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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news, long awaited military aid is headed to ukraine. us president joe biden says weapons shipments will start with an hour as, as he finds a multi $1000000000.00 a bill. after months of congressional grid lock plus riot police are on campus. in texas. students step up pro palestinian protests that colleges across the united states. hundreds had been arrested and sentenced to death for thinking, a rapper who took a math uranium regime,
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given the death penalty. the, i'm on e, and he says, welcome to the program. us present, and joe biden has signed a bill into law authorizing billions of dollars and military aid for ukraine. a day earlier, lawmakers gave the final green light to the $61000000000.00 package, ending a months long stand off and congress, by the says, supplies will soon be on their way for making sure the shipment start right away. the next few hours really be 2 hours from equipment to ukraine, for air, defense, munitions for artillery, rock assistance and armor vehicles. now this package is literally an invest, not only in your brand new credit, but in your,
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in our own security. while the 1st official shipment of that 8 is said to arrive in the next hours and days, us officials have confirmed that ukraine has begun using long range missiles, secretly shift and recent weeks as part of a previous a package. they say the missiles were used for the 1st time and a strike, and a russian airfield and crimea last week. the army tactical missile systems or attack them's part of a $300000000.00 assistance package approved by the united states in march. us supplied mid range version of the system was supplied by september. this latest batch construct targets up to 300 kilometers away. and ukraine's security is set to be a hot topic for us secretary of state entity blinking during talks and china blinking was to stabilize ties vision, but also to ramp up pressure over its close relationship with russia. washington, it uses china of helping moscow with its invasion of ukraine,
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which trying to the nice of the engine a blinking visit comes edder, challenging time for china. us relations arriving in shanghai. he posted this video on building bridges and of course we'll be dealing with areas where we have real differences we're dealing with and directly communicating clearly face to face as long as he man. it's important for avoiding miscommunications with perceptions and to advance the interest of the american people as well as building his own bridges. lincoln will be trying to steer china away from russia, accusing vision of backing most goes more in ukraine. china continues to provide materials to support precious defense, industrial base, and all of this is fueling pollutants, warm machine, etc attacks ukrainians and threatens europeans,
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security. china insist it remain neutral to inform you what china has always controlled the export of jew use items in accordance with laws and regulations, relevant country should not smear and attack. what's her normal state to state relations between china and russia. it's not just the war and ukraine that's causing strain. the discovery of a chinese bi balloon and us skies last year added to tensions. along with us support for tie one. with 3 days of talks in shanghai and beijing lincoln has his work cut out smoothing relations between the super powers to columbia university in new york has extended the deadline for pro palestinian student protesters to clear the campus. by 48 hours. please have one that they will clear the camp by force of the demonstrators don't need voluntarily protests against the warrant. girls that have spread to universities across the united
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states, several colleges have closed campuses and hundreds of students have been arrested. now us speaker of the house mike johnson visited columbus campus on wednesday. here's what he had to say. my message to the students inside the encampment. go back to class and stop the nonsense there. look, if we want to have a debate on campus, about the merits of these things, let's do that. but you can't intimidate your, your fellow students and make them stay home for class. think about that. is that right? do you think that's right? stop wasting your parents money. congressman lawler says, i think that's right. dw correspondent benjamin alvaros gruber is at the columbia campus. i asked him earlier if theres public support for the protest there. it depends on who you ask and in the in that and what do we have just heard there from the speaker of the house. you could hear some of the protest is it also gathered to the steps where he was giving a this statement, after meeting with students and faculty members,
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theories shouting and also protesting against his visits. for some they should have been cleared a long while ago. we know that negotiations are still in going between the office of the president of columbia university and the organizers here tension was quite high yesterday night. we heard a chopper over flying, also university of well protest until one and 2 am. that was the initial deadline that the office of the president of columbia university set, but we know that maybe you should still a go in and we did. you have to see now how this will unfold, how the discussions will unfold. because students have said they will continue here until their demands are meant by a columbia university. well, they have another day, at least now. so what is the situation there among protesters at the camp? so the tents are still here, we have an e mail that was sent out by the office of the president of columbia university. after 4 am showing that this negotiations are ongoing. they gave a quick press briefings, saying that they still have
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a those demand. so once i divesting all of the investments that the university has with a company that they take profit from each rose war in gaza, also they want more transparency, pull the university, the administration to tell them where this investments are. and they also ask you for amnesty for the students, but also from the faculty members who face administrative and they yeah. when they actually had a some complications, they are in sanctions for a they will protesting here when a m y p d. when new york police department came in last week arrested more than 100, some of them were placed also on leave. so they want them to be reinstated and call that they say that half the month that they are clear. but now the question is, if they will find an agreement and how that agreement will look like, i guess we see more and more of these protests isn't college, it's across the us. okay, so the anger's focus said the ministrations there on the campuses. what are the wider remo political ramifications of these protests we just saw,
