have to look after myself. if you make it home from work a live, it's thanks to god. the insecurity is increasingly forcing 8 organizations and
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hospitals to suspend their vital work. adding to the difficulties the country's main airport remains closed. hey, dee, is the most populous nation in the caribbean. it has been plagued by violence for years. kings are still thought to control some 80 percent of the capital of bordeaux prize. one of the roof problems grinding poverty. haiti is one of the western hemisphere, is pores, nations with 60 percent of the population earning less than $2.00 a day. many hope whoever eventually comes to power in haiti will tackle the economic hardship, fuel and crime was not my message. i give them who said they need to see this for what it is. the government has to see the gang since the aggressive i said my way, but also as a result of people's misery. you may, i ask you for the message, but the social injustice that has caused all of this. give me this. even if i gotta
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just, you know, but it was, this was the people in the government need to understand that we young people need jobs to keep us from turning the other thing off the remote while hades political future hangs in the balance. lawlessness remains a fact of everyday life. restoring some degree of stability will be the 1st order of business for the next government and a precondition for economic development. as close as sophia roots and buses and international affairs fellow at the new york university center on international corporation and the form is un office. so in haiti associate, what do you make of the plans for this transitional counsel? yeah, so as you mentioned, it's been about a month since both a prime minister henri offered his resignation. but once the transitional body was in place, and since the agreement was made to create that transitional body was
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facilitated by care. com which is the caribbean. um, so the regional organization um and in communication with a bunch of different political groups and civil society groups. and the, as he mentions the transitional counselors very close to being officially pointed, they spent the last kind of 2 or 3 weeks. so having states about sort of internal um, composition and having debates about sort of what their rules of um basically, procedures should be and a political record was concluded over the weekends last weekend and sent to the current government, which basically now has to approve it. and sort of officially promulgated and with that, we expect that prime minister on read or resign. and that this transitional counsel will be sworn in and won't be able to kind of move forwards. and hopefully sort of
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beginning to re establish the state and beginning to re establish control. now people say this whole crisis is all about poverty, but both those and neighboring the dominican republic do better than hate to, for example, a. yeah, that's a good question. i mean, i think it should be pointed out that dominican republic and haiti has a long shared history. they obviously occupied 2 sides of the same islands. but there are key differences that people have to remember when you're comparing the 2 countries. one is that both countries have dictatorships, the dominican republic dictatorship under trujillo ended quite a bit earlier in 1961. whereas the eighty's dictatorship only ended in 1986. um and so the dominican republic has had a bit more time to sort of re establish itself and, and move forward as a democracy. so i think we shouldn't discount that. and that are also kind of some other sort of things that look similar, but actually aren't quite different, for example, they're on the same islands, but he actually receives quite
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a bit less rating falls in dominican republic. so i think there's a lot of talk about kind of deforestation on the eastern side of the island. yes, that's an outgrowth of poverty. but at the same time it's sort of, they also don't have quite the same sort of pharaoh king conditions as americans do . so it's a complicated thing, but i think looking at dominican republic does offer hope for sort of what he might move towards in the future. now let's start with a gang set of terrorizing people, then hating the book can be done to tackle them pilots a well, 1st we need a government in place and then we need sort of um, security supports the haitian national police is um, has really been demoralized has really been sort of cut down. you really haven't even necessarily seen them on the streets recently. and things really do have control of large portions of the city. so i think there has been discussing about some sort of international intervention that is sort of on the back burner right
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now. while this transition, all kind of counsel gets put in place. but it's, it's difficult to imagine that the eastern national police could sort of provide protection for hastings without sort of additional support kind of at their current depleted level. so and once you have the government, once you sort of have the security institutions being rebuilt and the longer term you need development to address those issues and poverty, as you mentioned. thank you very much. sophia, within by from new york university center on international cooperation. the american football style to and celebrity motor defendant odor simpson, has died. he was 76. his family says he has prostate concept. simpson, who also rose to fame, is a hollywood actor, was acquitted the charges that he killed, his former wife and her friend in
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a trial that captured the well, here's a look on his rise and full o. j. simpson gained fame and fortune as a football player and actor. but it was a double murder case that made him infamous. simpson was charged with killing his ex wife, nicole brown simpson. mother of his 2 children and her friend, ron goldman. in 1994 he tried to flee the car chase with police and california was broadcast, live across the us. as well as were the court proceedings. it was called the trial of the century. millions tuned in around the world. public opinion was divided. the police were accused of racism and botching the investigation of not comfortable. simpson was found not guilty that somebody is not over on fall,
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jane simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder and violation of penal code section one that he was found liable for their death in a civil suit in order to pay more than $33000000.00 to the victims families, date of october 9th. more than a decade later, she was convicted of armed robbery and spent 9 years in prison. news of simpson's death brought mixed reactions. at the time, he was assemble for the american court system and the due process. so a lot of african american people wanted him to be the case. they want it to believe that he didn't do it simply because he was almost like a matter of size for i. but now living as an adult. i do think that unfortunately, he may have gotten away with the, sorry,
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press what too bad. he didn't um, you know, at some point confess, cuz i think he did it personally. i hope he asked for forgiveness at the end i really do. symptoms. family says he died surrounded by his children and grandchildren. you're watching the news, you as a reminder of all the top stories. israel's military pictures apparently show the 1st a trucks entering gaza. and so a newly opened northern boat across agencies have repeatedly loaned of looming summit in parts of that territory low because in germany is back to plants and make it easier for transgender intersects and none binary people to change the name agenda in official documents. and that's it from me and didn't seem to know i'll have that was update for you at the top of the hour, of course don't go way up. next is equal india looking at how farming is a bracing,
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innovative, new technology. it's got office in berlin from me and the old news team here. the
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because india great farming is getting smart when to waters when to fertilize, when to harvest, with climate change, the weather is becoming more unpredictable and peace helping farmers and my harass dropped, optimize their process is optimal harvest thanks to a i. eco india. next on dw, old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself, in case of an emergency. the well largest military alliance has been maintaining
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stability for 75 years. but now some weaknesses call beginning to show up from this new threat made in 45 minutes on the w, the world, a free speech, free press open access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action. hello dw global, easier for them 2024 in bunch of any practiced in now, lots dissipates from all over the world to share their solutions,
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and to shake tomorrow. join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2020 for the and if our soils are degraded and can no longer you'd and there is no more food green left in the world. what we eat, hold on one. welcome on saw that got the body and you're all watching equaling deal, given climate change and the connect that exposes to agriculture. these doomsday why these do not seem quite so remote, especially now that we can see conventional ways of farming feeling farmers across the world. but new and innovative methods have come up with a lot of hope.


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