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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news by from the that the world waits for, as well as response to the attacked by a ron. israel says the conflict is not over as the yahoo base which he's will cabinets around coals. it's wave of may 1000 drones measured and justified. the waste says a boy joined any fatality ation the head of the united nations ones against the deep but the sense into complex. it's time to step back from the bidding. antonio quoterush says, nate, as the region know the world can afford further escalation between around at israel,
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german transfer that will allow schultz calls for increased trade on the 2nd day of his visit to china. but he says competition must be fixed. and the new champions of job and football, labor closing rejoices they secure that 1st step, a bonus league, a title of heating for even 5 bill. the i been visible and welcome is well, is waking up its response to run after it attacked with hundreds of nissans and drawings at the weekend as well. leaders cool, full restraints as well as well cabinet met without announcing any definite course of action, but said it would respond at a time in the matter of its choosing. around says it's assault was an active self defense of the several generals were killed earlier this month in an attack on its
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diplomatic compound in syria, the crater left by iran aerial attack. israel's military says this desert air be sustained only minor damage. iran launched more than $300.00 drones and miss styles. israel and its allies shot down nearly all of them. despite decades of intense and moody, this was their ron's 1st direct attack on israel. while world leaders call for calm and restrained, israel's president says, options are open. this is like a reading wall, and i mean this is a declaration of war or not. not because we are a strain and we cause we know the river questions and because we have the liberation. so without thoughts, as we are considering all options and i'm quite confident that we will take the
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necessary steps that are necessary to protect and defend on people, we are not to all say cuz i think i would leave it that, that the us says it will support israel's defense, but it will not take part in any military retaliation against iran. it's going to be up to these rarely some side uh what, what the next step is here. i would just say this president button since the beginning of this conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war. israel's war cabinet met without announcing any decision, as the world waits to see what comes next. the w correspondent, tenure claimant joins us from jerusalem. these way, the wall cabinet agreeing upon retaliation known about scale timing. what else can you tell us? a lemon. usually those decisions that are made in this smaller, more cabinet on north made public. and you can be sure that there are
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a top plans that are ready because those 2 countries, iran, and as well as being arch enemy, is for many years, many over it's a nuclear program who runs a nuclear program. but of course it's known everybody's mind here. in the country, what will happen as old politicians have made it clear, there will be a response to the wrong in a talk. but the question is, as you said, it's about the scale and the timing. we heard from benny guns that form of defense ministers. also part of this will copy notice saying this will be, you know, the time will be when it suits a israel when they will attack. then we heard of course, a lot of voices, especially from the far right in the far right village, is coming out of prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying this should be a strike that would be remembered for generations. and others have been a so there should be a limited response or even a strike on the
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a nuclear facilities. so you have all these possibilities. but the thing is we're very much look also how much support they've got from the international community. so that maybe just tacit support, maybe not publicly as we had the us is not in a favor or will not participate in such a retaliatory t strike. but we also heard from you wrong that they have been saying is, is wrote, will strike back there will be an even harsher response. so where does that leave prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well? i think he basically said it's all about a deterrence for israel and is run headsets before this ms bones by iran on saturday nights here, that it will strike back at iran, especially when this attack comes from iran directly and not just
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a through its proxies as has pulled out from southern living on the who's in yemen, the militias, in iraq. so there is the expectation that this will happen though it wrong said. on the other hand, at least on a diplomatic level, they consider this as a closed file. that was their response to the alleged a strike on the iran incompetent, damascus in april. first is run, had not taken responsibility for that at least publicly. but you also have to see, i mean, what's very interesting here in the media that's being discussed is that, you know, somehow this out a discussion about the performance of the is really all me about this defense. she'll get together with a strategic partners the minutes to i showed most of the majority of these a drones and miss how it's done even before they reach. and that isn't before they reached is really territory. and that comes, of course, of to october 7 when the performance of the army was very much in question. so
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there is this as well, you know, to restoring the deterrence in the region for as well, but also restoring it in the eyes of to is really public on your private for us. uh, dw tourism correspondent. thank you. i think united nations emergency meeting call to discuss a runs attack on it as well. both fee as well and around accuse the other being the main threat to peace in the middle east. they accused fellow un members of ignoring the threat that the other po's to which security u. n. chief antonio quoterush, cold forest, right? a viable show down following a night to drone and to miss all attacks and best is from it. ron notes are and israel face stuff, but the united nations united to the terrace for anything iran then void justified the assault for as retaliation for a strike when it comes to let's in syria,
