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tv   Poison and Poverty  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 6:15am-7:00am CEST

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its whitehorse, covered in what appears to be blood. they were apparently swooped by noise from the construction site of police say all the horses i've now been caught that's all for now. i'm only in. he says, stay with us. the good news. innovation. green, the green revolution global. so listen to crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers subscribe to the subscriber to plan it's a lumber, indonesia a power dies island. the
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tools over a 1000000 to is to you get beneath it spoke, honey kills is a hidden treasure gold. and that's why the island has one of the densest populations of gold miners in indonesia. southeast asia is biggest go to produce. but this industry is fueled by a deadly figure if we don't use much of it yet, but we won't get the gold one drop of medical, they could kill and make you a health problem. video. some patients have symptoms that suggest poisoning of my mind, and my dad adds the talks and is spreading for the opposite. the level at which you have to evacuate out of quasi luxury is how i have fully regulated multibillion
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dollar goals, mining industry. how did this make sure we get here? and why is it being used? it has to be very careful, very distrusting. it is not the any on the volume, we must constantly one, the public about the risk. the n g is working in and around sacred tone. an area consisting of 3 small villages has counted nearly 50 children bone with new, logical, and physical best defects since 2018 minus gotta step and then what's your name? erica. the you're new here here. yeah.
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but i find that i'll just say me today for these children are being examined by a concern, locals out to the down now started with seizures, and now he's constantly drooling where he's worried that may be a common spread time that conditions together in some patients have symptoms that suggest poisoning of i'm, i'm very concerned because i also have a young child and i say that we all know that mercury poisoning has terrible repercussions and there was no cure. then at the time there were you exposed to lots of mercury before she was born data, medically? yes. e, and what does the season started when she was one of the lady down the going from nevada. she's also have data was to assess the, the plus what i'm worried about not to worry somebody because you hear a lot about. it's the fact that the medical people off,
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i get the exposure to match. we can cause a reversible and even faithful. how this is well documented was previous, major dissolves is serving his stock reminders of the risk that poses this child of 6 is an even more severe case she is incapable of expressing herself and barely reacts to light naturally pull his name was once tied to college and ration and manufacturing. however, by the 21st century, most industries adopted alternative met to a free production methods. then a new danger in much is your husband a gold miner? yes, yes. the story of informal goals, mining and loan book started around 15 years ago. when locals specials, and they'll put you in a t large binding company found,
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and lots of deposits and lumber local people started to think about, oh, if there is gold for large scale for obee can get the small scale one. so they thought they could get, you know, the crumbs from the big guys, had intervened in full mining, took off, eventually producing more gold then corporate mining companies. up until now the gold mining activities, especially the small scale illegal, illegal and illicit. normally secretary of about that was to day 19 a has agreed to share his story. and i must say a lot of 95 by i live the long about my name is thought to them by indigo. i was born in law. right? yeah. so i'll go to yeah. yeah. and i did a lot of people go to work and the fresh air was efficient. and my goal is to do this, how to load and off, because it now is when it the so let's say i chose to become
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a 1000000 out really because like, it doesn't have to be here to the middle. but i've got this, i thought i thought i have to pay my equipment before i leave the house because look like, so i lot of my mining tools the this to the trip then take 2 hours. right down to the it's getting late. she said to hurry to work a lot of those i well, how firms and some, including my uncles and other relatives i have rule go minus, just like me, my new the i the phone number the
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is that us and i feel a sense of joy when i get to the present on the follow the sound big scene. yeah. the yeah. got all the people i work with. so i'm like my brothers. he saw that the follow up. so i do laurie west. it's not true is the i the, the, an estimate is 22000 people in lumber, depend on small scale gold mining to earn a living, excavations precariously from the steep mountain side. it's not hold on and it's personal mind, but he doesn't go to that noon . it's currently is a 16 meters deep is naturally small frame and
