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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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writing and concerts in syria, but what a, so m bold and iran that he chose to attack israel directly, rather than through one of his proxies and how with his rail respond. i'm throw gail in bundling and this is the day the the said that cross every red line in his red reserves, the legal, the right to reach out. we don't seek escalation, but will continue to support the defensive israel based lambing republic give around is not seeking to escalate the tensions in the region. the middle is, is on the bidding. now is the time to the fuse and the escalate. now is this time for mex human today? also on the day germany considered as changes to it, strict abortion laws,
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the health minister calls for calm discussion after an expert panel makes its recommendations. the us in dollars. what we don't need in germany is another debate that divide society di up is why would appeal to everyone to react and discuss this issue on the basis of the facts and reason. sounds good and not drifting to ideological argument. yes, approaching. welcome to the day israel is waiting, has to respond to be around unprecedented attack. the 1st adver biotech run on is right out of a tree. israel submitted to chief left hand of general had c. i leave it as promised that it runs aggression will be met with a response following a meeting of israel's will cabinet media report say that israel was looking to 100 iran without triggering on. i will. will leaders, including israel's biggest ally of the united states, according for restraint, is a little cut. some possible is riley reprisal scenarios a
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long shadow war that has come out into the open with a rounds attack on israel over the weekend. is we have government faces pressure from within the country to strike back at her on forcefully to maintain deterrence . the highest risk and most drastic step is real could take would be the strike at a runs nuclear program that can quickly lead to a major escalation of the conflict. israel suspected to have attacked around uranium enrichment facilities before including in 2010 with a computer virus program that's set. it runs nuclear program back years. but never officially acknowledged it to step down in intensity. would be air strikes on around oil facilities, military airports, or other military facilities. attacking oil targets might significantly rattle the world economy. and attacks on iran's military could force tear on to feel like it
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had to respond again. tit for tat attacks that could lead to a regional more in both cases, there are military and technical issues is real stock of long range. ballistic missiles as low as the fighter jets would face a long and complicated journey to their targets. raising the risk, the israel even further a 3rd option is no official public reaction, but to instead take the shot or war back into the shadows. is real suspected to have a fascinated multiple iranian officials and nuclear researchers over the past decade . it also regularly strikes at a raining and proxies in syria and lebanon, pushing retaliation into this gray area without attacking a rainy and soil would likely allow israel to avoid the escalation its allies, like the u. s. had been trying hard to contain. let's consider this
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with the general the fi stain, who is a senior fellow at the middle east institute in philadelphia. welcome back to d w. how do you read web based conflict is now a tit for tat and almost satisfied on both sides. so as the escalation rochard been tightened even further, it's a, it's a pleasure to be back with you. i, i think that it's a little bit hard to see at this point. i think that the iranian statement after their attacks was that they've now satisfied their, their requirement to uh, to respond to the is reality attack on the, on the consulate. and now it's, uh, the ball was really in the back of the as rarely court. we know what president biden is counseling, he's said it publicly that he has advised the prime minister netanyahu uh, to uh,
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to take this opportunity to declare victory and go home if you will. but uh, but as are clear that the israelis will take that wise advice and, and write it down. and if they don't, then once again, you are in a situation where it would be easy to get into a, as you said, a tech for type of scenario. so if israel choose this, then to respond to just looking at the last 6 months. um, since uh, october 7th and its war against thomas is ro, hasn't achieved it, stated goals of destroying come us and rescuing the hostages. so what a war against a state like iran be easier or harder for israel to prosecute. and when this this really is have no capacity to prosecute a war against iran without the direct involvement of the united states and president by and has said that we have absolutely no interest or desire to uh,
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to partner with the, with israel on such a mission. and even for the u. s, i say that any kind of sole military assault on iran would be a very questionable uh, prize program process. so uh, so this really is, yeah, i could certainly do something that will staying or on, but they cannot go beyond that. this thing that would it be a step to fall off of the united states because, you know, the world was pretty shocked about 3 weeks ago and benjamin, that's on yahoo. i responded to you, us advice against going into rafa by saying we will uh, go in with the without us support. you think this is a completely another level entirely? well uh again i, i think that there is a difference between uh, netanyahu ignoring us advice uh a strong us views,
