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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the w news coming to live from berlin, desperately needed military aid on its way to ukraine. the west preston joe biden says weapons shipments will start within hours after he signs a bill into law, assigning billions of dollars in aid for kids. floss us secretary of states anthony blinking is in china pushing for better ties between washington and patient. talks are expected to be tough with chinese support for russia. a big issue on the agenda as well as our me says, it struck in dozens of hezbollah targets in southern lebanon,
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in retaliation for raucous, fired over the border. it claims weapons and storage and infrastructure were destroyed. and from california to new york, us students step up pro palestinian protests on college campuses. hundreds have been arrested. the i'm clear, richardson, thank you very much for joining us. us president joe biden has signed a bill into law authorizing a billions of dollars in military aid for ukraine. lawmakers past the $61000000000.00 package over the weekend, ending a month long stand off in congress items that supplies would soon be on their way. i'm making sure the shipment start right away. the next few hours really be 2 hours
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from equipment to ukraine, for air defense, munitions, for artillery rocker systems and armored vehicles. you know, this package is literally invest not only and brand new cringe, but in europe. in our own secure and rushes invasion of ukraine is that to be a major topic as us secretary of state and to me, blank and hold talks in china. lincoln's visit comes as tensions between the us and china are rising. washington has accused beijing of helping mosque as war effort and ukraine, which it denies. so presidents champagne and vladimir approach and have previously said they have a relationship without limits. how to put limits on a relationship without limits on his for the emission to beijing. you a secretary of state, anthony blink, and we'll hope to put some distance between russia and china. pushing back on china's role in russia's war machine will be
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a top priority. china continues to provide materials to support russians defense, industrial base. and all of this is fueling pollutants war machine, etc, attacks ukrainians and threatens european security relations between the world's 2 top global rivals have been 10 since early last year, after chinese by balloon flew across us territory and fresh disputes relating to silver world. taiwan emerged since then, they thought a little shooting, being held face to face talks with the, with president joe biden in san francisco last november. but the wants has kept pressure on beijing, sanctioning chinese firms that ship products to russia. the real estate department says china is supporting russia's war machine by supplying machine tools, computer chips, optics, drones, and cruise missiles technology. the micro chips are crucial and filling the gaps in the russian war effort. rushes semiconductor imports from china jumped from
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200000000 in 2021 to over 500000000 in 2022. as the war drags on rushes, growing economic and diplomatic isolation has made it increasingly reliant on china . its former rival, for leadership of the communist bloc during the cold war, china appears to hold the upper hand and the relationship. washington warns it will hold vision responsible. it must go, makes gains, and you frame. china has shrugged off the criticism to inform you what china has always controlled the export of jew use. items in accordance with laws and regulations, relevant countries should not some year end attack. what's her normal state to state relations between china and russia? we've tensions ratcheted up again last week after joe biden called for hire terrace on chinese steel and aluminum. lincoln will have his work cut out for him. of course, hundreds of thousands of troops have been called up to fight for ukraine since
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russia launched its invasion. 2 years ago, many of them have not returned from the front line. the w spoke to a mother whose family has paid a high price. natalia started nick, had 3 sons when russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. this is my son who says my youngest son, the last summer natalia buried her youngest or lexie. he served in some of the bloodiest bottles of the will. look through my level. my youngest was, installer died after solid. he was in boss moved up to box, moved to his in house on the phone. he didn't see the fence he was near underneath can has on your thumb. there's a country village called antonia of sca when he was killed there. for the day of alexys death, natalia tried to convince him to leave the army. she feared he'd share the same fate as our eldest son. so he had just been reported missing. middle son,
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audrey is also listed as missing natania hopes. the oldest sons are allied, but that's be no confirmation. she likes to remember them as they appear in these photos for me. specialists and this is my of the sunset. he this is my andrea. sure . this is all you will say we're happy with my boys can do everything. what are you cooking and baking from sidney or what do you but they grew up well and they grew up together. i have boys to read the lawsuit and the all 3 of them graduated from music school when the controlling will defend the school was super controller. natalia is supported by her daughters in new orlando and or less. yeah, they call her mother on the board. but i am supplement as low as we tried to call whenever possible to ask her. mom is doing. i live close as she comes to us sits with her grandchildren. my mother is also retired, but it says no one you only have to go through. yes, maam, to come and she does, was it since that husbands disappeared, orlando,
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unless you are in constant contacts, trying to find out what happened to them of the vantage. just as it seemed all that no one gives us any official confirmation or less. yeah. and i would like to us together to the security service of ukraine. elizabeth, now we constantly receive the same on so that the russian side does not provide any information. there is no confirmation of any kind of watching them on the truck. natalia says the lack of information is unbearable, but she hasn't lost hope that she'll one day be able to help her sons again. vehicle school the clock can i say honestly, i tried to smile and not show my emotions over. i take few or walk so that no one, uh, 6, lots going on. if they do, my head starts to her and i run away. i don't want to be seen to push the button with us secretary of state asked me blinking in china for talks. i'd like to get some analysis by bringing in laurie daniels,
