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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 8:30am-9:00am CEST

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to have to say, that's why we listen. we close every weekend on d w, the, the environmental education is not the child display, but sometimes we can approach climate issues in a ways that appeals to people of every age. that's really important as to look to the future. hello and welcome to a new edition of echo africa. i am personal and illegals nigeria. and i am sandra co homes that we know gil hosting from counselor right here in uganda. and this week we have another rounds of exciting reports about conservation on
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sustainability. here is what we have coming up. joining forces to fit god with long being gaining making or the production more resilient seem to media. and a, from using photography to raise awareness, things can be done via house a fairly showed the coastline and communities. beth faced, those rates of over fishing. now our recent reports by i'm the see international reviews bought it is one of the 6 also can countries lot together news at least 2100000000 euros every single. yeah. due to a legal or on regulates of fishing other than time local, please feel free to reach us having a detrimental impact on marine ecosystems and the people depend on them. we met some local to this because to total funding has a problem. every day, fishes unload, almost into touch. here to be taken by truck to
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a nearby factory where it's done insufficient mail. it's been like this for 6 years . and both people in nature, a suffering. the consequences here in southwestern cumbia, that's something environmental is more of a job than it is for a little activist. i determined to change ever since the factory was built. they've been calling for a most sustainable use of their regents resources of the money and the economy or the blue economy is very important. so i will survive. but he how's it going to be concerned? because i mean, really sunny. it depends on the piece of, of fishing by large trolls is creating hubble all along the costs of west africa. 90 percent of these vessels are following on days among the countries affected for a few years. now. some of these strollers of been delivering the cartridge to sudden speech move up the street. the facial meal is exported to china. it takes $4.00 k g o face to produce one k deal efficient. in order to walk efficiently. the
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fact 3 needs 500 tons of fish every day, and only large folders can deliver such quantities. that leads local fishermen with even less to catch. get out and see. we can fish a lot in the sea because of the presence of the big boats from set a goal. but i'm posing significant challenges for us. we are going to attempt to the government to intervene that throughout the depleting deficient position and even eastern policies, and that will be no fish left in the gum being watches within the next $2.00 to $3.00. i just met there. the fisherman factory pays the local fishes. the equivalent of $60.00 is a credit, which is a decent local prize and guarantees them a dependable business. but it leaves little over to so us food at the local market . oh, what is the problem? yeah, inside out. so is this been called on literacy? what i've been looking at because i'm leaving it after using his best to figure out what was, what if i'd be i'd be now if it got that going to you and that'd be done. well,
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what is the cost to be sustained? that will be a part of it. well, with this i've been producing the fee, but the be, i've been called, does not sustainable explained to affecting the people inside the end. but it's not just that the chimneys have been pumping out smoke date in the out for the last 6 years. a quality has dropped and the smell is overpowering. the most likely to start the vegetable investor event most just turn to them. a net thing from the chemicals severely pollutes the, to the extent that residents must retreat in those even just to enjoy a simple meal in order to escape the pollution discharged by the factory it to value. while i was off, i've, i've bought for the, in the factory isn't just polluting there it is pumping, it's what to with directly into the sea. and that's having an impact on the fish 100 to jump on these as a fish. and i've been protesting against the pollution seems each fuss became
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a part and be well rested. but at least the thought to was forced by the national environment agency to body the overflow pipe under the sun. the environmental activism now trying to bring about change via dialogue, but new, but the fusion community, the factory operators, not the government officials, were prepared to talk to dw about the fees miss. like 3 may provide a reliable income full of fishes, but it encourages them to all the fees will have a job, but he's trying to get them to use more sustainable methods to protect the actual fish and stops some fishes of list and. and the longer fissions pony groans and full young fish back into the water. i'm going to keep it as of our existence is from activity or before any activity be called at least your to and i was feeling, you know, the individuals within the community. so that we cannot the data as well as raising awareness the activities go to the beach once
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a month together with volunteers to collect plastic waste. they know that such efforts are just small steps, but the help to keep them going. we know trouble along the onsite, the coast from the gunboat to northern virginia and from over fishing to in danger with loans these precious ecosystems need to be properly boot up to. yes, sandra and not just because they're happy to, to so many spaces, but also becomes the 5 tools the humans to what this is an occupational go to see how conservation efforts, helping to save nature, while also protecting the interest of local community is of the labor well, good luck has a few go run fast. this young turtle has made it. us have many of it, siblings, elementary style items,
