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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the is a definitely news buy from them and is really lead is considered the response to be around to unprecedented miss style and try with the time israel's will come from it is to me shortly from the time since saturday nights, aerial assault as well. the latest pushed both sides for the strains, also on the program, the w mates, the cranium, antic, tristan's risk, their lives, to repair the damage and keep the lights on. close to the front lines as russia talk is the country's power plants. and the huge fire rice, eastern copenhagen's, historic old stock exchange, destroying the tanks on expire and threatening one of deadlocks,
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most valued off collections, the full gal. welcome to the program. the european union's top diplomat says the block is working to expand functions targeting iran after last weekend's attack on israel in raleigh as well as military has been despite what it says, responsibility rating and ballistic me. so i'll retrieve from the dead sea following the strike. it says around launch $110.00 ballistic besides towards these ran that we can in addition to hundreds of drones and medium range missiles, those to shut down around says it's attack was invitation to what it says was israel strike on the radio and come to the building in syria, governments around the world, the calling for both sides to show be strides that runs present abraham, right. use a warning that any is right, any response would have extensive,
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a painful consequences. on the here down far is on a writing is really political out of less than the electra at the rice when university in israel explain why he's always he runs attack presented what he calls a valuable opportunity. well, um these, i'm gonna be around since 197 since 1991 has been uh, paying different uh proxy groups to get these radio and such as a mazda is by large items on me. i mean, fact, um, one of the reasons why there was the piece was failed because the, i'll be around the origin support for extremist groups. eh, so every time is running, super monitored by territory. there were, there was more suicide from these. and these were from the last 4 to do so as of on the reasons why eventually is registered against the peace process. so for many years the, these riley government has been looking to uh, to find the show you why the machine for the support of these groups for paying
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billions of dollars to different rooms to tell you, i think it is right. and citizens is why they have to say, this is why the yvonne desperate need of the investment itself. but that's another issue. but for these, by the government, it's a, it's a top priority to protected citizens. okay. i know that the volume regime has a doctor's, you're directly. this is the opportunity for the state of israel to, to exact the price to exact the heavy price from the run the machine for enough just because of its a support for those just because of its attack. but the date says 3 decades long, the project i off the forwarding. anyone who wants to chill a means, right? so what do you believe the heavy price for the state of israel should exact from iran? is this? well, these are, these are different the different conversation. these are the different issues that for example, the attacks against iran submitted 3 for structure according to 4 according to far
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new sources, edge of green mist, they're not static. that there was an attack, for example, against the you, i'm in the, a drilling base in getting my shots somewhere between 100 to 200 drawings but destroyed these to such, such as these attacks. but right now, um, but as to what happened. oh, not so sure. a range of options. let's, let's move on because do isn't your belief that a military response is israel's only option? i think it's very important. look a feeling, you know, i'm from a rotten originally. i would love to see peace between you around the newsroom, but the one we're seeing is the only we're seeing that the nice, the holocaust in the world is the only was you and that goes for the nation of the state of israel and the treating of its people, there is no option for the film the see here do you, i mean region does not believe in diplomacy, doesn't even believe to use as shifted to have their own state. so there is no other option, but to, to uh, to send the, you know, to, it's basically realism,
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it's international relations sort of realism is right. has to show spring for games to you on energy. otherwise we continue supporting groups. that one's introduce, right? using fact, fill the according to wall street journal in your time, some of them us the 2 parts in the october set of massacre work, train any right, and also some of the use of device speculation that we can get into here. let's try, let's look at what b is right in the following. minnesota. israel cast has been doing today. he's launch what he calls the diplomatic offensive, calling for sanctions against iran, and answering 2 parts. if you wouldn't mind, do you think one request will be seated as to what effect students think more sanctions on the country that's already heavily sanctioned? we'll have i'm not sure if it will be heated. i don't have enough knowledge on you can do feel listed to be able to tell you. but i can tell you that if the i
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o g c, for example, is not going to lucian's audi. sanction. then this would be a huge blow to the writing machine because uses the aisle just in spicy because i'm kind of hard to find this tax. and this would be a said back what it would have. and then depending on the, on your politics. and that's something that's based on the subject of expertise. okay, that's good. talking to thank you so much for taking us through that. i may, i drop it down fall in telling me thank this is israel considered as its response to a rounds attack that a drug questions about the stance of key arab nations in the region? in particular, israel is may but join and regional heavy whites out here baby, and both the pay to help defend israel from iran. smith files to the surprise of many of both countries are involved in a complicated balancing act, making it difficult to predict the future actions. when the drones and missiles from a run came flying towards israel, many of them paused to jordan. this space,
