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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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much of some trouble to fix the meals culture and then 15 minutes left side of our community life on the service. the research is now on the business. the the news africa coming up on the program. what's one i'm expelling a mom of to offer the president's wants to exports 20000 down the funds to gemini, pushed back for criticism by german government officials of trophy hampton in his country. where they and if it's and what do they do with the spacious that they also punts? how does a menace species that caused some challenges? and what are the numbers that we take out to you? for him all from what's one us press events on ella friends and about 20 motus and the moments also coming up on the show members of the gunners, l g, b,
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to cure community, take refuge after the are countries, constitutional cause of homes. it's hashed unseen homosexuality bill. we meet some of them being exiled in kenya also in kenya, and we discover the unsung heroes of healthcare needs the taxi drive up making a big difference. but small x times the i, i'm eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. now can you imagine thousands of africa and other funds roman freely in germany? well, this is how the german tab like build pits edited recently after interviewing what's one is precedent? what great see must easy suggest that he could send $20000.00 funds to germany. i didn't, he wouldn't take no for alonza. this after breland threw its weight behind
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e u plans to restrict or even bon outright the import of hunting trophies from endangered animals. what's one that says, bonds like these uh, condescending and colonial honest pointing to its own wildlife conservation records . the increase of wild animals that on the importance of terrorism, hampton, and trophies to local communities, is estimated that 90 percent of african the funds were wiped out. since the stats of the 20th century, loudly due to hanson the ivory trade and poaching. as a result of the funds are listed as endangered animals, but not in books. wanna where the numbers have increased to more than 130000. that's the world's largest, and the funds population. every year, the government issues a limited number of hampton statements saying this is needed to keep the funds numbers in check and generate income. joining me now as the president of the
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republic of what's going on, it's exit and see, and we'll go ahead see my cc, what's the precedent? hello and welcome to dw news advocates. so just to be clear, you're not really sending 20000 other funds to germany are you i might well be able to come pick them up more than happy to facilitate. why would you say that? because i want the jim as to sees what we feel go through what we go through experience, what we do and be part of the solution to this problem of not having enough, you know, of these magnificent species around shared the burden. what exactly are the sacrifices, what's why not, is going through to keep those elephants as well. we are the only country in the wall that as a set aside, 40 percent of our land mess for conservation. that's
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a massive sacrifice. you can just think of the opportunity cost of what you know that would be in terms of what are the activities could be undertaken on that land mass. and it should show you what is x 5 today is want to is we as we have to protect these animals and an offer for them safety and ensure that in times of drought like we are going through a diverse agent. right now, we do our best to mobilize our resources to provide water for them. and we have good to ensure that, that, that these animals eyes free from a disease burden. so that we also have got to make sure that them is a 100 miles, enjoyed comfortably and safely by our tourists and, and you and these sacrifices. another sacrifice is that when
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these animals, particularly if in this case and overshoot. that one way in terms of that population growth rate, they then via and stat, grazing and motor, holding over areas bigger than the geographic space that to be in a designated for them. and when they do that, you get into the inevitable human wildlife conflict issue. uh, i mean you said this and i quote, this is the 2 jeremy and you said this and i quote, this is no joke and it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about office in botswana. we are paying the price for preserving these on the most, for the weld. some would argue that was quite a hash tune, aren't you breaking with diplomatic conventions and risking a spot with germany by saying those words? no, no, no, no, no, it's not. it's not at all,
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i'm not i'm not as salt in the german government. i'm not assaulting the german people. i'm talking to position from our perspective, the 3 feel and experience. and so when these opinions i generated out of discourse, i mean lively in the debate. take into consideration with elements come from the people that live with the governments of management. that's all i'm asking. and the notice go and being candid about and what we experience. so it was no slides to an argument, friends what or how would you rather have one to jeremy need to approach this month because it seems to be clear that you're saying that gemini doesn't really have a deep idea about the timing issue facing with the funds and it says settled
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speaking, so to speak, out of new experience. how would you want them to do with this? well, to get themselves more informed. i mean, even the local german and both of the it was quite honest and in admitting that and saying that the sometimes that these positions are held by people who don't know enough about where do you go to because she lives. yeah. i'm not gonna say them on the elephants, but she doesn't, but so i'm a, she knows what it is. so i don't think that there's being sufficient energy expended on understanding a, it's a, comes out, it's a beautiful. and we live in. you have a nice position can be argue that the warning about limits and the impulse of hunting trophies even set out to try to protect the funds once upon a time. what's one of, you know, as the funds we apply to indeed to do to successful conservation efforts. now with
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one can i do you have more than enough? so what is the way forward, i, you know, consent that somehow encouraging hunting is gonna, you know, reduce the funds to population and bring them back to an indian just species. and what's one that we're not talking about one to mind and decides who is anybody to come and tell us how to manage them and to manage the hunting when it being so successful at the conservation. particularly when those will one to prescribe. just have no elephants to show where the lessons and what do they do with the species that they also hunt? how do they manage species that caused some challenges? and what are the numbers that they take out to you? so when we ask and for consistency and logic, what help then do you need from germany, the international community?