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which it blames on israel face, which such says come as though says they stomachs repub, because you don't have the no choice but to exist size. it's in your head on the right to self defense on the international law. israel cold on the when to impose all possible sanctions on the wrong this, that, that crust every red line. and is red reserves, the legal right to retaliate? the middle is, is on the bring the people in the village and confronting a real danger of a devastating full scale conflict. now is the time to the fuse and the escalates. now is the time for maximum restraints. the un chief is not a load in edging with strains. jordan within the flight pulse of the wave of, of rainy and ms. silas and drones. down some of them,
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king abdullah told us president joe biden to any further action by israel wood wide in the conflict in the region. the u. s. and the allies, including the u. k in front, also helped israel send off the ron's attack. at the g 7 video meeting, the focus was on condemning a wrong containing the conflict. ron's actions risk provoking an uncontrollable regional escalation and this has to be avoided. we will continue to work to stabilize the situation we call on the wrong, and it's prophecies to seize completely the attacks. as all parties should exercise, maximum restrains. we stand by the security of it as well and avoid a region which is of course important for our security here at home to what we now need is for comb, heads to prevail. israel says it has not lost sight of its subject to sink gall,
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so that's imperative. and pressure from its allies may yet be enough to persuade its leaders to hold back. let's talk about that with general is chris and hell bag . an expert on the middle east, present. great to see you again. a tell me 1st of all, more about any guns, a member of the wall cabinets. he has said that israel will exact price from the ron in a way in time that suits israel. what does that mean for you? i think they themselves still don't know. you have to radical cabinet members that be just what they're asking for fits response at the same time, you have to hold an international community asking is way for restraint. so what could be possible is that is way does more of the same that they have been done for the last few years, which is a taking revolutionary god's colanda is how much come on does even outside israel, if it could be, may be limited attacks on you to a system that is present it wrong, not sweating and shit. existence of things on your machine because this will take
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us to another level, but this is all up. so for now they are discussing it and that's a good time. they are considering what to do. and what do you think about the position of prime minister benjamin netanyahu dried out, considering the international pressure, the domestic pressure as well. actually, minnesota. now what have we reasons on notice wide and this one because to most of what he wants to eat this for the support of the international committee which has worked out, or he's the one that, that you asked to get back by the side of his way. and this has worked out at the same time that has been long term plans within this weather cold winds, we government to blow or to, to deal a major blow to its enemies in the region. hispaniola anything wrong in the scene. so bake would consider this the best for me to do so because now haven't before the deputy off of the international community to, to go for this main to blowing to escalate the war and the foot. and what of obviously is to distract from its own finger and gaza, where he could not deliver it and who could not reach the 2 ends in this for even
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often with a 6 month us, which means to finish off with him us on a military level and to get the hostages back, so it's a failure and he's distracting by escalating with the button. this could be his idea. so limited retaliation. so many political motives here at play. but what about the risks? is there a real risk right now with things getting of control? i think the risk is very much if is what it decides to strike a blow that iran would consider to be x essentially because yvonne has made it very clear that we have an equation now and then what is what he does to what you're wrong? you're wrong would answer, and iran has ultimate truth that q, that it is ready to move from the role of a string pull, or a mazda mind behind attacks using its proxy and the region to become a direct participant in the wall. this has been shown,
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but the attack on side of it. so this is the danger of gamble and i think it on y'all would be wise to go also for the paramedic response and to listen very carefully to what his us partner is, tony and it's the 1st direct the time from iran on israel. it's something most people are expecting many countries at one dog. i mean people that would travel warnings out. and it was pretty much clear that this was going to happen, but not in what scale. and tell me more about what's going on and around right now . as far as this responses concerned, iran had to retaliate for the a proof of attack. and i told her how many of the religious leader, if you, ron, had made it very clear that she considers this attack on the diploma to count compound in the muscles and a tech on the territory. i'm reading it territory. so it's very logic for to react in the sense that, you know, to have this message response in the sense that this is the 1st time that from rainy and soil. these miss highs and drones were launched. and at the same time,
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not only launched slow flying drones, but at the same time, besides, to show their own force. and at the same time, to have a limited reaction by its allies, his bowl from lebanon, who would fees from human. they were taking puns, but unlimited space. so this is just to show everything that is possible from an iranian perspective, without really going forth for an escalation, because the whole message is here, that we have a mess of response, but it's under control. we didn't want to, you know, cause major home, they didn't do this to show that they are not interested in a full blown war with is what it all the us, but is around in control of its proxies as well. it's not that easy. it's not that every attack that has been added onto this is a, you know, that it's being coordinated entailed on. but there is a very strong coordination and his bullet is the life insurance of the volume machine. so in case that is full of all being done or filled escalation from these really side, this would be the response to have his phone. the answer with the 150000 rockets