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not only did the arab kingdom help shoot them down, it also opened its s space to his riley and us planes seeking to intercept the amount insist that was strictly to protect his own citizens. but jordan's king abdullah has to balance competing interests. jordan is pro weston and likes to keep in step with his allies, especially the united states, plus jordan. she has a loan boda with israel and once peaceful relations. a mine often works behind the scenes with these riley authorities. but israel is born in gaza has outraged many jordanians. one 5th of the population is of palestinian descent, including king of done as a wife. the government has vociferously condemned to the rule, but the kingdoms perceive defense of israel in the face of been rainy and miss silas has an good many jordan's powerful neighbors,
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saudi arabia also faces a difficult balancing act. the sunni kingdom views she, i'd run as its biggest regional rival, but last year it re established relations with to run both the saudis and the united arab emirates of thought to improve ties with iran and israel. prior to israel's intervention and goes it saudi crown. prince mohammed and so mind looks please design a deal with the us, where the kingdom might have recognized israel in return for security guarantees from washington. but off to 6 months of war and gaza on tens of thousands of palestinians dead dots of the table. for now, still are the officials say both the saudis, on the amorous shed intelligence with the americans warning that iran was planning an attack on israel. that probably allowed for
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a most successful defensive response by israel on this ice. the challenge for our leaders is to keep the us on side well, not endangering the delicate relationship with iran or being seen by that right. and people are supporting israel at the expense of public opinions and goes a us when you enter human rights office as cold on states, we have influence to do everything they can to hold what it describes as the increasingly every human rights and humanitarian crisis in gaza. the human agency says results in the catastrophic situation of civilians. the metallic must remain a priority. according to gauze is how much are on helpful pharmacy? almost 30 full 1000 people have been killed since the stats of israel's offensive response to the october 7, tara tax. fast swings potentially been reduced to rubble and more than 1700000 people displaced a do you have a chance of my own life?
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shawn says rob jeff by 3 day visit to china include it's a difficult deployment st. when mister schultz met outlines with a chinese president change and paid on tuesday, leading topics on the agenda included the jeremy on the use trade ties with china and russia as war on ukraine. it was the culmination of a high stakes trip to china. chancellor shells held unusually long discussions in beijing with chinese president, she and pin a 3 hour amazing that included a private tea ceremony and a meal. one of the chancellors goals to convince china to put pressure on rushes. vladimir persian canada as a permanent member of the un security council showing that has a heightened responsibility for peace in the world. i'm showing is would, has weights in russia. that's why i asked president, she to accept its influence on russia. so putin finally stops his insane military campaign, drops his troops against this horrible. what he has for now is she's promised to
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work on further efforts to end the conflict, including a possible peace conference and commitment to strong chinese german relations. and the i was on tie, you are trying to do a job to show finally, our 2 countries are 5 you and developed by lateral relations law, alarm of long term and strategic perspective, a kind of quote back to you folks and work together to a motion to delay and certain things into the world, but should be an issue. another challenge for shows striking a balance between germany significant economic interests in china and the growing a you concerns over what are perceived as unfair. chinese subsidies on green exports such as electric cars. so yeah, it's very clear we need to talk about the issue of production. we need to talk about competition on subsidies. it's a key issue that also because the issue of subsidies raises questions all over the
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world to so many countries do the same, especially when it comes to renewable energy use, an advanced electra mobility technologies. so it's important that we establish processes that ensure that everyone doesn't simply go ahead and on that right. so for instance, you know, cuz i know i've been the best buy to because the jury appears to be out so far on the success of this trip. now, germany's partners in the a you, in the us will be watching closely to say, wash effect if any, this visit will have on trade relations or on rushes will in ukraine. it was a w, safe, political. at this time, it had a cost to follow the chancellor on his china trip. here's a take on his 2nd visit to beijing, devon tossed up what i felt came to present seats in pink with one big ask. but china stopped provide goods to russia that's allow it to wage war on you train,
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you train was looming. lots here. what i sold didn't get exactly what he wanted. what he did get is see rica missing to condemning the use of nuclear weapons. the next big test will be where the china tons up to a tons peace conference in switzerland on ukraine. if not, that would fuel fees that china is truly interested in resolving that conflict on trades. well, that's so hard to explain that germany's new china's strategy of the risking would mean more business. he promised precedent. see cooling for me, cooperation of influential countries, particularly on garza and israel with no direct mention of a ron in the public statements. but another crisis, both sides would be interested in stuffing from spreading any further in the region