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it'll tell botswana whether it's the front of our population. i want them to understand the problem a new way you want to offer a solution. you begin by 1st understanding the problem, right? and then part of the problem is hold a logical conversation with the people. you know, i don't think this obviously about logic model. it is about emotions. but we also need to make sure that our emotions do not undermine our thinking in terms of solutions that be prescribed. and this consistency in the way we pronounce to the way we act ourselves. and if that's a position to be held, i e ban trophy hunting and no importation of such trophies. what do you
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do with the problem? because it can only grow in what's on it? or how do you advise us? because you've advisors to keep them and not have them. how do i advise that we try these that i'm so i think it'll be nice um to share with as a bit of your plan, what is, what's the wireless plan because you need a sustainable solution, right? what, what is that plan that you could even get help from germany in the international community? well, you know, stop this a, t, the battery and, and, and stop at this a. m a complex defect til sanctioning of all product to stop it. that would be a big help and to engage in meaningful conversation with ourselves and educate,
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you know, public about what to do and, and this, this would really help. but you know, we can also get into research and development. because we are keen to related to the base economy and part of the research development to deal with this problem. maybe to find the means. but what you're going to, you know, mitigate that population growth in a non invasive, non intrusive, non leaf on me. wait. so if i'm, what's one out, one to 2, um, based on some of the challenges that you mentioned, is it actually feasible? i'm asking is because other people may be wondering, it was the one that has so much of the, of the funds, obviously moving them to germany. it's not really going to be feasible or possible . and i'm sure you know that. but what about neighboring african countries? is there a way to somehow spread them across some countries to, to help less than the bed and all the pressure on what's one that's the most precise and to do to help the sped. and the reason that's why we create it, cause
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a look if you will hold the opinion that is so dismantled to us. i don't think it's impossible to move into gemini, come on. well, if germany had wanted these very badly, what's his job and not been able to move to germany? you tell me that so many very heavy, bulky things that have been moved. why could this not be? it all depends on how you value them. right? so don't say impossible because we live in that the world way. we want to eliminate the impossible and make it possible. i think it possible. okay, so just to be could have daphne said today that well, we actually need a couple of other funds will help. uh, get a yeah, you'd be very happy with that. not a couple of a few thousands, couple of thousands of the least the right way more than very my community is already. i've been conversing with them all, raising the hands coming, get some from us. come get some of them us but you know,
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the one thing wasn't site all, you know, i'm african, andrea and africa. there's that resources and natural resources. and entitlement is heritage is good value. it's not as if i want to want them to give a weight resource. i'm trying to get people to focus on what is a must have problem for us. right, right. i missed the president tablet before i let you go. uh, you've got the elections coming up towards the end of the yeah. what's your most pressing issue and what do you wish to achieve? cause aside so trying to get yourself where you liked it the most pressing. well, the motive is not given so much by getting myself as a person elected is getting my part to be elected. that's what's really pressing because it is a battery, in my view of policies that are most promising for me was on. but one of the biggest problems and challenges that we have, and it cuts across parties is employment. we have uh, you know,
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used to fit into we have a 60 percent of our police, the young people, we've educated them, we've kept them healthy, but relatively, and at that very aspirational that energized and it's a structure of the economy, the opportunities, the economy. that's what we need to really open up. and that's why when you look at the number of jobs generated by photographic exclusively, even in the areas where photograph a country is not suitable. so therefore, the cheap tourism is not suitable. and we look at the opportunities of jobs for jobs in, in, in the controlled hunting spaces that i'm in the mall. particularly when you put in place in this trees and all 3 of those kinds that would enhance the value and you see the value chains. and for the hunting and, you know, and that's what you need to help it. and that's as a major priority for me. and we've always had priorities,
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water and because of the drought prone area, all of that in africa and, and the but jobs jobs are really important. and right. so right, we go to the elections as is customary in october and that, that they dates. there's nothing unusual inputs on a, we will have an election. we will have account will have a declaration of a, went out that would be a syrian and what's on the continues and data and starting remains. and then moving forward, how would you want your relationship with, with jeremy and, and, and indeed other countries to be like, you know, looking at the current and sort of back and forth between what's why and you have any, for instance, of our listeners a gemini, is not defined by events, it may go give a clear we have a strong bilateral relations, but a strong the provider relations that uh, you know, are uh, focused uh, premised on