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muscular bills provide him with a particular advantage. when descending into the depths, the loss of little muscle, we need to prioritize our safety and let me go down the hall and i do the, the, the work is extremely dangerous to low oxygen levels. and that to me is the key component. yeah. and the by look at home by the pound key or from the mountain into smaller pieces, is that the less that the little delta in the rocks are
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placed in the bowl mail where they are combined with weights and hundreds of pieces of will. gradually they break down into settlement as i put this mercury in the bowl to collect the call to see that i'm drawing. i mean, it is pulled into the bowl mil to bind with a go the math to eat is then burned away, leaving behind fuel gold and poisonous fuel. finally, the toxic waste water is discard each into the environment. the socket. hospital officials came to my house to explain the risk to mercury to us, but there's nothing i can do. we don't know how to process the order without using
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the right by the bucket. i found all i know i to being you that the merger is an extremely has or does metal the can have severe consequences on human health and the environment. it can cause minimize disease which is a serious condition leading to coma analysis death. it can also cause new or logical disorders, especially children. it can cross, the human flush sent is leading to verse defects and other logical problems globally 20 percent to the annual go production comes from informal miners like federal ron in indonesia. moco may be produced like this, that informal mining operations. to complicate matches, the miners phone there was often located near
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a local move to filters. so contaminated waste water then finds its way into drinking wells. rice patties and the rivers and scenes where people fish causing open leafy onion. let one label up accomplished uh simple to pick. i uh, research conducted by several universities such as my thought, i'm university. sure, the mercury is present in best of goals and fruits and other food production in lumber. i fall. i mean that that's worrying, but it makes you find them. yeah. so if anything to the new matter, what do we get to know? you mean when you to come to the toxicity of the mercury doesn't just cause problems where the miners were crouching and it also spreads to other places. what do you live with? and i knew that some of that may be something that i might have set them, but then when i am but that's not who, naturally, which is central tendency to be accumulates in the air until one
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day. some way it falls as toxic rain. and then you will move wherever the wind takes it and you know how many of the can't escape it's not gonna happen. data naturally does not break down in the environment. the mortgage used to move is accumulates, building up in the food chain. the today federal rahman is a happy a, you know, i'm saying is a gave but i think it's about off the ground. that's with us around 300000 group. yeah. but i science i have the behind. yeah that's i'm thrilled. that smells and twice the amount in daily is efficient. but it will cost will this come to his family, neighbors, and community?
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this is the only metal, this is liquid room temperature. mix it with cold and watch a mesmerizing ritual funding on the phone. the, the 1st input of china is sold to a guy, dr. consuming mandatory in his pursuit of immortality. he was not the last abraham lincoln, the pirate king, black beard and isaac needs old disease to aside from that can be poisoning in the 20th century map. here we continue to be used in medicines, lightbulbs. the moment was cause metrics and mold was in the 1950s a much we leak as a factory in the seaside town. many montage upon killed move the 900 people and
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left thousands, permanently disabled. here is another child whose father died. minimize the disease, her limbs deformed that is often the title regulations around the world. by 2013 a global treaty, the minimum of a conventional met to a was born. today, $99.00 countries, including indonesia, ratified the convention, mandating them to protect the citizens from the dangers of this deadly metal. yes, this tract continues the in level as a result of goals mining. not sure to use hedstrom mac to increase and
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that is a size and a complication. so they've been now on the form of this on medical difficulties diagnosing that treat poisoning is the symptoms of similar to those of other diseases come up medically to actually binds to nerves, capture the symptoms that appear a very similar to those of many in your logical disorders lane, that's how they get a number of tests on needed to ensure the symptoms are really due to mercury poisoning. but the other end use of previously collected sontols in long bulk. but the efforts were not extensive concerned with the lack of action today. doctor is leading a team to conduct bio mancha testing. that's the community what if i've seen?
