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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm CEST

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should tend to shape tomorrow. join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2024. the if our soils are degraded and can no longer here, and there is no more for the green left in the was what we eat. hold on one, welcome on saw the got the body annual watching equaling death, given climate change, and the connect septic pulls us to agriculture these doomsday. while these do not seem quite so remote, especially now that we can see conventional ways of farming feeling farmers across the world. but new and innovative methods have come up with a lot of hope,
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and that's what people see on on episode today. the biggest challenge that the farmers are now facing. is it optic and unpredictable weather from one season to next? the nor longer know when to so whether they would have to deal with a drought or will that seems to be flooded? or what if they had precise detailed information about the micro climate of their phone? could they then make informed decision, especially with the high value crops that can cause a lot of losses and added exec company, these are the when they are from manual or is making the dream unreality for the 6 year old. so not devante is a 3rd generation great farmer. each year over a 1000000 tons of great said growth on farms like this one. invest in india, gnostic district. last year is going season and storm destroyed, $40000.00 pic, days of non faces. fortunately his fond survived still, he knows only to read what it means to lose every pig to and particularly at the
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door in 2017 there was a ton, no stone in the region. that one saw coming deposit the grip. sweat in the floating updates. i couldn't do any spring because of that excessive reading for them while the thing of the bomb was like age. so i wouldn't use to collect any kind of we're talking to a 100 percent off. my crops were destroyed and it took me 2 years to take a living with those losses and it's going to that end of august for many years. the biggest concern for families in the region was the drinking water supply disposed to drip irrigation to make water distribution more efficient. the steps they took to make due with the reduced water supply i've had with families continue to struggle to adopt to the exhilarating change and whether employment buttons, what the in the past on the part of the engine, decent weather conditions would predict the band easier to good,
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the at the environment has deep dramatically on like the doctor and it has in please. outstanding info. i would what example on the out yesterday. it was hard. yeah. i would and duty it is corey. yeah. or beast lovejoy. think conditions that, that i think that great visit the we don't know when to expect settings. we'll put it in the case. i wish i'm going to help them navigate the changing climate. devante has done to the state of the art. agriculture was technology, a theme from the start. the 1st thing is helping families in india's grief bed, secure backdrops in every option. so it's set up at different places on the, from the data to this solar file, which dollar here. well, since you're doing, it says that i be the loose ends, those in the ground. i have one is 15 inches deep and that is 24 inches deep
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insight on the inside of the they are able to tell me how much so a moisture is better for them and how much, what uh i should be using to any get the fees look at the quote, well, i need to drive that into the system. uses real time data to give full costs about the microclimate around the farm monitor the cruel for pests and diseases, and improve the definition of flow to live ration and irrigation with tests on the new smart farming system. galvan a has been able to more than double gilead anchorage by such was those neighboring farm was it also thrown into presence, informing, but for many the expense remains. hodges, i've got a lot of skills. maybe you want to work on a larger scale. then we have to be completed, you have time, but we have sort of the system for between $500.00 to $800.00 euro. so maybe be so i do for the people want to add up these to closing out option here. the company is
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convinced that the increase productivity, getting more than make up for the upfront costs on the system. what we have seen of people who are the 5 most who have been using for so on an average to see, you know, decreased in their cost of quite a deviation to the extent of 50 percent. and in case of, you know, very high value across the groups and formal goodness for follows across india to live with the information that's available in the native language makes all the defense, the use to rely on experience to decide when to water. unfortunately, the trucks know the wait for know it's from an app to tell them when it's time to into we. ready found it on and whatnot. and his the know that if they want to transform the diverse columns of agriculture in india, they need to fine tune their technology based on input from the families solution that they're building out of any,
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any crop century. it takes time for us to understand the crop. it's life cycle. um it's d as in past it's a big issue in fact. and then then building validate solution for one crop. in gnostic district, more and more farmers are embracing position farming. generally shakers out is now able to use the internet of things enabled system to motivate his vote to the delivery based on precisely measured crop code, or even watch the bi limits. earlier i would use my judgment and irritate the fall, every 2 to 4 days. but after setting up the phase of device and i get an alert on soil moisture levels and it might show that it doesn't need water for in other 8 days. i like to, i think if i'm going to be dining at one minute, just so i to my water management has improved and my usage is down by more than
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happy all the time. it was it out of the me up. i would love. this is me considerable sums of money as well as the cost of running the water pump. what's the muslim it? i'm what i'm going to be by there or finding everybody. yes. it is great. bit better. 2012 is also means the breed can be exported to the was most nutritive markets. tons to the small funding to these generation old phones are successfully adapting to rapidly changing flooding. and the johns are much higher that the t boned besides the, to imagine that the crop is very, to be harvested. and the cause of started harvesting is by hand. what is causes which i am taking job. i need to take a few days. but one of these nights it rains heavy, i don't, majority of the crops is destroyed. this is especially common with fragile. i high value crops like batteries. but what if robots were picking these berries?