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a mutual benefit disability. and so we'd want them to grow that, but we want to grow as these patients grow in the same way as we want to grow. gemini was a strong, a stable pa for gemini, is a strong steve of profitable drama. but we want it to start delivered thing towards the end, the a balance in, in the global word order. and so, and how can it be a safe for us when some parts of the world excruciating the pool and some parts of the world exposure to the rich and powerful? it's certainly not safe. so we want that to be understood, embraced accepted by germans as we want by everybody else. so what we want for ourselves is only one for the germans and reduce the germans. what they want for themselves is one. the one for us is excellent and see what grade see my cc
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president of the republic of atlanta. thank you very much for your time. thank you . have a good day. you're watching the, the news africa still to come of the taxi driver in northern kenya, who as his communities backbone, when it comes to rural health care much fast. let's go to uganda. where active is this week filed an appeal to the supreme call to about a controversial entity legislation adopted last year. now we only have a sponsor constitutional court upheld the law that was stripped. fundamental rights from individuals who identify us, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or korea. as a result of the community has been left prone to more violence. if you have any say about discrimination and abuse, creat ugandans are leaving the homes and families behind flee into neighboring countries. either combining reports from nairobi, can you send them away?
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j is. are you gun done? who's been leaving in kenya since 2016? he was forced to leave his home because he's clear life and combine approved in variable for him, up to the countries upon them, and foster little that increase the penalties for some forms of conceptual seem 6 x . even his family turned on him. i was brutally beaten by a mobilization or by my uncle and the blazing people. a thing i'm a disgrace. i remember i woke up i know on the hospital bed. and from there i was like you've got a nice long home and it's not stuff. since relocating to kenya sooner has made a life for himself, here he works with an organization that helps create safe spaces for other displeased l g b t q. persons in the country. currently 9 people, most of them from uganda, leaving the safe house with him, sula, tells me,
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kenya is the only home now, a reality that's still difficult to accept even up to 8 years. know they've got a nice guy, nice on home. and it's really pains me, but or something like somewhere that's where i am from the i don't regret it at home anymore. i mean, we've grace, i hope i hope like people home and get to i mean, everyone gets to the sales at home. yeah. despite feeling more comfortable here sooner and his friends still have to feel for their lines since the beginning tell yeah, sooner has actually had to move houses full time figuring violence and harassment. he actually tells me that this week he was attacked on a motorcycle taxi just for being clear. now, can you like you're going to also criminalizes homosexuality but sooner says he
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feels much safer. here. i wouldn't be conscious of using the, i'd say book you money is a lawyer working with the queer community. if you feel that your life is at risk to run to where you think you're safe, but there's no conviction or guarantee of it. but the minute you step on kenyan, so it, you're still governed by below the sudden the clothes email peanut cord. you're still governed by the same policeman on the same communities, the tub and internalize ca and hatred for homosexuals at the safe house. champagne . the latest to arrive on the grease to speak to us. the trust gentleman finally made it to kenya to support for me. i do know. she tells me a lot of a queer friends are still experiencing abusing you, gone to abuse similar to what you suffered at the hands of house. how many, even my mother told me, if i know the iris, you feel going david's to prison. you're going to die, they're going to kill you from there. even my bicycle bread that if you get sick
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jesse request file, an eviction with just kills through. just take you to read just like that. or eventually champagne hopes to move to a country that does not criminalize sexuality or sexual orientation. for now though, she remains under the care of sooner, who says he's committed to working in kenya for the displaced in his community. in the safe house. he shows me a gallery of korea, people from all over the world. i remind that they are not alone. corruption punctures. all next reports looks that some of the unsung heroes of on the ground healthcare across the continent. community health within test. these are local people with basic training who supports doctors and promotes in public health treat might not illnesses and sometimes bring patients to clinics, falls on work. they are not paid, but sometimes get a monthly stipend of use for the ex marine to travel to nothing. can you