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local eco gods have kept the egg safe from poach as an a. no shielding the baby turtles from the as they slip all the way across the beach. protecting the nesting areas is a community effort. when i need the vehicle better, we have a ico gone see to watch morning and evening for the from the village themselves. now, good just by the very presence, by educating the families, if they're all weapons, aren't that either nobody touches anything of it. so if that's and i like this one is to show the local eco gods have been working with an armed conservation coal link to can use environment ministry since 2013. that's when the true stone islands were grounded, the status of marine protected area. your arrangement was the combination of a 7 year process that combined the items is knowledge and experience with input from scientific and government bodies. one of the chief organizes explain the
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approach on the bottom of that, we set up a consultation framework where people are free to express themselves, often in the own lawsuit language to express what they wanted. we've then transformed the results of this consultation framework into a management plan. this is how the management committee, for example, came into being that was its local branches of its it'd be mine, but i'm a local is that you still islands are a mixture of mangroves mudflats, forests, and sun banks facing the atlantic ocean. these largely undisturbed ecosystems are a june of bio diversity, but rising sea levels are putting pressure on the local communities in 2023 seawall to flooded one 5th of the rice fields. the. some 20 families form the management committee to work together and build tanks to protect the fields. the initiative is part of an intelligent conservation approach that aims to reduce human impacts in
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bio diversity hotspots. traditionally rise farm is such as up to le caught check, would move to milford land every few years. and that meant cutting the mangrove for it. once they became aware of the damage that caused, they decided to stay put, you know, to move. there was a mangrove restoration project. we realized it made no sense to plant mangroves in one place and just cut them down somewhere else. so we keep the fertile fields we have and don't go clearing elsewhere and what could he be? among 5 trees on trees. so a viable if a bio diversity, i'm a juicing coastal erosion at the local eco gone from the conservation. coal carry out making a patrols on this tool. the conservation co offices, all the trees have been filed. a good idea about, hey, come you. why has this would been cut, took all the locals made well, some trees for that use,
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but only if the request is approved at a higher level. um, what i had to work on, i mean, the local eco got explains to the office. so why these cutting was agreed on? i would do it on monday. the word was cut to make a road to the last village lower than that i said we had nothing to make the road and there is a river in the middle of to 40 the how much? so we cut the wood to make us thanks for the bridge for that you'd be of us and we didn't want to cut it loose. we could have a meeting of the people approve the decision making because we had no other means of putting the other rules how to, to enforce the nature reserve extends into the ocean on the joint patrols carry out other notes, checks on returning fishermen in case they've quote, any protected species under the watchful gaze of the eco gods. the crew unloads its touch.
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these rays will quickly endangered a tense discussion followed as the official ma unexplained themselves on the conservation cool officer lays out the news. seeking up a 5th official note, did we tell them to release them back into the sea? continued mistake you more? if they are already dead, we ask them why they caught them and explain why they should go out and catch them another day on purpose. us put it this time efficient men get away with a warning. eventually this community base conservation effort aims to win over everyone on the trip. so i let let's head to tanisha. now with the situation for the i'll leave foremost is getting tougher. it has been so dried that it has had a see the impact on the habits as draws could become an even bigger problem in the future. it's important to find ways to adapt the roads. news has grown olive
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trees 5 associates, but over the past decades she needs, he has experienced severe drought that's being less rain full on the to regular intervals and that's impact to thomas several years ago, he also began growing greek in spanish olive trees on his 250 heck tests. these have high, a healed sending his experience and more resilient than the 22 needs in varieties. he's always cultivated about children. with all dennis trees, june felt i've noticed improvements in oil production. i'm harvesting a higher quality oil than i did from the local cham loudly tree gamble. and 2nd reading the fruit can cope with drought. there is the, i have more all of the state green vein, you know, try out so fast and efficient as many of the large scale problems here have also shifted to spanish olive varieties, but they have still been corrupt shortfalls. in the last 5 years to media has
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suffered from extreme weather conditions. this facts region in the east of the country has traditionally have the countries highest olive oil production. but yields have dropped here to ralph and news says it's a struggle sort of like when it makes it doing good, you cannot make way. it's a disaster because in recent years and the production costs have increased 5 fold and 6 fold. and then 7 folds. so best could pull if it were only the cost of gas and diesel for the tractors. everything here runs on diesel. the prices would have doubled the old labor costs of also risen dramatically because the drought means the more and more people are leaving the region and looking for work in the city. it is all on keeping that comp and you saw felicia should you too, bye bye. all the yields and higher costs. no, certainly a problem for farmers. oil produces a rule. so feeling the impact of the specs regions. $348.00 oil mills and the 70