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yeah, uh, kind of nice problem consensus old we have to find out just how big the problem is . first on that list, essential raman and to somebody said debbie about that, the only thing hello sir. my name is dr. de la. my areas of innovation is a mining hot spot and we want to monitor people's health and the impact of the match or re hook on. we would like to test you, your wife and our child is to be up on the physical cognitive test. it's a carried out. did you take these signs of poisoning? do i put the phone on the same? is it less right? then why the? because don't have to change. if i looks like it is starting to whiten up on my new out of my yeah. let me move to here to the case of metal
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units, a lot more tingling sensation maybe that and that, yes. sometimes it does sound like how long does the child including uncontrollably? good sound. sometimes it last for 2 or 3 days. then the team takes half and now sounds good. yeah. i'll give you that. as i got released to been examined by the doctors, a lot of shots to the said you got, i'll get the investigation continues with a search from that. carrying the latest is a little mix portable mercury analyzer that they are not they use device allows us to measure the mercury in the air at a specific location without us out. so it will cost me the analyze it generates
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results and meet you key a reading about $1000.00 is considered unsafe submitted as a category for the kind of here's the results of what? 8657. the funds in the us, the medically mercury concentration in the around this ball mill is between a 1010000 nanograms per cubic meter, jeanette 821-0002 the number where you have to evacuate quasi based on these results. i feel that mister fucking ramon in his family's health are endangered in time. yes, you are totally taking the back if he could reach 10000 with uh, our initial findings indicate that to them. um, as hell sessions. so that,
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but that's the number of exams show that the coordination has been left and right many times i'm, i'm well and that, and i'm with them from his ability to coordinate fine motor skills as well. so slow up and the average person. that's it. that is all ma'am. uh, we can see there already some issues. i'm about a dozen one, mamma but the tests may have come too late for 5 around and some possible while i'm on the bus went well. mind if i got on the line, the possible loans as to how they do a lot of daylight task and how the i realized he didn't want to suckle side
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that they kept her home in that bundle on a pricing quote. to talk to right away to helping a young people, the doctor took a biopsy to investigate the issue. the problem was in testing or session. yeah, it was not functioning properly. yeah. might be syndicate another minute. due to his deformed in test gains, federal government's child is on able to move his spouse instead, the excrement needs to be sent out through a tube on a daily basis. it's out on kind of like a and you get that you have to talk to told me how to treat as i can only myself. my wife can carry on a procedure on, you know, a lot by the unable, you know, i guess that this can only be a temporary fix. the identity that i'm going to see to send me is exposed to mercury via some other little behind the baby's, susceptible to molecular genetic changes. let us that again,
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that's the case that can lead to avenue amount of t as the organs phone. but i'm going to get a little behind on them, but not the bottom of the bottom. i scanned as a search and said he needs to be operated on the same time. but i don't have the money my number because i don't have insurance. you know, i would cost around $13000000.00 groups. yes. but it's a deal with the i don't have that kind of money because i have the piece child students as less defense around them in the enviable position of having to mine more to be able to pay for the surgery just over the next 2 days. the team collects half a nail cuttings from 9 more individuals. it will take a month for the samples to be analyzed in a lab. do
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you usually do you need those codes if you'd be a star? if you did post the results might provide on some of those tested ingram books. it is just a microcosm. the 4th remains a wide spectral, across much of indonesia. and wishing to set the data alone, probably $1000.00 ton a year. $1000.00 tons of memory. one drop of medical record kill and, and make you make your health problems. but we're talking about 1000 tons, grams up here, and all over indonesia, 3500 tons the,
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the health issues faced by central rom annuities finding a not unique to them, but in many countries across the doing info mind. also using mercury to extract in asia, the problem is brought to the most run point in indonesia, where they're over 850 small scale mining hotspots across the country. the nobody knows exactly how much mercury is being used. the estimates van wildly from 300 tons to of a 3500 was use. know, is it that or at least 300000 minus using the 2 in indonesia. each of these is up to 20 parts met to me to every possible goal recovered.
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this is a problem to the indonesian government who has committed internationally to deal with mercury f. one printing on martha implemented malta convention is a binding international agreements. them in the countries that aims to protect human is on the environment from the dangers of mercury and i am according to any set and denise your right to find the minimum convention with a 2017 loan now and its own ready according to the national action plan indonesia has committed to eliminating the use of mercury by 2020 the following. i'm up with some with the national action plan includes policies like the adoption of alternative technologies because processing and the tougher enforcement news is also recommend that the production of not 2 weeks should be still the scots,
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with the prohibition of the mining of an old coal cinema, which mercury is made from the there are a couple of things that can be done to stop for all this problem created by mercury and indonesia. so 1st is to stop the extraction or mining of snow bar including the smelting and the process to produce mercury from the or and the 2nd is prohibitive. the cell trade of mercury, including exploitation mining and was finding sandoval in indonesia is not against the little you have of the timing. but the government has no issued any time. it's making it de facto illegal.
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regardless, a seat glitched under listed domestic production and supply chain from that to a is still possibly a today's price. $3500.00 tons of met to a could be worth over $370000000.00 us dollars the where to the center of our or come from colors according to my information, to send a volcano from setup island into the close. and i'm going to be able to do that in indonesia, you have to have a backup. so you will be able to continue the business and activities without any disturbance. so this high rank of the shows could be police, military or a government official. and we heard from morris, and i like to tell stories from people under ground, that there are some important people picking up their businesses. we contacted the administrative environment and forestry. it was used to comment on
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the list, which meant to be trade. one of the largest and about mines in indonesia is allegedly on sarah island in my little crew products. and disliked its illegal nature. it can be seen from space. the satellite pictures taken in august 2022 the blue 10th tides. the mining activity of machinery does allow mine is to excavate to send about a local journalist trying to expose this illegal activities. the says i'm going to the mountain to find this in about my number. so yeah, my name is reese, like yeah, the i'm a journalist given that lease custodians. i am in my,
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my daily reporting. so comes primarily the environment on an indigenous people. if i look uh north, malcolm must have had that the model good on my local data that i want to document the mining activities and become independent. so so, so like, yeah, on the side allow them to move. it's very difficult to get in. like i say, so i have to be very careful with that. it's a very distrusting of journalists because they can expose the information to the public. this illegal mining still exist as somebody like telling me much. i've done with law. i'm try to get protection from the village head, whether mine is situated, but failed. what's the media to expose to mind? the tools, the central mind that he knew opened up about people who receive bro, i'm just calling you to get somebody to find that's widely believed by police.