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which was certainly the case with rafa. and i would note that despite his rhetoric of now, who is not taking that step yet, but again, without the active involvement of the united states, there is no iran, you know, prospect that, you know, who has, except for relatively minor strikes. so uh, so there is a difference between ignore and us guidance and trying to do something that is beyond just capability without the us engagement. what should we make of the fact, but this is the 1st time around has attacked israel directly rather than through a proxies. what do you think brought about this change? well, i think is a reflection of the fact that it is real. hit a uh and ronnie and diplomatic facility directly in the past. of course, uh,
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there was a degree of uh, separation, if you will, an arm's length association sort of the as early as might, might hit a syrian target or 11 east target, but not an ronnie. and, you know, clearly marked iranian facility, and i think that on that basis the iranians felt that they needed to respond in like a like way that, that since the, as railways had crossed a red line for them, they needed to cross a red line for israel pretty what about? so how this affects domestic is right. the politics benjamin netanyahu is fraud. gyle coalition government was facing criticism at home for its having a visual for not getting a hostages back. i'm being criticized abroad for the 19 that total and the humanitarian disaster. it's causing, does this iranian attack change any of that?
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think of the short term, of course it's taking people's attention away from the underlying issues in gaza. you run a terry and situation the, you know, the, the military operations. but i don't think that's a long term change. i think that once the, the issue of iran fades that are, that the focus will come back on to what's going on inside of kaiser. and popular support will, will return to a focus on that. thank you for that. about assessments. very clear, general defy student from the middle east institute in philadelphia. thank you. this is quite a good 1st situation. this is a great security like never before. nobody's ever seated. if the while i get and again to suggest that you've never been brought it to the soul for america. and that's why i am very proud to be here. this is in this author and our crime scene.
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photo trump best big into the medium is all the stats of jewelry selection in he's hush money tried in new york. the former us president is accused of falsifying business reco. it's to cover up payments made to an adult film star before the 2016 presidential election. just one of the many diamonds against him. mr. trump is the 1st, the former us president to face criminal prosecution. i've been speaking about the trial with professor john co haine. from delaware law school and began by asking him to exact to outline exactly what mr. trump is accused of or so. but he is being up to you is, gets a bit complicated. so i'm going to unpack and he's been accused of uh, paying how much money, right. uh, and the, the important piece of it here with 2 important pieces. one is falsifying business records to cover up those payments. but the more significant piece of it is,
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he's being accused of doing that in conjunction with a separate crime. and the crime here is interference in the 2020 election. so i'm sorry, the 2016 election. so in order for the prosecution, prosecution to succeed, they would have to show that the business records were falsified to cover up to hush hush money payments. and that it was done in furtherance of this plot. if you will to affect the results of the 2016 election. ok. so jury selection stats today. how does one find 12 people with a fair and balanced any partial view of such a polarizing figure? of yeah, that's going to be a challenge and the parties recognize that my understanding is that they are or 96 at the moment. potential jurors that are going to be questioned. this process
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will take, i'm going to guess at least 2 weeks to, to go to completion. but they're not looking for somebody who doesn't know anything about the trial worked out yet about the case, because that would be impossible. instead, what they're looking for are people that they're convinced can form a judgement based on the facts rather than what they think about about donald trump, which is going to be difficult. and, and the former president has already indicated that he's going to be very much in the year of his attorney who's as they go through this process. so we could be quite a while in making this decision. so if he's found guilty just skipping i, i had not to look at some possibilities. if he's found guilty, i'm to receive the custodial sentence. would that affect his ability to run full and indeed to become president elected surprisingly