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wouldn't it be much fostered? and far more efficient? cl says, this is what it looks like when robots, harvest fruit, and they pick much faster than human beings. startups in asia, europe, canada, and the us are springing up and developing machines that will be the farmers helpers. hope the future is typically sticking robots worked for tentatively. the machine doesn't get tired. the machine doesn't make any careless mistakes. and the machines fitness doesn't change from day to day. this strawberry harvesting robot is being used in florida, a prototype that it's still in the test phase. until now harvest workers from mexico has picked the strawberries. i can tell you it's a very hard job in the fields, need to be picked every 3 days. so the rule of thumb is always been, you need one person per acre. so now with the of thousands of acres,
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you need thousands of people. but in the last 20 years, fewer and fewer workers have been available and the berries haven't been picked. the farmer has suffered huge losses, but necessity is the mother of invention. he hired a robotics engineer. together, they develop the harvesting machine. it costs $700000.00, but the farmers don't have to find it play far away for harvesting. the robot navigates autonomously through the rows. it's able to distinguish between humans and objects with the help of lasers to get a number of patterns. or one of them is this pattern that is a station keeping pat, which we're able to hold the position of the robotic. picking that while the machine can, you continues to move at a slow pace. this wheel is, has a series of clause on it where the robots pick the very uh,
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the wheels spins and another clock present itself to pick the next period. so we can go around a plan much faster and get the commercial speeds, taxes we can fix it, fix versus fix, move that move the robot. technology is also being perfected in europe. a bunch company has invented a machine that makes harvesting asparagus faster and more efficient. this on thomas tractor for sewing conservation is also designed to make work easier. it couldn't work completely independently. date is 9. 1 full tank of gas is enough. the development of agricultural machinery is often more advanced than that of more tournaments cars. this is because much stricter rules applying to road traffic. me that i have to adjust the zip in farming, especially with been driving autonomously since 2003. for instance, at this point, and that's correct. it's forbidden on the road. we're not allowed to use the
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systems there. but in the fields we're allowed to, and the accuracy of the guidance is about, let's say $2.00 to $5.00 centimeters. plus i can with 5 percent sent to me to, to ensure that no humans or animals are injured. autonomous machines in the field must be equipped with the gps, infrared camera systems, heat sensors, and distance measurements. sensors, which can recognize the environment this small solar cell powered robot move slowly across the field, waiting a job that would the weiss require up to 20 helpers, organic farmers use it to save on test designs. it could also be further developed for fertilizing spring and planting. the it may soon be impossible to imagine harvesting fields without robots. crop loss is
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a major problem with agriculture because input costs that wants to include icing, but the profits are declining. but we might have followed in the south of india who is running his business at next to no expense. his input costs 5 covered by the all sorts of his phone. and that is because he's following the tradition of combining. so i'm thing guys with fish farming. let's take a look in this modest form in the state of the monopolies private in unexpected ways. first phones are being songs, phones into rice, paddies, and back again. the fish are visibly striving. the mazda, the bottom line, is going to seen on the fish, fish the yard in other ones that are given feed. they don't have that seem other than what of all of them on. one secret is the protein rich l. b. that also grows
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in the bones, but it's consumed by the fish. they excrete ammonia, which has been converted into nitrogen. and that plays a white is always in rice going positive one of the since we have been feeding l. d to the 1st, they have been coming out as new 3 shifts and base b as fish from the see. this a small quantity of mg can grow expensively within just 15 days. 50 kilo's of mg soon, probably for the input by the when i bought big in fish bombing, the fish suffered from too much sunlight, but the energy protects them in the active fluid to 5 months when the fish has consumed about 90 percent of the l. d. they're large enough to be harvested for now i get, i mean the, i mean i'm the i the different types of fish from the golf and reuben to port la n woulda. we send the page after the bill. price of $107.00 be it'll be good that's