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. mechanic of the rushes, intensifying its attacks on ukraine's energy infrastructure since late march and ms file strikes of less. some of the countries major power plants and ruins and the energy administer home and how the shadow has asked ukrainians to prepare for more power outages in coming weeks. electricians and engineers are risking their lives to repass some of the worst destruction dw she on for they've shelves. and this report from hawk, if i'm ukraine's eastern from my a small village and ukraine's the nets region, the battlefield is only a stone's throw away. this is the workplace of the axis left and his colleagues, the electricians that college, when have a power line, a hit along the front line. the men have long ago stopped being distracted by the sounds of the tillery strikes during the repair work. yeah, and my family is against this job, but they don't like me coming here to him, but we are very dedicated to a work. it's something we have to do,
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but i don't want to do, but it's in the front line village has been the target of many russian hill tex, most houses and it's primary school have been destroyed, never the less, more than 100 people. the live here for them, the technicians curos at the state 0 last link to civilization without electricity were completely cut off. there's no water has no gas to nothing works in the upcoming results as to the voltage further away from the metal field and the city of talk is electric or the retail. we're also feels more and more like a frontline john ever since russia intensified its effects from ukraine's energy in festa. the substation has recently been fits and constants. airlines make any attempts to fix the equipment all over the 1st time. today's warning announcements ask
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a pause. staff members to take shows immediately at a safe location. we get to a quick moments to speak to the engineer in charge of the from life. it's all very, very difficult. and every time we start to invest something doesn't allow this and we come back and so, so we have to start all over again. large power plants are particularly attractive targets for russian to tax the devastation at this thermal electric plant effective as in north 6th, russian crews. and decides to strike the engine room and force the entire facility to shut down. but you can just look around and you can see the extent of the damage was we talking about kilometers of pipelines, kilometers of cables that are destroyed to come in. you said this is not going to take months. you can see this is going to take years to fix it, loading and so on to blood. before its destruction, the plan supplied hundreds of thousands of people with electricity. the engineer tells us its loss would be almost impossible to compensate. one small hopes the
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west might be able to provide parts and to equipment for the plants. reconstruction with the smoking room is we're really doing all that is humanly possible. here we must realize, but if we receive some form of support, especially technical support from other countries, we will be very grateful until she gets keys. so um, i would say obviously she's attacking ukraine. but implicitly, he's really attacking, you know, the west and the western values. because i've seen it written of us by attaching that ukraine's energy infrastructure. the markets gets boot drives up the price of oil and, and other fuels, which of course, plays into the russian economic war. efforts as yes of course, um, but this is like a desperate uh, you know, we for,
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for put into really attack energy as, as one area. but it's not gonna be just energy. obviously he wants to destroy the agriculture sector and that also has room if ramifications abroad in developing countries and obviously drives up at price of fertilizer. so yes, he is trying to destroy ukraine, but also, you know, and directly he's fueling trying to fuel more a disorder and k us in other markets. so if we look ahead to post more reconstruction and presume that ukraine wins in whatever form you wrote last day, that you cry now has a chance to break away from 350 years of russian domination. and then it shouldn't rebuild. was it had, what did you mean by that? so um, no, russia, this is, you know,
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this is not just the domination from soviet times, but it goes back, i would say to peter as a grade. and so russia has always tried to dominate its neighbors, and a has constructed an economy and infrastructure and obviously, institutions that support uh, you know, the russian empire. so our, our message and our policy advice is to reconstruct cheap crane to european standards to fit you know, the value is that obviously ukraine wants this to be free independent, have a market economy. and so this is a chance for ukraine to really break away from, from that, you know, russian pass and the new generation obviously. yeah. you,
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ukrainians want this. and you know, since 1991 and yes ukraine had independence and freedom. um, but there's always this whole, always been this, you know, russia trying to dominate and ukraine. so it really is. it is a very big opportunity for the ukrainian people, folks, that's really the front door from the center for strategic and international studies in washington dc. thank you so much. thank you for having. so also is that making headlines around the world will starting brussels with felicia shut down a gathering of right wing politicians, size and concerns about public order among us because of the annual national conservative conference was position politician, impressive, component of natural, far, far right. friends, politician eric some more on hunger is a prime minister of the old, but also do you to speak lawmakers in the u. k. have voted in favor of