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no. so if he were convicted and in prison, there is nothing in the constitution that would disqualify him from seeking office and the coming president. no congress could do something about that . they could pass a law disqualifying him, he could be impeached, but there is nothing in the constitution. surprisingly that would prevent him from assuming the presidency. in that case, how he would do that from a prison cell is anyone's guess. ok, this is not. he's only a legal travail, of course, and they think this is the 1st a full in diamonds to go to trial, which of the full pending proceedings. should he be most concerned about you think? well, that's a great question. i would say this one is the immediate concern because it's the
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only one that we know is going to be completed before the election. so from a purely from, from looking at this from, from a truly, from the timeline. i would say. ready is the one who should be most concerned about the one that he should be most concerned about in terms of the underlying charges i would say, would have to do with the, the claim that that's being litigated in a dc. that his actions leading up to and including january 6 amounted to federal crimes. and those are quite serious. but that's the case where the supreme court of the us is currently considering whether presidents are immune from prosecution under those circumstances. never adult, but thank you for guiding us through. hi professor. jump now kind of to find the university delaware. my pleasure are
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the today marks the 1st anniversary of this task of sedans, civil war which has killed thousands and triggered the wells lodges. crisis of displaced people from hosted and international donors conference in powers today and said more than 2000000000 euros have been raised to help fund humanitarian aid for so down the us assessor has 18000000 people. that's a thought of the population needs food assistance to survive is a look at how that conflict began. citing your robson students capital in april 2023. a power struggle between 2 rival generals spills out onto the streets of cartoon. when a deal on transitioning to civilian rule falls apart. at the center of the conflicts are abdel side to alber had the effective ruler of sudan. and mohammed him down the head of arrival paramilitary group,
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the rapids support forces. in 2021 they had formed an alliance staging. a 2 as 2 down was trying to transition to a civilian lead democracy after decades of dictatorship. but the generals then turn on each other as they fight over integrating the paramilitary into the regular army . the rapids support forces take control of cartoon airport and the presidential palace a year on the control, much of the capital millions of people are internally displaced. others have floods to down the funding has damage, key infrastructure, food and medicines are in short supply. the people are living in squalor and eat organizations are ringing. now the alarm time
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is running out without a stop to the fighting, an amended access for the delivery of humanitarian aid. so don's crisis will dramatically worse than the months to come and come to impact the. ready region, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg at the situation to do much more dia, in reality, despite international calls for a ceasefire and do between the warring generals seems out of reach as the conflict enters, it's 2nd year to help us understand this story, withdrawing by alex deval, who is executive director of the world peace foundation and the top expert on the saddam crisis. welcome to dw. so don is a poor country. what will these warning generals when, if they win at the moment, they will just when the ruin some a year ago, the, the 2 generals agreed on one thing only,
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which was that they didn't want the democrats in power. they simply couldn't to carry on. which of the 2 would be the military dictator of saddam and in pursuit of the rival ambitions, they have destroyed the infrastructure of the country. they killed tens of thousands and they plunged it into what seems to be a bottomless pits of humanitarian catastrophe. so alphas understand how these 2 sides match up, because on the one side we have a national army. so that is natural. um, a 100 soldiers tags, admittedly vehicles and air force, i'm setting up against the power military's. and given that neither side seems particularly concerned about civilian casualties, why hasn't the army just wiped out these rapids support forces as well in the post? the sidney's army was chiefly a mechanism for enriching the office of cos through lucrative contracts. what it did was it build up a formidable hospital, but it's sub contract to the actual function in southern sit on and off for another
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was to paramilitaries in motion. and in due course, the most powerful of these militias, speech as of the jungle, weak notorious for genocide, old musket enough for became so powerful and so capable that they could actually match the homie in combat. so the 2 are not symmetrical, but neither can defeat the other and into this bloody style made fools, the nation of sit down. and this has been cold, the face until the world's largest crisis of displaced people. yes, it's been cold, but for golden rule, why do you think it has be forgotten? i think it's quite correct to court. the wealth of launch is to displacement. crisis is also the world's largest humanitarian crisis. with more than 24000000 people currently encouraging need of a and should then not be a massive aid,