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almost to utilize, but you know, we have on weekly cash. i'll be 100 pillows. i'll face that. that's about 115 months that i can from use here on my well eat. there's all found a lot of i'm adding up to 10 extra fees are yet above that $11000.00. utilize the big uh, or done on the, on the budget for nas method is completely organic. he does and use any chemicals, but life has and pesticides. this allows him to keep his costs down. his method is known as 0 budgets, not to the spot. me for this all, i don't know if a normal bama will the same 20000 rubies 200 couldn't be utilized buddy good. but on just 10000 will be integrated bombing, i have no expenses because the visa one broke functions and the book lies in front of the other one on the phone or your tablets or the india learning about this funding method. in india,
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some 20000000 hectares of farmland would be suitable for this form of circular economy. but for now it's doctor's own about just one percent of that area. then the funny good. i do both very palming and fish bombing after how this thing the fish we've done it into a bed, you see. and that is monique 12 foot laser and the best inside for the petticoats for the last year along with 2 or the 5 most type of days. the video and i d e d b 54. i think only 500 b to b and b has been printed 2000 copies, but finding the same problem and doing the how this, that bumps, you take the cookie 6 and i got 25 seconds. they know. so they, and $4500.00 will be my earnings from the 256 would have profit into use low cost. when i often recommend the dies fish system to the sum of the message also has environmental benefits assign. i would have been ever, you know, if we keep on bombing using chemicals, it would be the end of the, like,
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a lot of every fall, my sup switched to integrated bombing. it's beneficial for both ramos and consumers . now what are you in the out on the the media industry is heavily responsible for net warming images. and why almost sort of, you're watching the show must really care for the moment. like to completely change your diet products might not be the easiest choice. also is going be good, the sure fire solution or maybe mock meats are better, but when it comes to food on our plates, what is best for the alignment? let's watch. i'm next starting to get a few on could this be the food of tomorrow? tim from sake, ceo of a berlin bay style tub is positive. his favorite state consists of nothing but oil tubs and a particular type of fungus,
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lemon. the entrepreneurs vegetarian stuff, getting meats, when i realize how much it influences my carbon footprint 3 years ago. but globally, meat consumption is at an all time high. it's almost doubled over the past 6 years and continues to rise. wealthy nations take the biggest chunk, the average gym, and it's about 52 kilograms of meat pie. yeah. way too much. according to research, i leena pouch is impossible. it's numerous level based on a western diary. so yeah, with a lot of need every day. this means that countries like germany need to change that and fashion. but meat is also gaining popularity in countries that traditionally consume a predominant di vegetarian diet, india, pakistan, and such a higher and regions of africa generating significant growth and meet consumption
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because of increases in both that population and income. the problem is the media industry drives climate change, livestock farming, and it's 15 percent of all greenhouse gases created by human activity. many believe cutting meat. also 5 diets is a simple way to cut to emissions. but is it that simple as a foot star in berlin visit to seem reluctant to fully embrace plant based alternatives? yeah, yeah, no, technically we only meet twice a week, but we know we shouldn't really make more of an effort. and essentially i'm in favor of the idea, but i'm not strong enough to go full vig is also strong. yeah. why not? but is so the only 2 months to meet anyway. at least around the kona enticing new products are an offer such as this ve getting cub made from. sorry,
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the form is all the shape is a bit different and so is the color but all in all its teeth to just like a regular bob smith. it's good mix that's you can tell that it's not me, but it doesn't taste weird. almost as it should make specific 3 see a big loopy to. but it's still tastes good. helps of this make too much seasoning and unusual consistency. just not the real thing. substitutes don't have a long way to go to please meet us. the products it's difficult to change from honda to 0. so me to turn it is. i mean in the green, i think they have to choose that was day. yeah. because we don't have, it needs to be done. we have to change of a, of a dia, i'm dimensionally. but just because it's vague and doesn't guarantee it's green,
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many me to alternatives have a considerable carbon footprint of those need a lot of for to energy and space to cultivate. and some not yet approved for consumption. back in the lab, tim from 2nd, this team one step ahead. you regulate us of overdue to cloud the fungus safe to eat. it's calculated in volta, enriched with a nutri institution at oxygen, and let it bubble for $2.00 to $3.00 days. and it's ready to be harvested. the water is recycled for the next batch of fund guy from tech is working with food companies to test the materials we're providing produces of demo free products not only meets but it's a good example with an ingredients that comes with a comparable taste and texture rings. comparable nutrition and values is even healthier than animal material because it doesn't have any collateral. and that can be produced at a very low cost rate. so we are also able to provide it at
