tv The Kim Dynasty Deutsche Welle April 18, 2024 2:15pm-3:01pm CEST
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sir, accused of flooding sabotaged attacks designed to undermine military support for ukraine. and that's your news update for now. but john is again at the top of the next hour for thank you so much for your company. the, the in charlotte the currently move people the on the world wide in such a busy life about facile a task committed to actually find out about robina story info, migraines. the . it's a big day. so i came to a,
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the daughter of north korean leader kim jong on not long ago, she began accompanying her father to military parades and rocket launches. even though she is believed to be only 11 or 12 years old. the will she'd take over the helm, esther north korean dictatorship one day. and because of the iron grip on power that the kim tennessee has wielded for more than 7 decades, the,
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the, the state holders 2022, just 3 months after announcing its 1st case of cove at 19 north korea. declan pandemic was as a comrade, kim, jo, john, vice president of the central committee of the workers, party of korea to do comrade vision in the summer. and just review the 7 days of battle against the pandemic sheep in the last 90. 1 days i witnessed many dramatic situations and was hoping to
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get him to substitute on that or this was the 1st be challenge by it came from one's youngest sister came jo joan on north korean television when she spoke about her brother's recovery from cove. it many in the audience went do wanna listen, lindsay hello, soon as i didn't do any also send you the total pension, it'll be a piece. so she'll those with terrible moments when i was unable to help our great leader who put on wants to do more session. and most of the repair was that she had to confront the crisis alone, who missing a times distraught and despairing. when she goes, i'm going to do is this will send you the on tuesday. let him, jo jones is deputy director of the propaganda administrative. not a pop to her brother. she's widely regarded as the countries number to leader. since 1948, 3 generations of the came family of rule, the democratic people's republic up north korea,
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with an absolute power to get to the county under the toyota. here's what we're talking about. controls. korea doesn't have a monkey and you'll get it so it doesn't have an oil fine, but i sent it to me instead. me like trace the lineage pack your what my call the mount back to that line. you go to the symbolism, don't wait in the kind of more than one video, then that's when you're now act as a place of pilgrimage. football team members in north koreans cupboard can you send me useful bites and such similar stuff gets revisit as the place where kim il so
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that the resistance against japanese occupation is also regarded as the birthplace of kimmy. john hill. you'll get a, someone just to lift this, i'm going to go to the question you saw here for you is just do it for the power meal. so i'm kim dunghill things we're going to say right now. as is this mountain, it's similar to what it actually had to means to christians is whom do i think this founding miss help secure the kim families hold on power, which is not quite as secure as it would be under a month case. the domestic dictatorship had to create its own cult of personality and toll authority the to, to, to include those who put the source on it to
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you to you to the propaganda message was repeated in chinese, japanese, spanish and english move intended to suggest the north koreans that its leaders were also reviewed abroad the climbing back to the sacred revolution. the mountain jim. it was 77 in motion. whenever i climbed mount packed or i think of camry, jim jim you to mount back to it as best placed on the trailing whately and richard his courage mount back to it's jim junior's mountain at the same time. s, being jim in a sense of mountain, the owners of
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the entire family stands united at the helm of north korea, kim il sung, and his sons came, joan ill on the present and unforgotten giants, marvels of them, what even installed on the stage of the supreme people's assembly every decision made by came john own and his sister just came jo jones, i was an extension of the dentist that has rolled the country for a while, about half a century on your to do this. all the tennessee began with came also doing 1948 became the leader and founding father of north korea. in the 19th sixty's, a call to personality
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a matched which then to dictate to an almost god like status to this day came l. so is still regarded as supposed to bring him added tunnel leader of north korea. when you're in 1994, the sun came, joan ill assumed power. according to legend, he was born on mt peck, 2, and was possessed of a powerful intellect and accomplishments. the camry, jim juno is an outstanding philosopher, statesman,
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and leader. but most of tile talents and capabilities is not only the greatest ideological and see a red, but a genius of the present time is the greatest man schumann history has ever produced . the greatest a man we use a boost in all the kim jong il died in 2011. his youngest son, 27 year old, came joan on became his successor. at the time he was a complete unknown and north korea and abroad. but kim jong il had already paid the way by making strategic appointments to key positions before his death. the
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as well as the a, you have the tools and acquisition off. he was very young, senior with the internet society in which seen yours who was extremely important, lots of to that was a problem for him. that 1st is guns at the others. also like you to tier to counter right at that by dressing very conservatively. um, if we try to model himself on his grandfather in appearance, you know as a young man that lent him some authority 2 more months cuz they are the . so the more we send it up to, to the ton that a full lender, nobody knew him. so suddenly he pay it. he looked a lot like email, so i don't even know if he's lost cuz who is that, or is that a candidate though? that's every public, a parent, kim jong. he's like his grandfather and spoke like him to talk to him. no,
