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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 5:15pm-5:30pm CEST

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and this is why uranium pro democracy activists have been warning for years of peace and security in the middle east will depend on the destruction of the stronger public and establishment of democracy. regime in the long runs of leadership is now saying that any reckless is why the move will prompt a stronger response. tell me how prepare to run. is this conflict to escalate me? yes. uranium official, including and comedy and i urge you see commanders constantly warn israel in their statements today and days before and threats in the us for any possible interference. and it is certain that you want is vulnerable to is rain due to long distance between the 2 countries. and we have to consider is that you want internal
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conditions should be also consider that economy and social situation is critical. and the legitimacy office regime has been questioned for years. so in addition to is really a frost will not consist of just one country, but will be an international coalition against the one. and this on the republic uh will not have the slightest chance of say what this question is highlights a tier to what extent does the best of the confrontation be due on the must remember, that's russia is now a war with ukraine. and he's really is also fighting him was to re screw you know, 5 allow me from the don't use fancy department. thank you. thank you, brad. so united states has underlined its support for as well, while making it clear, it does not want to see any more escalation in the region. he's one national security council spokesperson junk. coby told the u. s. bull costa nbc. what
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digital demonstrated last night was an incredible ability to defend itself, just their own military superiority was quite remarkable. yesterday, i mean very little got through and the damage was extraordinarily light. and also i as well demonstrated again, as i said, that they're not standing alone, that they have friends. so the president's been clear, we don't want to see this escalate. we don't, we're not looking for a wider, we're the wrong. and i think, i think, you know, the coming hours and days will tell us a lot of w reporter in washington, 7 simons. as this assessment or b, u. s. has no injures fraser all to take any action which could possibly escalate the situation from where we are right now or where the us or where israel in the wrong. all right now, um the us is assessing or the white house administration is assessing the situation has actually quite dire that if israel is pushing this further or this
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could really result in a regional conflict, nobody wants to buy ministration. doesn't want. however, of course, we all promoted this many times. the iron clad support for israel, that is there, the administration is adamant about repeating is that there is absolute support for israel in any defense defensive manner. if you will. that means if israel is attacked again by you ron, or anybody else, the u. s. will stand by israel helping to defend them. however, no such supports support have promised by the u. s. if the israel, if the war cabinet is benjamin that then your should decide to go on the offensive fee and retaliate in a way or at all, perhaps towards iran, which would escalate the whole situation. so this is a little bit the if you will fin line of a rope, the us is trying to balance it in here. and the war and gaza has already heard by
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and politically, hasn't it? of course it has is biden's standing with the whatever happened in or what all happened in an october at october 7th, like a last year. it hasn't been improved or getting better to the country. he's under a lot of pressure from arab americans who want to see bite and administration's efforts to increase entre intensify when it comes to a sustainable piece agreement or a truth agreement between israel and. and thomas and guys are the release of the hostages and mail age humanitarian aid into guys, and now dividing it ministration has worked on this. there is a deal on the table for how much to except for the release of hostages and for more 8 and for a 6 way, 6 week truth. but according to reports from us, has rejected that. and that means for the bind ministration back to square one, regional conflict would really cause trouble for the by the ministration. and we
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haven't presidential election year. uh, so any conflict outside the us of that magnitude does not look good on the president, no matter what he does or doesn't do. and the president's hosting a g 7 meeting, not only as he said, uh pledged his iron clad support as you put it like he did only days ago. he also talked about wanting to coordinate a united diplomatic response. what are the diplomatic options here as well, the diplomatic offices, as you know, the us has no direct diplomatic relations with iran, the swiss handle this for the united states. however, the u. s. still understands and sees itself as the leader of the pac when it comes to organized diplomatic response to economic responses to any threat. a scenario iran or anybody else pauses for the region. remember we're talking about the middle east, so we're talking about, or we're talking about
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a freedom of movement of ships. is that right there to right you wrong to play a role there? so the g 7 meeting, we just handle like a zoom meeting remotely. we'll probably discuss possible sanctions or sanction scenarios, but it is for most about really uniting a front of partners and as of the united states in the diplomatic efforts to impress on israel not to escalate this now with a this appropriate response to what happened and to impress on iran to not do anything further. i think that is a, that is definitely of, of the most important for the united states right now leading this or, or asking for this g 7 meeting and organizing this, this diplomatic response and pressure on all parties involved there. the light is there for the other side of the atlantic. 7 simons in washington.
