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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, the unions live from berlin. donald trump's historic criminal trial, the get your arms at the new york court house for jury selection in his hush money case. it's the 1st time an ex president has faced criminal charges, switched trump himself called a quote, assault on america. also under program world leaders urge israel to show were strange in response to a ron's unprecedented aerial attack. both countries face off and then you want security council for israel war cabinet meets again to decide if and when it will strikes back the
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goal for at least welcome to the show. donald trump has arrived at a new york courthouse for the start of jury selection in his harsh money trial. trump is the 1st former us president to be criminally prosecuted. he's accused of falsifying business records for payments made to an adult film star before the 2016 presidential election is just one of many indictments against him. he to strive the trial as political persecution, as he addressed the media before entering the court room. let's hear it in his own words. what donald trump had to say on his way to this historic days in the court rooms. this is quite a good 1st situation. this is a great security like never before. nobody's ever seated if we like it. and again, to suggest that you have never been brought to the sole america. and that's why i
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am very proud to be here. this is and this off the crime scene is donald trump. they're speaking on his way to the court room. let's bring in our washington bureau chief in his full and is the 1st criminal trial of a former us president. what can we expect? well, i think we just got a little glimpse of it here. nicole than ever, trump is involved. we have to expect a huge political, a theater and to definitely will get a lot of air time for that as this is the 1st time that a former us president is being prosecuted for crime and 200. so to a 5 years, it's probably interesting for international audience to know that the closest to us ever got. there was president richard nixon in watergate, but as he was pardoned by president ford, he was not connected. so today, 1st order of business, the jury is being selected. that must be quite a daunting task in a case against a former president though, right?
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everybody knows donald trump, everybody has feelings about donald trump. how will the court be able to find those 1212 people or fair and impartial? yeah, that's a, that's a very important point because especially also as the defense will most likely continue. this is strategy from previous trials, which is to paint as such cases as politically motivated to be just to donald trump, basically saying the same. so how does it work? potential jurors are randomly selected and then given a questionnaire and today, starting today, the prosecution ends defends each, get a to disqualify 10 people from the jury pool pool. and we probably know by the end of the week, who finally will be the jury. all right, but donald trump is not only a former president,
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he is also running for office again. now this is not the only charge he's facing if he is in fact convicted by that jury, that is right now being selected, what would happen? what would that do? to his aspirations, to become president once more. right? because so if convicted, each charge carries a maximum of 4 years in prison, which could theoretically add up to a decade or maybe even more in prison, although of justifying or probation are also possibilities. i mean, a trump legal team would almost certainly appeal any positions and delaying the prospect of him spending a time behind bars spots. and that's important for our audience. according to the us constitution, trump is allowed to seek the presidency even if he is convicted. and what is also important to note, a pulse of republican primary voters indicate that the majority would still support
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from as the parties know mean, even if he is convicted of crime. that was in his pull our washington bureau chief, many things always great speaking to you, the world leaders continue to urge restraint as israel considers how to react to the aerial assault by iran. these really war cabinet was set to meet a 2nd time today. as officials say, israel will choose the time and the manner of its response. this comes after an emergency united nations security council meeting, both iran and israel accused fellow un members of ignoring the threats that the other post to their security viable showdown following a night to drone and miss sol attacks. and best is from a ron notes. and israel faced off the united nations united on the terrace for anything iranians and boy justified the assault as retaliation for
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a strike on its consulates and syria, which it blames on his royal face with such says come as though says the stomach people because you don't have no choice but to exist size. it's in your head on the right to self defense on the international law. israel cold on the when to impose all possible sanctions on the wrong this that, that crossed every red line and is red reserve the legal, the right to retaliate. the middle is, is on the bring, the people in the village and confronting good real danger of a devastating full scale conflict. now is the time to the fuse and the escalates are now is the time for maximum restraints. the un chief is not a load in edging with strains, jordan within the flight pulse of the wave of, of rain in ms. silas and drones. down some of them. king abdullah told us president
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joe biden to any further action by israel wood wide and the conflict in the region . the u. s. and the allies, including the u. k in front, also helped israel send off the ron's attack. at the g 7 video meeting, the focus was on condemning a wrong containing the conflict. ron's actions risk provoking an uncontrollable regional escalation and this has to be avoided. we will continue to work to stabilize the situation we call on the wrong, and it's prophecies to seize completely the attacks. all parties should exercise maximum restraint. we stand by the security of it as well and avoid a region which is difficult. important for our security here at home to what we now need is for comb heads to prevail. israel says it has not lost sight to fit subject
