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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 6:15pm-6:30pm CEST

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the bridge spark life flows on indian motor sports at least journey to the treacherous car ready cost. as more use in our website's dw dot com and on all youtube and social media channels. so you can find this at the w news. i am eddie michael junior. thanks for your time. the we say they're about never giving up every weekend on d. w. driven by greed in the 2000 store too bad, engaged in various time risk business practice. to each somebody who's basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide. race for ever hire process. and then the epic demise of
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a german institution. the dodge of back story stuff may 2nd w, the intense passion for the arduous cross country rally rate life. people often telling me that i don't smart enough, but give me a good track and i desire to go it alone. even in the most challenging situations. when i did my 1st couple of values, i looked at what was the 1st thing in this for it was easy to find that it was the darker and a love for them. molly moto clash?
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where without seen support, a writer must rely on sheer grip to survive each state basically bedding on yourself and then putting the finances in into something like this. knowing that the score very well the i'm all she said i'll run a kind of more to sport athlete competing in cross country races across the world. and most notably, i've been at the doctor reilly into my little category. one of the few indians that i've actually ventured into that category, it's kind of my dream, the for, and more documents for me to make it through the car and see what that i needed. what it is about 5 am on a friday too early for most people, but not for a she's run a. the indian off road riley rate athlete is all set for a morning of intense training. at his off paced racing academy training ground. i
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see she has a simple call to compete in as many doc her rallies as he can going it alone as a privateer without the support of a factory team. it's a hard journey that's involved putting his job in the merchant, navy, and switching professions to become a riding coach, training other riley hopefuls, but also training himself for his next love affair with the sand. so very picking their way of teaching lessons and putting you any of this is really teacher not to take anything for granted. like, you know, your cruising one moment and the next moment deals you put onto face down 10. she's 1st started off road motorcycle in 2015 and was instantly hooked by the end of the following year. keep con rallying completed in his 1st off road rally rate defense the way the himalaya and decided he'd like to see how far he could go in the sport all on his own. it's one of the fuse for to as an amateur. you can
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go and race against that, all that needs in the word in this book, when i did my 1st couple of it, at least i looked at what was the toughest thing to move in this it was easy to find. don said it was the doctor and he began attacking his goals with a single minded focus, even when he was on duty, etc. for me i, i thought it wasn't me, let's face it. and then it just became a crisis like a big. this is now i'm just, i've made my peace with the diag. we was a very big guy and i me see, you're going to came to us as a dis wait face. and he said ok, and he went to ship and he was back in 3 months live in cages later just because i mean, which doesn't seem to lose that weight for us. she. she was a huge comfort that his wife, tanya had his back. no matter what, but it was the challenge he set himself rookie to dock our competitor in 5 years.
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that dominated his thoughts and motivated his every move from that moment on. a steely determination kicked in that would serve him well. especially in his 1st merits phone event, the africa eco race in 2020. what i had in hand photo, let's say i would have thought about was that i would get something like during the 2 weeks before that idea. and that's what happened. and i was in the hospital for 2 weeks starting from like 11th of december, i remember and at least starting 2nd of january. so i came out of the hospital, the 27th of december. and i was clearly ordered by the doctors that i should not be going to this valley, but for a cease getting up before the event even began. since leave wasn't an option. the question really ask is if you stop now, now will you be able to live without of that decision? and i think that's, that's how so i have signed off loan for making decisions now. and that's what this
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photos talk to you. because if i get off now, okay, that's an easy way of knowing i would feel good for for awhile. but then, what about the motor with the decision instead of making recovering from illness was just one worrying aspect. as a privateer on a shoe string budget, the motorcycle he was writing was a compromise. not a full blown rally raised machine, but a k t. m for 50 x c m enduro bike with an extra fuel tank. 8 days into the rally, things got tricky. i had some issues with the motorcycle, then i was running a fever. so i have to stop the place where i stopped was literally like literally middle of nowhere. and because it wasn't a medical emergency, i wasn't offered out. i have to wait for the sleep to get there, but the sleep truck only got to me the next morning. so i spent the whole night in
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the, in the court as a, as the sun went down, i started getting really cold, chilly, and there was a sandstone. and the other thing i have to worry about was then scorpions and snakes from the desert. because i saw a few just on sunset. i did my best to put in to you was what it was somebody with the training i have even from my background as a, as a marina. so yeah, i think it's an adventure i would training, but on my life the adventure only strengthened his resolve to compete in the car. and he began training for the events tough this category, the molly moto class, which riders compete without a support crew. instead they have a box with stairs and tools and surface to repair their motorcycles on the go on their own. my 1st experience was that apply solution or use a screen. so i don't, because if there's a team in move together, do you have other ideas with you? so it's a very long experience in the beginning. one of the things i quickly lice then it's
