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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the facility, the news lots, i believe the us secretary of state raises concerns with china as presidents over its support for rushes through people and ukraine. in thoughts with president change and being antony blinking criticizes, china's help for russia to make weapons the old to announce as a, as a full operation, including controls of advanced a i turned in does epi connection is under way? it is a 45 day multi face. process correspond to design the campaign trade. press crossing the country. we bring of the natives from dudley, the
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primary spanish it. good to have you rip past us. i could be a state anthony blinking has met with china as president on the 3rd and final day of our visit fraud, with the tensions speaking off of the meeting with lincoln spoke of progress and of international trip in china and the united states, including on issue such as organized crime and authors of intended to install lincoln stress, the maintenance of open channels of communication between the 2. so pause remains of course, unimportant, and welcomed recent contacts, including his own visit to be during stabilizing relationship. fox blinking also pointed out that there remained a serious difference is not least on chinese support for russia in light, if it's attacked on ukraine. and my discussions today, i reiterated, are serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes, brutal war of aggression against you. frank. the china is the top supplier of
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machine tools, micro electronics, nitro, cellulose, which is critical to making munitions and rocket propellers. and other use items that moscow is using to ramp up its defense. industrial base defense, industrial base that is churning out rockets, drones, tanks, and other weapons. the president put in is using to invade a sovereign country to demolish its power. good. another, consider the end of the structure to kill innocent children, women and men. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support. and it wasn't just chinese support. i saw a russia that was a part of the conversation, but also about the chinese actions in the south china sea, alleged aggressive actions in the south china sea, including tensions over taiwan. but the blinking visit came as washington promised more than a $1000000000.00 of ministry aid for it in the pacific pop knows with taiwan, chief among them. badging views,
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taiwan as its own type of tree and instruction to seize it by force data of those east asia. correspondent james church looks up the impact of the funding and lincoln's visit on taiwan. we don't walk away from our allies, we stand with a spark has described it as an inflection point in history. the world us president joe biden, this week assign since a new phone, military aid package, west, more than 95000000 us sold at lotion more than 8000000 if that is a marks for washington's in the pacific partners. and, and sing for taiwan. the self from democracy that china claims has its own. on the same day, the us secretary states america's top tips, not just me blinking visits. china based on this thing, not included on the agenda page, things, ministry threats to tie one percent paging. make a what if thoughts about the us funding for taiwan is defense pretty well. military collusion between the us and taiwan will not bring security, nor can it save taiwan from the doomed faith of independent. i should. by the mean,
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the chinese president's shooting ping has often said what he calls re unifying. taiwan with china is a court interest for badging recent years. china has around supplemental trans invitation. flying with a tree, i crossed into ty, one's ad defense identifications on almost every day in less than a month, taiwan with a new great, it's newly elected president. lighting though he's about to do everything he can to protect. i one from chinese, the term is a way to live this reconciled his new national security team with menu coming equipped with years of experience and diplomatic positions. they've welcome the link to a stressful task for them to solely on will be able to as the primary goal is to complicate the calculations on the other side of the straight to cost. china is time table for potential reckless military actions always seem to be constantly postponed in order to maintain stability in the taiwan strait. i'd ship all tie,
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cheat the about that time when he's officially is often said in self defense is that responsibility alone. but with a gap in military capability between type and aging whitening tie when he is exercises like this a couple of months ago, underlined the fact that the support of washington would be critical to funding off a chinese attack. they the corresponding james chapter 5 that report for us on these now live with us from the time when he's got to type a james good to see you. we've had statements from both the chinese and americans sides of to those meetings that are happening in the paging. what has been said about taiwan well dressed when it comes to these really contentious issues between the us and china. any type of communication, these side se, on, on issues like thoughts of you did a positive lights. both sides saying communication is absolutely critical to avoid