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that could fly over this way. and this slipped put is right in a very diet and very difficult situation to. and so even with its high technology and yes, the gift of students to a place other. some positives in all of this other positives is, as far as the board goes, it goes, well there are voices in this. why is that? saying that this would be a chance for is for a to bid on that security support that they have just data to go back and talk to its allies to take serious what these allies have been saying. and i would argue that any disc collision in this a war between is what i didn't need on stats in gaza. you know, it has to start with the ceasefire and gone. the, it has to start with the release of hostages. and this was for the president by then twice to turn it on. you know, to say, let's declare victory. what the wrong and go back and solve the problem with the palestinians. because what the west would not to is full for the narrative of the is there any government that has, it has been displaced for us saying that,
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you know, forget about the palestinians. be in control of the policy number. this is, yvonne is the may just federal police, just help us to find a few wrong. this is short sighted because it all comes in one big package. and so the escalation starts and gaza. what else do we need then from the international community? very clear words at the moment, everyone treading carefully what to the next steps need to be thought. i think the d 7 has made it clear that they need to be some diplomatic responses that need to be a strong and hoss condemnation and 20 of on this has been shown. i mean is what it was. we have received all the support and yvonne seems to be internationally isolate it. it's the is you consider us to designate the venue revolutionary gone as a terrorist organization, which the u. s. has already done so in 2019 which would be one step to, you know, for the pressure that you're a new jersey. but at the same time it's cheap. the diplomatic tunnels open, it's will talk to the machine. the resume interior on is not interest in
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a direct consultation. we should take the serious and we should go back and really look for a way out in gaza, get the hostages out ceasefire, and improve the humanitarian situation for the people in guns or that has been neglected for at least 2 days. now nobody's talking about the situation and they hung up hung up. kristen, how back? thank you very much for giving us the big picture and bringing in all those strands . in a very complicated story driven transfer, all of schultz is in china. meantime, where he hopes to show up economic ties with germany's bonds is trading popped up. jolts was gained to underline his support for more trade between china and euro, but says there must be a level playing field. if is, it comes at a time of heights and diplomatic tensions between western countries and aging, especially over the ongoing war between russia and ukraine. so it's also want the geo political tensions causing many companies to reassess their investments in china. it's a german company with
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a long tradition. the abm pups has made and sold ventilation systems and funds in china for nearly 3 decades. its business, there is success. and yet the company is playing it's safe, making operations in both germany and china self sufficient. that's because of frequent supplies and disruptions, the new head office in shanghai could help with those plans. so i'll remind judge i mailed in the on we've been already doing loading for local for many years. and we are trying to decouple supply chains. and we also trying to develop and prepare for different scenarios with various plans to provide the home line in by for instance, we can relocate production from china to india within 2 to 3 months. even though that's not something we expect to do now, to just tell me that has been more german companies are including decoupling plans
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in the strategies. so that business can continue a mid geopolitical tensions. china to is trying to reduce dependence on other countries by strengthening its domestic market. china remains germany's top trade partner with a trade volume of around 253000000000 euros. germany mostly exports cars, an auto parts to china. in addition to various machinery that makes it one of china's top 5 trade partners to but now with china is increasing dominance in the electric vehicle industry. more chinese made eaves are coming to germany. very low, our prices are putting german comm acres under pressure. it's the same with solar panels and wind turbines. chinese products, a massively subsidized by badging and new york and manufacturers can barely compete . chinese product prices push them to the brink overall, and that's why germany and the european commission are taking measures to curb on
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steer competition and protect the domestic market which they are considering introducing terrace on select. the chinese products withdrawal is fabia encouraged by is engaging and told us that germany has to balance its economic interest. and beware of china as a competitive arrival at the same time. to what i mean, i think tomorrow or tomorrow evening. we can make it assessment because the he will have the politic code talks tomorrow with um, leach young, the prime minister and also see thing thing. and then we can see how um, you know, the public statements from the chinese side will be whether that will be some concessions, etc. but i think the challenges that he's facing this balancing act is really very, very delicate and challenging. um, so this is a structural issue with the german companies who are complaining that the competition with china is increasing the unfair that there's a lot of, you know,
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subsidies um that are not um, according to w. t overloads. that's um, you know, the problem of all the capacities, etc. so they do mount a level playing field and basically it all also comes down to the weak domestic consumption here in china. so it, china is relying on cheap expert that it's dumping on the market because the domestic consumers are not buying the product. so those structural issues cannot be sold overnight. that cannot be sold at over a couple of months. this is really, it goes much deeper, and so i think we will see, but definitely that's the message. that's what i've showed this trying to convey here. but there's also a lot of critique because he's coming with a lot of ceos from next companies. and um, yeah, critics say that this is the wrong signal, the signal it's business as usual, and not a different approach. bring you up to date on some of the other stories making news from around the world. donald trump's 1st criminal trial is set to stop later today . the trial involves allegations related to hush money paid to an adult
