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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 10:15pm-10:31pm CEST

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so they're still fighting on know, especially to the pros, the business station and the company. and that's it from me and the news team. i'll have enough data at the top of the out, got f as in umbrella and the world of free speech. free open access to free information for every training. next, take action on detail. use global media for 2024. a bunch of any practiced in those tests a bit as from all over the world to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow and
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join us and register. now for the dw global media, for in 2020, for the debt fine is on, the gold is off the stuff. if i heard people this stuff like that, we go down and past that many move, women move full, i'm on the side, it's a space that does all the sensors make my know, look, i can even manage a know, look a has incredible coaching players who compete from the 1st to last, 2nd without ever seeing the ball is unbelievable. a sports that's inclusive. it's an awesome score. it because it brings 2 worlds together, it was cited and visually impaired. the
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well come, the german national team haines to impress habit. it was closed in the back of my mind to it quietly hoping to win. and i'm especially looking forward to meeting new women's teams. i'm planning them being annoyed so yeah. it's much day in the gym and blind football bundles, legal st. totally getting ready among them. 17 year old toya. she's the only room and in between the just one quarter of visually impaired people who have the potential to play actually taking part on the line football. the sport isn't that well now on which be, and it's great that women are taking part of the cases like totally i who can keep up with the guys are rare and the other women would not be able to play at this level. and con dispute on the phone with miss elizabeth naval mich. good. the final preparations ahead of impose
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a match against her to the lens. coach bolts gives importance instruction. communication doesn't mean thing. one sentence every 10 minutes, you always have to know where your teammates are in the pitch. the japanese always say, hey hey, we're a new, it's nowhere each other not is among the most experienced female players. she started playing at the age of 9. i was at the ceiling and stopped and had a tough time. it starts because it was a man who i settled in and then it was very nice on the shelf before the match. the rest rate checks the eyes, every play of the special goals, guarantee that it's a level playing field. when it comes to start it's kind of focusing on this and i can still see initial, but i have to strain very hard to get any vision all when it's so so i can just
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switch off my vision and only here in speech, fine, it's a very freeing feeling like it's in the country just as limited space and i know the measurements and distance is on the pitch very well. it really is a sense of freedom and i feel really good that for you is that. 7 the kids go time to the months, the action and holding a metal plate and the bull makes a rattling sound, letting players know where it is on the pitch shouting. boy, teammates let each other know where they are excited go. people are not allowed to leave that books, otherwise they can see a penalty. cited guides give audio cues to help players locate the goal. to the patient is key in order to help sided and visually impaired
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players work together. it's been death is that simple cycle become much more confident on sunrise at the start. so i was very shy and didn't too much trouble. as a max of i've been in blind football, you need to speak about that. and so i've become much more communicative now calling it during the games. it's quiet, but in the break defense give it their own. one vocal support a is gone, a mock walk. she's a national team play of luck, toya. and today's the supporting who clubs splendidly gets side by side and stuff for everyone is equal on the page, whether you fully blind or still have some vision, your role the same voice. and so it's a tensile teams though with scientists and visually impaired players together, who are, you know, new when he comes together when we play as a unit and communicate as a team. i really enjoyed that. then other stuff as i had. and i thought maybe i could, someone that offered post is open right
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to yes, this one's closed. the i have to say probably fail to convert the many chances the balloon is get a goal. the team doesn't give them the points out the during, but unfortunately it won't be enough to win the german laid toilet the
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multiple makes up a big part of you on as less trips like this one to the humbug city talk are welcome destruction the, the blood football world championship in founding him is just weeks away, john, and will be there competing with the women's national team. the writing european champions qualified automatically despite that clue success, there is still a lack of funding from football associations. the players have to take the initiative in order to raise around 45000 euro is needed to attend the tournament. the crowd funding company because now we started a crowd funding campaign on the money stuffy, trickling in meg figler. we were really lucky and had so many fantastic people give us the opportunity to raise awareness with the public kind of show what we do,
