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tv   NATO  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 4:15am-5:00am CEST

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us as well on social media, we have of sites there to find the funniest for me on the team here and for length . thanks for watching. take care. the role of us contacting orchestras, author of being performed in virtual reality and generative a i helping create an entire about a how high tech innovation can revolutionize the stage. our topic today on ship the world robots really started replacing us in the us world with the rise of a and cutting us robotics. the debate is definitely heating up. the roll bought all 3, made a name for itself in 2020, when it conducted an orchestra in the u. a. e. the reviews with this side of the
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makes the 3 years later south korea is giving the computerized conduct to another chance to lead an orchestra. let's take a look. this is no ordinary concept. today the korean chamber orchestra will be led by 2 conductive to 2 and eve. all 6, a humanized robot. the do a takes tens and conduct together. we don't think bridging the gap between 9 and machine. the conducted by a conductor are very detailed. the robot was able to present such details much better than i had imagined ease uh seats, men to mimic conduct this business with motion capture technology. but why he can set tempe and rhythms accurately. the human touch is missing the channel. yeah.
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yeah. make eye contact. but by focusing on best string, the robot and human well, according to comedy, steve, all 6 focuses on structures conducted to surfaces on improvisation, to have it on the, i think it was a recital that showed the robots and humans conclude, exist, and complement each other. regency, rather than the one replacing the other man and machine twice a team. indeed, a i to has taken to the stage recently, the fusion project, for example of features drummond, ballet company, british b books, and general they, they are in the fusion valley artificial intelligence turns artificial artist is considered the world's 1st p. i. valley choreography and music created using
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artificial intelligence. the southern questions are inspired by e, i to a fusion to the stage that live seek or profit this summer season. composer, how are you, uses a i to generate some static voices he can use and performances fine. i've collected hundreds of vocal techniques for on the walls and creating my own data sets my own collections of voice to then create new phrases, new expressions. so they were versions of me that are not me singing. and that is something i find very, very fascinating. the idea that we can create 2nd selves something that we can interact with and learn from that is from us, but not us. terry yet because worked closely with digital technology for 15 years for fusion, be trained as a i with over a 1000 hours of his vocals. live beat boxing melted with you digitally altered and looked vocals with the help of the eye. he explores the
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limits of the human voice, the i feel like my ability to unlock my voice. i've been able to control my voice in a way that has never happened before. and is that level of control and that level of expertise in my hype, especially it is, and i very much. oh to how i embrace working with machines. the dancers of the live sleep valley react to impulse is given by us with assigning setting their bodies in motion. the valley shows her in human concrete art together. the, the systems are the $200.00 of a human potential which can be beautiful and can be exciting, and it's very much, it's a stay. and i think we should lean in and understand and help the younger generations know how to use this power appropriately. instead of covering our eyes and is and pretending it does not exist when it comes to experimenting with new text,
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the else book states, the a is a real trailblazer s t. a. you can see industrial robots as ballet dancers or entire uprising the or you can dive into or meant as reality. this q r code is concealing a world of serial adventure. leonora carrington's production and flannel enough time takes place and documented reality. all smoke state theater is taking the stage to the city streets with this radical new production. the q arc which are everywhere on the streets, on postcards and online. spend anything, stay the same barriers while trying a ticket or choosing an access to this. you can just experience the theater in the city. and even so i try to make that happen. is 3 d models make the stage for the actors were recorded in front of a green screen into d. that introduces an interesting challenge for them. the ones i
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get from the beginning as a 5 of you can call you can most really on the space in the studio, we had the challenges moving on a 2 d plane and we were acting with a green screening and had only ever seen the set is a 3 d model in the monroe as id, more than a disease. and another project, ellsberg state theaters performing the opera f auto. but this time as an interactive game of items, the transaction will become a v r game, even sorts of alex arnold sion, there's the offer of x because the 360 degree walkable environment on it says that the audience can experience in 1st person you mcgee buffet and switch along with the perspective change too. i see them and they have to sol, task. some of the of the piece will be a completely different approach experience and a form for an open the 5 home, some of us know model of isaac and it's a new experience for senior sally. do 123 d scans are used to create an avatar
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bench, be film singing using face tracking technology. the i software will then project her facial expressions onto the advertising. the technology that we now have will change. i think a lot in the theater. i would prefer not to be too big because for me it's so important to have my connection with the audience. and it's nice. all quotes program of the future will continue with both conventional and digital productions . the possibilities are endless. coat and for the all works particularly well and seems that a huge seems that would wolf any normal stage having to fulfill it already? did we model the entire underworld virtual realities when the capacity today, the theaters offering 12 productions and virtual reality dens, drama, on concerts?
