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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the is the, the we news long from berlin, germany summons the russian ambassador over the arrest of 2 suspected russian spies . germany's interior minister described the incident as, quote, a particularly serious case of alleged spite activity. the men were rewarded me flooding sabotaged attacks in germany with a goal of disrupting aid for ukraine. also, coming up at a meeting in brussels in you, leaders agreed to new sanctions against iran targeting care on miss ellen drone production. this comes after last weekend's assaults on israel. unable k no, and indonesia erupt multiple times, prompting a red alert and the tsunami warning authorities are rushing to evacuate thousands
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of residents from the region. the fairly welcome to the show. germany has summoned rushes and bassett or over the rest of 2 men suspected of spying. for the kremlin prosecutor say the 2 dual german russian nationals were taken into custody in the bavarian city of fi light. they are accused of flooding, sabotaged attacks designed to undermine military support for ukraine. authorities say the men were planning the attacks in coordination with the russians secret service and the us military facilities of germany were also being targeted. germany's interior administered nancy phaser, and this to say about the alleged kremlin surveillance and sabotage blond or what is the position as far as security services have prevented possible bomb attacks,
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intended damage to undermine our military assistance to ukraine. this is a particularly serious case of alleged by activity per pollutants criminal regime, right? to put in separate sugar g u that will continue to work to prevent any seems like these, the threaten us was in rushes, murderous for of aggression against you claims the gun or security services have stuffed up or protective measures against hybrid threats from the russian regime. focus on the event will continue to provide a mazda of support to ukraine and will not allow ourselves to be intimidated as bringing the double. your chief political correspondent nina, has a mean of the german appear minister. they're not really menacing her words. what do you make of her statement? well indeed, it shows that it's very serious. she said herself, and then she says that the fact that it was the general federal prosecutor who is in charge of the investigations and the fact that they didn't manage to arrest 2 people means that it was indeed serious. so in other words, people don't get arrested that easily here in germany. so that appears to be quite
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strong evidence that the 2 men had indeed been involved in concrete spying activities. she also said that it was appropriate to some of the russian and both of the, which the foreign minister announced mid day on thursday. and of course, those stepping up of security measures of that stuff at the office to rush. i launched its full scale invasion against ukraine, says the government often speaks of hybrid well fed by russia. that's also targeting germany. but russian sources are trying to influence german opinion and we can support for ukraine. but today we're talking about the russian domestic and toast and service, allegedly co operating with agents in germany to carry out or at least planned attacks on military installations. let's talk about the ambassador being someone because that doesn't happen every day. does a lot more. can you tell us about that or no, it doesn't. it is a very, very severe step for any foreign minister to take, to call in the past and who represents a different country and have
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a serious talking to that person. so doesn't happen that often. and it's another sign how serious this case is, how serious these investigations are. and the last time we know about was after the death of alex they, nevada needs. so one of the most vocal critics of the kremlin who died and then the rest of them by so there was also some inherent berlin to explain the causes of his to the what do we know so far about the, to man at the center of these allegations so we're talking about 2 people who have both a gentleman and a russian possibles were hearing that they were both born in russell, the named as d to s and alexander j by authorities that smith surprised that we don't know the last names because of germany's privacy rules, the 2 men are set to how spied on us spaces. they took photos, tossed them on to the partners in the russian intelligence services,
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and allegedly planned to tax on military transportation routes. and the main person to choose is a 39 year old mine the to is. he's a legs to have been in contact with one member of the russian secret service stuff, work with him on some of those plans. he's also set to have agreed to commit explosives and austin and tax on military infrastructure and industrial sites in germany with a goal to sabotage military aid from germany to ukraine. and alex on the electrically helped him. so apparently talking also about u. s. military infrastructure here in germany and the us army has a base in the south and gospel where trying to pregnancy hoses. now this is of course, raising many alarms, but it's also a big success for german authorities. but just to give our viewers a sense, how big is the perceived threat of russian espionage here in germany? stephanie has always been a target for russian espionage. that can be no illusions,
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but of course it's extremely in the focus. and since it signed it with ukraine of the rest of loans to its full scale invasion, 2 years ago, germany has since become the 2nd biggest supplier of weapons to ukraine of the united states. and that is, of course, not something that the kremlin likes and the us as a launch military presence here in germany. so plenty of targets here for the russian intelligence services. it's not the 1st time as well for the big russian speaking minority community here in germany. so plenty of targets for russian intelligence to target. as the w and chief political correspondent, nina has a thank you. well, your opinion leaders have backed new sanctions against iran following last weekend's attack on israel. during talks and brussels on wednesday, they decided to direct sanctions at a reading and producers of drones and miss solves. these were of course used extensively in the assault. the g 7 group of foreign ministers is also expected to discuss further sanctions on iran later today. the french president,
