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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the business data between use live from goods and they knew what grace to new sanctions against the rock meeting and brussels late is a great to talk a tie. rod's missile and drawing produces a living last weekends of cells on these files. also coming up a volcano in indonesia, a rupture multiple times, prompting a rate of live and a tsunami, want tardies or brushing to evacuate thousands of residents from the bridge. the method me how'd welcome to the program. we begin with some breaking news. police in
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southern germany have a rest, and 2 suspected russian spies prosecute, decide they to jewel gen and russia. nationals were taken into custody in the city of phase or the accused of plotting sabotaged attacks designed to one of them on military support for ukraine. authorities side them in were planning the attacks in coordination with the russian secret service. at the www chief political correspondent, nina has told us more about the 2 alleged russian agents. they are jewels citizen, so have a gentleman and a russian passport, and the name does data s and alexander j by authority. so no last names given to us because of germany's privacy rules. they were arrested in the south of germany on wednesday morning because of the said to have spied on us spaces and planned attacks on military transportation routes on letting me improved in order. so the main person accused there is a 39 year old mine due to s e 's,
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a case of secret service agent activities, and also security endangering imaging of military facilities. so he's a tease of having taken photos of military bases. and specifically, he is a lead, so i've been in contact with a member of the russian secret service and to i've worked with him on several past plans in germany since october last year. so twins $23.00 and, and he's said to have agreed to commit explosives in awesome that tax on military infrastructure and industrial sites in germany was a goal to sabotage military aid from germany to ukraine. and he was helped allegedly, by alex on the j. and now we're talking about the u. s. space in the south of germany in good off in the us military chains, ukrainian soldiers the and as to a motivation native for alleged operations like this. why is gemini a target for russian intelligence? a gemini,
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over the last 2 years has become the 2nd biggest supplier of weapons to ukraine after the united states is in a very important suppose that are all few criminals in other fields when it comes to financial and she monetary and age when it comes to helping the country with a recovery and reconstruction where it's possible. and so the u. s. is of course, also support or of ukraine and has large military presence in germany. and, and this is not the 1st time that we're hearing about russian spies being arrested in germany. that is currently actually a trial against a member of the german domestic intelligence of as being d and a colleague of business man. and they're accused of passing on classified documents to russia's f as b service in the period between september and october last year and receiving some money for that. of course, deputy also has a large russian speaking minority, so they are explicitly targeted by flooding. they put in what happens next, nina, while a judge on wednesday order to the to s to be kept in custody, pending
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a possible indictment. and his colleague alex, on the day, is expected in quotes on size day, but that's going to happen behind close those. definitely chief political correspondent, the nozzler. thanks so much your opinion ladies have back to new sanctions against iran following last week and attack on these rel. during talking brussels on wednesday, they decided to direct sanctions adarine and produces of drones and miss thoughts. these were used extensively in the cells. the g 7 is also expected to discuss further sanctions on around a lighter today. the french president, emmanuel mccall, knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions on iran press could be something to do when he said that the i think we must have that. and to expand sanctions on iraq, unco beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions that also talk about anything that could help to make your sales and try this,
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which were used during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine. so to, since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to iran, so messiah and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian relief from the guards on the essential list, there's something, the belgium, a belgium which supports. i think it's a very important signal to, to give. others are more cautious domain and these idiots vacate, is now important to send a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. the eyes, as we speak on to the foreign ministers have agreed. it is therefore important to significant the strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right the options of being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con the you already has sanctions in place against the run over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and t runs military support of russia,
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and it's more against ukraine you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles. you leaders also spoke to you creating and present the load of mirrors, the lensky and his speech. so lensky argued ukraine deserved at the same level of protection as israel, after some european countries, we helped defense against iranian drones, last weekend and the key wants more help. and in particular, the more air defense a call, the german chancellor supports the sunset sales on size gemini, has already delivered to patriot and the defense system. so i'm just decided to deliver another one at the bottom of this will be of immediate use for ukraine. but we also want to encourage others to do the same and see what possibilities exist in this task successfully. and then i can understand that as the lensky has previously said, ukraine needs around 25 patriot systems to defend its territory. you leaders acknowledge
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the urgent need for more and speedier support to ukraine, to women. that one, to me are the aspect to date of these brussels correspondent ramsey patchett. who is that the a you making as to how these new sanctions are supposed to work against drone and missile manufacturers who are already on the ag sanctions will hire indeed. so what we're looking at here is your leaders. i think we're really trying to tighten the screws on existing restrictions on iran to show that they are essentially not tolerating what is, what was an unprecedented rating attack against israel over the weekend to ron. it should be noted says that that a talk was self defense after suspect to just really strike on its embassy in damascus. but you leaders have all of them condemned tyrone for that unprecedented attack. no, really, for decades iran has been under a roster of western sciences from the united states,
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but also from the european union side and even just in the last year. so you leaders have targeted your ons drone production that on that occasion, over its provision of drugs to russia, which we know rush of waging, it's more and ukraine. and i think given that context, that's why a lot of observers are saying that these new sanctions are really just symbolic to that was the date of lead correspond advisory board to day reporting from process those patients between each row and around increased the international community. is being warned not to lose sight of the conflict in gaza and the suffering of civilians. they as well as pressing on with its military campaign. i mean to destroy a mass which carried out the october 7th terror attacks you in his want of the trait of famine in gaza and is calling on dominic countries to provide nearly $3000000000.00 in additional aid by the end of the age and supplies to send on gaza as signs of the war smolder in the distance
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sees the drops are desperately needed lifeline. no, certainly for the food and the same chills. then the made me resort to this ferry should with the lack of cloth in the city, there is nothing. our house was damaged, we resorted to disperse to it, and it was incredible that we were able to make it work. it was not easy, but thanks guy did work on the sounds of aid axis is still severely restricted. the u. n. c is 40 percent of a team to deliveries to northern guys that were denied last week. while most is frankly, forces have withdrawn from gaza, strikes on residential areas, continue. the children were among the victims of this foaming and rustle.
