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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the business day that we new slide from berlin, the us and the you plan new sanctions on iran, israel, or just as the allies to step up international pressure on terra and respond to last weekend's attack. western nations are hoping to this wave israel from any response that's with sparse, and even the wider conflict. also coming, crushed and myself killed at least 13 people who ukrainian city of turn me if the attack close to the russian border and these dozens more injured the
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article fairly. she welcome to the program. german 4 in minnesota and elena bab bulk has wrapped up a visit to israel and diffusing tensions with iran. bulk met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the consequences of the unprecedented aerial attack launched by iran over the weekend. earlier in the day she met with is rarely presidents. as i've heard talk in jerusalem, like many of israel's allies, the german foreign minister has been urging the escalation and the conflict. and then a press conference ad salary's been glory on airport bedbug warren. the iran attack on israel shows tear on is not afraid of escalating the regional conflict. a jesus can say i am rich racing here today. my total condemnation of this dangerous i have told my is very be partners very clearly. israel has a complete solidarity to iran will face consequences by to their conduct
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vents and live in we in the you are placing sanctions against iran and will continue to work on these fights here on at the same time, it is critical that this highly flammable situation does not turn into a regional wildfire. iran, and it's proxies like has belong to the who these ms not pour anymore oil into the fire, you know, was german, that foreign minister on a bad box speaking earlier, laura corresponding to tanya kramer was at that press conference and has more details on bad books talks with israel's leaders. i mean basically she's been telling this really set how concerned many, many countries, all among them do many of you also have the u. k for administer. cameron here at the same time and she was telling them, so it's uh, it should basically consider to calibrate it's response should be smart about it as
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she put it in also saying that is shouldn't given either. so there's an acknowledgements here, i think from determine a minute for administer saying, you know, everybody knows host dangerous the situation if this region is to bring over on the brink of, of why the escalation. but she doesn't go really much into detail how such a calibrated response, which basically looked like. and she also said, you know, they are now their way uh to the s g 7 meeting. now leaving from is resurrected to bed where they will be discussing the situation here, but it's very clear the concern, what can happen and all those different scenarios that are being discussed because it's read has set a dis, retaliatory response from iran from it. so to is really, so it would also burns a direct response from this rather than of course everybody's, you know, waiting,
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but that means it's a decision to uh, for a response, but not about the timing and the scale of it as to what extent can jeremy play a role in efforts to escalate the conflict between israel and iran at this point. well, i mean, they're showing, they're concerned they're trying to tools obviously here to all the account deposit . we also heard of the foreign minister saying that she had talked before the reply to tech and start today by iran and israel, a to her a ring and con to pop it also afterwards. and she said that basically iran what test the waters they would uh see if they could be an escalation. and she also said that the to at the g 7 meeting, they would be talking about a potential for the sanctions that could place on iran. but, you know, it says a lot of talk about, you know, trying to get is wrote a not to respond or in a, in
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a different way to respond. but it's not quite clear how this would be done without pushing this region. and that's with not just concern, of course is right. it would concern the whole region into of why the explanation. that was our respond antonio kramer, always great to get your perspective of things. thank you so much. i as well as israel considers its response to a ron's attack and continues to find its war against thomas and gaza. there are fears over where these regional tensions could, hadn't we just hurted the complex parts of the world with many rivals vying for insolence. israel's neighbor, jordan, and original heavy weight saudi arabia both appeared to i'll defend israel from iran, missiles to the surprise of many that was both countries are involved in a complicated balancing act, making it difficult to predict how they might behave in the future when the drones and missiles from a run came flying towards israel. many of them paused to jordan. this space,
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not only did the arab kingdom help shoot them down, it also opened its space to his riley and us planes seeking to intercept the amount insist that was strictly to protect its own citizens. but jordan's king of della has to balance competing interests. jordan is pro weston and likes to keep in step with his allies, especially the united states, plus jordan. she has a loan buddha with israel, and once peaceful relations. a mine often works behind the scenes with these rarely authorities. but israel is born in gaza has outraged many jordanians, one 5th of the population is of palestinian descent, including king of dundas wife. the government has vociferously condemned to the rule, but the kingdoms deceive defense of israel in the face of it rainy and miss silas has an good many children's powerful neighbors. saudi arabia