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managing director of the asia society policy institute, a us based thanks. have a very warm welcome to the show today. shortly before asked me blinking arrived in shanghai, the chinese state news agency quoted, an unnamed ministry representative as, as essentially saying the u. s. is interfering in china's internal affairs and, and smearing its image. what kind of welcome do you think and blink, and can expect as well. i think that both of us in china already incredibly tight political environments right now. you've just run a very moving piece about the war, a new crane, which is an issue that the us in china has the, the differences on. so i think the blinking um will have a standard diplomatic welcome, a cordial welcome, but certainly there are a lot of issues to address of the us china relationship that will require some very candid and uncomfortable conversations. and i think secretary blinking is as well
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toys to continue those conversations. let's talk a little bit more about that ukraine issue, which as you've said, will be a little behind on the agenda last week and blinking suggested that beijing is essentially playing a double game here. one thing, good relations with europe while also supporting russia is his assessments. a fair one, do you think? i that's literally, i think the chinese economic and strategic priorities lend themselves to these types of policy contradictions. on the one hand, china does need the european market as an export for export market for its goods. on the other hand, it has an equally to itself important economic relationship with russia, which is becoming an increasingly vital part of china's energy security, but also its food security as it seeks to further development between china and russia on you know, green trade. so i think that beyond that,
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strategically, china, while it understands the intense international concern and approbation of russia's violation of ukraine sovereignty also sees, is very sympathetic to the russian view. that it's been provoked by an expanding alliance network. and when china looks at its own periphery and its neighbors, and so use so many u. s. allies and partners trying to balance its economic and military power in the region. it ones itself toward supporting russia. so you can see how all of these different strategic priorities do create contradictions and policy. and that's exactly why these visits, such as the one by secretary of state blinking are so important. it's about, you know, influencing that balance of interest, of ways that are favorable to peace and stability, not just in europe, but all over the world. so what kind of influence do you think it is realistic that blinking could have here,
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given those interest and chinese world view that you've just described? i think it's going to be a challenge for sure. i think part of the understated value of these types of visitors is that it does give each policy community and opportunity to kind of reassess its interest in regards to that balance. that bigger strategic balance. and that type of action forcing mechanism or conversation for a student mechanism that makes each policy community really sit down and say, you know, do our policy assumptions work for the time that we're in, can be slow moving as a needle over time. i think right now and us, china relations, things are so tens um and particularly, you know, china is a very strong opposition to us. support for taiwan. does block opportunities to cooperate or to rethink those strategic priorities? red, large. but it doesn't mean that they're not important opportunities to gather information
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and again to consolidate each country's own thinking on what it needs from the other side. yeah, tell us a little bit more about that because of course, the relationship with brushing off the only controversial points you've hinted at the taiwan question. the us congress has just approved a new aid package for taiwan, which includes arm support for the island. how do you think that is going to play out and talks with a blanket in china? as i think is one of the most sensitive issues for the chinese and really reflective of deep, deep differences in how to approach the taiwan issue. you know, the a package that was packed uh that was past is relatively flexible. so i think that some explanation might be useful for secretary blinking to give on how that aid package will be inactive if, if that comes up in conversation, i think that would be helpful. um, but i think overall, you know, there remains
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a sense in the us policy community and i believe in the us government that the best option for peace and stability in the taiwan street is for the us and its allies and partners to help balance china's military power and particularly it's course of power over time, one through these types of military a packages. so i think all of those issues will certainly be on the table and i think china will give a very strong opinions against increasing us taiwan defense cooperation. thank you. so much for sharing your insights with us today that as well re daniels from the asian society policy institute. my pleasure. thank you. and we can take a look now at some other world news headlines as president biden has also signed a law and forcing tick tock to sell it to us business or be banned from the united states. lawmakers passed the measure over concerns the platforms,
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chinese owner shares, users information with the government, take talks as the law as an attack on free speech, and that it will launch a legal challenge. iranian media, se popular wrapper has been sentenced to death on charges linked to the mass protests of the last 2 years to march. so they, he publicly back to demonstrations, triggered by the death of gina mazda. i mean, she died after being detained by a runs, the so called mortality police and embassy international is warning, but human rights faced their biggest threats in decades. the campaign groups as the wars and gaza and ukraine violates international law. along with the spread of authoritarian governments is rarely military size. it has attacked dozens of hezbollah targets in southern lebanon and retaliation for rockets fired over the border. is route released this footage thing. it hit as blot, weapons, storage,