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i'm gonna go to live over there, get a minute just a minute to get down to go with you in a demonstration of power came jump on dismissed a number of functionaries. ready ready and ordered the arrest of his influential uncle jamestone tax. in december 2013, his uncle was executed for an edge to corruption. even the north korean press, domestic coverage was perennially slanted to the positive reported on james execution. the king john succeeded. is his father, you know, he's a young man. we had information that he had gone to school in switzerland. we
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thought maybe this is a more customer politan st gear who understand the international community. maybe he wanted better relations with the world. we were wrong. it turns out kim jung on is the most aggressive of the 3 kids, came jump on, installed his closest confidence at the center of pilot. above all, his sister came jo jones. the 2 of them had attended school together in switzerland and forged the relationship of unconditional trust. the board and vacation saw that if anything were to happen to came john own his sister would be his successor. ensuring that the came finally would retain its hold on power. the
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kind of give obesity dog commutable one for the sale in north korea, there are 2 levels of legislation. database. first of all, we have a constitution. the bunch of populated states that north korea is a republican with general and secret election hungry on kind of the 2nd level is the parties that you choose. they state that the party leadership is hereditary samouce, and each generation comes from the king family, tiny role to cope one, to cut off. so the party is based on the ideology of kim il sung, and kim jones is on jet and is supposed to work on behalf of they're interested in well and not the interests of the north korean people time to come in today. i'm
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kind of time to go from both of the parties. statute clearly outbreaks, the constitution of the songs, any one who joins the party in north korea, must swear to sacrifice everything to ensure that the regime is preserved from one generation to the next year. didn't you say so if you go to it, so more than go through a package of all. i mean, that's how the north korean system works is kind of central coolant to use. so across the similar to and i don't reach the north koreans as part of the regime that owes its a legions to the king dentist. d on the last day in and day out north to reinstate television broadcast propaganda, images of a happy and prosperous people. the but the reality is more complex. the,
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according to united nations reports in north koreans are obligated to keep watch over the neighbors and denounce any misbehavior on this network of mutual surveillance is intended to maintain control over the population and preserve an image of national pride and contentment the the task they create unit to 5 families, monitoring and chava ships said above that we have him in the unit of 60 families in pens because he minds are you, hey david, every admin, bottom as a unit tab,
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you should always know what's happening in every house. all most people in the comes in and that's us, has templates for 2 minutes, just and system people go into the system of surveillance was creating 75 years ago, which attempted to bolt into a true system, entire arguments all composite, which is typically wouldn't go still the, there's no civil society, there's nothing on which, for example, and universities or religion or all the areas where we, we often see revolution get going. the north korea government says shut all of that down. the freedom of phones is not permitted in north korea. colleagues,
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neighbors and even family members can turn on one another. according to radio reports, one young man was sentenced to death for smuggling. the south korean t. v series squeeze came into the country. he had been denounced by his parents. most people have no internet access and comp make international phone calls, the kind of jobs you got, cut them over, you don't use it. i'm going to, i mean, in north korea it's, it's not just the convicted person who is punished, but the entire family, which is a diesel telescope. a son is shot for a crime against the fatherland. his parents, siblings, and even fellow students can be punished and discriminated against pretty easy about the tool or button you're not. i mean, okay, so what those have them do to get them, you know,
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anyone who would be prepared to sacrifice their own life or freedom and democracy really thinks twice before doing anything. solve or call and i will have that are not doing no, they're also putting their entire family at risk equal to move up human ego. that's why the north koreans don't worry about, we call your order. you'll know this is how the system maintains the status quotes . you can continue to jump in with you. if you are someone who desperately wants to free your people in north korea, maybe if it's just you, you would say, i'm willing to die for that to free my country. but are you willing to kill your grand parents and your children and your aunts and uncles? so that's the terrible, terrible way of control that there is even has over its people. you've done your students on the thought of a ton, but they know that as soon as anyone is seen as a threat to their executed, you'll get on congress without an investigation on a trial or a judge. yeah, i don't know that about like of us to stay with you. that's why came john. the
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owner was able to order the execution of his uncle with a strong songs tackle and his half brother to his half brother kim jong, who was murdered in 2017 at the airport in malaysia. so is it for the eyes of the entire world? we met in front of a surveillance camera mobilized at us because the other opponents end up in labor and re education camps. international organizations estimate there are about 20 such camps in the country. according to the handful of survivors who were able to escape conditions in the caps, re, i think most of the prisoners die of torture or hunger for as a result of forced labor. it's estimated that between 100200000 opponents of the regime are currently incarcerated. simons have also kills millions of north koreans most during the 19 ages and 1990
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is. statistics like these cars made north korea one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world, the, the old of all have under the time of when i arrived in south korea, i heard something i didn't understand called the national committee for human rights. so i asked what it was, they were surprised and asked me don't, you know, it's an organization that protects our rights as human beings. the i as to why do we need an organization like that they reply to it's normal? isn't there something like that in north korea? the