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back here in europe, german, china. so the filters responded to the radian a salt, but he's on a trip right now to china, away he'll be meeting with long. i was president, changing pink is what he had to say a short time ago. to be a full time students on, we strongly condemned the reigning an attack and warned against any further escalation around must not continue down this past off of these and fight them like kind of the same time. it's absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity we these round, which has every right to defend itself as the, the better we will do everything we can to prevent further escalation and will therefore continue to pursue our current course close by to for, for the i because we can only want everyone especially around not against continuing down this path to look at the international implications of the reigning attack on israel and joined by uh,
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reachable. okay. our international chief editor. that was more about schultz and he's meeting with changing ping on tuesday. he's hoping to get help in avoiding further escalation, but to get that. yeah, so i mean, it, it's really quite fascinating. see all of selves, of course, on the other side of the world at the moment when he's just been in challenging, we just saw the pictures that from the visits in china, where a german company has a hydrogen facility. and he's being touring that. and you might think, well he's, he's got other things on his mind today. then looking at the hydrogen factory. but i think that the gems are saying that the fact that they get to talk to cj and ping the chinese present on tuesday really makes this trip west that even from the point of view that this, this you risk of escalation going on. the germans web briefing before these trip that they would be going and asking the chinese to help to try to keep it laid on things. and this, of course, is particularly with respect to iran, where china has a close relationship. and as a sign of that resisting to see so tony blinking,
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the american sector state, spoke to when he, his chinese count about, um, just a couple of days ago and, and the chinese farm industry. spokes person said that china condemns the attack. on the ron you and embassy and syria so, so china, very much kind of taking iran side a in what the backdrop to, what's happened to you this, this attack on the iranian facility in syria. so indicating that the chinese field kind of, that the iranians were, you know, had every right to retaliation. now the question will be, well, you know, do, do the chinese, these really want to risk a major escalation. what that means for them. if you look at the chinese economy, it is very dependent on the oil imports from the middle east. so any kind of major war that could cause disruption, perhaps, to all expos, through the straits and pull moves in it. for example, that could be very disruptive to china, especially as a time that is economic economy is we? so i think so it's would be appealing on those kinds of self interest of grounds as
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well as on grounds of his own commitment to as well as defense. and you're saying that because it could cause some sort of on race back home in china. what, what, what time is struggling with this economy and the kind of disruptions who could happen to oil markets. if there were a major conflict to shut down the straits for news that would affect china as much as any, it would affect any of the all important country at a time where the chinese economy is in trouble. so, so i think these are some of the on the current. so i think schultz will certainly be appealing on that. the german foreign minister on the bank book said today that the middle east was on the edge for the price. suppose that iran had almost pushed the region into chaos. let's listen in done. so you've, honestly, there's even how to the iranian regime has clearly led the entire middle east to the brink of the, of this, this up, or iran fired over $300.00 rockets, drones, and cruise missiles that israel last night because you can guess enough off east
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got you up to fly out, we condemn in the strongest possible terms, the direct iranian attack on the territory of israel. scott hughes. germany's phil solidarity extends to israel. fall is already down the page. large lots of stock wanting there from bad bulk, which is yeah, i mean, i think reflecting just base level of concern, which we've seen back to october 7th and the how most terrorist attack on the as well, that really sets off that this, this huge stage of instability in the middle east, that that's being this concern that that could be a major escalation. i'm particularly overall between this trial and iran. and this is the closest we've been to that. yes, as we've been hearing, you know, that this time unprecedented, you know, it hasn't happened before that iran has directly attacked his well, nobody really knows how that is going to change the dynamic in the region yet. so i think you get clear concerns here and by then in a flurry of international diplomatic activity, of course. so will this be out of stump, any potential escalate? yeah, so we've got the un security council meeting in the afternoon. you your time today
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. of course, the un security council has not shown itself able to really deal with the major conflicts, ukraine, middle east or others at the moment because it is so kind of deadlocks. i mean, the, the great, so it kind of great power competition going on between the western powers and, and russia and china on the other hand. so that it is quite possible that, that will just defend into a kind of a blame game. the g 7, and we'll also be talking before i get back to the actual ready already. i think the west of house will want to be sending messages of reassurance to as well that they have. it's back. but at the same time wanting to try to work on as well to, to, to try to persuade it, not to retaliation, a major way to what us does happen. so that's the delicate balance west and power. so going to be trying to work at the moment, actually for international edits of richard volk. thank you very much us. and that's all we have time for. we'll be back at the top of the hour with more updates
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on bands as well. and it's very much for joining us for breaking news on those attacks from a run on his back. he tons, thinking off site 300. he is the mountain weird comments. what come to legendary philosophers to teach us today? let's get to the quote, some of the castleguard tow imperative. i'm on d. w. nico, they're not just practical. sneak goes off call chuck. dennis, take a takes old sneakers from the draft to them all this week is look the same. how would
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i make a difference recycled? fashion of cool statements against environmental pollution. that is how i'm giving people a space to express themselves. those things are customized. they assured me not in 16 minutes. on dw, the d big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over brazilian reprocess. 30000 hides a day. 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry, for example. this will actually cost awesome comes from in negro cattle farms in the say, yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all that much
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. illegal leather stats may stood on d w. the that's one message that contests sending be less afraid have encourage the idea that black is an argument. she certainly made a huge effort to expose this at the last time. and you one does do show something that is not perfect. c


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