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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land, taking the blame for intelligence is in the october the 2nd terror attacks. the head of israel's military intelligence unit becomes with the senior if they go to resign. because the sign is that allowed to come up to attack until pull than a 1000 people will say, coming up on the program, ukraine's president says billions of dollars in us funding willing show. ukraine does not become another forgotten conflict that's off to us will make, has approve a package of urgently needed military aid and the united states. that's down another superpower. its troops conduct naval drills with the philippines forces the
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time when both. so pushing back the gates, china is growing influence the how many people are making in welcome to the program. the head of israel military intelligence unit, has resigned for failing to prevent the hum of terror attack. on october, the 7th, in which 1200 people were killed and 250 others were kidnapped. major general a whole and hello eva is the 1st scene. it is really figure to step down over the attack. leave the said that's under his command. the intelligence directorate did not live up to its task. his decision to step down could set the stage for more resignations among israel's talk security personnel. alice comes as the is ready. miller trait says that it's chief of stuff has approve plans . press on with operations in the gaza strip. is ready,
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media reinforcing the pos of those plans include a military operation and the southern city of russell. this comes off to overnight strikes on rafa killed $22.00 people including 18 children and that's according to the health ministry and gaza, which is run by come off. well then half of the strips population of $2300000.00 have sought refuge and rough uh, which is situated on the border with egypt. and residence of the west bank launched a general strike of the weekend closing shops and other businesses off to is. randy troops rated a refugee camp in the territory. the palestinian red crescent, say at least 14 people were killed and dozens injured. israel says it was targeting millison, steering a counter terrorism operation. it strikes many, creates the new strong refugee camp in the northern part of the restaurant. after not many killed and injured dogs,
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boosters and homes destroyed to another can i you, my son was sleeping there. so he had to gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. he's always hire of. there was a slide for in front of him was shot same. i heard the son of the shooting. my oldest son went up there and sunday was bleeding. he planted this look at these flat palestinians describe these drive it as president. good. yep. and i'm the model. i mean, it'd be within that there is indeed complete destruction of homeless shop electricity grid. took up the sewage up towards the network. yeah. and the infrastructure and couple other have the you have to finish this incursion is unprecedented to clearly service nitrogen rooftop tab at his desk was nothing special forces deployed to this about people and it's indeed unreal or one of the
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other men, as i done is try the military sees it, get militants during the beat. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed the explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls. detritus, activities, violence in the westbank has escalated sharply introduced in month. on sunday, started the forces conform the king to palestinians who attacked a check point in the territory. according to the un, more than $450.00 ballast indians and 9 is tried. these have been killed in the west front since the october 7th debit attacked by hum us. then you went also sees the violence against palestinians is trying the fittest. there has increased significantly because i did states and a number of other countries having both functions on vide incentives and arch is trying to do more to stop the violence. the following day started
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by listing and residents launched agenda. the strike shops, universities found on the public transportation, but for blues to protest bases are needed under 50 guns. ukraine has welcome to vote by us lawmakers to review urgently needed military assistance. president, load them is a landscape, says the 61000000000 dollar a package post by the us house gets his troops a real trunks of victory on the battlefield. cholenski is now urging a quick passage through the us sentence. speaking on american television, he said the military $0.08 a clear message to months ago in the deeds of 18. so enforcing the support from the united states of america. and of course, uh the supports of the american people use us because of course, the political decisions depends on the public opinion. and this age will
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try to ukraine and sans is to come in upon powerful signal that it will not the the 2nd attempt on his tongue dw, correspond to knit. connolly is in eastern new train where russian forces have been making steady advances. i asked him what the reaction has been to news of the us military aid package. it was a huge relief i was thinking of when the news came through and you could really see people staring at their phones calling each other really kind of even kind of them to show those people who kind of given up hoping after all these months wrangling that it would actually finally arrive, i think it is psychologically a massive deal. and also in terms of the scale of this a, if you look at the psalms, it's basically in $1.01 charge of a more than the us has given since the beginning of this world. so it is vital, it is huge. and as you know, people here and you can't expect,
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it's hopefully the 1st bits of the day they're going to come pretty soon. so specifically, what kind of, of weapons are expected in an importantly, i mean, are they going to get to where they needed quickly enough? so in terms of the contents of this bill, what we're going to see arriving to where you credit for lines, i think it's just about we still can't. i mean it's not is the, it's your 1st priority for the credit ministry. we have a situation right now whether ukrainian armies being outgunned or from by 6, even 10 to one and having to use it kind of cause the drones to compensate for the lack of basic munitions. so they're hoping for those to roll across the border into ukraine. pretty soon, same goes for munitions for had yak, off systems we've seen given, you know, these delays ukraine able to shoot down many few of michelle's and was the case of 6 months ago as a result. much greater damage being inflicted. and in terms of new types of equipment coming as being hope there was to speak a talk in dc about as a cams ballistic, munitions. but with a larger range the braces bites to be sent to you. great,