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they didn't understand toward complaint and every woman dot, we asked the word like 60 women. they didn't understand the work, the words complained and so we had to really explain them in different boards, what it means. and they said that, yeah, you can, you cannot complain that women's union will complain against you that you didn't submit enough core tests. so for them complained goes only one way the government can punish or to somehow criticize for not fulfilling certain duties that were they had such as bringing enough coal tests, but they don't have complaints. so they don't understand that in normal country citizens have a right to complain. ready ready ready ready ready
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ready ready to north korean capital kiln yang is home to about 3000000 people. ready the city lines on the tab on river, which is used as a source of hydro power and irrigation. the city center is a testament to the power of the can, tennessee. the defense ministry recalls north korea's great victories. the center of power is to come to some palace office on the official military parades are held in its full cost that you che, tower lies on the other side of the river to j is the official ideology of the
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north korean regime and means we'll talk a little self reliance is unofficially represents the cult of personality surrounding that came tennessee, which is also called key msm. in recent years, young gang has been transforming itself public transportation, which includes subways, bosses and st. cause is being expanded. not long ago, a swimming pool opened, george going your way, you know, things have to go to and serious. so since he took office, i control this for kind of mind the on the selection when it comes to try should have nuclear weapons and dig a for tons. he also invested a sizable portion of the military bunch of the way down to the private sector being gumple. this expanded the like manufacturing. second time they come go up to the gym. jo, issues with us from gift over put doing your service in life in the
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capital has also changed the city look small west to now. but the strict rules of the regime continue to hold sway these days more and more north koreans own a smartphone, but they can't be used for international calls. and only a few hours off emitted which have to be personally approved by came jump on himself. the more people also call nowadays on sundays the traffic is bulky on yang, on usually heavy small and so individual ality all taking hold in closing and fashion new buildings sprouting up oil changes intended to signal normality and modernity to the outside. well
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it's kind of my argument, our phones aren't this, this leaving and not based on my own observations. i can see that over the past 30 years and from life in north korea has an approved significantly and usually even for ordinary people, pass along is of course the baseline was very low. the, the things have definitely improve medicine thought i saw of the people today have more options when it comes to consumption. swift and guns and that includes things like moving moods, transportation enable, the country has modernized, long cuts, although it is important to note the p on. yeah. and it's not the typical of north korea as a whole. north korea is as if you on yang is a level of above the rest of the country who do not respect them. the nice design does not. i've travelled across north korea and seem that things have improved everywhere for the p on yang stands out, because that's with the elite to live is on this. and of course, the leadership needs the support of a lead to maintain political stability and just some push to lead the fee of a police officer stuff or do paid. like i mean and cargo to enjoy a, explain
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a survey of north korean to flip the country that you don't want to dump continued digital. that shows that i clearly prefer control home to his fault and that it can go into cooking table. so give me joints, but i feel more of a connection to having this homework and i can see that he improved this time. that of life. uh. so do you mind yourself, john hill, the only kid about the military when putty to, i'll jump well as liver lies to promote to the market. it to god you know, such and get them was. so that's why they pinball hope on. they have to jo and when you're in seller cuz i'm on the printer so. so for some of this all i'm assuming duty, can you tell me what done and don't wanna do? so questions though, by then today i'm gonna support the whole thing from the, from the deputy on national television. the regimes propaganda machine offers a steady flow of evidence of progress in the country on every tv channel,
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the news costs, and describe the opening of factories and buildings and cutting symbols any time the city's new bosses also get the fashion of attention you. when you came, jo, loan even made a personal appearance to inspect them before the camera come up to you so you can, they're going to be cited. wouldn't you got any? did you get closer to the noble determination of the policy and that you love? so the people has scaled a different reality quote, he pointed to that goes with the a nice because she got so little it happened on the north korean media has definitely become more modern hot in into and you from doing that wasn't gonna commit you to throw so fast cuts make television shows look much livelier than before the little talk you gave agent some because all those together on the
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instead of just one tv channel, there are now full view is can choose between different shows which helps land greater credibility to the programming and even the country's most famous income as being swept off in the winds of change when you cut them to. yeah, i'm gonna choose the gets all to conrad and kim jones stood for a commemorative photo with the workers of korean television woods. and it's a pause and then what's the point that evolved since the 19 seventy's 32, he has presented the country's most important news. torres audio service showing that you don't have jobs for me. it was the we will fight against the enemy to go. you did tell them that you were potentate on everything from nuclear missile tests, to the meeting between kim jones on the tv stations, employees 3 to him, he was set to be his favorite news presenter.