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the theater should so be our goal is to audiences in germany, in australia. but you can also buy a download and watch performances on your own, your device. you're leaving the boxes. so there's a lot of interest and we have a surprising target group. influence is between 40 and 60 people. they get the vehicles delivered and give them to the parents who around 80 and their own children who are around 21 the size. that means we're reaching a whole family and an incredibly wide range of people arms and his pulse of bunk site, and hes on fox sports. the are productions are reinvigorating theater and breaking barriers for audiences everywhere. i think it's a great idea for theaters to reach people who might not otherwise be inclined to go . and it's a wonderful opportunity for those who kind come in person. next up is a theater in berlin, which has replaced is backed up with hollow graphic projections. the felix is room
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project uses 3 d scans to bring a so called you wouldn't house on stage in the nazi era. jews who had been expanded from their homes with forest. it'd be relocated to such houses. the play gives an insight into life there. a holographic projection, recreate the room in which jewish couple felix and a dense lived before the deputation in mode of 1944. the place felix is room tells the tale of the time here. the couple was expelled from the home by the nazis in 1942 and assigned a room and a so called a union house. the projections show what it was like that felix is great. grandson adam guns tells the story. it's belinda are in sambal fietta and that is from the protagonist, including a sketch of the room,
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in spite of the walk to hold on plastic balconies. and then i thoughts, wisdom, i need to rebuild the space. feet up on, on the 51st page, i knew it was impossible with light our scanning technology scan technologies. so was had switched to the bridges studio scan lab project designed to the actual set. it took 152 months to recreate the expenses room using his sketches. they use line to technology to create 3 d models. from them. the scans all projected onto translucent cuttings from 5 angles. natural how's the route to be rotated as desired? but how does 9 to walk to an instrument about this size? it sits on a trifold and over the course of between 5 minutes or an hour, depending on the resolution that you're off to it 5 millions of lazy poses in every direction. so every point that that laser touches we mock in space and we end up
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with this really accurate 3 dimensional replica of the space which the scanning speed in the piece gives a unique glimpse into selection and a dentist post as well as the match. and. 2 watching the hassle today is a special guest sharing handbook and seed expensive brand nice is comfortable, and especially from australia they wasn't to, you know, some of the scenes are incredibly powerful over the scene and the for me, a scene when they get smaller and smaller, it really cost to ship it to the nazi era. so millions of jews expelled. persecuted, nodded phoenix in a dentist story. it's just one as many 3 d projection technology is a tremendously powerful tool giving the audience an intimate glimpse into this heart wrenching stories. the photographic projections and virtual
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environments allow for different kinds of personal interaction with theater, opera, and music. in this case, it adds a whole new dimension to a truly moving story. but what about a i? r is something intrinsically human. so should we be using a i for it at all? ultimately, it would be up to the artist, i think that needs to be somehow connected to our reality. but that reality today is one which is increasingly influenced by technology. so, why not involved robots in general? do they i what do you think? can they, i add to the outward without taking anything away? we would love to hear from you. see you next time. i
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the, the in good shape. a child's health is the most important thing to parent. support is good and what is bad for all the 2 ones. and when should grown up, start to worry the place we're heading on down into the
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london underground. the cube is the oldest subway in the world of surprises. everyone on board please. and of course then for guest in 60 minutes on the do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazilian reprocess. $13000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from inigo cattle farms in
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the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit. all that much are illegal as a starts may said on d w, the today on dw is health, so it's old about kids will find out whether it's good to praise children constantly. what really isn't a breakfast cereal? what spokes updates for kids? and why these boys and girls walk around with foot outdoors and much more because induction teaching children about health during childhood makes for an ideal stuff tonight by to the the,