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officers are involved who i think the best thing to do, but then practically shot was responsible in person can phone decentralized imagery, the film, the following of his move out of food. and i found the minus 10 to 12 here in the middle of the mountains near about 1000 meters above sea level that are good again . so stupid that today. do you think lots of tents been set up politically? there was no way of the activity would go unnoticed. thousands of tents, not it's impossible, not to notice. this raises the question with the southern counties, a coordinating cup, hunting upon di attempts to shut down the mines. what publicised in the media in 20172020. but as resign found out,
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these attempts have failed. and did the memo, the slaps that they were still active. cinnabon, mining and engineers in need for ins to home the is due to a couple of things. it to me, i discussed being we little enforcement and the con hokum given them. this is due to several factors. for example, the involvement of nor enforcement offices, old and lack of resources in the field, i still am on monday. the on sarah is believed to be some of the purest in the world. this creates and that learning opportunity for those with intentions. so full, i don't. yeah. and if i'm a gun, but those the number least the discovery of suna bar and sarah and the other parts of eastern indonesia where there's been a bar about indonesia has become an ex border of mercury, the largest porter. yes. uh, do you mind?
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yeah, uh, buying this out on the books, i'd be me daddy, that, that be so sorry, based on the dates or i have compilers get some new kind of officials appear to be involved in a go i such has been some couple me sign. yeah. and the solution is come with me, not got the guy we trace to quote, documented just one man on the line to nathan napa on discovered a shipment of synagogue has been delivered using an engine media national armed forces truck with a driver. and um, a number played g and then a movie then you've got, but i'm more than a get lined up. i can get with somebody then i'm i also found a court ruling and numbers where the police were involved in trading mercury, me, but the lumber to enter the 10 according in leasing to use. illegal refineries have been spoke to use in boy vogel and john, by the day constantly on the move to evade detection. and now we
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scan the leads to the also refineries on sarah an item, the mazda 6 dash 7 that the receptivity that they have. the results are on the top to this used to distillation, where they get the, the kind of look more into them. the, with the influx of domestic battery indonesian gold miners now have a plentiful supply of the toxic metal traditionally. so through a middle 9, it's currently available on social media platforms, like facebook, west sellers provide delivery right to the minus doorstep. we checked with facebook quiet. this is happening, but they have yet to reply with an innocent but highly functional supply chain. mercury is finding its way into the hands of gold. mine is full of indonesia
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. this is welcome news to the minus and secor tongue rumbled by the majority of the population, a reliant on goals mining for anything. just one gram as goal is, was very health, the usual monthly minimum wage. no coal findings in poultry because there's no other one from the some why. so you can only mine here. and secretary, if you don't use mercury while you call and get the call among the, even if you could see the gold and the rock and i couldn't get to a, i found a mazda about the, the, not the expense of trying their best to convince the miners to change the ways to get that money. and if i just need to ask them at the next step, i get that to them. when we went to the field, we trying to educate the miners when it gets out while i'm on medical the little.
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uh and that's where they know that mercury is very toxic. i think i didn't, but they don't want to be banned from using an eye on the ladder and wound up. i'm going to pony. so when we tried to talk to them and educate them, they turned against us online. yeah, the i yeah, and i'm back in the yeah. then i'm not gonna do that. yeah. on my side. okay. look here he has this disadvantage and do with it also has the voltages either confusing the thing you ever hear me? yeah. what i got, but now they were ultimately of the opinion that is their risk to take up under icicle. get that what mine is, mike, those understand is the slo, didn't city is the sites of mercury poisoning. these can include mental emotional disease, the serious condition that can lead to paralysis, neurological disorders and local research. i talked to a previous senior team to carry out testing on 10 individuals in secretary.
