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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 5:15pm-5:31pm CEST

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the content wise was, i'm next on dw, how europe's craving for cocaine has made it a global hotspots for the drug. i've been for so long. thanks for watching. we'll have more we'll use for you next hour here and they don't the fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard, immature land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion, watch now on youtube. or the heck, what our government's done to tv channel during a live broadcast in the netherlands, police describe it, a torture chamber and
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a shipping container. what connects these incidents? it's cocaine and drug trafficking between lots in america and europe. columbia has broken its own record for cultivating po, cut the main ingredients. okay. huge increases in the amount of copay and entering the continent through ports in belgium and the netherlands. what's happening to us in terms of cocaine is quite historical. this really is a big a new fee that is on sort of cocaine to europe assessing. no, it's just the most popular hardrock in europe. this is actually some very rich, the others just devastating consequences. that's how exactly has europe coming. you hotspots. ok. the left side of it in a city known for its clap, seen,
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and it's truck consumption. cocaine is high from the consumer states behind the addictive truck course to, to the highest ties or the lowest. those, the drug has never been easier to get in berlin. like in many other cities, you can order it. yeah. messenger apps. people who are willing to pay around 50 years, house graham, and co taxis are delivering to cocaine, right? to the doorstep. reliable data about the use of cocaine is have to come. by octo it is at least a top draft. so new the dealers know consumers want to brag about numbers. but it's in your opinion, screen and sewers where authorities read to and about cocaine consumption. local ken russell, these phones in the cities regularly scanned the waste switches for drugs. the bigger to circles, the more cocaine was detected there,
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and breasted use of almost shrivelled since 2015. there are several reasons for the rise of cocaine use in europe. but one thing is clear, more fitness available than ever before. so why is cooks and flooding into europe just now? to understand it, we will travel from europe to less than america. i'm back 1st of all, it's about big money, marketing, cocaine to europe this course. but for organized crime, it's totally worth it. the most lucrative change is the moving off of the co caves from latin america to year. this is where the big money is. this is where every party wants to get some homes. jeremy mcdonough, texas think tags researching over nice crime and the america has faced in mid in columbia aquino crime of cocaine in columbia south for 2002 s dollars. but what it
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moves abroad, it's worth way more than that. the average price of a chino a co came in the united states is between depending on point event $3.00, between $16.00 and $25000.00. where is that same key though, is was, that's at least even as high as low as $40000.00 in your there is the increased cost and simply proving that across the united states is much easier to reach. so this means a lot of people can earn money by smartlight cocaine to europe. we will get to this part of the story of it later. but what you need to know now is that europe is a growing up and coming market for cocaine. and it is catching up with the stock age in markets in north america, especially the us, europe is so some are truck to for truck traffic hers because penalties for drug
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offenses are less if you then in the u. s. for example. and controls have not been as tough. so with milk and slot in europe, thomas, this is changing. and authorities such celebrated record bus in the past years. the largest single seizure in europe with inhabit gemini, and 2021. 16 tons of cocaine for us up to $3500000000.00. and then we have on for belgium, stick as port customs here sees the $116.00 tons of cocaine in total and 2023 also records. but researchers say, well bus also means more traffic getting the so seizing more drugs is not necessarily a reason to celebrate. i started really a big concern that, you know, this is, this is crazy. something big is happening here. so on and yet it's following the
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growing influx of cocaine to europe in the d. u. direct extensions in just the portugal. all the logistics of the trade, the, the, the role much here for the trade of cocaine itself. everything has been scaled up and directed to europe. so let's travel across the atlantic to where cocaine is coming from latin america. coker plants a main drone in columbia period, and the lady at the glanced dr. best and mountain santiago area, cocaine and 6 tract, just from the lease that has long been used as i must implants. and such an america in columbia has traditionally been the biggest producer and it was here a special piece deal, shook up the cocaine markets in 2016. the revolutionary forces of columbia or fark,
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agreed to lay down after 50 years for value. the sax, initial goal was to replace, to columbia and democratic governments within the ground and communist rule. but the reason we're talking about them is okay, they got involved in the business to fund their activities. the, the full point $26.00, control them would you like to do anything up to 70 percent of the coca feels. coca bass, production and coal, which means they were centrally a one stop shop. for cocaine. when it was a freefall determined the landscape approximates is into a more competitive market. ma gaggs being involved is one of the reasons why i'm all kind of planted and have a sits in columbia and we'll get also mean more violence