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but yeah, and there's a, there's a bag of what they mean like the rest of ref, residence shop degree when they're around 10, 45 in the evening and is really rocket to the houses the shelter says nice people the he is a bill. my sister's son in law to a daughter and to children having dinner. when is ready miss? so i said, well they stay at house. but over that head, the, just the witness that was the issue. all the one more that has think i'm in the thing. the people, the whole world got used or that it was 3 people are killed in gaza. 20 died in 35 and died. it has become normal and we have just become members. the mice ran guns, the health ministry sees nearly 34000 people has been killed in the conflict. is riley. officials say the war is known to lose a and they still plan to seen ground forces into rosa. we move in half of gas has
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population. a sheltering rest and missile strikes on the northern ukrainian city of killed at least 17 people shot on wednesday, launched several attacks and ukraine. the aerial assault on sidney had attend homes into rubble and left many wounded. a crime has been facing intensified russian strikes. president flooded mister lensky has said, he's country like the weapons that needed to intercept the types of missiles being used in crime has been plea for more. a defense systems from allies. recently, germany agree to a 3rd us made patriot missile defense system to keep with jim an economy, economy minister robot, how back arrived earlier today with the message needed, the officers resting on your credit recovery the same thing stopped and on the said completed recovery is it not the wrong. what is it about defense
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search defense recovery this whole. so of course we have to think and police and work for ukraine. also the warranty that was given these economy administered, robert, have expecting that from keith a little earlier. all right, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. this how the trial has begun as a leading member of germany's 5 right alternative to germany potty for allegedly using a band. not the slogan, into speeches for my history. teacher beyond says he was unaware of the phrase, everything for gemini was used by the s i. her military domestic intelligence has designated the f. d as of right wing extremists. with the blows of testified in the us senate hearings on the site, the culture of boeing, the claims, the plane manufacturer ignored problems cut corners and threatened employees. we
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spoke up boeing has been facing mounting squares in the after a media fuse allows panel blew out from one of its plains. in january, indonesia has issued a tsunami warning and declared its highest level of alert following a series of volcanic eruptions. not ruin sped out a call them of ash tree killing made his heart accompanied by lightning bolts as it wrapped at 5 times of the past. 2 days, the thread of rock slides prompted all thirties to one residence at the danger of title searches. thousands of people have been evacuated from the remote northern island way of the volcano is located now early i told 3, dw correspondence, sharon, some of them in the, in the nation capital chicata about the tsunami one. and so now the russian is still happening. it's still spit a ashes until thursday afternoon, little co time. and since yesterday, the,
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the officials have raised the volcano warning to the highest level, which is at the level for a due to the high volcanic activity that is still going on in the area. and officials have also raised the so not me warning. and so what i'd be alert because of the potential as an i mean that could also reach until 25 meters. they reminded the people, if you compared to what happened in 2004 the so now i made that happen and i checked this and i mean wave was at 13 meters high. and also what is more to be concerned at the situation now is the a rupture and have found one once happened in $1871.00. so which killed the $400.00 people. and looking at the history like that, the official authorities right now has been on non stop money touring. uh for the situation that was date of lead. you kind of correspondence, sharon, some of them expecting to meet earlier. all right,
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that's it from the news desk for now. stay with the start. we have a documentary coming up looking at why animals love to dance. that's one. i have to say more on the www dot com. at any time you want to instagram an x as well, the handle you need is at the w plus the why do, how many does not get drunk? why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a stop fun cream for help find beyond says get smaller on dw science outtake talk channel is not exclusively human.


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