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a price that is competitive with animals and derive products to scale up front. so it has joined forces with a low co brewery in the past. these are, that's where used different meant b a. now they service breeding habitat for his phone guy. currently he can have is one time per day. the equivalent of 6600 stakes. the business haven't turned up profit yet. maybe not surprising as the market for me to alternatives. in 2023 was worth less than one percent of animal needs. revenues of course, forensic expects rising demand. the 1st revenue should probably come in within the next 3 months. give a take big international companies that already i am the phone guy to slim this stuff out. officially ingredients. it can be a substitute for the binding agent, an ice cream, or for eggs. from the lab in berlin to the plate and you'll kitchen,
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plant based diets are winning for us on the planet. and even small food choices at up to big impact. if you ask me, i shouldn't believe that your ones were meant to pick berries for age. and the for this course slowly and each with a lot of joy last uh, this must be the purpose of human life. but there is a shift on the i live, man who was living the dream for aging into the forest, then funding them into delectable, and this had to play fulls of joy. so let's go meet her an oscar. how does she do all of this? of the walking along the same one, there is browsing the aisle the that to me as much as
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the money on the ship. no, not of restaurants on the, on the, on the 9th folder, i need to be out of mind just a couple of days ago. at to came to i sent a different restaurant and just completely fell in love with the place and the origin opportunities. amazing. the funds and then found rosa. so it seems like we've got ways this is like really how they just find a policy play that is a nuisance. has gotten inside. it's like really invasive and intrusive because as we were trying to get rid of it, and i'll use this in the restaurant to many ways to make really nice oil for fish. and i'm going to try this out and then just use it using stuff. the
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kind of on the face time. and then right. be like see i will never leave behind of mine it. so if you ask advice and everything just grows in abundance, it should say, but of us it's just insane. so in regards to attends us, i just wanted to start something that was slowly about the ingredients. nature has to offer, i'm not going to use ingredient some head over and every life is not available. it's not available. the just around the taste menu this evening, but some others we cookies and then we have some storage black cards on top just with a little bit of legs agree. i think it's really important to say what
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nature is about says it's a nice respect to it. and they want to look after it, the so i really really think that in the restaurant tribes, sustainability should, should be at the whole of everything we do now. because fundamentally, the one thing to me that everybody has in common is that everybody has to eat. and it's something that can all share the identity innovations and agriculture around where you live. do let us know. you can email also reach out to me directly on my social media handles on instagram and x. i will see you next week until then take care goodbye. now let's gosh,
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the the
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old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency. the well largest, the military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now some weaknesses call beginning to show this from this new threat made in 15 minutes on the w to the point strong and clear position. international perspective.
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germany and china are sprinkling ties with rising tensions between china and the us are forcing germany and it's transferred to make some tough choices this week. onto the point we asked us the china trade, which side is germany? to the point in 19 minutes on d. w. the, these big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal of the stats may said on d w,
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we said there is never giving up every weekend on d w the
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this is dw news light from ballot. israel open, so new aid crossing into gaza. it says the 1st trucks carrying by the supplies half now arrived. isabel opened the new age route under international pressure. as reports of feminine growing pulse are coming up. germany is part of it and makes it easier to change your name and gender official document without support. this controversial means for the transgender community. the .


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