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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the news life from pulling another arrest here in germany over alleged buying for china. the latest suspects would be detained, works for the fall of rights, member of the european solomon's 3 of those of being held on similar charges. also coming off us universities of the bronx quite unrest. escrow policy and protests spread. several us do and it was the piece close campuses full of students come in support of golfing and the british parliament also is a controversial built the default of items take us sort of under 5 minutes to insist the 1st flights we'll take off with the,
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the i'm the how, sorry, welcome to the program. we begin with a series of progress in germany on suspicion of spying for china. the latest suspect to be detained is a long standing aid to a member of the european parliament who represents the far right alternative for germany party. to men and women have also been arrested. the german government safety espionage accusations, all serious. beijing meanwhile denies any wrong doing, jim and prosecutors say gen g e. can we code fully named repeatedly post on information to china, about confidential discussions with the european parliament? gm and media reports say this involve debates on security and defense. implications of china has influence on the use critical infrastructure,
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or he's also accused of spying on people in germany who are opposed to the chinese government. the german citizen has been working as an aid to maximilian crime. he sits in the european parliament for the fall of rice, a f d party. cross said he had no prior knowledge of the rest of his staff member. he promised if the allegations prove true, genji would be fine on the european parliament to mediately suspended the leg spy. some say tough images, i need it. it's really time that we have a thorough investigation and information. what is going on there, that the so called petri quotes are you know, showing how weak they are in terms of taking money from autocrats from all over the world. we come to jim and chance little up show and visited china. gemini has seen several arrests over suspected espionage. but you, i'm an interior minister says the latest case is significant. the father for dash
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united, the accusations of espionage for china are very serious. and if it turns out to be true that this espionage took place from within the european parliament, would it be an attack on the internal constitution of democracy in europe past the type of democrats? he, in the old process, china has so far officially denied any involvement in espionage, but as the e. u prepared for elections to its parliament in june. this incident will add to growing fee as the democratic institutions across europe, being targeted by foreign intelligence agencies. audio we all stop political correspondence, simon young. the tell us more about the accusations against the if the staff member or yeah, it's already being am extraordinary. we get in terms of, you know, allegations of chinese espionage. as you said, uh, just on monday, 3 german citizens were arrested. the accused of
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a trying to obtain military information about military technologies and passing that back to chinese intelligence. and so you arrest perhaps a rare because it's said that the chinese, the approach has been relatively cautious in the past. but i think a domestic intelligence services here in germany at any rate have been warning for quite a while. that the chinese are willing to use illegal methods to, to promote their ambitions politically, militarily and economically. student protests against the war and gauze. i'll have spread to universities across the united states. several colleges have closed off campuses and switch to remote learning. so i'm getting most of these cold and police to break up protest camps. hundreds have been arrested since last week. administrators feel the citizens could stoke anti semitism, but the students say they're defending free speech. new york university warren
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students to leave before they called in police to arrest them. they had been living in 10 camps, setup on campus to protest israel's war in gaza. it's a movement that has been growing at universities across the us. now some institutions including this one in boston or restricting access to campus to deal with what is happening inside. we were following what was going on at columbia university and were very upset when 100 west columbia put out a call to action versus across the country to set up the captains at their schools . so more than 100 students were arrested last week at new york's columbia university for setting up what they called pro palestinian encampments. and they were established just as the universities president faced law makers in the us
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congress. the grilled her about claims of growing anti semitism on campus. the university has now closed it stores and shifted to online learning. but some lawmakers say this isn't enough. every single one of these college and university presidents will refuse to take action should immediately resign in this phrase. i have never seen a more disgraceful act than what we are seeing on college campuses right now. the confrontation between students and administrators comes as pass over one of the jewish religions, most important holidays that underway. well, some students will take their classes online, maybe at the campus are staying put. they say for them, it's a matter of justice and free speech. now i'm going to most of the
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administrations have been in the spotlight with some deciding to call him police to detain protest. those dw washington correspondent benjamin a lot as global has moved on that 6. that's right. some universities like columbia or n y u, new york university has taken that decision. schools are told to send communications if they want n y p d a new york police department to come in. that's what the major eric adams, the mayor of uh, new york said earlier today at a press conference, the stress that that's the procedure full private property. and that is different a, with a what and what to do does on the streets for those who are protesting outside of the universities. and that's something that we have been seeing because they're not just protest within the universities, but also supportive who gather outside of the gates of the university to support the students that are setting up. this encampments at columbia university, the students that protested it. and they said that they will keep the so called it guides us all the guardian compet until the university divest from companies with