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also faces a difficult balancing act. the sunni kingdom views she, i'd run as its biggest regional rival, but last year it re established relations with to run both the saudis and the united arab emirates have sought to improve tough wise with iran. and israel. patrick, who was prior to isabel's intervention in gauze it saudi crown. prince mohammed been so mind, looks boys to sign a deal with the us, where the kingdom might have recognized israel in return for security guarantees from washington. but off to 6 months of war and gaza on tens of thousands of palestinians dead dots of the table. for now, still are the officials say both societies on the amorous shed intelligence with the americans warning that iran was planning an attack on these rail. that probably allowed for a most successful defensive response by israel on this ice. the challenge for our
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leaders is to keep the us on side well, not endangering the delicate relationship with iran or being seen by their own people as supporting israel or the expense of public opinions in gaza. all right, i'll run ta we is the director of the eclipse center for political studies. that's an independent thing tank in amman, jordan and with some is really media hailing the arrival of a new military alliance against iran. i asked him if that was really what we saw over the weekend. i just think so. yeah, i mean, if it does so, then back to the 2021 when by the 1st visit to the agent being but has dental the united this thing is that i have to make in midwest region. this is where the gap between the sun auto companies and as i am and the size of the drones. yeah, i mean it well, but i can get you to get the dogs. uh,
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i mean it's where it is. and so, but i've got that is this where it was very active recently. uh, it's a brain get a very lovely, i live about it on. yeah. and that's good. so as i busted to move forward to get it to a military alliance between as i, as and as i'm out of his date, i think it is been, is 2254 different. and the reason the water and that is that i really good do you guys have for more than 6 months now? a 2nd, that the guy, the problem present with their life at this stage and it's reading the agent. and then you're up rushman between that he's and about a see i knew that there was a manager in the last the 3 bloody ins is to be sending that to me. and so data of yeah, and the image, see it on this, we make it difficult for those companies to buy the data stands about i think i'd be glad to and it is not easy to go for an open. so we did the alliance between
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the companies. so what precisely do you think it was that led especially a jordan end and saudi arabia to intervene. i got it. i think the job done in the respective. it was all about different things. the company is somebody in the one hand and the other, the job done. there wasn't much to be happy to see your involved deeply in this is, but i go because this wasn't, it wasn't a serious uh, challenge about going to that go that i retain a very, a problem that they could relationship resent it and they loved the few years they've been on the all of the proxies in the east and bought the, and of some of the legal ones. and that i had that sort of statement by here at the meeting. she has a good idea of which of, or if it's in georgia, i'm jani in a way or another. that's why i be good, but that doesn't,
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they bring your to them in the same bases with as a buyer. because the job done also goes to done what's going on and guys, and with the bang as an existing shuttle. it's great, but it is matter. yeah. any uh, stability and security. imagine the identity. this is really in the discussion of the bumper to the bait, enjoy the present, and the last 7 months, you'll have the freedom from the mediation of but it's danielle boss, the value of what is the and, and go down, is that very much. you gotta be able to put on the piece that month bind to the bottom right. but the dishes, the joe then add is that by the side, and that goes up to them in there. but as the, as they add these uh, also existing the exist finish of it. and then sort of the country, the that between a, if i may say, and i called to have some of these other between the 2 major to come up and make of
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in our area as i thought. it's a, it's an uncomfortable position to be in. what sort of conversations do you expect to be taking place behind closed doors in the error world right now? not only in jordan, as israel moans is options and considers how to respond to a ron's attack over the weekend. not to allow the advantage of that vision. uh for you guys out to somewhere else. this is that the but i added the money to allow that then. yeah. oh yeah. the photos. uh, but it's been in the bought of been recently problem guys that don't, but event by all means that i, i, but is that is the black by that is why it is to avoid this region of good long and is likely to region of why just bridgewater, this is it city as good as part of the country? each company has, has its own guns, and they want to really afford such a hold of
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a scenario part of the whole region. nobody will be waiting and such a wide spread confrontation on the agent as they live in the situation is the but i or i see now and the price that i buy. yeah. american allies and you don't get an allied must do both the vision because what we are required to and about it is that i that, that get on the game. because you should know that is that i have to stop this, the business golf, and it would be on by attacking that is that, i mean, and, and, but the, in the mazda it was, that is, it, is that i the also be sending it to the doctor that you like me to be done yet again, this will be made just south of viola. i think the confidence that made them, which is and that is mainly when everybody hear me. but i, this is the to the, to avoid such great as you know. yeah,
