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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is data with you news my from bill in the world white's raise rails response to the attack by a ron is well says the conflict is known over the 5 minutes that yahoo meets with his bull cabinets iran, cause it's wave of me cells and drones measured and justified us as a board joint in any response. john chancellor, all of schultz calls for increased trades on the 2nd day of his visit to china. but he says competition must be fast as meet the huge champions of german football lee . because if the choices they secure, that 1st have a book, just
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a good title after defeating payment. 5, now the, i've been visible in welcome is well, is waiting up. it's response to around after it attacked with hundreds of missiles and drones at the weekend as well. as late as cold fall restraint, as well as war cabinet met without announcing any definite course of action, but said he would respond at a time and in a manner of its choosing runs. it's a sold was an act of self defense of the several generals were killed the of this month in an attack on its diplomatic compound in syria. the crater left by iran aerial attack. israel's military says this desert air be sustained only minor damage of april and launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles
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israel and its allies shot down nearly all of them despite decades of intense enmity. this was their ron's 1st direct attack on israel while warrant leaders call for calm and restrained. israel's president says options are open. this is like a reading wall and it's, i mean this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the river cushions and because we have the liberation without fathers, we are considering options and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people. we are not to all say cuz i think i would leave it that, that the us says it will support israel's defense. but it will not take part in any
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military retaliation against iran. it's going to be up to these rarely some side. uh what, what the next step is here. i would just say this president button since the beginning of this conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war. israel's war cabinet met without announcing any decision, as the world waits to see what comes next. did over used on your claim i in jerusalem, said politicians in israel made it clear that would be a response to the weekends attack to lemon. usually those decisions that are made in this smaller, more cabinet on north made public. and you can be sure that there are attachments that are ready because those 2 countries, iran, and as well as being arch enemy, is for many years, many over it's a nuclear program. he runs a nuclear program, but of course it's known everybody's mind here in the country. what will happen as
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old politicians have made it clear that there will be a response to the wrong in a talk. but the question is, uh, as you said, it's about the scale and the timing. we heard from benny guns that former defense ministers also part of this of will coming that to saying this will be, you know, the time will be when it suits a israel. when they will attack, then we heard of course, a lot of voices, especially from the far right in the far right village is coming out of prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying this should be a strike that would be remembered for generations. and others have been said there should be a limited response or even a strike on the nuclear facilities. so you have all these possibilities. but the thing is we're very much look also how much support they've got from the international community. so that maybe just tacit support, maybe not publicly as we had the us, it's not in
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a favor or will not participate in such a retaliatory t strike. but we also heard from you wrong that they have been saying is, is wrote, will strike back. there will be an even harsher response at the united nations emergency meeting call to discuss a runs attack on the as well. both sides accused the other of being the main threat to peace in the middle east. they accused fairly un members ignoring the threat that the opposed to it security. you and chief antonio quoterush code full, restrict, a viable show down following a night to drone and to miss sol attacks. and best is from iran notes and israel face stuff, the united nations united to the terrace for iran, then void justified the assault as retaliation. for a strike when it comes to let's in syria, which it blames on israel face, which such says, comes,
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stone says they stomachs, people, because you don't have no choice, but to exist. size is in head on the right to self defense on the international law . israel cold on the when to impose all possible sanctions on the wrong this that, that crossed every red line and is red reserve the legal, the right to retaliate. the middle is, is on the bring, the people in the village and confronting good real danger of a devastating full scale conflict. now is the time to the fuse and the escalates. now is the time for the maximum restraints, the u. n. chief is not to load in edging with strains, chosen within the flight pulse of the wave of, of rainy and ms solves and drones. down some of them, king abdullah told us president joe biden to any further action by israel wood wide
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and the conflict in the region. the u. s. and the allies, including the u. k in front, also helps israel send off the ron's attack. at the g 7 video meeting, the focus was on condemning iran containing the conflict ron's actions risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation, and this has to be avoided. we will continue to work to stabilize the situation we call on the ron, and it's prophecies to seize completely the attacks. as all parties should exercise, maximum restrains. we stand by the security as well and avoid a region which is of course important for our security here at home to what we now need is for calm heads to prevail. israel says it has not lost sight of its subject to the sing garza fact imperative and pressure from its allies may yet be enough to
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persuade its leaders to hold back german, chancellor, or love schultz as also condemned the rainy and attack on israel urging the strain on all sides, this was the very brutal, the running and a tech. it was unprecedented. and it was the 1st time that they use besides to go directly against the israeli state. this is unacceptable. and it is really a really important that the corporation and especially the work of the israeli defense forces made it feasible that they were able to wear a successful against all the miss sides coming to use. right. and that they did a very, very successful job defending their own country. this success must now be needed for going into a direction of the escalation. and this is my aust to everyone involved.