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it's the doing of a new day. and these days we will need to get off to a quick stats. even children have to get to daycare or school on time. the clock is ticking, so things need to run like clockwork. but wait, did we forget something? the right breakfast in the morning rush, many families liked the time for leisure. the breakfast. that's when a box of cereal comes in handy with a quick meal. but is it a healthy one? this style of packaging is just what appeals to children. it's easy to guess which of these breakfast cereals will be popular. bright colors and cute animals aren't big favorites. the
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marketing expert niels high knows exactly how much packaging she can attract young consumers and wisdom. their parents have a vision yesterday to all producers, especially in the food sector. go for a cute little animals like little sharks or checks or similar to carry. and these characters who are given the task of bringing the product to life for children. the kids aren't cognitive, like we adults who experience things by reading words. children loved details and it's important to them to have someone who metaphorically takes them by the hand and leads them through this world of products. and that's why we see cartoon characters on products intended for children. these characters are there to speak to children, not their parents, to the parents often know how unhealthy the appealingly packet sugary products are so much so that food companies ad mobs, where it's like pull weeds or nutrients to confuse the adults the so the,
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to me it suggests to me that this is a healthy breakfast option that will provide my kids with a good start to the day. so it's a common message and advertising, but i think there's a lot of to see the things like the high sugar levels or lack of other important nutrients. essentially, this is a comp hydrate, only new car from outside and it's full of sugar depending on the product. 100 grams of serial can contain around 11 cubes of sugar is use out of solution with the sweet to the breakfast or the larger the amount of carbohydrate. it contains especially sugars to show up at the rise and blood glucose levels and the higher the blood sugar levels, such as the greater it falls off to it. then you can experience blood, sugar crushes and nourishment gaps that causes concentration problems, especially in children who are just all caught up. it affects everybody sees, take things in the open on the fish, such crashes make you tired, quickly. blush on which for children especially, there's a school that you just know. do i do food?
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i thought somebody isn't who still up to my dietary experts warren that consuming too much sugar can have long term offense on our health and lead to problems like obesity and diabetes. but why is there so much sugar and sweeten breakfast cereals is partly because sugar helps it stay crunchy and milk. the layer of sugar helps keep the serial and milk or yogurt from getting mushy. and of course, there's the taste to nutritionists advice, being such cereals for what they are can be looked at like this. they're far from a healthy start to the day. healthy breakfast to kids should include whole grain cereals, with no added sugar. fresh fruits and veggies. plus milk or other daily products. lucky oh, good and cheese. the breakfast doesn't need to be big, but children shouldn't start the day on an empty stomach because they found it hard
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to concentrate when they hungry. they get agitated, and crump pots with a bit of breakfast in their tummies. they shot the and safer on the way to school. someone who recognized foods and potions, to good health. what's the best in until the 9th. in the 19th century, he advocated a holistic approach to staying healthy. it includes nutrition, bullshit, exercise medicinal plants, and in the balance of things which keeps kids healthy to the elias rings the bell to announce the whole time. everyone sits down and greet each other, then things really get started with breakfast. nutrition is one of the 5 pillars of tonight prism the play key role here. the 2nd pillar is exercise. morning exercise
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. he wants to exercise all if you want to exercise, come to the magic tool with visiting a kind of like mastery school in western germany. teach us has been specially trained to be health instructors every week nursery school administrators, plumb activities that followed the teachings of 19th century, not true approx about the on site this morning exercise every day. sometimes we speak of the thing is very important that the children wound up for the activities we do later. that's why they do morning exercise. i know they are, it is one of the most important things we do here. i'll see on the next step, the best foot off. that's a bit to me it goes home. children learn various practices and principles and a playful mama at the kinetic nursery school. it's supposed to help him learn to lead a healthy lifestyle, even if it's not always easy. the business starts with like modest.