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emmanuel mccall, knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions on iran. pressed could be something to do when he said that the, i think we must have that then to expand sections on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking anything that could help to make your sales and try this, which we use during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine to since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to iran, some style and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the gardens, essential list as something the belgium, a belgium would support. i think it's very important and signal to, to give others are more cautious domain and is you have 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to
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a dead end. the is, as we speak on to the foreign ministers have agreed it is therefore important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right that all the options are being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con, the, you already has sanctions in place against iran, over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and t runs military support of russia. and it's more against ukraine. you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles a short while ago i spoke to our brussels bureau chief alexander phenomena who was at that a meeting. and i asked her how these new sanctions are supposed to work as well of the concrete measure as nicole still needs to be worked out for you. leaders you agree in principle that they definitely want to extend the existing sanctions that now only targets drones and strong production distinction was even
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worse established in july 2023 in response to, to iranian deliveries of drones to russia. and now the goal is to widen those sanctions to include messiah and we still have components. and the idea is to punish those companies who are still providing you on with ms. sile and miss components. but will that make a difference? exports doubts. that's saying that iran has been under so many different sanctions regimes in the past, and that they have mastered the art of things and circumvention. so experts, i think it's more a symbolic move, but that is also important for the u. a. p in union to signal to each role that there are standing at their side also to to this wage. israel from a massive response to the rainy and miss sila drawn attacks on the country. that
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was alexandra phenomena reporting from brussels. well, the growing tensions between israel and iran are also casting a long shadow over the conflict in gaza and the suffering of it civilians. the almost run health ministry says 7 people were killed in the latest is rarely attack and the southern city of rough off. it was one around 40 strikes on target across the palestinian territory in the last 24 hours. israel has now to invade. rafael were over half of gauze as population is sought, refuge from finding is really officials stay the city harper's battalions of a loss which carried out their tober 7th terror attacks against israel. you know, we use rebecca rivers is following the latest developments for us from jerusalem and was the head of owner of accusing israel, of trying to end its 8 operations in the strip. i asked her about the humanitarian situation to these calls by the un and also by annalee to babble, gemini, foreign minister, who visited israel yesterday,
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trying to keep the humanitarian situation in the limelight ins like the in spite of the fact that we've got this huge situation happening evasive a iran, but that the humanitarian situation and goes a cannot be forgotten and that is such an important message at this time. now, you will remember the to just a few weeks ago, israel was under so much pressure given in the aftermath of the world central kitchen attack that killed 7 of those 8 where, cuz most of whom were foreign in the us, but also allies within europe. we're really pressuring israel to allow more humanitarian age across in to gaza with a looming, simon, this is something that the state department has been wanting off as well. the us state department as well as you and agencies and other agencies that really every single person inside gals or is at the risk of, of severe hunger and mel nutrition. so we've with facts like that on the ground. we've seen israel under huge pressure and on the optimum of the world central
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kitchen attack, we did see the as riley attitude towards allowing humanitarian aid this change somewhat. and they said that they were going to open up a new crossing in the north, just north of the strip with the northern pump, me israel. and from there along cross it allowed a to cross directly into the north where it is so badly needed. we've been seeing also those a drops, but really all of this is a drop in the ocean. the other day is rail announced that they've opened a couple of bakeries in the north and that are also working to fix a pipeline and aqua pipeline that would allow thousands of palestinians in going to have easier access to water. but when you're looking at the situation that is happening and unfolding, still in gone. so you know, the situation is still just shocking for people on the ground. we're seeing a trucks of around about 200, the latest figures coming from the u. n. that were on monday, it was just a little over $200.00 trucks going in to the strip. and that's a dropping the ocean compared to pre roll figures. and we was saying 500 trucks
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a day crossing. so your agencies really sounding the alarm that still not enough i going in. it's rebecca writers and jerusalem. and in asia, now the country has declared its highest level of alert after ok. no. or wrapped it . several times. authorities are racing to evacuate thousands of residents in the area and have issued a tsunami warning spreading ass and hartwell kind of clowns also force the closure of a nearby airport. the sky glows from fire, the law and flashes of lightning after a lot of candle in not the indonesia, it ups again and again 5. but this is captured the scenes from a nearby island the adoption of mount wrong pets. suppose the recreation of thousands of people from their homes
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are shut off last night. groups of local people were evacuating themselves. after they saw a small rocks coming down from the russian, people were in a panic and they fled. so our job is to make sure that there was no one left stranded along the coast line. wrong is that a remote island located in not so obvious, the province of indonesia, that options but say to be triggered by the scent of twigs on the island. what parties have on the bottom of the one candle could collapse into the sea and cause us when i, me, indonesia, as products along the age of the best. if it green gold fire, they have multiple tectonic plates growing against each other. for the occupant, it goes to the residence, it means living with the constant threat of nature's violence. and that's it from
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