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and infrastructure of these rarely defense ministers. as the groups leaders have paid a heavy price to salt them, you will tell you all. and most of the regional results are highly impressive. the miss luckett, this is one half of hezbollah commanders in southern lebanon, who are eliminated. these were people in charge of the offensive operation opportunity to harm the citizens of israel. they are now either dead or some are hiding, or just having a band in southern lebanon onto the idea of intensive operation. they pull up, all should it's all she and i said both in intern saving or what's picked up on that was rebecca writers from our studio in jerusalem. rebecca, i, hezbollah official, dismissed as b as rarely defense ministers statement as completely worthless. and he says, and only at boosting is riley moreau. and how is it being reported in israel? what is being told of israel has been carrying out this offensive action in southern 11. no, no. that's something that you want to go on. the defense minister he just heard
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from there had signaled some weeks ago that is ro would also be moving to offensive action not just defensive action. now we know that this being tit for tat tit for tat, rather border cross border action. since the 8th of october, one has the noticed its best rockets in 2 northern israel from southern lebanon aust. following that have must terror attack on october 7 when we say now and the last 24 hours, the idea of saying it's hit some 40 targets. that's the latest to figure that we have the infrastructure and munitions targets loudly roll. so you have come out saying is you just heard that 50 percent of hezbollah saw them come on, have also being wiped out, of course, impossible to verify those numbers from where i'm standing. but that is what they're saying. many analyst has been saying, and many is raised to saying that a direct conflict between israel and 11 on is more or less inevitable. but the same analysts saying that it's unlikely it will happen until the conflict that's
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happening in gaza will, the will that's happening in gaza is quote, all these are finished. and certainly, you know, off to, you know, something looking like a rough are offensive, which is certainly where everyone's eyes are focused on now. so something in the know, if i should say that wouldn't happen until after then. so the unlikely that what we're seeing now is any kind of escalation more, a continuation of the tit for tat that we have been seeing over the last month. and rebecca, i'd like to pick up right there was a warrant because it's now been more than 200 days of war at this stage. is it clear what israel is? a plan has? well, let's have a really 100 percent clear, of course. so we have been saying in recent days it more strikes and other site, elijah bombardments in the center and north of goza. i we, mrs. saying it's certainly some of the heaviest that they've witnessed. in recent times, what we've heard of evacuation orders for people in that northern region as well. but of course all eyes really focused on this eminence rather offensive. it's what
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unless to saying is almost inevitable now. and we've been saying some reporting today from the access web web media site saying that 3 very senior officials are actually in egypt to discuss a potential rough or offensive day with officials. now, egypt has been very against any kind of offensive happening in roswell, because of the more than 1000000 people that other sheltering from other parts of the gaza strip earlier today. we also heard from the as really military to say that they are ready. we know that 2 battalions to reserve fatalities were cooled off and they've been training. i'm going to treat today saying that they're ready to carry out a rafter offensive, but they are just waiting for the political green lights. so that can some of the cation of where we think things are right benjamin netanyahu 2 weeks ago ago saying that there was a date set for the referent vision. since then, we had quite a bit of distraction with the around counter attack. and then these riley counts accounts are attacked. now all eyes back on this. what seems to be inevitable,
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rather offensive analyst saying though that it may not happen immediately because there is still a need to at least move some of the move a 1000000 people that are sheltering in rafa. so certainly look, that looks like that. that offensive is going to be carried out, but probably not in the next hours or even in the next days or correspondent rebecca rivers and jerusalem. thank you. sound columbia university in new york has extended the deadline for pro palestinian student protesters to clear the campus by 48 hours. the university saying students have to agree to dismantle a number of tents, police of warranty. they will clear the entire camp if the demonstrators fail to leave protests against the war and cause i have spread to universities. across the united states, several colleges have closed campuses and hundreds of students has been arrested policy analysts list actual guidelines the from the united states for more on that's good to see,
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we can list what we're seeing on university campuses across the country at the moment is it fair to say that this seems to be a student movement beyond anything we've seen and quite a long time. as there's been a ton of parallels drawn between this movement and 1968, which was a massive student dismissal. if you're in a states and kind of abroad, i know millennial. and it immediately actually reminds me of chicata parks and occupied wall street. and while that wasn't happening on college campuses, it spread to college campuses and it involved students. one of their huge, initial pushes was tackling student debt. so this is something that is a long history of the youth and students using their voices using their energy and using their spaces to protests where they feel like are important issues. there's also a lot of places where this differs from historic student protests. when we think of 68, we really think of students against yes,
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the work for the students against the higher up. so when we think of occupied wall street in chicago and think about the average person against the millionaires and the millionaires. so what are we seeing today, and this student protests that makes it kind of similar to that strong history, as well as different on where it is and who they are protesting. and how much does this kind of activism put pressure on president joe biden over his administration support for as well? it definitely puts pressure on joe biden to communicate what that support is. i also think it puts pressure of the protesters to be really clear about what are they looking for? are they looking for something from president by, are they looking at something just a statement from their university, and what does that statement say? his protest used to involve these fire. now the president biden has indicated recently and repeatedly he's calling for a cease fire. so has the, has the gold coast moved? and how does joe biden reach them, where they are?