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but they will descend into assignments very, very soon we will see mess mortality of children from this combination and disease . i'm frontier, it's being crowded out of the headlines by other crises, crises in ukraine, and the last 6 months. i'm been gone, so just has not got the media or policy attention. but the lawrence in complete contrast to the high profile, the date had some 20 years ago. okay. so briefly that what does this need? does this need external military intervention? or does it just need the well paying more attention and looking for a diplomatic solution? i don't think there's any appetite for military intervention. what it needs is for the warring policies to recognize that they are destroying the country and destroying the citizens and to recognize that humanitarian obligations and perhaps
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on the question if necessary. but it also needs the internationals to step up that game. currently the united nations emergency appeal for saddam is only 6 percent from that of, for this year. and we're already in the middle of april and that is both fully inadequate. thank you for joining us. alex of all from the world peace foundation. here in germany, an independent commission on access to a portion setup by the government has presented its findings. the procedure is technically illegal here except in the cases of rape and risk to health. with abortions in the 1st 12 weeks and not punished when accompanied by counseling. therefore, it concluded that access should be improved. not just feeling of being criminalized by the system may tell one to help other women. the outside pressure of like what
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you have to do and all the appointments you have to do before you can get the point . abortion that was already very stressful. but then if you look into the law in the last telling you, what you do is in one row with murder, that's a hard, that's hard to reach and abortions in germany, a still a criminal offense. section $218.00 says it's exempt from punishment and the 1st 12 weeks in combination with an obligatory counseling is now an independent commission set up by the federal government recommends that bush and should be permitted to end the 1st 12 weeks the pro life activists. cornelia kaminsky things you should draw the support pregnant women and crisis for her and abortion means killing an unborn child. it is often sad that this section $0.21 and the way of food one tried to sell. so you tell me nation. what is left out, is that the 2nd that the baby's concern and that to with the abortion,
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the baby smile, i to substitute the nation and one's on parole furnace. the woman sacrifice us a couple of months. yeah. no method from doctors pro choice says pregnancy always puts once health at risk and can be distressing, psychologically diverting so much bethany met side. we would also never say a mother or father supply just to the nathan kidney. but even if a child needs a kidney to so by me the but off onto the lead to can never do for dice, one pass and have to preserve one pass, some slight favor of the mentions the highest kind of the theme or the result. and as i'm, as i mentioned, the fee added to that method is $1.00 of the few doctors performing abortions that barriers. so she says it's often not part of medical training. it's complicated to get abortion pills. and that's the danger of being suit following her. dia, logos, set up the project, talk abortion, to distinct monetize the meta and to become
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a doctor. i started getting more and more angry, also because of my own experience. and i got to the point where i decide, okay, if i, if i study medicine, then i can change something about this myself. she just finished an internship at an institution which performs abortions and works now on her ph. d. were asked b. w. strange. political correspondent anita has a to summarize the commission's recommendations and whether german laws are likely to change to the ext. i'd say the current rules in place that make up this compromise, the germany has had for decades now that those rules need to be updated because that just nothing line was constitutional international and european law. so what the experts is, i've done is they've divided pregnancies into 3 phases and they say in the fast hayes during the 1st 12 weeks, abortion should be completely legal. and the issue should completely be taken out
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of the criminal code. in the 2nd phase, they say so up to the 22nd week, they recommend that lawmakers should debate the conditions under which emotions could be exempt from punishment. and in the last case, they say keep abortion illegal, but also keep exceptions in place like some medical situations or in case of rate that you put him on the honda and that is the day you can follow a team on social media at dw news latest news headlines available around the cost, the cost of dw don't come on with dw, the
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weird comments. what come the legendary philosophers still teach us today? let's get to the post some of the castle, gar. tow imperative. in 60 minutes, on the w, the do big ocean, the beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial capital funds in the m, as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process
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