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investigate? what about the taxi driver who's trying to do his bit this is a local. i'm the last 2 to kind of county driving. it can be difficult to read is tricky and the equipment is not state of the art. but for my every your community health, valencia, it is what the efforts funding on my mom i i feel good because of the work that i do. i'm the women. i have referred to the hospital and that kids are in good health without any issues. and i see that when i see kids in my community enjoying good health, it makes me happy. and i mean, when i feel that the work i do is good, as it helps my immediate community, because i will be in this i, this is in a village with no public transport to pay you once experience with the bike is even valuable to watch as a motorcycle the taxi driver will not go simple. sometimes you called out in the middle of the night for a rescue. cliff team in security is a huge problem in our area. you can easily run into folks who go around at night
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when you're forced away coughing. since you can't continue sleeping while the patient is in pain. well, i'm in need of urgent medical care. what is it for when the okla not on he brings people to the clinic for check ups or treatments when he comes to help them himself, community health balance, he has have training in basic medical care and public health. when they come to our home, they ask us to speak to con powell, they bring us medicine, they tell us to purify water from the river by installing q or fires so that the water is being on your mind. we can drink and why? because of, you know, when you this is a yawn and coverage, the villages here to the galaxy and it suited resulting feel. people have difficulty needing that open, reducing the chances of children getting infectious diseases. and then yeah, but what we want to make this a good place by digging some latch trends and cleaning them so that when the doctor
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comes to assess it and yeah, but it's like, finds it's clean or whatever what it needs to. but even when we have visitors reveal no shame for them and you get to think of a lot of, uh you will what he is. he doesn't, you know, thing a community health a whole. and he has, are instrumental for increasing health literacy and promoting healthy behaviors with female localities. he and cannot. there are about a $100000.00 of them who have to navigate every day difficulties to deliver health care at the village level. so those managing health community health warranty has getting people to the clinic is a big benefits via sisters. so much on number one, they do the photo of plans for the facility to also we use them in order to pass information to plants for patients. once they leave the facility here is not, they don't disclose preventive health, where i know the device, the community on healthy living, they even advise the community on how when to seek health care. they pay you and
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see if he can see positive changes in his community for the future plus my or if i knew you have to work for this generation. so the late to they'll come and work for the community. you know? yeah, that's what i think about and i was saying, yeah, i don't volunteer for money or any other reason is finding what home just so that all community members will be able to enjoy good health in the long term in the community here too. because of what i kind of occupies house community, helpful, and he has like a your, i've a, he didn't buckboard of health care in the world, kenya, and 5 that across africa. and that's how you wrap up the program. we leave you with pictures from the wall where the app is your own market for performing arts is showcasing some of africa's amazing talent. so you next time i for now of the, the,
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the, into the conflicts own, with tim sebastian. as the warning ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states watch anxiously from the ringside seats, pressing the west to increase a kia and make sure russia dozens with my guest this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to place you on this current. and he's clear mater a set up the scale conflict in 30 minutes on the
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w to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. growing frustration with the us as russia rams of aerial assaults. can ukraine hold its eastern front as it struggles under rock at a time? and how can its air defenses be strengthened? join us this week on to the point. to the point in 90 minutes, d w, the us, he's got issues with a lot say what crazy. the
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name project cassandra re determined through our investigations that has pull out was operating like a global drug carts. not somebody normally sees harris organization. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we have in las vegas to attack a terrace organization finance. the idea is the fall of the money, the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i was scared, but i mean as well as another whole life, they want to do actually money. i wanted to take down their findings. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people invited the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016. so the opportunity was, was for our 3 pot documentary series, a musty hezbollah stats may force on d,
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w. the, you're watching the news coming to live from berlin, reports of explosions in the sky over iran. and ronnie and media say air defense systems were activated at a nuclear facility near the central city of is find this after israel valve retaliation for a runs unprecedented drone and missile attack. last week we'll go live to israel for the very latest. also coming up on the show today, indian prime minister and the rank remote, he chases another term in office as voting starts in the world's biggest election.


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