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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is due to the news line from berlin, china leader, warren's germany against protectionism. president, she tells chancellor shows the 2 countries depend on free trade shelters in china for the 1st time since germany said it aim to reduce dependence on its biggest trading partner. also coming up, keeping the lights on close to the front lines, we need the electricians risking their lives to repair damage as russia targets who brings power plant and israel considers it's next step. as military chief says, iran will face consequences for its reprisal attack. again,
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without clarifying what form that may take and jam street outside george's parliament protest against a law demonstrator say, is under a chronic and will make their country more like russia while the you decide on george's candidacy. the article fairly sure. welcome to the show. germany's chancellor of shots is in china sitting down with its leader at a time when economic and diplomatic relations between europe and beijing are increasingly strength. following a meeting between schultz and chinese premier, lead to young lead said that economic interest of both countries remain deeply intertwined. further and changing ping warren schultz against resorting to protectionist economic measures and saying the 2 countries depend on free trade.
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last year, germany launched a strategy to avoid over dependency on china and to a president. she says relations between the 2 will continue to grow as long as both sides respect each other emails and how you are trying to job shows only the 2 countries for view and develop bilateral relations from a long term and strategic perspective. and they should work together to inject more stability and certainty into the world of being seen for children to see i'm doing now. while i d. w. 's, chief international editor richard walker here in the studio and fabia and catch man who joins us from beijing. richard, let's start with you. we heard presidency, they're saying that he wants to inject more stability and certainty into the world and cancer schultz who is on a visit to beijing. he has some thoughts on how to get there. yeah, i mean i, i think in a statement like that, i think to germany is, and to the is the german delegation is going to sound pretty hollow. and it really
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does kind of reveal that there's some chasm between the 2 sides in terms of the use of what's going on right now. and really for the jam inside when they hear that, you know, inject most ability. and so i sent to you in the world facing what you could stop by stopping, supporting russia and it's more against you train and, and this is a major part of schultz is kind of mission to badging is to try to find some sort of ways of getting china from a government perspective to be more constructive and with, with a view to this war, to reduce its support for russia's war, which is not necessarily in terms of providing weapons like iran is doing with drones all over like north korea is doing with myself and i munition but, but there was diplomatic support. there was economic support. there was support in,
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in the form of dual use goods, the kind of goods that can be used in directly to support of the rest of it. and from a gems perspective, this is enabling vladimir putin to, to attempt to use his complete takeover of ukraine and the, this is something that puts all of your up in danger. so, so this is very much, i think the a concern of the jam inside the question is, can they really get any concessions after the chinese on that? and if we look at what the chinese is saying so far, it doesn't really sound like much. well, let's take that question and take it over to basing 5. you can schultz get any concessions out of c and lee on his visit to time as well, according to those public statements from seizing ping and also a prime minister at each end. there were not many concessions um, the biggest political topic was ukraine. and the, the statement that i see gave was really very way he said that china is not
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directly involved in this war. and that you know, all sides. so it's looked for some opportunity to look for peace, but i mean that's if there was no concessions, such as, for example, that a china would participate in the upcoming peace conference that will be held in and in switzerland. no, no such concession am. and basically i don't see much progress on that front. and also when you look at the economic issues, the, it basically trade that from the german point of view is increasing the unfair seating ping basically dismissed all those points. he said that the over capacity is that, uh, threatened to destroy, you know, the drum and economy is basically the germany. so be happy about it because you know, the, the as cheap as the cars and a solar panels, etc, will help germany get it's, you know, the energy transition done. and also he said that the strong experts of a china will help ease global inflation. and if you look even close to it, his rhetoric then it basically also has a hidden threat. and then he basically says that he's wanting against protection
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isn't and says that okay, we can continue our trade. the code can continue the state as cool. but if you don't play by our roots, then we can also, um, yeah, have some retaliation. richard. germany is in an uncomfortable position here because they need china a lot more than china needs germany. so what leverage does berlin have over patient? well i, i think there is certainly a perception within germany that it doesn't have much leverage. and i think, i mean, just to pick up like one more points on ukraine where you can actually see that maybe she's words today or even a less encouraging than they were the last time the salts went to, to badging. so of november 2022. so it was less than a year off to the invasion that happened. a few crane shots went to, to the aging. i was on that trip. and schultz made a big thing out of being able to extract from the chinese side weddings in the so called readouts to come off to these meetings and saying that the to lead as
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opposed the use of nuclear weapons, but also the threat of nuclear weapons. yeah, so this was very much kind of aimed at. it's letting me approved soon. of course is backs up. he's will renew credit with the threats of using you to weapons along the read out the we have this year from the chinese side does not include this idea that it opposes the threat of nuclear weapons. just the use of nuclear weapons. so that appears to be c jumping watering down we coming, whose position on vitamin pollutants nuclear stress. that if that really is borne out, then that really has to be a step backwards. not for yeah, of 5, yet we only have time for one more question. but um, if it is something that is being talked about, a lot in germany, that ever since the chancellor announced that he wanted to de risk from china rather than the couple of germany set out on a new strategy. has that changed anything from beijing's present perspective?