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a currently up and running because there is simply nothing of our lives to process the production inspections have. this is mainly due to the drought and the lack of rain. that's why the price of olive oil has gone up so much and the quality is effected 2 yellows or dryer. they have to the water content that makes the more acidic olive brothers increase portugal in spain. they're also affected by droughts . olive oil prices have exploded here to foam is in and the loose c a in southern spain now have a harvest period of just $14.00 to $30.00 days rather than the usual. $100.00 a sud foam is here already irrigate there, all of trees, but water supplies unlimited. i can oh yeah. well there is no water. the area around the gladly the river, the, the most important waterway and andalusia is already being overused. there was no
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way of issuing new licenses for irrigation. all right, well she really validate that and what uh confessed you on that vehicle which is also in short supply and she needs. yeah. and the a small number of olive groves here irrigated in the dry season. rose i lose, has to water all his trees, but many farm is gone to for the extra drinking more to now that could be a solution. some foam is and treating us reese using reclaimed, wasteful, to, to irrigate that crops, they buy it from the low, closer to $160.00 purified thomas pay around half of what they would for drinking more to researches at the university of sax have investigated the efficiency of irrigating with reclaimed waste water, which is usually expensive to dispose of woman living in our research, which has been published in international journals, it shows that this water can enrich this way with organic matter. and so also boost production in organic what documentation wanted, that could be a business, a promise many needs high quality soil and move on to then they did
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a few years ago. in order to increase that on the fields, thomas light rows, they lose have counted more trees pub floats, and these now compete for f. a sketch, the levels of water, organic farmers and fat ring better. they've retained the space between that trees . organic always grow at and idea bookcase still enjoys good harvest, hug grove. so in the northeast of the country in maneuver a region that's not quite as dry as smocks. she covers the soil around had trees with stool to keep moisture in. and she also me, grows only of tree varieties the to native to the region way plenty of the fall. we will always support different native varieties with all the computing heritage and these for as ease huizenga growing and driving here for centuries. dyslexia, the med, they've had time to adapt to the different conditions of this micro climate, and you call it one more how strategy has paid off in 2020 to nadia. but k was
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awarded the prize for the best female olive oil producer and to olive oil was named the best in tune is yep. it's fair to say that no one enjoys pain in hospital. it's all from a stressful environment. we have day to look after and to recover from illness or injury, but we are likely to feel upset and anxious. and zach can slow down our return to house. so what can be done to increase patient well being? well, one hospital in nothing done is making the most of the ceiling. paula open nature. that is a doing debate basic these don't accept positive and unconventional therapeutic program at the eco hospital in
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one north, west and gone to the patient to get professional medical attention to. of course that blood pressure is measured and the appointment is applied when necessary. but in the eco hospital, that 70 house of the road to recovery is time fall and the capital eugene dominus, suffers from high blood pressure and need problems. but he's going outdoors any way as positive his treatment accompanied by human health care, where kids of course eugene is going to feed the non human stuff just like i was eating them. i was really happy and the way the way the disease. so it takes to live that visited this your mind from the sickness for us on time are nice. i am the god and of the ico hospital is environmentally friendly to no chemicals. a used
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organic cone left us and while cabbage are a healthy addition to hospital meals. eugene by moon of benefits from being in the surroundings and helping with the harvest. we do not mean that the environment will completely provide humid. but we are setting that that patients confident in environments like just watching. yes. the see all expressing of happiness, engaging the job and all these 2 quotes to do to the new we thought was the gender . i will be of the people who receive services. we did this environment, these catch facial also concepts, the nature tools that seem to be ending up on the patient's plate. all will be sold to help fund the ico hospital, the these cute rabbits on the other hand, just back to the feel good factor. and to the end of the, to it's time for refreshments. and what could be better than the most and melon
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think eugene them, you know, just picked himself many people don't realize that the trade in exotic animals settings, the biodiversity and the places where those animals come from. but one man from december committee team. yeah, it's challenging. poaching and other threats to wide lives. exactly. trees is and live still on this, but how autonomy to photography and he wants to use his pictures to raise awareness on twilight. the u. t. o. p is negative reaching is equal. he will be sweet a little the is a man of many talents. he knows exactly what he's doing. and the 30 year old