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we just have to be specific care. israel has, of course not claimed responsibility for the attack on the diplomatic compound a and in syria that was or i'll run tale of the or could center for political studies and jordan. thank you so much for all those insights. thank you. and a quick look now and some of the stories making headlines around the world today. yeah. as far as military government says, former leader i'll sense when she has been moved from prison to house arrest. so she was jailed by the military after a 2021 crew on charges, including treason, supporters and independent analysts say those were fabricated to discredit her rebuild. grayson's cast their votes on wednesday and watch will be a test of the popularity of prime minister under plank of it is correlation. democratic union party has dominated politics since independence from yugoslavia in 1991 but has been connected to a string of recent corruption scandals. within
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a 100000 people have been evacuated due to floods. in kazakhstan water levels in rivers in rushes, ural and south western siberian regions are also rising. the disaster has been caused by heavy rains which have melted large amounts of snow. russia has begun withdrawing it's peacekeeping troops from the curb of region of azerbaijan. nearly 2000 russian soldiers were deployed to the break away region of no gordon, of cairo by in 2020, after renewed fighting between those are by john and ethnic armenian forces. armenia has accused russia of failing to protect the peace after their advice on reach of the region by force last september to the gremlins invasion of ukraine. now and at least 13 people have been killed and 61 injured after 3 russian missiles hit, the northern ukrainian city of tourney. hayes that's close to the russian border. president will let him use the landscape. ukraine was quick to respond with an
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appeal to western partners for more air defense support. he wrote on his telegram channel that the attack would not have been successful if ukraine had been able to better defend itself. of, well, sometimes support comes from where you've least expected. at the beginning of march this year, 3 independent russian militias took up arms against their own state. ukraine supports the groups, but distances itself from their operations. stressing that they act independently and have their own objectives. the w correspondence bucks on the met the leader of one of those militias who sees the war as an opportunity to overthrow the government in moscow and create a russia according to his own right wing extremist views. dennis, the key thing has a security detail. wherever he goes he says, russian president of the demon, 141 same dead reason you open the 2. there is no other opposition left in russia.
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we are the opposition and i think we made that very clear. then it's the key thing is the founder of the russian volunteer course. i mean, a militia fighting alongside ukraine. tiger. they took part and then incursion into russia last month, attracting significant push back that these are not on soldiers, equipments and all the vehicles we had in front of this was brought in from other parts of the front line. besides this equipment missing somewhere else, made it easier for all your training and come rates, kind of some of the test nice to just hours after the incursion. moscow announced that had been supported in reality, the fighting last took many days. fighting on its own territory, not exactly moscow was plan yet the ukrainian or authorities went to distance themselves from the operation. save bully of with these very exclusively citizens
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of russia, farmers, citizens of russia, who as a matter of fact, conducted some directly participated in those tendencies, save what it was, their initiative, it was their decision. and it also that planning what strictly speaking the representatives of the armed forces, if ukraine did not issue a single auda to cross the border or invade the territory of russia. of course that was support. of course, that was called a nation to not see him. 3 russians unit said they carried out the attack. they were together on the battlefield and at this press conference. but wanting to hurtful things, russia is where the commonality ends. the legion freedom of russia as seen as liberal. the siberian battalion is made up mainly of minorities from russia to keep things volunteer. corps describes itself as national list and has a far right agend such as the zeros, as we say, yeah, you're fighting
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a war of national liberation. russian. the russians a suffering under the hood samuelson? yeah. does. the country is flooded with migrants. i mean, we can see the consequences. consequences in with terrorist attack, save on an extremely tenant situation. august with crime is similar to germany, france, orange. then i go to england, nicky, to move to germany in his late teens. he became a well known figure in the european neo nazi seen. not exactly his camp is from his white or expression line, popular with neo nazis. he also organized and took part and mixed martial arts events which drew participants from over here today. and the key thing is banned from entering the shing and zone, which covers $29.00 european countries. but he says he's also fighting to protect
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the people who rejected him, thoughts minor. despite my conservative political and traditional views, how they might as well as might come rates, risk down lives even of speak is that we serve as a shield to protect even the decadent ways of life in europe and the west. this is why the form that thing is a very important fact. when does, has gone through russia justified its invasion of ukraine with ally that it was the nazi flying at this in a country where the far right doesn't hold a single problem. interesting. ukraine cooperating with neo nazis might seem counter intuitive show moment, but i to him, why do we walk with these people? and the question that we want to save our lives have done this year because our priority is our country. people all territory, all independence. and actually let's win 1st and then we'll decide to,