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so the main things position is that the, the risk is only another word for the coupling. but in my opinion, um that is quite a dis, honest position. because if you look at the speeches and also at the 5 year plans of china than it was seizing, paying himself was the 1st who the risk of his economy, who pledge to make china more autonomy is basically since 2015 even going back before the trade 12 with the u. s. and when you mentioned that, you know, germany does not have so much leverettes over china. i think there is a little bit of wrong perception right now. actually, china is in a weak spot. america, close off it's market implemented terrace in europe in itself is the biggest trading partner of a china and the biggest import of goods. so i think right now it is actually a sweet spot to have some leverage, especially for germany being one of the most important trading partners for china, probably in touch, but in beijing and our chief international editor, richard walker. thank you so much for coming in today. russia has been
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intensifying attacks on energy infrastructure across ukraine since late march missile strikes have left some major power plants in ruins, the energy minister as told ukrainians to be prepared for even more power outages and the coming weeks. the eastern harkey of region is especially vulnerable electricians and engineers risk their lives to make repairs. dw young phillip shots meet some of them as they keep the lights on near the front line, a small village and ukraine's the nets region. the battle field is only a stones throw away. this is the workplace of the axis left and his colleagues, the electricians. i called front of how a line i hit along the front line. the men have long ago stopped being distracted by the sound of a tillery strikes during the repair work, and my family is against this job, but they don't like me coming here to him, but we are very dedicated to a work. it's something we have to do it by to the front line village has been the
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target of many russian hill takes most houses and its primary school has been destroyed. never the less, more than 100 people still live here for them. the technicians curos at the state 0 last link to civilization without electricity were completely cut off. there's no water has no gas to nothing works in the upcoming results as to the voltage further away from the metal field and the city outside. cuz electrically retail, where it also feels more and more like a frontline job ever since russia intensified its effects from ukraine's energy and transfer. this substation has recently been fits and constants airlines to make any attempts to fix the equipment all over the 1st time today, warning announcements, ask all staff members to take shows immediately at a safe location. we gets
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a quick moments to speak to the engineer in charge of the, from life. it's all very, very difficult. and every time we start to repair something, there's an alarm this and we come back. and so, so we have to start all over again. large power plants are particularly attractive targets for russian to tex the devastation at this thermal electric plant. yeah, 5 kits is in north. 6th, russian crews, new size, destroyed the engine room and force the entire facility to shut down. but you can just look around and you can see the extent of the damage, or we're talking about kilometers of pipelines, kilometers of cables that are destroyed, the community said, this is not going to take months. you said, see, this is going to take years to fix it, loading of silver to low blood, before its destruction, the plants supplied hundreds of thousands of people with electricity. the engineer tells us it's lost will be almost impossible to compensate. one small hope the west might be able to provide parts and the equipment for the plants reconstruction
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with the smoking, boomers, we're really doing all that is humanly possible. here we must realize, but if we receive some form of support, especially technical support from other countries, we will be very grateful that you mean by the rest are continuous with daily attacks on the pallet and the people of tar kiff and many of the ukrainian cities almost certainly as many more dark nights a heads up and a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. a fire and copenhagen has torn through the old stock exchange. the flames destroyed the 17th century building spire. the story excites the headquarters of the danish chamber of commerce and was being renovated. the cause of the fire is not yet known . the floods in pockets dawn of claimed 50 lives and inflicted injuries. the torrential rains destroyed dozens of houses and slides blocked several roads.
