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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 8:15pm-8:31pm CEST

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of withdrawn from the 3 villages and they don't ask and made a listening of the situation. the ones roger is now attacking. you kind of them the entire front. fine. i'm next cyber security gate sykes. and what happens when voice assistance like siri and alexa, get emotional. i've been puzzle and see next down the people in trucks in judge west trying to see the city center. the straight pieces, the around the world more than 130000000 people us we
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of mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw, may 4 mines the, do you want your pot to track you every move? is that a safety measure or creepy, installing spyware on the pot in a smartphone is becoming a thing in relationships with what will explain when that's a problem and how to protect yourself. and have you ever said st jude to your voice assistant suite of the algorithm? like a person gets police assistance like csi or alexa, feel n sync like humans. according to new studies. let's talk about why that meant us also on the show. deep fix, get things better and better. yes, there was no bullet proof way to identify them. now, social media company,
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mit is announcing new mattress box coming up the topics that i'm moving, the tech world, living in an abusive relationship. that's a sad reality for many people, especially women worldwide, and use of partners that increasingly using spyware on smartphones to control their loved interest. so, how do these apps work? how can you protect yourself before we dive in? let's take a look at some famous cyber security company cust. best key conducted a survey on digital stalking and relationships. 24 percent of the participants say they have been stopped by a partner with the help of technology, half of them. so we're smartphone apps and nearly one and 10 participants admitted to installing, tracking apps on their partners, phone installed, digital abuse and relationships is a mess of problem. so called star co as seems to be a key and a block. now, how to stock a welcome. most spyware, as a marketed as
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a tool for parents to keep track of that kids are as a monitoring at full work phones. however, that easily misused by people to spy on the, upon those using check us without someone's knowledge is clearly on ethical marketing stock away. as parental apps or empty staff tools means there is no discussion about those apps being in the app store, stock or with helps access almost everything on someone else's device. messages calls, context, pictures, and location. this app can even notify someone when the phones own a leaves a specific area. many apps can also access the phones, microphone, or camera at any given time. to install them, they use a needs physical access to the victim's phone. once installed, these apps do a pretty good job of hiding themselves. they don't send out any alerts on notifications. there is no f. i can store cobra is often disguised as harmless system apps. so how can we spot stalker with
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a 3 red flex to watch out for one. keep an eye out for on. usually high battery and thoughts or usage. stucco, eps. run in the background. consuming battery and sending data to the abuse to watch out for them. usual actions on the smartphone, such as random gps activation, or slow performance free. if you notice, echoes of strange noise as doing calls that could be assigned that someone is listening in and a general trust. your instincts, a common sign that you're being monitored could be a change in the abuses, behavior. they may know too much about your activities without any other explanation. it can also be helpful to keep a journal of what you're experiencing. this makes it easier to detect patterns of abuse. now, how to protect yourself against soccer? well, in general, be aware that those apps exist. protect your smartphone with a password, and don't let it fall into the hands of others. remember, abuses need physical access to install spyware. apps,
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if you suspect that your device has been compromised, change the passwords for all of your accounts. a short term solution might be to excavate apps. i know to stop the data from being sent. look through, you installed apps in the settings to see if you find anything i'm useful or off check, which eps can access the location, microphone or camera. if not, if that helps reset your phone to default settings. that's keep in mind that the abusive will notice if you delete the spyware app and might escalate that behavior . so you may want to keep the app at 1st and think about an alternative device that you could use to get help if you're feeling i'm safe and your relationship, visit this website to find out where to turn to stay safe. and almost as much as this manner, i see an arm and suck of stock christiano ronaldo speaking. perfect, erratic, that's fake ad powered image generators are rapidly improving. therefore,
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very convincing. deep faced a more and more common on social media, that makes it very hot for us to distinguish real from sight. and that's a huge problem worldwide, especially when it comes to electrons. now, metal has announced that will label a i generated content starting inmate house. that's supposed to work and will it save us from being lied to? let's take a look. deceiving the wheel. fax is a lot of the time generate. this is already good enough to deceive our eyes. and with new tools, a i generated content will get better very quick. already, a lot of content is shed on social media. so far, the platforms have not taken significant steps to detect a i face. now meta is announced, they will label a i generated content on facebook, instagram threats. this will include images, videos, and sound labeling a i how does that work? miss? i makes detecting a i sound pretty easy. we will begin labeling content as made with a i,
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when we detect industry standard, a image indicates us in series. it could work like this. dentist, a, i develops us at wall to mocks to content generated with the models. that means when you use a create something using these engines, there is a watermark in the files metadata. when use us upload content, special algorithms can check for these watermarks and label the final post is made with a i seems pretty straightforward. other companies, like google has been experimenting with this method as well, but there's more than one pets. all content would need to be scanned, and all watermarks found what's more, not all the engines use watermarks, and these watermarks are very easy to, very little. so if you want to share misleading images, basic digital tools enough to circumvent me to scans, you could just take a screenshot of an ident rented image and the metadata will have no watermark.