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any type of military miscalculation or escalation invoices around. hi, want to further afield in the south china sea and the blinking for him is paul reiterated comments and it we usually hear in these types of situations reiterating the importance of peace and stability across the taiwan straits. but i think no one's under any illusions. hey, i think people recognize that those fundamental tensions between the us and china on this question are still there. and we heard much more forceful comments from chinese officials following these meetings. chinese president region paying saying that over the past few months, the 2 sides have managed to improve some areas of the relationship. but the big questions and challenges remain behind the scenes. and then of course we have from china is 12 different, not one of you with probably more force will come in saying that the us should not use high one as a tool to contain china. so really, what we've seen over these meetings is improvements in some areas the,
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that relationship between this to present 2 superpowers. the when it comes to those where the fundamental tensions over taiwan still much disagreements. and how does type a see the outcome of these meetings? i will if i want, of course, believes it will so that any type of communication is good. and remember, taiwan is just weeks away from moving into a pretty volatile period in terms of its politics just a few weeks away from a no great thing. it's new president lighting, this is a man who belongs to a time when he's policy, that badging of use a separate system on it refuses to communicate with them. there is, there was some hope i think in, in taiwan that blinking might use this opportunity to, to persuade aging notes around pop, any type of intimidation ahead of that may 20th integration. but when it comes to the issue of defense again, i think in taipei there's no um, no one's under any illusions about the really significant discrepancy in minute tree capability between the aging and type pay. and that's why they view this type
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of us support is absolutely critical. if they are going to have any chance of finding off about potential chinese, the topic, you know, you're talking, but really to support the end. this meeting came as washington paused $8000000000.00 in the us dollars for military assistance in the in the pacific, including a full taiwan, has started on reactive to that. is that enough? so try one. as well as i mentioned to i want to cause welcomes any type of support they can get, but it recognizes that this type of military support is called it's uh, it's a con, operates an event to tie. one recognizes that it itself also need some more than i is that some of the tree, something that's why we needed the officials often say is that although they welcome this type of support, that self defense and self defensive tie one silver and see is that responsibility alone and another point i would make around this is it's, it's not just us support. that's why one is probably looking to it's the us
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bringing it all the in the pacific allies in the region length of japan and the philippines, as we've seen over the past couple of months. again, both mutual defense tracy allies, all of the us into a close to cooperation. so that should that swipe of a chinese intimidation writes further than the able to operates and concepts in supports of taiwan. we leave it there for the time being dw james j to in type a. thanks very much for that. but we're going to time the type of aging wedge on list. if i've done, chris. bob has been following the link and visit for us. uh, fabia and uh,
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good to finally see you coming and heading into this visit, one of the crucial talking points was chinese support for the russian war effort. what happened on that front? so yeah, so 1st of all, i'm blinking made his point very clear. he has accused china and exporting machine toilets to russia, also a to use products, russia and those things that are really important for proteins, ballistic missile program. and he also stated that china continues to do so, then you know, it will cost them something in terms of a possible thanks. and he, he has not named concretely what the us is planning to do. but he said this will have consequences. so, so far this no, um, you know, progress that china will change his, its position and you know, they basically use its influence. so to, you know, a stop it will make,
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put in stop this. what, but i would say that when i talked to experts, they say that, you know, china understands the language of strength, of the language of poet and blinking. not only made his point that he also said, you know, we have some leverage here. we can, you know, and the implement some economic um, you know, sanctions, so let's see in the coming weeks where the, you know, the us can draw a red line saying that, you know, china will property then, you know, stop exporting the self, the product. but in terms of fundamental change of position, i don't think that it china will do so because china and russia is strategic interests are really quite aligned talking. but speaking from a position of friends, i think the anthony thinking there was a new didn't do doing his oppressed introduction. the the type of sanctions on, on china that we would sanctions imposed on china really work. and given that the impact of sanctions on russia are already questionable to