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scientists, a climate change is causing extreme weather in pockets on the 2022 floods. the march 2 thirds of the country. rescuers in indonesia have found the bodies of 20 people killed by lands. lives triggered by torrential rains on the weekend. dozens of rescue workers and volunteers were involved in the search a rainy and president every me, right. you see has warned israel of a painful response if it retaliates against ron's attack over the weekend. he is rarely for administer. israel cots says he has launched a diplomatic offensive against iran. he rode on social media that he sends letters to 32 countries. and it's called for sanctions on iran. smith, all project w correspondent. i mean the surface following events for us in jerusalem. i mean this diplomatic offensive as these calling it,
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could it be an alternative to a military response that many of israel's allies have warned off as well. i'm sure that dozens of people who are tagged in this tweet, dozens of foreign ministers, that is, would be happy if it was an alternative. but if you see and that tweedy also said that this would be, in addition to a military response. now the sanctions are already on the table for a lot of the foreign ministers that you mentioned you have, you k, the us, germany and india, which is hasn't really made up its mind how to respond to this escalation, the middle east, but at least for the us some sanctions already being put up for a vote in the house of representatives there. so this is not a controversial shot subject for israel's allies. and it seems that we're trying to build momentum here to get a diplomatic offensive. but a lot of these allies that you paid us in germany have urges real to make that the alternative to military attack because they see any military attack as being an
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escalation. now the is where the war cabinet has converged a couple of times now. and they have said that they are going to try to avoid a regional war, that their response would be calculated and not from the god. but listen to ron this so that any military response to the strikes over the weekend would be met with a even a harsher attack. and that's because the ron sees their strike as retaliatory strike, or is allegedly, israel's strike on an embassy complex, in theory that belong to iran. so escalation is not out of the question. even if a israel's response is, is light and is calculated. now i'm in the war cabinet got together for the 1st time after um, october 7th of last year. and right now it seems to be focusing on a response to a ron. this, this shifted focus have consequences on the military operation and gaza. so
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certainly does the focus is largely on iran and i, they weren't gauze that has been put on the back burner, at least in the media here. it's not what is really they're talking about at the moment. um, but uh cnn has reported that's the ground offensive in roscoe, where about a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering has been postponed. they were supposed to start evacuating people out of there, at least dropping leaflets to get people to move out of the area before a scheduled ground. offensive, but that seems to have been postponed on the other hand, biden and a lot of other international partners don't have the same ability to put pressure on israel because they need to stand with israel in the face of a threats from iran. as dw correspondent i'm in is of interest alone. thank you so much. well, with all eyes on iran and israel agencies say it's important not to forget what's going on and gaza. as a war continues, famine is looming. the situation is acute and the noise we're fighting has been
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going on. the longest a bakery there has reopened for the 1st time since the war began. bringing bread to the hungry after half a year without flower to bake with or fuel to power its ovens supplies from the world. food program have brought this bakery back to life. staff are working day and night to provide a lifeline to a population. on the brink of starvation, after a long struggle, 6 months up to the bakery was closed, once again, producing bread to prevent from and then the cause of straight. the outside, the cues are massive. israel cut off almost all 8 northern casa, following how mazda is october 7 attacks. the un says the territory has the highest levels of catastrophic hunger in the world. 8 agencies accused israel of not
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allowing enough food and other humanitarian supplies into gaza. the l jump, the family didn't walk through rebel and destroyed buildings for nothing. they are going home with a bag of desperately needed bread. would be in the sense of relief to be able to feed these children again to end the hunger and be able to move on to the next day and may be called willing to bring more bread to gain. the modest meal is a rare feast for the family of 4. for months they survived on what little they could find, mostly left over flower from a deliveries that had spilled on the ground. and mixed with soil and sand. level reg 1st consist of flat bread made with flour mixed with good health sauce. this is what our life is like. the old job does have staved off hunger for now.