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how does he convey this is important, but this is not the only issue that is important in a selection. and also how do i tell you when i've reached some of your demands? what's where are you guys? where are we going to together? how do we collaborate? on addressing your real concern, well also so govern. so let's assume a little bit out to look at the impact here on us politics. obviously, big elections coming up in november. how much is the cause of war in general, having an effect on american voters? i think it's happening in america insect out. american daughter. obviously we had young folks who are very fired up in certain um, identity groups, se sending it out. i'm just sick of what's happening. i feel like i have no voice. they're pulling back and what it's creating is a sense of turmoil with other kind of centrist folder, independent voters saying, i've had enough of the drama. i just don't see why she vote at all. so for foreign policy,
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it is never very rarely at the top of mind for americans. others they vote with their pocket books should be good on social issues. but i think what will create is a discord among democrats. time went by, absolutely needs them to be unified. so it could splinter the democrats. it could encourage other advocacy folks to just stay home and absolutely impact the election and kind of these more tangential ways. mitchell got thank you so much for sharing that analysis with us. we appreciate your time. thank you. and we can bring up to speed now with some other world news headlines. germany says it will resume funding fee un agency for palestinian refugees on rocks. it was one of several countries that hosted support when israel accused multiple and so he's of joining a mazda is tara tax. on october 7th, bought an independent investigation, said israel hadn't backed those claims off with evidence. the presidents of
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germany and turkey have exchanged words over the boring casa ridge of ty affair to one of the keys, the west of ignoring the suffering of palestinian civilians. germany's front fossa, shy myers said, the war would not have happened without the home of attacks. thousands of migrants are dead and missing. after a boat capsized off the coast of 2 booty, officials say several children were on board. tens of thousands of people from the horn of africa, especially ethiopia, and somalia. we've the continental through to body trying to reach saudi arabia and other gulf states to mexico. now where farmers are fighting to save a popular lake, there at odds with big commercial growers who set up a legal irrigation systems for aba condo and barry orchards, drought and deforestation have reduced the lake to half its former size. a lakeside city and a water crisis. mexico's lake pep squad
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o is drying out partly due to drought. and partly due to big orchard owners, they late illegal pipes and rivers and streams. the b blake activists from nearby the lemma. darrow find the piping on routine searches in the mountains the best. so i told him most of the most, this is because the last 10 years, the streams on the springs, the river has been drawing up and the water has been captured. houses may need to be used for eval condos and bearing supplements upon on those peoples that work as a full field. orchard owners pipe water to contain ponds to be cropped. there are an estimated 850 like this one in the area. the more ponds that come up, the less what are there is for villages and lower parts of the township. the villagers are willing to compromise and offer growers 20 percent of local water from streams. the growers haven't responded. so they continue to pose
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a pipe and do it every single, like i think we're running a serious risk. ask them killing us for protesting to assemble and demanding what we need from the governmental look. yeah, it is up to the government to do it this sunday and support us. you help us get and look at right. these resources is this, the next day. orchard owners are getting bolder. streams and rivers are drying out . so they're taking trucks to the lakes, to pull water out. police started petroleum lake shore to watch for thieves last week. the villages can't afford to lose more water. pet squatter has habits, former size. if this vital resource disappears, it could mean still more complex. in the end to a way of life, the several people were injured in central london when army horses broke loose during the morning rush hour. take a look at this. this video shows 2 horses running through the streets. the white
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horse covered in blood. please say the animals have since been rounded off and have been treated by specialist. that's what is your news update us is our unclear richardson and berlin many thanks for watching
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the spring kind of follow the woman, but i'm not a man either. not a 3rd option or anything else. i just don't have a genders. rob, in this fantasy come, liberated, domestic surroundings, family and friends, react to the change, and the partner. not
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a man notable in age and the next w. who need them call is trying. sylvania has so much more to offer and just following the beautiful, the symmetry in the world. transylvania, the house of romania in 45 minutes on d, w. the this shadows. these costs and video shed lights on the dog is
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devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the score farms and destroyed side. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the spend kind of how i'm not a woman, but i'm not a man either. i'm not a 3rd option or anything else. i just don't have a gender for my not to for my transition with hormones in surgery. and i was as completely as female advices. that hurt me a lot of the time this at least i'm not physically, but psychologically happened is a m c. shoes is new. i take the hormones because i enjoy feeling more masculine masculinity. but that doesn't make


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