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tips and gall. so that's imperative. and pressure from its allies may yet be enough to persuade its leaders to hold back. so what might israel's next step look like? i also put that question to marina moran military analyst from kings college and linda of the day in the quote. it's a very difficult question because we don't know how israel will react. and indeed, on the one hand, we have a lot of international pressure, most notably from the united states, but also from germany, the united kingdom on israel to basically not respond. and the allies made it very clear that they will not be involved in any counter attack on the right. and on the other hand, um for benjamin nothing. yeah. well now this is a huge problem because he has hard liners which are important through his political future. we're seeing that israel phones has to resonate throughout the middle east
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. israel has to respond and to respond to have only in order to re establish its own deterrent, which has been eroded after the 2 battalions attacks. so it's a very difficult situation specifically, because if israel is to retaliate, have only against to run, there is no certainty that the allies will come to help a 2nd time. and of course, it also puts into questions the allegiance of um, the gulf countries will have allegedly helped. um, jordan, how's help? we know that, but some of the others likes that you are e and saw you read the, they tried to kind of distance themselves from this, but still they provided intelligence. and so they will have to be choosing between israel and the iran in the sense of course they have no friends or feet around, but this will be a very difficult situation for them giving the power or the amex that exist in the
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middle east. yeah, so it remains to be seen which way israel goes. yeah. but the behind closed doors, you know, whatever analyst you speak to, it seems like neither around nor israel seemed to be also interested in an all out war. this looks like we're in an eye for an ice situation though with neither side wanting to be seen as weak. how big do you consider the danger of this spiraling further out of control as well? the problem here is that iran didn't want to know loud where it wanted to a drawer, the red lines, and this strike, which many sad, oh, it was a strategic failure for you. ron was actually a very smart, strategic move because without causing any destruction, it's managed to draws a tread line now for each row, each row canada for the war right now, because it's already a poor. and it depends on the support of, say, allies,
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most notably the united states in order to achieve its objectives in gaza. so neither of them want the war, but neither of them want to risk their reputation and specifically israel, which believes to be surrounded by enemies. and we don't know how far the arrow on the chords will go in this sense because because of that over seven's attacks, everything has been put on hold. so each route has to demonstrate its strengths in order to deter results, but the actual enemies, such as hospital, for instance, or i'm sorry, all of the who do use any human do not attack is trial. so there can be also a miscalculation, for instance, imagine that the attack that the run lounge would have a lot to death of civilians on these roads soil, if not, everything has been shot down so that there is a risk of also that these unknowns that could lead to an escalation without either side. one thing, one, yeah. a rather big on known is or runs nuclear program. we know that it is evolving
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. we don't really know where it stands. how much should that factor into israel's calculations here? well, i think it will factor in a lot if we remember that israel has already made an attempt to undermine it backs and when launching stocks. net a bar. and the premium here is that is this time use ro might be more attempted to strike directly at military targets and nuclear facilities was any right and, and for you. right? and of course, this is exactly why run doesn't want to war because he wants to finish its nuclear program, develop nuclear weapons in order to have a solar deterrent against each row and against the united states. so certainly that will be something that is factor them. that being said, we don't know how you ran, we'll respond down. should israel launch any direct stripe on iranian nuclear
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facilities? or maybe that will be a more coverage way to try to undermine it. all of this uncharted territory. thank you so much. that was military analyst marie number on joining us from kings college. thank you so much. i look now at some of the other stories making is around the world today. a church leader and several others have been wounded in a knife attacked during a religious service in sydney, australia. a man was seen on a long stream, approaching the bishop and stabbing him several times. the incident came a day after 6 people were stab to death and a rampaging. the city top diplomats from france, germany and other annual countries are pushing for more funding for some done at a meeting in paris. monday marks one years since fighting broke out between the army and paramilitaries. thousands have been killed, and more than 8500000 people have been displaced since the start of the conflicts are flooding, and kazakhstan has force, the evacuation of more than 100000 people with the president calling of the
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nation's worst natural disaster in 80 years the waters of also submerged homes in the russian urals. spring floods are a regular occurrence in the region, but heavy rainfall and melting ice has made them more severe than usual. rescuers are searching for survivors after huge landslides hit the indonesian island of fil, always, the official said 18 people were killed. 2 or still missing. seasonal down forest caused frequent lands lines and floods in indonesia. so before we go, here's a reminder of the top story. we're following for you today. donald trump has arrived to add a new york courthouse for the start of jury selection and as much money trial is the 1st us president to be criminally prosecuted. trump described the trial as political persecution, as he addressed the media before entering the court room. coming up next on d. w, the 1st severe and the robot landed on mars 3 years ago. our documentary shows the
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difficult work involved in developing a morrisville over on nicole fairly from all of us here in the newsroom and for less. thank you so much for your help. the you'll see about the video that goes to the media. may google, google, i've got that done, but again, i will stop into that and i'll give you the order. would you, are you able to go to that? i'm jo, media dog, currently more people than the world wide in search of a job. you ever use them in and they can t mess with the audio get find out about on the story. and so my friends the .


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