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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news, my from brother in nice wielding attack and killed 6 people in safety. police shoot this unsuspected at the st. several people are injured in the attack and of shopping mole, including a baby and run seats as a condo ship linked to waves railed in the state of the most that comes as us lead joe biden gives a one word warning to take. ron, should it consider attacking is with the president on the school? is us the legions to as well pensions in the region are breaking point the
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i been visible and welcome. a man with a knife has killed 6 people, let us shoot shopping mole in sidney. several others were injured. some critically australian officials, a having a police woman, a national hero, for eventually stopping the suspect and possibly saving so many more lives. they say she shot the attack, a dad of the same authorities urging people to avoid the area, but said there is no continuing. frank, we have some eyewitness testimony for people who are at the mole. let's see their accounts. and i was hiding in the back room here. gun shots, the city i was just about to people. it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it was what was going through your minds were trying to get out. i thought i was going to die. i just said 111 song being stubs,
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and so we were inside the all that close the doors that we saw the go i come up with is the light, is green, shut of its short with the big black not feeling the same. i just really calmly who was just walking off. he was having an ice cream in the box just just as we turned around the corner. shooting judy did yourself well, as the police commissioner told reporters, authorities believe they know the suspects identity. later this evening we come became aware of who we believe the the injuries and we believe that
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he's a 40 year old man. however, we are waiting to formerly identify him and we cannot speculate yet on his identification. it seems that city is the person that we believe the then we don't have fees for that person holding an audition. in other words, that it's not a terrorism. incident. journalist for sale, harrison is here to tell us more about the incident. what, what can you tell us? what's the latest version? the old police have given a couple of press conferences in the last a couple of hours. and what we do know now is that at least 7 people have been killed, including via tonka, one woman, and a sorry for women. and one man died at the scene a and a, a 5th with a woman. so
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a 6 victim license gone from that her injuries in the hospital 11 people were taken to hospital with the i the critical serious injuries including a 9 month old baby police have said that the baby underwent surgery, the sadly, the licensed victim, the, the woman who died if the injuries and hospital was the mother of that baby. and so uh, we do know as well this uh, the alleged attack. it was a 40 year old mine who was shot dead at the scene as we heard and not some sound, but from, from the police commissioner. as she mentioned, they believe it is not terrorism relation. uh so that is all we know for now as they work to formally identify the alleged attack as a risk details have been coming for. we've also heard about stories of heroism.
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well, that's right. well, authorities of pay tribute firstly to the senior officer who responded to the incident and who was alone responded. confronted the alleged attack to on the 6th floor, the westfield shopping center involved junction. and so apparently a reportedly the alleged attack, a lunged at this police officer, and she responded by safely shooting the alleged attack. uh, it was in the middle of this busy shopping center on a saturday afternoon 1st day of school holidays. so it was, as you can imagine, quite k or she can who are estate. but if we're speaking about heroes, uh, we do have to mention the, the shopkeepers who, um, who i should shop is to safety. either hiding people in the store rooms or in the stores, the full looking, the tools and also the bystanders who, who stopped to, to help victims as a, as they were. busy you know,
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going through this horrific scene as a sort of explains unfolding, and do we know anything more about what the motive may be? no. during the both the police press conferences, they said that there was no known motion if it was they haven't yes. identified the motion of them that they all. c furiously investigating that to get to the bottom of the ash no indication of any obligation. they said that there was no suggestion that any of the victims were specifically targeted. uh, so we are just waiting to hit an update from the police. i believe that will come tomorrow, or at least, you know, in the coming days as to what drove this person to, to commit this act of, of hara rochelle, thanks very much for bringing this up to date. and all of those details still look now at some of the other stories making news from around the world. one person has
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been killed and 7 others injured in a cable car accident into the cabin, hit a pilot and boast open, causing passengers to plunge the mountain side below. 2 children are among the injured, near the city of anti germany's problem. it is past the little making it easier for transgender into sex and known binary people to change the name and gender in legal documents. the self determination act drops obligatory psychological and legal assessments. dival has faced opposition from conservative and religious groups, and some kinds of feminist. united states judge has rejected 100 biden's bid to dismiss the federal firearm case against him. by is accused of lying about his drug use on a form in 2018 to buy a gun. the son of the us president says the charges against him politically, most effective. around state media says revolution. re god commandos. have seized the vessel related to israel. the report said the seizure took place in the