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which would really allow ukraine to attack russ logistics and rushes mitre installations and crimea. a little hans cadets far away from the front lines, making that much harder for russia to go into offensive on for life next. thank you so much for that. let's the w net connelly are forcing from the new pro region and east of ukraine. and we're going to take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and global military expenditure. so it's steepest increase in over a decade in 2020, 2023, reaching an old time high of $2.00 trillion us dollars is still called international peace research institute says was and rising tensions fueled spending across the world. the united states was the biggest spend followed by china and russia. both korea has fired multiple ballistic missiles towards its eastern horses . that's according to south korea's military. north korea has accelerated its
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weapons testing and recent months is it continues to expand its military capabilities in response, south korea and japan have strength and then look, 3 ties with the united states. and germany has arrested 3 german citizens on suspicion of spying for china. now, according to the federal prosecutors office, the 2 men and one woman had success upfront companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to develop a china's navy information about their activities. being collected by the gym and domestic intelligence center. see how the united states and the philippines are set to begin the annual valley town or shoulder to shoulder military exercises on monday, these are the most expensive mail. it treat drills. yes. and they common that arise intentions between china and the philippines. obviously is drills will include the 1st of the military exercises held outside the philippines,
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territorial waters in the south china sea. the problem is that those of which has partly claimed by beijing and controlled by its coast guard, the us and the philippines have a longstanding mutual defense, tracy and other recent summits in washington. us president joe biden said his country's commitments to manila, what quotes and todd dw is east asia correspondent, james tried to explain to the importance of this. he is exercises, it's the biggest annual display of them. is it true unity between the us and its mutual defense. tracy allied, the philippines, the product time exercises this year, bringing together more than $16000.00 personnel for almost 3 weeks of drills. the exercises this time last week responding to the maritime tensions between the philippines and china in the south china sea. in recent months, paging his fide voice. it kinda ins that philippine resupply vessels near the
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disputants. second, thomas shown where a philippine ship was deliberately beach as an outpost in 1919 north for about 3 is the prospect of the us being drawn into direct conflict with badging. if any uh, service men really feed no service mine is killed by an at that phone, any foreign power. then that is time to involve the mutual defense. the philippines coast guard has been on the front line of chinese aggression. and that's why they've been invited to join the exercises for the 1st time to in another fast by like a 10 maritime drills will take place beyond the philippine territorial waters is but within its exclusive economic sun shown by the yellow line here. but that has the potential to frustrate badging because it overlaps with china is so cool. 9 dash line in blue here. that's what it says which page and claims its own. despite of 2016 international court ruling, that it had no legal basis to do so. this is exercise as will be directed in part
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from 3 of 4 philippine military bases to which the us gained new access last year. they include locations near the 2nd time the show, but also the structure of water separating the philippines in taiwan. the so for democracy, china claims it's on the exercise, just follow a flurry of diplomatic activity aimed at bringing washington's allies in asia. closer together. over the philippine president, sudden and mall coast junior, recently attended a historic 1st try natural summits with the leaders of the us and japan mall costs us. instead, the meeting wasn't talking to any country in particular, but badging won't. the bulk of time exercises would only lead to grades of insecurity for the philippines. the volume the philippines should be silver enough to realize that rallying external countries to flex military muscles in the south, china sea, for the conflicts will escalate tensions. the, the french personnel would also join the trails for the 1st time. alongside
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australia, he pictured conducting maritime exercises with the us, japan, and the philippines. earlier this month. this is public atlantic sizes, the latest episode in us efforts to galvanize its allies in the end of that report by or east asia correspondent james trade. so who tell me what's different about this? he is drills will quite simply, the stakes just fail so much higher and the region itself feels much more fractious over the last. yeah, we've really seemed to key things change. have we seen trying to become much more sensitive? maybe is dispute. the territory is in the south china sea. as i mentioned in the report, sometimes farnworth economy philippine vessels injuring some filipino personnel to . and then the other thing we've seen happen really is a philippines during march close to, to the us and it's highlights in the region to like, like japan. we've seen a president fund. i'm of course, you know, take, taking much more kind of combative approach to china about meeting this,
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of course is coming off. the block is really important. the historic charlottesville summits between the natives of the us, japan and the philippines. the key outcome of that meeting, president biden were yes, racing that, that mutual defense treaty that it has with me and is in clouds. but that's what these exercises are really a demonstration of it. but that all concerns, of course, that spoke through the demonstration of, of military units see through these exercises. but also with the other cheer, political developments that we're seeing in the end, or facilitate that this is a flash point that could potentially bring the us china into direct conflict because of that mutual defense research on depends the relationship between the us and the philippines. dw is trans trace of the is a good reminder for you of our top story. the head of israel is military intelligence unit has resigned, sustaining to prevent come off to her attack on october, the 7th. major general avalon halima is the 1st scene is ready. so i got to step
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down in the meantime, we have time for coming up next up. film looks at personalized nutrition for different voting toys the crown provide you can, i'm and you can see the do you big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury cars awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in yet the supply chains does massa tv deal industry illegal as a stats may said on dw.


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