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a few days later came joan own presided over the you know, the ration ceremony for a new residential district. the dictator himself gave a reach him, he a key to a new luxurious residence. it was a reward for her loyalty to the regime. but as part of a wave of modernization for each one he was slated to be replaced by a young calling. you told me to get sudden all night you too much of a toll on the day you didn't owe him drunk. own himself, toby, there was nothing more valuable than such a loyal welcome. who's been working in the media for 50 years and not i will visit with vs what i'm going to kind of so really it's video guys your time in day to day go to menu and so you've had to go to all of the press in north korea serves a special purpose, could be the media professionals. who do i have to proudly call themselves the trumpeters of the revolution? to me only put you all how cool, good. i made sure what you do. it's a,
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it's their job to support the revolution. 100 and burnished the image of the great leader duty and mobilize the population, speak, carlos accumulate here, and then an issue and hopefully soon you the, you're going to have him go to him. so tell me that thing to jump it along with the news programs north korean t. v often grow costs major propaganda events. sometimes mandatory parades often civilian events. good. good to go to board in the meanwhile, there's a huge budget for projects that are important to the country from to that's one of kim duncan's new initiatives. going, todd, it, it'll kill national ceremonies. are a much higher priority now than before. countrymen, they're supposed to make the populations proud at the party, and the machine can show that the message that they're trying to convey is that kim jones, north korea, was getting stronger and stronger. typically, it's a powerful could and well control countries of continuing to develop. i'm
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interested in that i so typically that would be an impact on how good the school covers the device. no, to those over time, dynasties, lose their legitimacy. good memories of the past begin to fade. you're not an adult . the grandfather waged, a war of liberation against the japanese, which was the basis of his legitimacy. okay. and kind of what you know, personally doing and what 7080 years after the war means that legitimacy is fading creek up. jim jones, this is under a lot of pressure to find a new basis for his power to him from someone up on those who do attend what conditions are your see, what we use to we are to mostly put so despite the strict regime north korea's ion cotton has sprung a few leaks. videos from south korea are being smuggled into the country more and
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more often. so you do the officially north korea. com to receive any south korean television content. bobs boot like copies of south korean t v series, and k pump videos are circulating widely the sound screen activists regularly send helium balloons across the border, along with pamphlets. the balloons sometimes carries us be stakes with western entertainments. the countries didn't know who we've come with. of course it's as most north koreans know that south korea is richard mackenzie minutes ago. most of them have seen a tv series from the south where, you know, and you thought, what can they do with the bible? any resistance is punishable by death, would you consolidate,
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prefer to remain silent, that it can be so. so the religion to maintain itself. image knowles, korea as gold itself, off from foreign influence, the population is almost entirely sealed off from the outside world. been all limited to travel or use the internet, the toilet to come in and to put in those are that were in the can get writes off the mobile phones were introduced to you most possible to use a phone network across the north. korean on my lunch or dinner on that network of people quick download, south korean videos or american films on the cell phones the light from one day to the next correspond deal. so once he's realized what was happening kind of help and they created their own closed internet system to put it up to continue it. cutting pundits are towing oil. jim jones, you know,
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his way around computer stuff like that. knew it was the technology of the future. cool. you limit suggestions, he understood the computer and communication technology could spell the collapse of his regime or so. so. so he so isolated the country from the international community or the red fan to the internet in north korea so well, and that's still true today. kind of introduce your 1st interpretation of typically i think it's kind of his eyes when it comes to the comparison with the size of the 3 of those that i have the vantage point of coming from the former east germany in the day until 1990. i lived in east germany from we have television from the west radio from the west on a daily basis. and we had a reference point to meet comparison invest building telephone, not yet visitors in the west coast of phone calls. and this is the information that north koreans have it. so it's a 3, it is nothing like that. overall, they might have watched a soap opera. i heard a rumor about this is that they don't have that daily and i'll be too much new. i think that even with better access to information,