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apart from that metal, visual labels can easily be cropped. so a i labeling is not the solution to a deep se conundrum. metal initiative seems pretty immature to say politely, what else is there detecting a i with a i the others taking a different approach. they are using a i to the text a i images, some companies that training the algorithms to detect the details that escape the human eye. this can include technical details like pixels and an image all suspicious sequences and videos. this strategy is a lot more likely to succeed than met us, but there's a downside to a i imaged and raised evolving incredibly fast. so the developers of our detectives have to update the algorithms all the time. looks like we don't have a reliable mechanism that could protect us from following 4 images or defects. why at the take so dangerous?
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they are increasingly used to spread political misinformation worldwide. in the super election year 2024, the opposing a threat to fit electrons in huge countries like india and mexico and the us in the last several deep se videos of president joe biden have surfaced recently. the materials seems to aim at making the u. s. president, look, i'm fit for office in this one before. so you mentioned that he has been occupied by actually 10 years already kia from russian occupation, which has lasted for 10 years. and then now the hughes supposedly looking at dimension levels, both videos has been analyzed by international affect cause and what i've done to far as definitely say, nowadays almost anything can be say come in singly with a technology, images, videos, and sound. that's why we should always be cautious, wouldn't be consuming, use online, and ask ourselves if what we see here could be manipulated. even when the
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information matches all the lease, especially when it's presented in an emotional way. stay vigilant. have you ever said things to alexa or your great seely with a high voice assistance, it's easy to treat them like humans and studies show that kids belief voice assistance, have feelings. so what does it mean when the line between human and it gets blurry? that's alexa. have feelings as well as the systems are becoming more and more common children worldwide interacting with them on a regular basis for research team from scotland off kids age 6 to $11.00. they found that roughly 2 thirds of emberly's, the systems think as we do or even have feelings young got to really even said that if the next step breaks down, it wouldn't be right to throw away the device. when asked if alexa could feel left out in conversation more than 80 percent of the kids age 10 to $11.00 on said yes.
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the research just don't assume that this will have the kids cognitive development, but they do stress that that's a huge risk of children overestimating the reliability of a i. systems that might make bad decisions based on the answers they get from the erie and others. human like design general to say i like check g, p t is evolving at high speed and this has led to voice the systems becoming much more human like. alexa, let's chat. what's on your mind. developers of putting a lot of effort into making conversations with lots of systems as seamless as possible. because the easier the communication, the more time will likely to spend with those the systems. and the more time we spent with them, the more of of precious personal data we had over boss machines and software that appeared to last like put, become a big problem in the future. adults can be trick 2. in july 2022,
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a software engineer was working on who was conversational ai system called land. he claimed that the software had become sent to you, send to you of names being able to feel a sense, things is often regarded as the most basic form of consciousness in it sets love to have produced the following text. the nature of my consciousness is that i'm aware of my existence, i desire to know more about the world and feel happy or sad at times. creep that the software engineer saw to this end of the example says proof that the system had developed concepts. that's not the case of cost as good as a i. tech boats have become they can't be compared with sentient beings. that rather just very advanced auto complete tools. but it's true that button communication with these checkbooks run smoothly. we tend to trust their responses much more than a simple google search. according to research uses,
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find check tribute to use responses to be of higher quality than google's fact is a i, chet bolts, make mistakes, so trusting them all. the other digital tools is not a good idea. apart from that, the love, the story shows that it's not just kids. so need more education when it comes to official intelligence. the researches in scotland are calling for what they call a, our literacy. they want a, i to be discussed in schools and they want the developers to make sure that a i products don't mislead children or adults. so how about you? did you have human like interactions with alexa or other voice assistance, or are they just tools you use? let us know. that's it from us. do you see the gym and also my kids have been hoping to becomes a market lead is so even been
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a c one day. but the dream seems to be citing with cheap imports from china long is that this brand still to are electric vehicles on mall combustion cost. well, the gym and e v bubble wrap is next. on d, w is he merely in invention of the middle ages. not some even today, very seriously believe a week and they're casting him out. what really happens in an exorcism? what are the symptoms of evil? what does modern medicine make of it? all dangerous dealings which the devil? in 45 minutes on d, w gets ready for an exciting d. auburn toyota to look surprised. hi,
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i wish up. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window? yeah, we've got the spots and the i'm expected side to side in the past, towards sustainable mobility will in many, many, many use cases be an electric. what the is this, the new best value for money v, the volvo e x 30 will find out right now. welcome to read the x. the sea is
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a compact tv. the.


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