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oh, all right. let's clear the be soon. you'll feet warm is very important, and that's no problem which sucks. a foot covers the time i need to miles induction tied on things, consulting to teach children about health and the child that is ideal for the future. that's what parents and experts believe. so we have a huge task ahead of it just depends necessarily utah genesis principal, which offs? how can i keep myself healthy instead of what makes? i'm sick. the pillar of tonight prison, medicinal hubs. the children learn about various hubs and even makes that room hubble sunchase, but which one should they use? i guess let's just use one. otherwise it'll get really mixed up, possibly with the balcony. but i can't really decide which one. the children's
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favorite pillar of tonight prism is hydrotherapy onbox and the classic school for stepping. that's how it was pretty cold and the 19 degrees celsius full time. and then the guy, this is what else we have because we work with code element dumler that we don't get sick. it's good preventative medicine and something the children will be able to use later in life. that helps make the more resilient after all, that variety and activity comes, the final color of kind of like put some balance. and that's especially important as it focuses on developing a sound, mind and body. i am in coal tend, and i am find the way i am the best in cannot believe that everyone should do something for the health every day and the children in this mastery school a learning how to do just that. a great way to keep healthy at any
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age is to keep moving. but what kind of exercise is best for children? to prevent over exception injuries and positive problems there in time, you must get a chance should get a workout. so domestics up to it for children, age 3 and bull games, which kids can start playing between the ages of $4.00 and $5.00 marshal lots like rossi, judah and ty condo, also an option for childrens 3 and but having fun is key. so youngsters should be to try out all kinds of sports that's because sports is one way for kids to develop self confidence. but there are other ways in which they could've done it to the, especially from the parents, babies and toddlers, long to feel safe, protected, and recognized. while kids thrive on attention and praise,
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parents should be careful not to overdo us. only children need positive reinforcement, but does that mean we should praise every single drawing and sam castle they make this has to tar give needed that so well, that's great. it's so fast chosen every day. we notice things that she's learned from us and, and it's 9 to 15 and have a 5 year old granddaughter and i compliment her off and i don't see it as may appraise, but also is encouragement. moving. so none of us and moved equal and re fizzles, we try to price them and a measured way. so the kids don't think they're capable of everything. taking the seats. i just couldn't suck my to my mom's saves notes, appraised them too often, but we do it, which makes it a lot from y'all to martha's quiz. that's nice. might sound good, but it's not always the right form of phrase. what really motivates children speech to see them can know that it's a new, it's import to praise children when they've worked really hard is some saying something and not just things that are easy because of the age or abilities. when
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you praise them to make it clear why, and you can say something to a child like unhappy you tried so hard that you will praise that you took the time . that's the made the asset and you didn't give up with me to also give my husband us a dishonest. it's a little children can tell when praise isn't genuine. it always makes me really happy. the color was in cooking class and my teacher prays microfiche captain by i always cleaned up the rooms to bind, developmental psychologist, meal, young egos, boxes undeserved praise can even be dangerous. she researches the development of cognitive ability. they can know can be chosen con, choose how intelligent or talent that they are. things those things are large. the in the praises sometimes appropriate for those things, but children convoys influence them. so that's why it makes more sense to praise children for doing things that don't always come easily to them. i think also make
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sure that the praise doesn't get out of control because then the children can think the comes and then some meaning of this. yes. and just saying great, nice or well done, doesn't really help it child quite feeling present. according to me of them a buzz by too much superficial praise, makes childrens unsure of themselves. and qualifying the praise with the word, but can do more harm than good design thinking. and modifying praise in that way detracts from its positive aspects. so you should really considered whether or not you want that includes the one box. so it is possible it's appraise children in a nuanced way to go into that. you could say irving, well you made a good asset that next time you should try this. and that is, that's the that's also cause of a movie. you should make sure you don't ruin the praise by using the words, but that sort of things that are praising children correctly isn't so easy. after all, is it like done and you have to praise semester right? moment like when they achieve something or learn something new. know yolanda and
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when it gets settled in just fine. so me it's about seeing the isaac local but i enjoy making them feel confident and letting them know how valuable they are and for fun. but still, i would just give them empty races by munitions hoggard 4 year old, you know, slides down the tunnel slide for the 1st time. can his father reward him just by paying attention to him? some on filling out a. so as 1st you were really scared, then you split down with me, you could talk after that, you were confident enough to slide down all by yourself. what are we trying to achieve when we praise children? we took surfaces, i told them we did a good job because he was able to overcome his fear to slide down by himself and 9 . so what suitable disclose can speech praise is very important for children self esteem. if so, they noticed that the capable of accomplishing things that he offered it's important for the child's emotional health to have the positive experience of being praised. praise is also important for creating a bowman's address, because you establish contact to a child that way,