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gulf. neither straight of home was to stays after a revolution regard, commander said, a run could close the stripe. the incident comes in mid mounting tension softer. i suspect it is why the attack on the uranium can see that in syria earlier this month, he's on has vaal to respond often and at a strike under consulate in damascus, loan of the but then there. and how with builder daddy, it is a still unclear alone that of found that i go to him. god bless us president joe biden has volunteered on against attacking is right. expectation sooner than later. what is your, what is your message to ron? what is your message to around right now? iran in this moment don't as the thread of food on potential retaliation is growing. several countries including india, france,
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and russia have bogged their citizens against travel to the region. germany has bogged on its citizens to leave it on and does ride, sees it is prepared to defend itself on the level claim. we offer an edge in defense also on the ground on indiana, on the ship. we are in close cooperation with neighbors and friends in order to prevent harm to israel club and we know how to respond to that. that gets out loud . do it on backs. various proxy groups throughout the region, such as she militia has, will, which has frequently attacked not on his right from lebanon since the start of the cause of our know, a possible confrontation between these right and you're on, been flooded. the increased the fear of so for the reason that it was in the middle east,
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russia has claimed capture with the ukrainian village of palatable bicycle in the dawn. yet scrooge at the russian defense ministry said that their troops had liberated those living there just days ago. that ukrainian pilot possible making it easier to call up a new troop, which desperately needed. a general told little make is the head of the boat, the ukrainians soldiers, and are out number 10 to one in places. the new mobilization law requires old man between 18 and 60 years old to carry documents, showing it registered with the military and drops a close, placing time limits on service pickup on those issues with marine over on it. jones is from the war studies deposit of kings college london. welcome. what does russia's capture of this village? first of all, tell you to good they, well, what it tells us and we have to understand work or mice k. yes, it's west of to you've got so the russians have been pushing along the line west of,
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of the around dawning. get better, the cheaper will mice getting out. throwing mice get has phone and if used to be a strong hold for you, creating um, forces there, and it seems like the, the russian forces managed to push the 59th motorized, a mechanized brigade out off for, well my escape, meaning that the ukrainian forces have not been able to gain a foothold on the defensive line. so i assume that the slow push will be continued west words. and at the same time, we're seeing advances on the opposite direction, such as were bought in the ends up ratio, such as again trusting the r, o salis, of boss mode. so it seems like the russians are trying to complete the capture of the net. so they're working very hard on that than that sc region, but this is not a counter offensive by russia. it is yet to come. and it seems like they are preparing the ground for that. and it is, of course,
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very costly for the ukraine in the armed forces because in purple mice, k, a premium for the sources admit that it, it was very costly in terms of manpower. and none of that sounds good for you. crime. what are its prospects of the passing this new mobilization? lo, that was the, these ation law still has to be signed by president polanski. you possibly mid may as expected. and the problem was, the law is now that after everybody will have to care, every man will have to carry their military registration documents with them. and we'll have to update their details. so they will have 60 days from when the little m is signed to a bait is details and that include souls living abroad. so there is a possibility that more people will be cold up. and of course there are some penalties expecting. those who do not comply with the laws they could lose, for instance, their driver's license,
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and in some cases not be able to travel abroad. they will be denied, passed eastern passports. and again, the question is, how would you crate and it's going to pay and is it able to all pets and was kept and trained them on time in order to send them to the front in order to stop the russian as bounds. and an important part is what is not included in the law, and that is the mobilization of souls will have been fighting out the front until now is some of them have been searching for 3 years? the prospects certainly don't look good either. do they to know? absolutely no, not the end, the general source. can this dance very well that and the brain on for says those fighting out the front need a rotation. there are huge losses for ukraine. we don't know the exact numbers, but again, from the reports and from the vicious fights that we have seen for of the of go, for instance. now tri city are and even with examples like such as crossing it,
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don't even get there with my escape. we're seeing that the ukranian armed forces are lacking troops and black and troops with experience. so what it means that even, even if the ukrainian armed forces get the western technologies, they're still having that many power gaps that needs to be result. and just mobile ization more will most likely have a negative impact on the ukranian society that seems not to have the same amount of will if used to have in march 2022 to $2.00 stops of russian. so that could also make the internal political situation much more complicated and create a crisis and that you create in command for the latest there on ross's war in ukraine for marina, we're on thank you. thank you for having me. reminded our top story this our a knife wielding attack. it has killed 6 people and injured several others ever
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shopping. molding sidney is regular police at the same shot. the suspected attack a day of ex shift looks at how tank could change the odds i paid for. so and thanks for joining us. of the conflicts, crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, what i mean, i know the wi fi, i might just do it and i'm hosting dw, and you called.


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