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who we are and why we want to do this fine. most of them, i mean, it was a huge opportunity. i movies and we still really incredibly thankful for a little fun for me. john prusio john, who's only been playing the sport since 2020. now a lot without blind football is on thinkable. just a few days remain until the world championships. there aren't many training sessions, less confusing, monthly ceiling. we notice that's my thing. i got not feeling in my 1st training session and i never wanted to leave again once the voice tells me though, like okay, well good for yeah. yes, the good. along with splitting success, yano also aims to raise awareness for women's blood football during the tournament . is half the stuff i hope this is the stuff that we can go down upon. so many more women will follow us on guns goal. so the single future,
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it's not going to be such a big, strong goal, and that's what i'm, that's refunding welts of women and girls can get a taste for football. miss a, there are many of them all life and they just have to be really odd and activated more advice and like to get better because there aren't enough women to training men join in. so today's practice match problem in, in the game. any success and time oriented way that's the men's job. i was simply, i want you on a position to matilda outside. change it up. next it is quite mysterious. discuss this thing. we're really excited to be playing so many different team, assessing them on soft spring. i think we are well prepared and this will be really good embalming and still facilitate. this will be a challenge one, but i think we can shake things up a date. yeah. kind of been focusing on the team is hoping to get into form in one of the last tests before the tournament and visit the st. probably men's team help fill out the lineups. john,
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his main task is to defend as an easy against an opponent like toya the the 3rd experience and control on the board maker kneely on stuff. 6 the same as well prepared for the world championships with 12 institute, the 4 in funding and everything stops smoothly the foot off to the 1st few training sessions. some bad news reaches the squad at the final law test in england, toys vision is deemed to good to, to take part forward is disqualified and cannot play size necessary. but i
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because i was able to pay the european championships, i never imagined this could be the case. so i was very disappointed inside. i felt awful when i was told about trips and things gone. without toilet the german team is lacking a proper goal score. still the players give it their all in the 1st match against argentina to lose your toyota can only support them from the stands against austria and in the things get better off. yana and her team get to goal the strolls political process. see, it was a lot of fun watch on them and seeing them develop from game to game on my never. so if i being playing with the long, i would never did,
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but i would like to fight alongside him. can we think kevin sawyer stays in england? with attain the head of the final match, the squad makes a trip to the city. do so much the spot, the luck of a big success. the players enjoy the post shift lounge design and how important it is to be assertive and to stick together as of to someone else and also to be open to offer you same us but also to do things with the team to mind to be dad for each other to look out for each other . and then at the end of the pitch the match for 7th place is decided in a penalty. shoot out a m. s. thoughts steps up. and schools to prompt wild celebrations among the german team. save up all night and just finish the yeah.
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my wish for our team is the packets that we continue to trying to get them that we develop individually and that at some point to the move, recognize that women also play blind football and all that really well especially and, and i'm looking forward to that stuff quite well, championship title goes to odds and tina became out on top against the other 7 women, yana toya and their team also don't go home empty handed to the exchange shirts with the new world champion the so the, the, the view will tell you the we are happy that we are boxing
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. are you news african next on d w. art byron, eucharist quick protection. 1995. the artist crusoe wrapped the german writes dodge in fabric giving construction research has been caldwell and brilliant ideas. wrapping up buildings for protection. they developed a successful technology that's now saving an increasing number of buildings tomorrow today in 60 minutes or d, w. what secrets live you discover new adventures and 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both
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heritage dw world heritage 360. now the business data was in use africa coming up in the program. what's one i'm expelling a mama off on the president's wants to explore to $20000.00 funds to gemini, pushed back for criticism by german government officials of trophy hampton in this country. where this is and what do they do with the species that they also punts? how does a menace species that caused some challenges? and what are the numbers that they take out to you? for him all from what's want us press events on our friends and about with the mattress and the moments also coming up on the show, members of the gun, this l g b to kill community takes refuge.


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