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schultz was speaking in china, where he hopes to show up economic ties with german. these bonds is trading bottom chance that was gain to underline his support for more trade between china and europe, but says they must be a level playing field. is it comes at a time of heightened diplomatic tensions between waste of nations and aging, especially over the ongoing war between russia and ukraine. total is fabia and criteria is in beijing. it tells us that german child, so the old off schultz has to balance economic interests. now in china is a pop now and rival to what i mean, i think tomorrow or tomorrow evening. we can make it assessment because the people have the politic code talks tomorrow, with a young, the prime minister, and also seating ping. and then we can see how um, you know, the public statements from the chinese side will be whether there will be some concessions, etc. but i think the challenges that he's facing this balancing act is really very,
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very delicate and challenging. um, so this is a structural issue with the german companies who are complaining that the competition with china is increasingly unfair. that there's a lot of, you know, subsidies um that are not a, according to w. t overloads. that's um, you know, the problem of all the capacities, etc. so they do mount a level playing field and basically it all also comes down to the weak domestic consumption here in china. so it, china is relying on cheap export, that it's dumping on the market because the domestic consumers are not buying the product. so those structural issues cannot be sold overnight, that cannot be sold at over a couple of months. this is really, it goes much deeper. and so i think we will see, but definitely that's the message. that's what i've showed this trying to convey here. but this also a lot of critique because he's coming with a lot of ceos from next companies. and um, yeah, critics say that this is the wrong signal, the signal it's business as usual,
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and not a different approach for business, the sport. it was an historic weekend in german football with biologicals and breaking the dominance of buying munich clenching. this is for this thing, good time. the, the twin c 9 games in a row and staying tough with a table. it was an easy 5. kneel, victory over blaming with top talent, sylvia and good scoring free of the goals. it was the 1st title for each of the other ones. so it was a coach. it's uh, it's unbelievable to wait for the 1st time. what was the 1st time a suspicion on for us to, to being able to be part of it. and to that you see that excitement before the game and do the game for, for the funds, how much it means for item the 44 for all of us. well, it will take some time that we, we realize how important this how or um the way it costs me and they'll just spell
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the results of the way they work their way. with the theme test weight is more on the unexpected. you champs. we've taken the title from a team that has long dominated german football buyer. labor crews in happy come the new kings of the buddhist league. not buyer who had been ship. he is for more than a decade. not door man. but buyer labor crews who weren't even on the radar. in fact, labor cruise in had never won the but it's like a title. the last time they had one anything was the german cup. in 1993 last season labor crews and started showing signs of promise when javi alonzo took over the reins. but this season, the 1st full campaign under the spaniard has been nothing short of magical with the line. so pulling the strings to labor, cruise ins, counter attack style, a handful of players have scored at least 10 goals so far. from strikers,
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victor bone to face. and patrick shake to the exceptional midfielder florian vis waiver cruise is talent pool. run steep and the fans are fully behind the t protocol that really grateful because you know this visa support the response. they've been through not always easy as times that they they are able to enjoy these vizier. what's the season, what we are doing? and when does we got what people call it? senior world politics, but they deserve. it's not only part of the sort of above moment says what to give the support be nice to be part of that. i mean, i'm really happy. labor cues in season kicked off with statement wins over live sick, glove box and darmstadt, setting up a top of the table, clash with buyer and munich. the true test for any team looking to become new, but just like a champion. labor cruising past leveling one in coasting the victory and the other
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labor crews and haven't lost the game all season in any competition under alonzo. the only team in europe's big 5 leagues to do so. with the button is like a title in hand. they're making a run in the euro, believe air and have reached the german cup final. the club was coined, never cozy due to never winning the lea. and javi alonzo has guaranteed they'll never be referred to as never cruising. again. never say never is a reminder of our top stories this out as well, is waking up its response to iran for the tact with hundreds of miss austin drones at the weekend as well as will cabinet mit without announcing any definite course of action. 12 liters of cold, full restraint will that shields to german chancellor is on
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a trip to china away. he's cold for more trade with europe, but says it must be a level playing field on that geo political tensions imposing many companies to reassess their investments. john next step on the w exploring model. i paid for solar. thanks for watching the, the in charlotte. the currently move people the on the world wide in such a base in life on that bus. and so it does have committed god there's a lot to actually find out about rubinez story info, migraines the
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