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or it makes it clear to them that they're seeing when it's taken seriously and find use. no one should go through life without being praised. so it does escape children's benefit, especially when we share their joy and loved them unconditionally. even young children can contract serious diseases like type one diabetes. it's now the most common metabolic disorder in children and young people of $150000.00 children are diagnosed with diabetes each year. and that number keeps surprising. get no one knows exactly why type one diabetes is an auto immune disease which causes the cells and the pancreas to stop producing insulin left on treated. diabetes can prove sizes, so it's by total, but like one diabetes be detected as early as possible. 3 year old elaine is having
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a checkup that includes an early detection test for diabetes. allen's mother wants to know if her daughter is at risk to i'm still to come pick one to find one. and that's because my son got type one diabetes when he was 9, it came out of nowhere and was an incredible shock for as old. that was really a bad time. we just want to be prepared too much the photo at the time. the test requires that a blood sample would be tight. alaina's taking pulse in a study because it's mainly young children who are developing type one diabetes. and often this is only recognized when they want to be in hospital with a severe metabolic disorder. and think 20 feet and then just on with kids, people often don't thing just diabetes, but something else to jump into the tape mouse itself a bit. the classic symptoms of diabetes, extremes this go into the toilets a lot,
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maybe wasting the bed. that's how it starts. with a whole piece. so it says parents and pediatricians might think it's a urinary tract infection, a psychological disorder, or since the children lose weight and eating disorder continues to get. and if it keeps on going and the vomiting all the time, they think its stomach flu mos itself. it suites plus as most kids in this ship. the blood sample is sent to the institute of diabetes research, which is conducting various studies on the early detection and treatment of the metabolic disease. together with other institutes. the reset chose a screening children across europe to are at risk of developing type one diabetes. then via the may i dispute if we hope to detect the majority of the people who are later develop it and treat them as preventative studies for instance. then we need
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to look at the whole population and can see who is actually a risk. can just leave the court. well, there's a genetic predisposition. most children who get the disease have no relatives with type one diabetes. 3, such as look for 2nd bodies. they find them and around 3 of every 1000 children tested, i've seen her in grad been in distance spies from when at least 2 out of 4 main auto antibodies already typed it in the blood and then the boundary is crossed. and, and we know that these children will, in the next few years, develop type one diabetes, concubines tip insignificant metabolic disorder is already present. no symptoms are apparent yet parents to show what symptoms to look out for. and the children are off for the place. and one of the studies the research has have on vicious goes to delay the outbreak of the disease or even preventive tools to guess ocoee onto cap understanding coming on. and that's what the one year old hendricks and his 3 year
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old sister free to a taking call to. and one of the studies because diabetes funds in that father's family, blood samples were taken from them shortly after that. the doctor's note for risk genes for type one diabetes and found that the children's parents hope they can find a tool for diabetes. hendrick will be given insulin powder once a day until he times 3 or frieda has already completed the treatment to get into the lien pool. so we give them insulin powder to increase the children's insulin tolerance and move this thing back into their immune systems. and i shouldn't have an inflammatory response to the insulin. yes. instead, react calmly, so that no inflammation occurs, and no auto immune response kicks in. that can lead to type one diabetes, so that's in so king is not concubines. to update this. the latest research shows
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that the immune system doesn't to talk the insulin producing cells right away. fast, it detects the insulin itself. the powder is supposed to prevent that from happening. the children to test it twice a year. the doctors want to see if anti bodies are formed under the outbreak of the diseases i'm talking about. so typically, so what does is it says we were afraid, every time the phone rang and so that the cold came from munich. i said picking up the phone and learning that something was wrong with my children accidentally for me to get into a fond of english smith's mind. can notice until now there's been nothing but good news from munich. frieda and hendrick will continue to be examined until the age of stuff in the parents heart set the doctor's work, discover any antibodies before then because of to that the risk of developing diabetes will think it does not. the study reset shows the re examining whether a healthy intestinal flora can prevent diabetes. babies who come from families with