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in latin america as many smaller groups now fide full control over the protection st. last in america has, i think, is about 80 percent of the world population and it has more over 30 percent of the top of science. this is a no small ponds due to the drug trade. the recent, the one country in particular has been drag knee deep into the dodge and drunk game . you gotta look at my so they said they could be assessing the phone my, let it pass. i come back these 103030. okay. so compiler put in the product, okay, is would be settled for the like a $4.00, but of us getting the knowledge. this is kind of out of it is a security expert who has been following the situation in her country very closely if that the police both thursday. okay, go back again. i remember crying has spread across the country in the past years,
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violence corruption, homicides. in 2023 or presidential candidate was assessing agents who was complaining against organized crime. so what this, the small south american country has to do with the growing effects of cocaine to your, to explain. we have to go to ecuador, speak as topper quite i. q. and we must dive deep into another business. the ecuador is the world's largest exposure, but non us, the food is shipped from quite a key to smaller posts to europe in the world. and these boxes are apparently the perfect place to hide and smuggle. okay. that's why some of the top, the food coming from it quite door not go by non us graphic or she was bad. she's in food experts because they need to go through customs very quickly before they run the account on the products not just stands out. in the vast volumes of level
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change, tens of millions of containers arriving in europe every year. and less than 10 percent of them contain the trade of change the game. this has given the books to the trade. that's incredible because the traffic is have been able to power sites this digital bit trade between the 2 continents to with damage and dies in it and retrieve it when they arrive here. but as far as use a stepping of controls, containers from some countries are more likely to get checked. the country coming from colombia on routine, the ritz the principal transit nations, like kind of mom and it quit all the whole set containers routine. the red flags from some of the brazilian pools. so smock, they're still looking for new points of departure and we're seeing way more drugs
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now go to the caravans. we're seeing further on. i'm through central america based on that course because we're just seeing increased violence. we're seeing go further down to argentina border, why even she and then to came across k advance. and finally, reach us to work in the past space plus the main arrival point because it's curse the traffic or is increasing the moving to new york state as ports in the north brought it down in the netherlands. entre if in belgium and comfortable in germany . because this is where most containers go from. these have criminals distributed cocaine all over europe. the snap curse also got more creative containers, often smart goals and look pretty cool. hidden in wine,
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so spirit. so the liquidity batch wings, which even sprayed on me like cheeks and one battle like a go guy. not he, he died in the end of a left, but it is, of course, he does, is contain, is a most be so spies the ticket. the liquefied drac pleasure has to be re crystallized into cocaine. this is why the authorities are discovering a growing number of cocaine, of our choice in europe. and this also means that your a p muff, yours up thing a more important role in the bill to can business started with the the, the now the subs and the out the here day on the coffee, terse but of the stuff to suffer the consequences. because clark relates to silence and smells spread. and on for the belgian harbor city, an 11 year old girl died in
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a truck related shooting in 2023. that's total is peter decrease was killed, and i'm so diamond 2021 police to be motivated by his investigations into cocaine trafficking. that he before the police found a torture chamber hidden in a shipping container. an under world prison built by a drug getting connected to violence comes to another lights. it does seem that corruption is increasing in europe, or at least we are seeing corruption where before we didn't see it, the drug trade, wherever, within a time to actually it's corruption environment. and finally, you're just not the end of the cocaine trail. i think we can now say that europe is a transportation for cocaine testing. for other markets, i mean the east in asia. remember the whole say process we mentioned before. well, they arise the further the traffic are sca actually the crumb of cocaine sales. for
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example, for $56000.00 in pocket stock, or $68000.00 and cuts are strong incentives for criminals to go further. cocaine is a multi $1000000000.00 criminal industry, and it seems to be getting out of control. so what could be done about it? everyone talks about the, the licensed agent taking the money out of the criminal hands and putting it to the legal that's of course, politically unacceptable. so that's not very much point talking about says step csr t. so trying to get have the criminals. cocaine trade is a network or fair to also we need to to, to work more with authorities in, in the, that's an american police customs law enforcement side, but not only also the demand side, the party side. because finally, it's also about the use as in europe. and beyond located the policy,
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so i don't know where to stay to complete them in that response. how did you sign a pin number? oh, i know but, but yeah, we're not a man. as long as people are gray. so next time that would always be somebody willing to risk everything, to get a share of the big money the in london's underground. the british capital's metro system is the oldest in the world in the drag, seeing how does your rock alias hungry is considered an international style icon. and in regensburg, you're a max reporter. honda hollow reveals the highlights of this picturesque blueberry and city. all this and more coming up on jerome x the
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one of the most famous landmark.


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