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what i think this is really not really a fair comparison, a china is much more into linked with global trait. um, you know, the, the, the biggest trade putting us to europe in union. but in terms of single country, the biggest market for china, then, i mean, it's also with america, so it would cost a lot. and right now the economic situation in china is not very bright. there's a high use unemployment, this a real estate prizes, etc. so it, china is depending much stronger on, you know, exporting its products to the global market to also to the west. so i would say that at least um, from a rational point of view, it should make a seating thing to think twice, whether it is successful. i mean, we're speculating here, but i would say that, you know, there was already at least one success that western state. he does have a gotten from seats and ping and bid was last year when putting was open to threatening with a nuclear tech. then seating things that no, that's in an acceptable we don't you know, accept it. totally. right. any,
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you know, uh, threatening of a nuclear force and many experts believe that this, that had some influence on poor teams. so i mean that was some success. and i think that can be repeated. now again, we're living there for the time being 5 democrats by engaging thanks very much for that's the big story of the day to india now, which is holding the largest democratic election in history, which is stretching over a period of about $45.00 days. the election kicked off a week ago with the fast of 7 election phases. now, phase 2 is getting underway with pulling across 13 states and union territories, a total of $88.00 seats. and the looks of all that's the house of the indian parliament being contested and dump in 5 minutes to manage their bodies seeking a red pet tom is international. his be here be body is also aiming for a super majority, which could impala a score allusion to change the constitution. while these challenges in the,
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in the alliance are seeking to end his role, but are struggling to find the message that resonates. the don't lose alden pod went to neighboring constituencies in northern india to get a taste of what's at stake. a lot drum give so i can do good please. immediate policy and election c a in the q u klux native northern india. about the to the only indians live here. it's a strong hold of him do not list bgp prime is another good movie. the party puts law job center stage clips, campaign, city of the city of mid it today. the line between real life and fiction is blood photo and google is a popular actor, hopefully law drum in the iconic television series around mind. in the 1980s,
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lord rome is come to meet the voters and he's a b, b candidate. global is a 1st time candidate. he's not be involved in politics before a. he's a huge fan of prime minister molding, which seems to be his means. what the ration destroyed by virginia student in their motives vision, and over just the development. yeah. are they developed to make a different country? it's his vision, just doing of items to, to make so that the crowds wait to see him. he knows how to use his popularity and the motions of his friends. i'm not promising anything to the general talking. you're just connecting to i that's it's not far from the riley support for the b g p a p, a strong. but you can find some critical voices,
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but this is the worst time for poor people and a good time for the rich people daily wages like me, a suffering and dying in these times. i've got a video. i am very happy and excited to see the 2 types of movie that has come to our town. it is good that be to chose him as the candidates for elections. you should have thought moody has done in men's development work in the country like india, where the population is any rising status. the truth, he is like gold for us. you said you picked out a job over here in this probably is a testimony to the henri, every supposed to be to be has gained to what the years the party believes pregnancy bodies popularity really just again read the defining fact of the window seals election. so much here in a neighboring city of gauzy above the bodies shuddered. mom drives to off with something else. but the opposition eliza, the india block. she has looked at spokesperson of the indian national congress
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bought a rand from mia garcia about enough. she's challenging moody's candidate and just comes to an seat for the national parliament seat or mean topics. women safety stop changes to the constitution. democracies in danger, via looking at the instances reading the doors and chief ministers out in j dawn. you have some support to us. like fighting for the seat is an appeal back to she seems odd. no god. anyone who supports the ideology of the be to be safe coordinates all these days. corruption charges dropped against the position. indeed, those who joined the beach a party to talk just as how you doing. got this fucking meet it, go with reaps the benefit of merging. they made up a lot drum split, to jump in fact mixing of religion and politics where these many experts