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entertainment during trumps 2016 campaign. it's the 1st of full criminal cases against him. and the 1st time a former us president will face criminal prosecution, the flooding context on his force, the evacuation of more than 100000 people. with the president cooling at the nation's west natural disaster in 80 years. the board has have the most homes in the russian urals. spring floods regular a conference in the region, but heavy rain full and melting ice is made the most of via the usual in the drum and bonus league of buying a laver clothes and is celebrating winning. this is national lead time. hope i celebrate it. down to being on the $29.00 consecutive games and staying on the table, it was an easy 5 deal with against framing with talent, feel hand goods, boring. 3 goals is the 1st title as coach or somebody alone. so we took the team to
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victory. it's uh, it's unbelievable to wait for the 1st time. what was the 1st time a suspicion on for us to, to being able to be part of it. and to that you see that excitement before the game and do the game for, for the funds. how much it means for item the $44.00 for all of us. well, it will take some time that we, we realize how important this, how or um the way it costs me and they'll just spell the results as where they were their way with the theme test. great. let's take a look a little look at the new champions. you name his name sounds more than a little like that of the team dominated german football for the past decade. buyer labor crews in happy come the new kings of the buddhist league. not buyer who had been champions for more than a decade. not doing man a put buyer labor cruising who weren't even on the radar. in fact, labor cruise,
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it had never won the but it's like a title. the last time they had one anything was the german cup. in 1993 last season labor crews and started showing signs of promise when javi alonzo took over the rates. but this season, the 1st full campaign under the spaniard has been nothing short of magical, with the lines of pulling the strings to labor, cruise ins, counter attack style. a handful of players have scored at least 10 goals so far. from strikers, victor boned to face, and patrick shake to the exceptional midfielder, florian visits. laver. cruises, talent pool run steep, and the fans are fully behind the t protocol that really grateful because you know this visa support the response they've been through. not always the easiest times that they they are able to enjoy these vizier. what's the
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season? what we are doing and what, because we've got what people call it senior robotics, but they deserve it. not only for the cs sort of about moment says what to get the support. the nice to be part of that. i mean, i'm really happy. labor cues in season kicked off with statement wins over live sick, glove box and darmstadt, setting up a top of the table, clash with buyer and munich, the true test for any team looking to become new. but just like a champion. labor cruising past leveling one in coasting the victory and the other labor crews and haven't lost the game all season in any competition under alonzo. the only team in europe's big 5 leagues to do so with the brand is like a title in hand. they're making a run in the euro. believe aaron have reached the german cub final at the club was coined, never cozy due to never winning the lee and javi alonzo has guaranteed
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they'll never be referred to as never cruising. again. the recap now of al made story this our on the w use. israel is considering its response to the wave of drones and missiles launched against the by iran. ivan, this, the benjamin netanyahu has made his war cabinet minister said to favor retaliation, but a divided over how and when to strike back will lead as a village restraints on all sides. the u. s. is refusing to join any is why the military response randall is more than 300 missed 1000 drones and it's 1st have a direct attack on his well, the old was shot down by israel, the west, the u. k. and jordan, there was minimal damage, as well as the president says, the a rainy and attack amounts to a declaration of war is coming up on the data. we look at changing gender
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roles in africa and how they affect relationships. i've been is willing to be back next hour with global games the
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this week we are a library of the capital, old ones over us, the concept of 20 times the nation should tell me a little bit about that. there are rules, prescribe to men this minute and remember that we've been behind me. i really think you will know that the men said those rules. women's potentially is way just taken care of who i believe the minute the we just seem or ever the 77 percent.
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the next for were on d. w. the questions you ever lose face. what's the time you're talking about get taken into account. tough. cool. did you asked the west for the customer there? how valuable does this incident make you feel they get it wrong as well? tough to why is it a try one, ready, now? you go along with that confronting the powerful with tim to best in conflict on d, w. the green. oh, you'll update green innovations, super green and green. check the holy gray off electron mobility and green
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revolution global. so listen to all kinds of problems to fix your thoughts on the topics rest of those channels. we've got new videos every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the this week on the 77 percent street debate. i believe the main uh the weekend span or as i would say, i'm independent. does that bother you? yeah. well mine was based on this. it may even be a hot spot in the old. we sometimes think of them as babies. yeah. alpha, as bosses already come on, the babies we shouldn't allow rest enough to impose the quadra understanding. that's what a family is. one as african wasn't, was not ready. ok, cool for, well, i do, but i, i can't read it enjoy. and when you find me x or the even holding have let me.


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