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a new bill that would say young people, bands from smoking, green tobacco and fights. bill aims to prevent anyone age 60 no younger now from ever legally buying a packet of cigarettes. and also i used to make a vague thing less of picketing the bill wilner passed to the next stage in parliament. torrential downpours of caused flash flooding into by leaving parts of the city underwater defies. major international efforts as diverse of scores of incoming flights because of the exception of weather. so matters of the u. i a have recorded almost a years worth of rain and 24 hours a fresh process of taking place in georgia over a controversial bill. the critics aims to silence political opponents. thousands of people have turned out into places to impose that legislation. lawmakers have passed a draft version earlier on tuesday. the bill because any organization received more
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than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an organization pursued in the interest of a foreign power. and protested state similar to those in russia and puts that george at odds with the time patient and joining the european union report. the cause of matter is following too much demonstration into police. the incent this update saw this way inside the missouri. and so do the for an agent bill, this, the consumer brush, a bill that the government side to push them to call them a lot. yeah. but has to back down because of the press up on the 3 tier and the capital city, p. c as well. as the pressure from the watson allied, there's a warrant in georgia that she'll get quite a bill be adopted that would hinder of the you integration and that's what many puts out to see a been released to be are they fear that demo is? adult said that it will be possible for them to be and your non birth one day
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and for the goal. and so that you think that's on file and see if they add some of these are there of any of that the civil society? i yeah. and deal with i receiving and they want to add independently. i add not look at brussels, i'm washington in that regard. a clinic say that this is going to be a di, damaging step for the uh, the you aspiring they said. so it still remains to be seen, but the government will succeed in bringing to so again, and we have what we can see already is that the ability better if the system for that and they're very dedicated to make it work this time around. i mean, it kind of nonsense. a fight has cause extensive damage. the one is copenhagen's. most economic buildings, the 17th century old stock exchange coat fine. as it was undergoing renovation, priceless spanish paintings were inside prompting people to rush into the flames.
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to save the largest are investigating the cause of the buys fee and nothing to clear. the billboard on copenhagen's old stock exchange, but at mid renovations. tragedy struck spending hundreds of years of history. in flames. 5 crews rushed to save the building and the irreplaceable collection inside stuckey streams is on fire. it was built by cook and a full phone of years ago, and it was to send up a trade in, in northern europe for, for one of us. and that was the house, but the phone of people working in there working for things, enterprises and companies and, and now a homeless is actually on file can use is watched in shock as the flames freed, rushing to pull treasures to st. louis
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. this is our not to them. this is miss nutrition so. so people from the streets are heading into the building, carrying out painting. it's a 400 year old building that is survived all the other fires burned down copenhagen to the ground for the day. so it's, it's addressed, who knows? the buildings, land might expire, made of for intertwined dragons tales was made to protect us. but it was followed by the blaze. the flag crews salvage want. they could around half the building was destroyed, with hopes it can be recovered in time. it's
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absolutely horrible. it's part of the story about c c. we can't just leave it in a sea of flame. and that's why we'll do everything we can to rebuild this. know when was injured in the fire, which has built a deepest aging blog to denmark's historical collections. that's it's in just a moment. i'll take you through the big stories of the day in the day to day looking at israel's options for striking back against around not spend just a more with the
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a new crew that caused the commission lifesavers in the mediterranean. there's the punk spaces, it's 1st big challenge of refugees who are on the such as the lowest in 45 minutes on d w. the
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i wish i could have done more to save. you just click away, find out based on you to really see the world. he's never seen it before. the drive now to dw name project, cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug market. the objective to financially drain has grown up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us
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government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 thought documentary series and most king has paula stats may 4th on d. w. the steve. well, they're still holding express and waiting for israel to make it next move in the military. tit for tat with iran, as both sides us to show restraint will consider the nature and scale of israel's potential options. and we're over here for referring to a full mcconnell in the country's intelligence community. why she thinks israel has every right to decide its own path, regardless of those calls for moderation, i'm feel go invalid and this is the day. the
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run stands behind a month.


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