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probably the mistakes that the most 1st time was in the americas. if you keep pushing yourself to go through that entire checking this every day at the expense of this, that's not a good strategy to have. because the machine will take a lot more than actually got into the rhythm of going solo though, until things unraveled on stage. 5 of the rally. i vent daughter day when i stayed on my head. this was not a very high speed crash because i landed on my head. i think the in fact was very high. and then i tried to get up. i immediately blacked out. so consequently, you know, 10 minutes later i was and the injury meant that he missed 3 stages of the rally, but was allowed to finish the events under the dog cart. experience. category advice was ok, everything's clear, but it's
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a concussion in the end. so it will show up 72 hours later as when so that i commendation wasn't like ok. but the cautious way. i really enjoyed the rest of the support. all it was, it was a good experience to finish that i need not to finish. i was hoping for, so i was kind of sad about it. like i finished the card yet. i was kind of, i had mixed feelings because i wasn't that the actually finishes 40 but yeah, that's something to connect next to cease has accepted that injuries. are par for the course of both my sort of the separated me 7 millimeters and 11 millimeters, both sides and your particular one of them in fractures. and you know me injuries dca. there's been a lot. but like i said, i've been lucky so far that they haven't been injured is that i have required extensive surgery or anything or put me out to like more than maybe half
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a year. but the real barrier he's had to leap across is the hurdle in his mind. i think the biggest mentor that is of basically building on yourself and then putting all the finances into something like this, knowing that the score very well for doing also as a private to your funding. the money for racing is a constant battle, and the costs of competing in the car are massive. in 2021, she's funded 90 percent of his doc, our campaign himself. things have since changed. this here looks look the problem promising on the front. so i think it's going to be exactly the opposite. i would hazard, like 90 percent, would be sponsored and then 10 percent. and so my friends, the private tier life means a she is used to doing things on his own. he's his own nutritionist and fitness trainer. he's his own mechanic, and everything happens in his apartment or at the off road academy. he found it nearby. i would like to be
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a member of one of the best motorsport, cortez, and other than i can. and that's what i'm working today. you'll need to have that confidence with this soil and then you'll be ok on the by the, i don't know where they're just me on the bike. i need to get some more of the bike of yours. oh, i lost it. it's not the bike, i think it's really hard on us, but at the same time he's also knows when to pull it back. and he's been super supportive from the start of my journey. i will be that i am or that i want to go without. she should like when you use the front and that is a legend, right? so explaining with whom is animalistic, lend partner,
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learning from him is what they don't want him to achieve. whatever that he wants to, that you haven't had, whichever way we can. and so that's the ultimate goal. it's, this is a stuck out. it's does a for the 2024 car actually has been accepted in the moto class, not the molly moto category. so he will have the luxury of a support team, but he's got a sense of unfinished business when it comes to the events, most punishing category and hopes for another outing. in the molly moto class, one day, given the cartridge surface, so stuff kind of add another little difficult to do it. so i've always wanted to do difficulties. in the meantime, he's training in earnest for his next battle with the demons and deserts with tanya by his side. because he got hold tomorrow and meet with the band with accidents. of course, the oil is that much higher in motorsport. just think of the, the i new go with the flow, i guess, to us each, the months of hard work,
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the financial burden of the car and the brutality of the event are simply part of the journey. worth it in his endless quest to reach an environment in which he truly drives people from telling me that i don't have enough. but give me a good track. i'm getting from the i think the feeling of not just finishing but the feeling of just finishing everything. really good. and i found remember seeing the value that exists, the motion that is on the the new will tell you
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d w. looking so many different businesses gather above and beyond who use this based of pictures and why life caused the trip to africa with the 77 percent in 60 minutes on d w. the words people have to say,
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that's why we listen to every weekend on w, the business, the, the news i forgot coming up on the program 30 years of the south africans and the whites only rules who failed. the victims of a policy meets the gala movements now that the ladies protesting against being shut out of the country is the truth and reconciliation process dmc government says they should end the demonstration and go home. also coming up in the democratic republic of congo is the end of an era, as the u. enforcement of school pulls out to who will protect the people. now on occasion that leaves where in crushing form either london mouth or not just one .


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