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now the results of back to naturally concentrations in half the se specials is one talk to 1000000 numbers of people tested within the safe threshold . no, no account minus samples came back 26.7 times high. as in the safe level. mckinney, who used to be a minor, registered 9.8 time time. his child $5.00 times the safe level casual wellness result showed you reading that was $12.00 times higher. while his baby boy nice, you recorded full times, the safe level, the what you get from the shopping support those. uh so i'm say that the result is very, very loud. i mean, and that we should be very concerned about this. the test results back up the
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initial findings as a community of examinations. the 1st clinical assign, usually happens within the 5 years. for example, the capability of this month or the nation is being being effective. the 2nd phase of symptoms often much most of the patients can present with opens a new or logical decline that that yeah. then don't daddy, the severity depends on how much mercury is in the body and the person's resistance to mercury, which varies highly as seen your. some of the mercury poisoning is more likely to impacts children and severely fell on your side. yeah. by anything else. i mean, you know, i hear what i mean. yes. and up i'm going to baby is born. that has been exposed to mercury bundle. they may look normal, you know, i hear the word. they may have dfcs depending on the disorder that occurred during the development of the babies organs and the wound up on the side. unless i buy
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a supplement book on, on the of the children and the secretary of the results from the test. since other available evidence would strongly suggest that the severe illness is being caused by mercury. in such a scenario of international experts advise immediate action, such as the evacuation of polluted areas. in reality, this is unlikely to happen here. the n g is of not giving out to in low bulk. they've introduced a new method of extracting gold from the old by using mills that make use of cyanide instead of not to be the table by 2 co operative filter processing plant. so cyanide is extremely poisonous. the residual danger
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of environmental buildup is low compared to match me my name and that's a data on an investment. the sign in addition process is much safer, because when cyanide is mixed with water, it immediately breaks down into nitrogen. and again, it's actually safe for the environment. the minute i'm on. what legal in my godaddy when the miners were using the mercury process, but they only yielded 20 grams of gold. you have been a little something painted on salt when they used to sign addition. they yielded 60 to a 100 grams of gold. that's what got them interested process. yeah, he does. he does on the ground execution. prove tricky that the process works. directing gold using mercury is a quick process to put it only takes 2 to 3 hours to get the gold well done site. but the guys that would sign addition can take 72 hours or 3 days to get the gold see. yeah. the how do you that's not the only 100
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minus like fast. what rahman? usually whole as most 2 sacks of will also mountain each day. but processing with cyanide, requires a huge amount of will in one go. ideally a 150 facts. even if individual minus could have for the weight, the cost of extraction is too high. the to potential rewards of scaling a ton to sing the products of informal goals minus over indonesia could be huge. but to achieve this, the government has many obstacles to overcome. escape wouldn't that get even though the 2025 target is 100 percent, it's mercury is free because the fact is that demetrius is still being used in the field. so you up on talking the supply of mercury is one possible solution for
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funding by a government should strictly prohibit cinnabon mining and not issue permits has been stronger. international regulations may help. so one shortcoming or the minimum of the convention in respect of small scale mining is that the treaty regards this mining as a allowed use for america positions should be the other way around, that mercury should be banned, produced mercury continues to be so originally used by goals, minor, a def black markets and not shut down. ultimately, it is the youngest generation and the generations who come off to them, the little pay, the heaviest price lock box you can give me another job begins and you can for me, for my using it. so i can give me another job begins that i just have yeah. the
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bathroom, but as i said, the card condition. i'll do my best to keep my son health and you want to die. yeah . and i say, i know he's normal kid. yeah, but i'm still grateful. he was born on a model. yeah. they do. i just happened. so. but he asked about the kind of friends i hope my son is to have to be healthy. soon. the
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vision to death on a street and test alone. a key in for august, coming to us was an impassioned for both. his attack is violence and cisco has become increasingly increased and puts media to can be a focus on human in says he
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minutes on d. w the in the morning on 6 times hiring t more people than ever on the move worldwide inspection. and one great
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timing is very hard to say, very difficult to find out about time on student info, migrants someone else to see the highlights of selected for you. you every week. a new a box subscribe. now the, this is dw news, and these are top stories. us president joe biden has signed a bill into law authorizing billions of dollars and military aid for ukraine. lawmakers past the $61000000000.00 package over the weekend ending a month long stand off in congress. the bill also includes additional military aid for israel and taiwan. in columbia university in new york city, extended the deadline by 48 hours for pro palestinian student protesters to clear
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it's campus. police have one, they will clear the camp by force if the demonstrators don't leave volunteer.


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