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fear it could widen tears in india social fabric. all right, let's get more from a correspondence. charlotte, you either be doing this now from dallas shuttle good to see you today. the 2nd phase of this election has gotten underway. how would you describe the political mood in the country at this point? celebrities. the country has done into a political background as it just so as it can make up from the pictures that he just sold in the other. the story and the pitch has been raised by both the ruling bgp party and the opposition parties, including including the main opposition party, the congress of indian election is really seen as a festival of you know, the celebration of democracy. but this election, it seems, is happening uh, you know, in a bit of documents via if i may, the opposition party say that they are being denied a level playing field with many of their leaders being targeted by the federal law
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enforcement agencies. the congress party says that it's funds were blocked by the tax authorities for 6 weeks, which hampered the campaigning activities. and one of the most popular opposition lead us it from deli, i've been teaching about the chief minister, was arrested and remains in jail on corruption charges that who denies. so all these political parties are saying that the prime minister, spotty, is using these alternatives. uh, you know, to, to go off to them for their own political games that to be, to be a denies. so this is the political mood and, you know, it's, it's historically been like that. but this election seems to be standing out but a critics and also saying that the investor edition of diversity and secularism has been under attack since the names are mostly in his b j. b came to pot. if nothings are more, they easily elected for a record that, um we what, what did we expect on that front? it was, predicts how been gazing or feels that if that in the movie comes back to power of
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the might cease to be the secular liberal democracy. that is, it is a celebrated fault really around the world. they feel that it might turn into a hindu majority and state as opposed to a secular state that it is now. and with this, this is a reason why the opposition parties of keep repeating the fact that this election is really the factory for the sort of democratic india. in fact, the prime minister movie has been accused of his normal for because hate speed in one of his valley's els last sunday. in, in, in some woods that came out way strongly in his valley. this is what he had to say are better than what it is that a god of when congress was in power. what they said, most of them have the 1st right to the nation's wealth is the you have some of these means though, collect people's wealth and distribute it to whom drive that. but to one of those
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who have more children to the empty tray, to start doing good job. good. do you think your how doing money should be given to infiltrate? is would you accept this? this is what the congress manifesto was saying to god shallow help us understand what the prime minister most of the saying the and why he things arguments like that will appealing to voters. but is, this is really the 1st time the prime minister, moody has used such strong boards to refer to them wisdom community, which is the largest minority of this country. it forms about 14 percent of in the us population. and it has evolved strong reactions, not just from the opposition parties, but from the civil society as well as they call the downright disgraceful coming from uh, you know, as high as a seat of the prime minister of india. really political analyst seem to believe
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that this is a sign off with the fact that prime minister movie is resulting to and elected hate speech is a sign of panic amongst the ruling party because they seem to have not fed very well in the 1st phase of election that was headed on april 19th. and so you know, the people see this as a deviation from the real issue, like unemployment, inflation and pull with the in the country. and rights groups have also raised concerns that such speech is coming from the prime minister might stalk religious pensions amongst the communities. now historically, they have intentions between hindus and muslims in the country. but right scoop say that in the last 10 years, under the prime minister ship of mr. moody, those attacks have gone up and they are raising what he's on this matter really with the, for the time being. but thanks so much for joining us today. show like other of the, the respondents in delhi, to south and southeast asia, a in
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a state of emergency optic stream, heat levels, record breaking temperatures in bunch of these definitive beans and thailand have left this cool closures, power shortages and heat related depths on the streets of bangkok, torres and residents are coping with soaring temperatures. the countries heat index which combines air and humidity levels, has risen above 52 degrees celsius, which is classified as extremely dangerous tire authorities are urging people to stay indoors for their own safety. but for those who make and living on the streets of the capital, that's not an option. i almost see like same thing when i work out all these days. but i can choose another job. can i? according to the countries health industry,
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there have been 30 heat related debts nationwide so far this year. that's compared with a total of $37.00 reported across to island last year. sometimes i feel dizzy, but not yet like fainting. drinking ice water can help in the philippines. a centuries old settlement, submerged by a dam, built in the 1970s has reappeared. extreme heat and drought have caused the reservoirs water levels to drop nearly 50 meters. april in may, are usually the hardest months in south and south east asia, but this, your temperatures have been exacerbated by the el nino weather phenomenon in india, where a general election is underway, sweltering temperatures, cause roads administered in the team. good carry to faint, a campaign,