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but no one in kansas city knows how long they'll have to wait for the next pack of bread. the georgia now or the parliament has been debating a controversial bill that targets organizations receiving for and funding critics a. it's under a chronic, an english silencing political opponents. it's a, it's similar to a law in russia which currently occupies to george and regents. different draft of the law was withdrawn last year after mass protest. the proposal also puts georgia at odds with its emissions of joining the european union of thousands of protesters with georgiana and european union flags gather outside parliament into play. see they oppose the government sales. that would force non profit organizations and media companies that get funding from abroad to register
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as being on the foreign influence. many here want georgia to join the european union and they think the proposal would be used to cab to cents a month to mind democracy. this is really bad for all or you're all parents future and we have to fight now or will just move the it's bunk, been tending independence and also mentoring meaning maintaining the loss so we can integrate with your, you know, union better police arrest is 14 people as the crowds hope to force the government to scrap the bill to metalli or in the day in the parliament building tension. so we're running high, you know, position politician punched the leader of the ruling, georgia dream policy leading to a brewer and the chamber the routing call to maintains, to draw flu or is necessary to fight pseudo liberal values imposed by foreign
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countries and say it promotes accountability the policy is to own between deepening its relationship with neighboring russia, while also wanting to join the european union pro. here a pact to this will be alice and force when the debate resumes in paul and pressing the case. but georgia to become parts of the u. d w reporter maria cut the months is in the george and capital to boise. maria tell us more what's behind this controversial proposed new law. uh well nicole, they would be more actually has been introduced just recently lost. here. we've seen mass protests and the government had to back down, the government was forced to retry the law. and today they're saying that they are not gonna stop this time around,
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that they gonna follow through their promise to, to implement the for an agent's law. they say that the law is needed to control the revenues that'd be n g o's and civil society groups are, are getting here in georgia. they're also also comparing the support agents low to the american legislation known as far out. but some experts that we spoke to, they're telling us that the georgia law actually targets the these civil society groups targets the oppositional media and targets the west and allies were be who have been financing. georgia is, you know, pro democracy movements here and the american law in return. it just targets the, the non friendly states that the american precision has known in front of me states . so this law was shelves before do these new protests, then pose the threats to the government's plants of the well,
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it's still uh, a developing picture here in blue. see, uh, we've seen some mass protest yesterday. uh, we are seeing some people here the problem and that has been gathering but uh, we expect a much larger turn out. uh uh tonight, uh, so the, the public, the pro european public is outraged. they're saying that if the loan is implemented, indeed that will just stop the u integration of georgia. it's something that they've been, you know, desperate about they've been, it's a long way to kind of, as the state is that they received in december and they wants to, you know, to progress on this you past and not regret from it yet. but now that you mentioned you integration, how could a passing of that bill impact george's prospect of joining the you well, we've seen some criticism of from the was that, for instance,
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the prime minister of duty like you called, but he's a math lot of math. the german is the chancellor all of sholtes last week, and mister schultz said that a piece bill is not needed that the georgia does not. this does not need this kind of the lowest the so, but you, it's been heavily criticized by not just the domestic pro europeans but also um allies in the west, but as doing split up. uh huh. that i think you kinda busy, but my stuff for now was d w reporter maria, come on to joining us one from totally see. thank you so much. i the cause i've done now were flooding has forced the evacuation of nearly a 115000 people with the president calling it the nation's worse natural disaster. in 80 years, the waters of all sorts of merge homes and russia, southern regions, the year old rivers throttles, both countries and water levels are rising rapidly. spring floods are
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a regular occurrence, but heavy rainfall and melting ice. i've made them more severe than usual. this is the worst flooding to had kaplacks down in decades. here in the north close to russia, hundreds of houses are submerged, cutting power and leading people homeless residents feel let down, and say that helps did not come in time. most of the city could have been saved since i believe t for 76 years. and i've never seen a flood like a basic addition. you have with me all far to solve the walter coming in and they could have re involved at the time. do it that, that is to dump my house is mostly under water. we want to save our pets, but we're unable to. we've been waiting for 3 hours for there aren't enough rescuers or equipment. cadillac authorities say around a 115000 people have been evacuated. melting snow caused by
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high temperatures and heavy rainfall have made the flooding severe. the state of emergency has been declared in several regions in neighboring russia. authorities are warning that colossal amounts of water are still to come. the rescuers are building up defenses in an effort to minimize the damage. mass evacuations have been ordered. that officials say the flooding could persist for weeks to come. in finally and the torch for the 2024 summer olympics has been lived at an event in greece. it took place in ancient olympia, the birthplace of the games. the flame will stay alive throughout the competition which will be held in france during proceedings. and the limp explain dance was performed, the torch will be carried through several countries on a 100 stay journey until it arrives in paris for the opening ceremony. in july
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