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of what you did. we do a drawing, it's up to a wrong number for us to be which and if i would for now the enemy of the trains enemy counts as some kind of for my son to file this report and joins us now. in the studio, maxine talked to the leader of one of those russian militias who joins them and what are they after or right. so i think in general, it's an interesting question as to who, what foreigner comes to ukraine to fight and support ukraine in this war. especially in the beginning of the war, we saw a lot of people who are some seeking for an adventure. others, i'm really there for a purpose trying to help. and now we see a lot of foreign fighters were in, in the end for the money actually. and with the russian fighters, some of these factors may apply also, but the common denominator that all of these groups have is that they want to bring down the rest of regime one to bring down by the report. now when we look at 2 of
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the groups, the russian region, freedom of russia and disappearing baton, which was just recently formed there, mainly fighting groups. they have more liberal values. if we look at as a leader, then as think you think we just saw in a saw in the, in that report, it is a fighting group. it is a militia, but it's also a political movement of the very far right. some members of this group are at least i'm on the very right spectrum of conservative isn't if you can call it that's um, but they also harbor neo nazis including a leader dentist. that is the key thing. and he has a political agenda. he has a political view, he wants to change russia, he wants to create a russia for ethnic russians, for white people, he's against migration, and he wants to develop as a political power in the russian opposition. now i think it's also important to mentioned that not everybody in the car is, has a political um, ambition, like him. some of them, she then said themselves merely as fighters,
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but they are not reluctant to fight alongside these peoples. all right, strange bedfellows for shore, for ukraine, ukraine admits to working with them. but to what extent do they really cooperate and coordinate? right. so um, of course there has to be cooperation and coordination of these solutions are based in ukraine. the cross the border and this is not the 1st cross border incursion that has happened from the cotton to and from, from collision. as far as we know, there is some port from the leadership. this has been greenlighted from the very top of the ukrainian leadership. there's help with the training military intelligence of you praying out that's the new bridge, which makes sure there are no spies. there is also help with, with equipment. now the main selling points of the trainers though, is that these are russians, russian citizens fighting and russia. they say once they cross the border, they are on their own, they can do what they want. this is very, very comfortable. a way of seeing this for the ukraine is of course they can distance themselves from the actions that are being carried out,
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our russian territory in front of moscow, but also in front of the allies. we don't want an escalation angle, don't mind ukrainian troops on, on russian territory. if you ask the question as, as to why, why that your brains are actually cooperating with these groups. the 1st place is they are in a very difficult position. they need all the help that they can get. you could also argue that the creators are just using them and they, they could, they could drop them at, at any point if they wanted to. and it does play into the propaganda, of course, that the russians are saying, okay, ukraine is springs to be the knots, at least to be the knots of fide. so this gives it a little of just a little tiny bit of proof of truth though. this is a fairy, this is a relatively small group, and i believe the benefits outweigh the negatives for the, for you do create issue though, because the russian propaganda is going to do with the russian propaganda does. anyway, so they're gonna say this anyways. yeah, let's talk about the effect this has had in practical terms,
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has that made any change to the status quote on the battlefield on the ground for ukraine was on the back foot right now. right. so this was a limited military operation. this was an incursion that lasted a few days more than a week, most likely starting march 12 um the, the groups across the border into the southern russian provinces. and they took some territory there. they fought against the russian troops. they managed to hold territory for some time mixed, mixed in prisoners. and most importantly, they, um, got the attention of the russians to the russian headed that their birth or attention had to divert troops there to, to, to, to counter this incursion. but then very important stress here, these groups are, are small. we don't know how big they actually are, but these could be a few 100, a few 1000 at max. this is not a significant military force. what is more important is not the military effects, but the propaganda effect. we're sitting here talking about what happened there. and in russia there wasn't
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a reaction as well. people have to be evacuated. the russian president had acknowledge that there is opposition that there are russians in his country though . he says this is, this is, this is, is it, these are puppets that belong to the west. but they, they had to acknowledge that this situation exists and because it had to under present buying a pollutant promised to hunt these, these fighters down and they were retail, a choice strikes airstrikes against many ukrainian cities as a consequence. there to fascinating. sorry, that was our correspondent marks on that. thank you so much for your reporting. and before we go, here's a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you today. the united states and the european union say they are preparing new sanctions, targeting iran after and launched and unprecedented to miss out and drone attack against his rail on the weekend. western leaders have urged both sides for a strange, wary of any moves that could spark an even wider conflict. and that's it from the
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news for now, but stay with us eco, india is next after the break with a look at the high tech future of farming feel, gail will have that explosion for you at the top of the next hour. really thank you so much for your company by the
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