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most north koreans still have next, a new idea of what's actually happening in south korea, forced to them deformed bus. i conditions equally up us here in full 2020 the came regime past the reactionary storage and culture denunciation role violations that the law punishable by public execution. or in 10 months in a labor camp. the regime, the intensified repression was success. the number of people who attempted to flee the country dwindled the monitoring. but don't mind going to set up when you read north korea newspapers. that's hopefully any news about what's happening on the other side of the florida. now mind page 6 of the road on seeing the newspaper used to include news or south korea, you some that ended in 2020 and then how long ago the north koreans recall the neighbors in the south items korean to a rich the. now,
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we're going to and that's why the north camino authorities keep a tight rein on information about south korea. clinton to present an offer me an identity. you're going to get to jefferson for . ready for the 26000000 residents of north korea, every aspect of life is strictly regulated. even the children are indoctrinated. the from the very start, they learn the stories about the great leaders and the power of the came dentist, a difficult to get through to get some boarding drugs. can preschool children learn,
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but they came family roles. the country idea of us me that critical i to addressing the kind of every morning school children increase the portraits of kim jong you sent to me the so i would ease and go to the 2nd because he said, just kind of brain washing is on the present from early childhood and you know until definitely your eyes of a po because its own savannah case. are you a typical the school children between 6 and 15 on members of the korean childrens union? a political organization with ties to the welters bodies on important public days. 3rd graders across the country take part in initiations that room and is the
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both boys and girls. with the red scarf of the young pioneers, they agreed to find none less than king. jump on himself to the north koreans. this is the most important day of that childhood. the at 17 most north korean boys voluntarily enlist in the military as a demonstration of their loyalty to the states. the moultrie and men generally says to 80 is the longest mandatory military service in
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other one is the north korea isn't economically weak country with a small population commute to local parts of south korea and united states have long underestimate of the country and still claimed that the only thing north korea has or nuclear weapons caught on of what north koreans are bred to be very tough on your con. they're incredibly determined and have a strong instinct for survival. you under to yeah. so leaving what a new turn on the plus, they've grown up in a diagnostic system completely isolated from the outside world. and those are the tools, their mentality is very simple and direct. you know, you can do, you call, they're very loyal to their country. them everything they do is a matter of life and death. toyota. oh, wait. oh, i didn't deal with them when you decided to do that. and the people of north korea support the regime north korea's nuclear program takes the lion's share of the
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country's results is but in the regimes propaganda, it's a necessary sacrifice take. you don't need it. it has a good. it's a 1993. i joined the north korean or when did it took us home after us? that's when i learned the phrase nuclear weapons. it's not the new will. they told us that the american invaders wanted to conquer our beautiful country and run through and attack us with strange biological weapons. 3 weeks from main street, you were told us to go to protect ourselves. we needed nuclear weapon to work for you. you don't get to the chip to church. i don't want you to test to miss on, which is
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a set of write it in the media and all parts of the country's national identity. if we sound reporting about missile launches and increase military exercises, the ideology would collapse. it's a constant form of brain washing to ensure that the people remain submissive or ensuring that no one in the country would data question. the regime's power is a political strategy and a life insurance policy against the rest of the wells, the palmed, with a compulsory loyalty of its own people like him, dentist, he is determined to keep the rest of the world, but arm's length. the
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answer of the conflicts own with tim sebastian. as the warning ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states watch anxiously from the ring, sightsee, pressing the west to increase 8th and kia and make sure russia dozens with my guest this week is last is 5 minutes to pc. i understand and peace, clear nature as to optics, go conflict in 30 minutes on the w. o he month is do this in freedom without fear. cost is russian.
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is data we news long from berlin, germany summons the russian ambassador over the arrest of 2 suspected russian spies . germany's interior minister described the incident as, quote, a particularly serious case of alleged spite activity. the men were reportedly plotting sabotaged attacks in germany with a goal of disrupting aid for ukraine. also coming up at a meeting in brussels and you leaders agreed to new sanctions against iran targeting terrance miss ellen drunk production. this comes after last weekend's assaults on israel. unable k, no in indonesia erupt, multiple times, prompting a red alert and the tsunami.
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