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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, appeals for called, after suspected his rarely air raid on iran, for testers take to the streets of, to run after explosions. here in the rainy an army base. know coming from israel. what a raining leaders play down the significance of the strikes and do crating claims and shut down a long range of russian bomber for the 1st time. and need to agree is to help strengthen cues, air defenses, sending more patriot missile batteries and safety concerns lead you on most recall all electric cyber trucks sold by test or so far, nearly 4000 vehicles in total. the,
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i'm in dolton. berlin, thanks for tuning in. thousands have taken to the streets of uranium capital taylor onto voice their anger over suspect it is really airstrike inside the country. renewed officials say that the military hit a military base near the city of s. s. is 500, excuse me, there in central run, international leaders have appealed for call thousands of people on the streets of to ron, making the message to israel clear. i think health science enchanted debt to israel was often a legit. it's really striking when he raining and soil the i've been doing this, these pictures posted on social media showing and damaged military base and it's
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for hong after the attack it's covered in the area is a major sense of military production. with the country's most important nuclear in richmond facility, located nearby. what i'm, what does that used to be rainy and state media? it said there was no damage following the strikes, which is basically an iran life is based on whatever happens normally, there is nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary. speaking of the g 7, somebody, it's really on friday, us secretary of state. and to me blinking made america's position clear what the g 7 is focused on. and again, it's reflected in our statement and in our conversation is our work to deescalate tensions german foreign minister on elena bab, bulk called for cool heads. so how do we as the, as the g 7,
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we have the site adhere to the clean post part, their sections and measures on the rainy every g, mom and so many of to die at the same time. everything must be done to prevent that escalation. we don't foreseeable consequences for an entire region. so and again, so the united states is rails wall cabinets has been debates and gets responds to a large scale through rating and a talk last weekend. that's came of the israel's presumed strike of any rainy and diplomatic compound, but it's hope friday morning's mon knew this could be the last of to, to run indicated it has no plans, retaliation, dw washington correspondent benjamin others. gruber has more than what the bite and administration is saying about the iran explosions. what us officials have been saying is that it was and is really missile strike the heyday of ron. that the target of this drug inside the ron was not new,
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clear and well officials have sat here in the us. the washington was informed before this dr. secretary blinking declined to confirm those reports when he was asked about it after the 7 for a ministers meeting in a to the only said instruct several times that the us was not involved in an offensive and interesting mead was the tally and for in minnesota told reporters that the g 7 meeting company that is well informed the us before it's overnight attack on a run. now these strikes come as lawmakers into us move a step closer to proving more aid for is real, but also for ukraine this weekend. what might happen at that low do for saturday afternoon and that's right, that ukraine 8 bill clear at a critical headland. the house of for present as is today. and during the vote and for saturday speaker of the house, my johnson will rely on the vote of democrats to get it through. and that's very interesting in this case, because many republicans are increasingly reluctant to provide additional funding
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a to keep even call a full the party costs from within the party to i was the speaker of the house over the supplemental r a growing. and the fact that mike johnson, in this case, will need democratic votes to get the $95000000000.00 for an agent on. bill's past is highly unusual in the deeply polarized house of representatives. so it is a crucial vote is ukraine. it will need this to defend itself against the russian aggression and also considering that the white house has been lobbying and has been pressing the congress for months not to get this package. finally approved was who said there was seen some consensus among mainstream politicians but the same time for right republicans like major retailer green or already threatening to hours for public and house speaker johnson over these votes. so the question is, can you hang onto his job? that's a good question and the republican lawmakers did you just mentioned a headset that you would reduce spending it for ukraine to 0. she has a cues,
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the speaker of the house, because the johnson of being controlled by the democrats. it won't be easy for johnson to form quite complicated, bi partisan coalitions on saturday because this package, of course, is not only help for ukraine, but also for israel invest some a less cleaning politic students who refused to back additional military aid for israel. so it remains to be seen 1st, how this road will unfold and then tied to that will be how is some, a republican, some pretty allowed of republicans will react. and if they will continue pushing forward with trying to us and the speaker of the house of for present, well very contentious situation in washington that was benjamin over his group or in washington dc. thank you very much for your reporting. here's a brief look at some other stories making headlines around the world. reports say the united states has agreed to withdraw our troops from new share of the base. there has been key and counterterrorism efforts in this all hell region protest
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against the us presence of taking place in new jersey or falling a military coup with air in july of last year. north korea says it has tested a large war head for a street strategic cruise missiles. is believe the missile has been designed to carry a nuclear payload, killing me, and also released images of a test firing of what it says is a new type of anti aircraft. missile needle has agreed to strengthen ukraine's air defences, including sending more patriot missile systems to the country. including president award to me is a lensky, has repeatedly appealed to western allies for more help and has been leading the ministers in brussels. separately. ukraine says that i shot down a long range russian bomber for the 1st time. but officials in moscow see the aircraft simply crashed, and as far as the populated area because of a malfunction during a combat mission. i mean, while russian forces have been in for inflicting steady losses on ukraine, allowing them to seize over again,