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a history of diabetes receive a special pre biotech. it's mixed with breast metal coal, so i just pulled you out the cool months of diesel probiotic. this bacterial strain that we use in the study should contribute to a healthy or gun florida hot, and that should have a positive effect on the developing immune system because it and so there's less of an inflammatory response. and so if you were allergic reactions, and also like if you're auto immune diseases, like for example, con, type one diabetes, up at this, whether interested in powder and profile takes half the desired effect will only be known in a few years time. the preliminary result. so promising with any luck, children like lean frida and hendrick will avoid getting type one diabetes of tools . the
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sometimes children need to spend time in hospital with it for a few days. well, much longer. even if it is nothing too serious, this can be traumatic. it is hard to prepare very young children in particular for this experience, especially as the parents are often anxious themselves. so what can be done to alleviate kids, peer of hospitals? one doctor has found to craig way. this is all about. he's 5 years old and has been susanna dick's patient for quite a while. hold on as a fan of the books that the surgeon writes and illustrates in her free time. today they're enjoying being able to spend some quiet time together. now we can do what we want. yeah. playing. have a policy and cough yes. about to just
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recently they operated on robots hand a major procedure. now he's back for a checkup to pass the time. hold on some other elena reads him something from one of susan antiques, books, even house to the sort staying at the woodland hospital. it was very exciting. but when you said the story takes place at the hospital, just like dick's to other picture books on their tails about silver, the zebra who burned his behind with some soup or call you the little monkey was missing, a thumb usually gets help at the jungle clinic which all but finds extremely exciting because they go into how does this galvis? yes, i think he's found himself again, and it would cause they made him into a massive an index finger to that's what cool yours had that light before. and after the same with robot, right, and robot. oh,
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good. susanna dank, has been interested in drawing since she was little. she thinks her work and who are mutually beneficial. fighting that over the stirring and operating sometimes it might appear that the 2 have nothing in common to some of our products in pediatric surgery. the what we do is very delicate on to and particularly so with i'm saturated and she will give that stuff. mind this in fine us back to the treatment room. here you can find a lot of what dick shows in her books, medical scrums and surgical scissors, stethoscope and golf bandages. that way the young patients know what to expect. she doesn't go into my new detail though. the vision in facebook, the operation is portrayed as a cast out. so you don't see any blood kind of glued because blood could frighten the children. the dozens of the there are 2 drops of blood here where the smooth
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venus throws blood, you can say, chew small drops. yes. that will be, does it is natural, right? exactly. and then the other bit gets the mosquito or a quite appropriate looking guy that many of the other characters in her books were inspired by her colleagues. oh yeah, that's the doctor. this is dr. back. let's see if i can find him. perfect match. yeah. 100 and here we have a lion in the color full pages of the picture book, all but re discover it says favorite character. cut it say i can read the curve. you said that because it is on a dig story books help children like well, but get over there. fear of going to the hospital
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know it needs to be afraid of a little workout either. thanks to all the area. she's here to guide you through a new exercise this time for you. hello, let's start. we sit on the mit, bring your 4 arms to them and then raise your legs. and then after each other, we raise our legs. squeezed your stomach as hard as a kid and your tray, your upcoming is so hard. the try to do this exercise for 30 seconds. then take
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a long break and repeat it for time. the have fun with us and see you next time on in good shape. by the
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employees we're heading on down into the london underground. the cube is the oldest subway in the world. it's full of surprises. everyone on both please. and of course then for guest in 30 minutes. on d, w. old friends, new front is nate,
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so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency. the well, the largest, the military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses. ca, beginning to show this from this new threat. a tenant in 75 minutes on d, w. the innovations green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers by myself, they subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan. it's
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a code name project, cassandra re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug or not. somebody normally seizures organizations, the object to financially drain has gone out and bring them down to the team. agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean, as well as another whole lot. they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed them to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod document 3 series. unless king has paula stats may 4th on d w. the,
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this is the to be in use live from berlin, israel under direct attack by iran. the israel says around launched more than $200.00 drones and me. so i was against it, but many have already been shot down, siren sound nationwide with the explosions heard in jerusalem. the us again, such as are in cloud support for israel to the united nations goals and emergency meetings often secured the.


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