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canyon is also a talented photographer. he says he began taking pictures to help him better understand his environment. so the one thing that the really put them into, i live with the most about the washing. so i was just wanted to take up the offer to hop on but so like, i'm able to identify that this has been able go conservancy in central can yes. i'm listening to i works here off to studying wildlife management and conservation at the college by taking photos of the many animals that live here. ambrose hopes we can raise awareness of spc that are valuable for reason. they didn't get many locals. i've seen his pictures and he often visits schools to talk to young people about the environment. what are
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the visions mostly like did they find us way less did alpha and the other wonder if that 3rd and, and the, the only thing that they're gonna be able to use is for the program on the desk to 10 home on the new for said the out of the out that i didn't to add onto that one to share the story you need to of a photo. what i feeling i'm verse betrays animals such as the african left, but that at risk from poaching. i lots of habits. it's or he's even fountain red black let's it's for the messiah photographer, the biggest subject to the big cats is climate change for minute. the plan space is that disappearing? yeah, yes. because of the claimant's and there is no rains in this area. we, we, the 5th, a very diverse did think i dropped on the, on the i was, i bank so in the not be above, that'd be for die then the low. but in the past where like, another threat is that locals have often killed liquids because the 2nd live stuff, which is the livelihood of many people. here,
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ambrose is building understanding that community level these women used to see, let the does enemies. now they work to protect them as leopards, a truck to wherever is. and that means drugs they call themselves to momma's or liquid mom is we have come to understand the cause of each one of the important of it. because now the formation of tree, my, my, us, me a little foods such as new sources of income, the women's collective mix jewelry and so on has now even built their own sense with the proceeds. this wild live kids results center in the middle of the savanna, at what school founded by bruce led to life equipped with reading material and by not kayla's. these kids are on the safari today, the bud spotting and the trip is proving inspirational. i'm going to get the with selma who level now i want to educate people of the importance i'm convinced them
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to start quoting at all 4 phones on long island. so children are also aware of the financial benefits of conservation. given that if i am a customer, i would like to protect these animals because they helped the country in commerce and it safari tours and brings us money. people come to see that i know and, and that generates revenue your best. so it helped improve people standard of living it and, and, and then grow simple if it was done. this is latoya. why says he's optimistic about the future because it seems that young people are becoming more environmentally aware that it's a, you'd sent day. so you understand it because i need to connect with the land to say to them. and so i'm going to send that to learn about 12 day. of course, i won't feed them to pick up for the most of this particular, but on the line that you won't even know some names is pictures of some plants that do funding this particular area and they know the use. so that is somebody that
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makes me happy. the local i listen to population remains a concern. in 2019400 of them were counted in the nearby loose sab conservancy, ambrose let's told why hopes that he's what can help ensure a safe. ready future for them, a wildlife activist with a new perspective on close of ation ways, providing a solution to the younger generation. i am sandra co homes that we nobody else funding go from complex right here in uganda. and i am chris at lancing idea. thanks for joining us, and we take out the eco offered the online full in like the stories and feel free to share any ideas you have. see all again, next week the
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for the
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looking for the best thing. for us to go above and beyond the use of the day to day features taking where i live a trip to africa with the 77 percent in 30 minutes on the w, the
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little guy. this is the 77 percent of the platform for hostages youth issues, picture id you know, on this channel we had the past and then he did talk to the young people clearly have the solution, the future of the 77 percent every weekend on dw, the green, oh, you update the green innovations, super green and green, turn the holy gray off electron mobility and green revolution, global service and for a whole lot of climate problems. to fix your thoughts on the topics subscribe to those channels. we've got new videos every friday, subscribed to planets,
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this is the, the news light from the lane potential photo ceasefire in gaza. you're a secretary of state anthony blinking returns to the middle east for another round of thoughts with out of leaders for the 1st time in beats easterling. hum, austic government and full of tools, including the release of hostages, also coming up. retreat on the eastern front, ukraine's army, camacho says his out number. troops are full and talked to new positions in the near region as the russian forces of bonds. and in germany a far life conspiracy stopped in its tracks or.


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