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the speaker of the house, mike johnson, rallying his base, their trump has, has also pitched in even bite and called the protest anti semitic. so what are we seeing here in the selection here? this is definitely a nationwide top and you just mentioned the white house. we also have the secretary of education. we're waiting here say that and what do you see on campus? it's a disgrace the wide how's the press release that they send out saying that anti semitism has no space, not only in any college across the country, but also anywhere. and as we are also the concerns of jewish students, but also a faculty members, a rubbing close to the university even told jewish a students to stay away it, but they are, it's important to make a difference between the protest is protesting inside the university, but also also when we came here earlier today, what we're hearing is some chance also some people were here as saying and rejecting a 2 state solution quite different to the trans they were here inside. but we can imagine that this will still develop as we'll see more and more universities. more
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of this protests also happening across the country. the w correspondent, benjamin alvarez group are in columbia university. thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. arizona's house of representatives has voted to repeal a near total ban on abortion in china. and the state supreme court ruled earlier this month that authorities could wrapped in force the band that dates from 18. 64 measure will now go to arizona as republican controlled senate spanish prime minister pedro sanchez is considering. standing down court has opened an investigation into our legit corruption by his wife. finishes plans to give his decision on monday and i suspended public duties until then the most. as the rainy and media say, a popular wrapper has been sentenced to death. too much to lay he publicly back to
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demonstrations, triggered by the death of gina martha armine, died in the custody of rance, so called morality police. his lyrics took aim at the reigning regime using it of corruption and crackdowns on the sent his legal team say that intended that he's intending to appeal to roy too much selling his music has challenged ron's leadership the last few minutes to sort of some sort of just a bunch of, you know, some of the time in his music offered loud support to the women's rights movement. all that quoted in believing this revolution, enjoying the young people who are now on the streets. we hear a being killed every day or 6 has an advisor. now demand up, the was bravest wrapper faces
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a dead sentence. certainly he was initially arrested in october 2022. after backing the protests that rep good. following the death of juno, martha mimi, the iranian garnish woman, died in police custody. often she was detained for allegedly, not wearing her head scarf properly. solely his arrest prompted outage and an online campaign for his freedom. last year he was handed his 6 year prison to the government and finding new charges against him that he's lawyers say they will be in the ruling the to me and more now where fierce fighting between and surgeon groups and the military government is pushing the nation toward collapse, tens of thousands of people have been killed and the ongoing battle for control.
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this map shows how much territory is controlled by the resistance in which areas are controlled by the military hunter. as was areas that are still heavily contested. central point in the battle for territory and control of the country has been the town of milwaukee on me and maurice eastern border with thailand in the me. almost city of milwaukee this week, explosions and smoke rising from buildings attacked by helicopters, overhead, resistance flights and say they have for now partially withdrawn from the critical board to assist you with tile on which they seized only earlier this month. their retreat follows the counter offensive by the ministry hunter, which sees control of me a ma in a 2021 crew, plunging the country into violent scales. fighting in b a y d has cause thousands to flee into neighboring thailand. although thailand's foreign ministry set on wednesday some had since returned, this is one year what it is so important to have only
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a handful of border crossings between me and lawrence highlands located in the city . and more than $1000000000.00 us dollars of trade passes through me of what e each it control of the city means, control of an economic lifeline that to me i'm a thailand has, wouldn't be a muslim entry on. so it's not so a lot of fighting to spill over the board to propose and as in wide meeting to resolve the crisis, but a peaceful solution looks distance. the situation in the a ma remains enormously complex with resistance groups opposed to the hunter at times also facing each other. elsewhere. this particular concern for the hang of people in the amazon was in ratcliffe and states the, the most the most of them ethnic group is quotes in the crossfire of fist fighting between military and opposition. forces the car and violence of central escalation of debris, some 2017 correct down by the military, which killed tens of thousands of ranges and caused the hundreds of thousands to
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flee yamma. whereas in 2017, the range you were targeted by one group. diane now trapped between 2 arm to fractions, who have a track record of killing them. beneath the hunters veneer of control, a country crumbling, the united nations estimate some 18000000 people in the country currently require a humanitarian association with a 100 minute about a 3rd of the population. a painting by the austrian artist whose stuff claimed that was lost for nearly a century has sold for 30000000 euros in vienna. the auction house of the portrait of miss lee's or could have fetched much more, were it not for doubts about it's past. the work was commissioned by the wealthy jewish wiser family and 1917. still not clear where it was for decades after the lasers for the nazis,
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but their defendants approved the sale. that's all for now up. next is the show her looking at efforts to get more women and girls interested in science as more on our website that's dw. com. i'm on me and he says, thanks for watching the project. cassandra, re determined through our investigation that has bull uh, was operating like a global drug cart. not somebody normally seizures organizations. the object to financially drain has gone out and bring them down to the team. agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean, as well as another whole lot, they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed them
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to reveal that so world and to their own people wanted the us government suddenly


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