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positions in the east of the country after major setbacks and the 1st year of the war, russian now seems to have the advantage president vladimir putin believes he's forces have turned the tide in his favor. they're slowly seizing mor, ukrainian territory, and damaging its economy with long range strikes. suggests that the strategy is always the same. i need to show you better results than the commanders in the neighboring states as a friend. looks back to us and the generals, you need to show that somehow your troops and moving forward. so if you don't show you these kinds of results or just say that you are holding your positions or pending, or are you creating attacks? not losing any type of a tree. that is a bad results, and you are likely to be replaced most of the questions and setup with somebody else. like i'm, i'm doing it for more than a year. the front line and these 2 ukraine has barely moved. the fiercest fighting
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is now taking place near the city of the russian forces are also trying to take tests if you are. that's new box mode, which was captured a year ago. to do so, they're using a simple tactic, an upsetting it's absolutely in humane, brutal, and so on. with this tactic works, it's a back to it involves pushing through ukrainian defenses, despite heavy casualties. it suited means relentless attacks by small and medium sized groups. but without any serious maneuvers when you're without the support of the tank units or something come along. but i think they'll continue these attacks because no one sees any of the more effective way to deal with the water with as possible at nissan of egypt and the russian armies face and equipment and weapons shortages. although the problem is not as serious as the ukraine inside,
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many of them in factories in russia have stepped up production in new ones being built. a good example is the factory and types of stands which produces drones. there was absolutely nothing there before the war. even joined the 1st year of the war. but since then they've built these plans to produce is huge amounts of sha had drones, which attract to grainy and cities almost every day. one of the, the, the with, despite the advantage and resources, the russian war machine is set to be struggling to replace its losses. and all this believe that big changes in the conflict around likely in the coming months. a settlement i've got nicholas, generally speaking, the russian strategy at the moment is to drag out. but fighting until november with slow advances. the shape of west of russia will not suppose it's offensive that it
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will advance further. in november rush, you will see who becomes with next us presidents and we'll then begin to plan what it does next. what that all started. so he said the shape last until then, russia is expected to continue. it's long range strikes and frontal assault with so there are casualties in ukrainian cities and them on its own soldiers. steve, on most car company, tesla has issued a recall for all of it. cyber truck electric pickup trucks, because its accelerator pedal can apparently get stock down. cyber truck owners reported that the pad covering the accelerator pedal can come loose and get trapped by the vehicles trim that causes the truck to accelerate unintentionally raising the risk of a crash. the cyber truck is most latest brainchild being released just 5 months ago . after repeated delays, 4 years ago, a welcome warren, this i now joined in the studio by dw reporter, dorman. so ben, that sounds like
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a pretty serious issue. what exactly is behind it? well cool, and it has the it all comes down to so, so what's been happening is that employees working in factories making this truck have been using. so as lubricants to kind of get this pedal pad jammed on when they shouldn't be. and the reason they shouldn't be successively be leading behind a soapy residue and is that residents causing this path to slick? all 6 others are entirely, was get stuck just causing these problems and you have to bear in mind here we're talking about a truck that weighs over 3 tons. that you don't less than it has the right proud. you can go from 0 to a 100 kilometers per hour on to 3 seconds. so if you behind the wheel, this gets stuck, you might have a little time to at. now, tesla is i came to point out that if you slam on the brakes and the same time is this problem. if you will stop the engine, it'll be okay. however, clearly the noise is very serious issue because as you said, they were cooling. absolutely. everyone of these trucks that rolled up the production line since november, the st. the customers, you gotta bring it back. we need to fix this for the sounds like an incredibly low
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tech problem and a low tech solution for one of the biggest tech companies in the world. and this isn't the 1st problem that's confronted the science truck. is that? no, i mean this truck has had a very troubled history from the get go. it's being freedom from the prototype stage. people have been saying this simply this outlined, this new looking vehicle is not really up to snuff. i mean, take those scrutiny is focused on it's heavy steel body cycle, excess guides and design that lots of critics same probably makes it much more unsafe. other road users who are involved in accidents with the truck fashion has of course claims that is absolutely safe. but i mean, tesla is, has many other issues as well. regulation is particularly paid scrutiny to it cycle altered pilot self driving system, which must, cuz he is said would allow people to basically be hands off in driving, but seems to be integrated and has been investigated for potentially being involved in a lot of accidents with drivers have taken that as an excuse to just stop paying any attention to the road. and this isn't the only bit of bad news has been for the tassel in recent weeks, as a new test has been really going through
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a bad striking bad period right now. just this week, the company all shareholders to go back and vote again on readings, choosing a massive pay package for musk was you know, great timing for that vote for him. now. is also is they've posted some of the worst sales because since i'm demick, they've announced they're going to cut 10 percent more than 10 percent of the company's workforce, including probably big job pets here in germany. and they've also cancel to come along the way to cheap the models that was meant to get people on board meant to help and compete with china. so things with this big, serious recall really going from bad to west protest any longer. and it does seem as if the brakes have been put on test one human must right now that was dw reporter been dormant. thank you very much for your reporting. all right, that's all for now. but coming up next, what next? for the global economy, we have an interview with. i am a research director, pio olivia. i'm go inches and remember if you need more news on the go,
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there's always our website, that's the w. com. and of course you can check us out on social media that includes instagram and x, where a handle is at t w. news and or something for lynn. thank you very much for joining us. the driven by greed in the 2000 the storage of band engaged in various high risk business practices raised for ever higher profit. and then the epic, the mind of a german institution, the dodge of bank story, to may seconds on the w, the thomas. thank you very much for making time for the busy weeks of the year. let's talk.


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