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it ties to israel. last weekend on sunday, i was they are a covered to this and compliment theory. it's a small if timeframe that we've done, let's get to also get it to campus grounds and that will fly as it were, handed out, stating that they would remain until the universe instead. that's all i find interest. so we have to see how that develops and what the steps and university and president and the all those on management will take now it will look like and then the next couple of days. the w. washington correspondent benjamin a lot, his group of them. now, let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. in the us, prosecutors have austin new york judge due to fine former president, donald trump, for allegedly intimidating businesses in violation of a gag order. trumpet being tried for falsifying business records to cover up a $150000.00 payment to an adult from stall to keep a highland about an alleged sexual encounter. the 5 migraines have died while
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trying to cross the english channel from, from the prison. believe to have fallen off and overcrowded boat carrying 112 people, some 50, all those on board were rescued and taken to a nearby french town. apologies this, it'd be all those insisted on resuming that journey. meanwhile, the british parliament has bought the controversial bill to send those islands. he goes to rebundle prime minister of issues. so luck insists the full slice coming migrants will leave within weeks. but legal challenges are expected just after midnight, the 2 year legal impala meant to be stay all night ended order. with this vote in the house of commons, the i to the right, 312. the news to the last 237. so the, i have it the, i have a, it's a controversial that has divided opinion in britain and across here,
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as well as in the one to some see it as an economic opportunity a, i think it to be good for the mission considering but in there's no, nothing that is better than human to copy to quote us, we are very grateful to receive the images from the u. k, because this will support the countries development. i'm not sure it's correct to the hosting them as an opportunity to us as for wanda and because they have skills which still share with us. so you understand that this is a profit for us of is look at it from an ethical and historical perspective of it. why 2 and one is history. we had many refugees kindly as a result of the genocide against the to the right. and we got help from the neighboring countries. so we support the refugees at that too, because we understand deeply it's good for them to come on and good for us to host
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them on the la hotel. now and when does is like this man who wish to remain anonymous and not so sure where you're going to find that goes for these people who uh so the like we've graduated but we've noted that you had the jobs, we are out there searching for jobs british prime minister officially. so next phase, the 1st deportation slides, but just a few weeks away. and with immigration, a key issue among voters in europe. it's likely that other governments will be keeping a close eye on the policy success or failure in ukraine modem to use after the russian invasion border areas are still coming on the mass of shelling. a month ago, rochelle launched a widespread bombardment of townsend villages and assuming a region in northeast and ukraine, using missiles and guided abriel booms, dw met with residence of a village called village. because besides,
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we've come and with former residents who fled elsewhere for safety. as the silly region 6 kilometers from the russian border before the month varmints and march, 4000 people lived in the village of a league. peace carissa. now about $500.00 are left. the regional government says russian aircraft dropped nearly 200 guided bombs on the community over 2 weeks and march macola and his wife tomorrow stay to take care of their elderly parents that you're getting collaborative. you what? what did they say for you? my father in law said i was born here. i'm going to die here and that's it. i have to give him food. he can barely stand on his own feet that the police helped evacuate residents from villages near the border while local authorities organized evacuation buses. some villages are now completely empty. in the legal piece,
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carissa local infrastructure was destroyed. the administration building the hospitals, schools, workers were just finishing repairs on the library when the showing started mobile. we have so many projects and ideas, but we didn't have time yet. we didn't have time to do it. because now i think we've gone down and looked at that and we're going to store it again for more russian air strikes. could comment any time we asked the mayor of she is afraid to stay on and work here. sydney. this is my house, this is my home. i'm not a free to told the story. this town about 50 kilometers from the russian border. now shelters evacuated, to tell harrowing stories of russian bombardments. does. the social is easy,
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this of everything was flying from the sky or the one. something happened to my ear . i have a noise in my head and cannot hear when the explosions are really scary, unbeatable. i didn't want to leave. i didn't want to put the last moment shelter. residents are supposed to move on to stay with relatives or find rental housing needs on clear when it will be safe for anyone to return home. and finally, the greek capital athens has been covered in dust, blowing in from the hot on it does the color of the sky over landmarks, including the acropolis, giving the city a motion like appearance, a treat for photographers, perhaps. but officials say the haze could also reduce visibility and took a breathing problems with kaiser predict typically a wednesday, as winds shift for hot, our release has between 60 and 200000000 tons of mineral dusk every year.
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that's all for now, but stick with us up next on global us, we announced the traffic crisis. you can get full stories on youtube and social media channel. i'm the hell jewelry. thanks for watching the do you big ultima? video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in. yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw good name that i think that shows what they know saying i sent you the.


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