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riley for prime minister in the render mowdy in the western state of maharaj truck searing heat is led to a surgeon power usage and outages in bangladesh where millions of students have been told to stay home from school. as the south asian nation swelter through one of its worst heat waves on record of get more from john list. uh, matt ton toys in bangkok. matt, how are people in bangkok coping with the heat? the heat is right. i would say that at this moment, even now at sunset here in bangkok it still feels quite scorching at about 40 degrees celsius all week long. and as mentioned before and yeah, the heat index, which is what people are feeling is that about 52 degrees. and so when you go around the city at this moment, you can see people shielding themselves from the sun with umbrellas or wrapping themselves in towels or seeking shade where they can,
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which there's not as much of it. um, so in generally the heat wave and its impact on daily life here, it's quite obvious just by looking around and seeing how people are moving through the heat and how they are trying to shield themselves from doing so time and also reach the record numbers in energy demand this week due to the heat. how prepared is the countries infrastructure to cope with these temperatures? on this one, i would say that the infrastructure in thailand is actually quite prepared for this . so thailand is not a stranger to various types of issues related to climate change. so there's monsoons, there's floods, there's pm 2.5 dirty air issues. and i think that the, the heat wave issue is one that has received the less attention. however, the power grid seems to be fine because this is something that is a chronic problem here and it's just getting worse. yes, the temperatures are getting higher, but the power grid is fine. it seems that the issue of focus more is whether or not
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people can actually now afford to even turn on the air conditioning as they can turn it on without collapsing the grid. but the prices are quite expensive. dot com, founded by also the inflation and the increased cost of living. people are having to decide between being cool or, or not. so i think that the cost of actually using the air is of more concerned than whether or not the grid here can work because in nearby countries such as me and mine your body, you may see these blackouts. but here in thailand it's, it's quite secure. different is also usually the hottest month of the year in thailand, but the expense of wondering that this is even hotter than in previous years. that's the government type of strategy on how to mitigate the impact from these increasing whether extremes. sure. i think that kind of as briefly mentioned before, that we're not like, not used to having a variety of real issues related to climate change here in thailand. so floods bmw
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$24.00 and $5.00, etc. but i think that the heat wave issues specifically is not one that has been properly addressed by this government. there have been some advisory is coming out from local official saying that if you are elderly or if you are someone who suffers from pre existing health conditions, that perhaps you should stay home. they've urged people to work from home who can however, the, as far as actually implementing policies, i've seen no such thing. in fact, when we look at neighboring countries, such as singapore, where people are standing at the bus stop being, you know, missed it by cool air. um, that's not the case here in thailand and also there is no publicly available drinking water. i think most people know that in thailand you can not drinking water from the fountain. so the lack of these types of ways to keep cool has led to an increase in the private sectors. right. kind of cash grab on this. i mean, most of the air conditioning in thailand is limited to the private sector, such as shopping malls and even in terms of private and public transportation. i'm
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afraid you might decide to take the somewhere in the shop, good running out of time. but i think we got the general gist of it mat honda in bangkok, thanks very much for joining us today. i think and that's it. so now coming up off of the bake to the point, the dig ultimate bw companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over brazil union. we process the $30000.00, hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the, the full actually cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all that much
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illegal as a starts may said on d w, the india is being referred to as the next bill. so the follow up with significant economic growth. india has become assault off the international partner, thoughts behind and deals, growth story. now the more the has being and follow for the last 10 years. and he seems to be on course to win a told consecutive to him as a prime minister multiples largest democracy. modems to modernize india and throwing it into a significant jail snap case skilfully navigating between the major follow blocks. and for this in a india, as the voice of the bill of a solid.


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