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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the efficiency, the news life from berlin and medical stump diplomat say, is a cease. fire is the best way to relieve suffering. pain goes out us. i can feel safe. anthony, blinking is back in the middle east on another push for peace. for the 1st time in beaks, east threatening him off signal momentum for a truce, including the needs of hostages. pulse are coming up for treat on the eastern front . you prince ami, come on to say, is his number of troops opponent dr. new positions that don't have the region as russian forces and bonds plus in germany, a followed by conspiracy stopped in its tracks or unintelligence various members of
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from the list followed. i'd love to seize bod, go on trying to stay, but it's unclear if intelligent surfaces know the extent of who was involved and they didn't escape from a heat wave and bundle there. it's been a separate countries across asia being hits hot break stream temperatures linked to climate change the finish manager, welcome us, secretary of state, antennae. banking is holding talks in solving area with out of gulf states. officials, it's part of a new poster. broker sees far, the good thing is right, i'm us, lincoln has don't need us gathered and we all that to cease fire is the best way to relieve thinking, monitored in prices and goes up. it's expected. the tools would also include the needs of hostages, held in cause us into the how mos let that attack on the 7th of october. at the
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same time, a mosse delegation is expected to meet egyptian officials in cairo, for adults, aimed at securing an agreement to the negotiations are taking place. as a fighter for ground invasion continues to new overall far way over half of guys are spot. the nation is shifting the city of rafa has been the last refuge, the families fleeing the financing and got the previously deemed a safe zone by israel. meaning he is still struggling to get by. now you're also looking for we have 10 people living in the same tent and we suffer from the sheets and mosquitoes. we do everything inside the tent cooking cleaning basing. the children have sick children who cannot tolerate the sheets, and we have crumbs inside the tent rarely going outside. no, israel says rafa is a strong home for home us militants and plans to launch
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a ground invasion. we want to leave speaking and saudi arabia with palestinian president in judged against a picture of the palestinian people. we emilio, why we appealed to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the ref, authoration, because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from committing this crime. he did, yeah. the mass us has previously said it could not support a rustle operation without a credible humanitarian plan. this is rail sees it is scaling up a deliveries into gaza with plans for a new ocean delivery car doors together with the united states central command. we're working on a temporary, married time, peer known as j lots, which stands for joint logistics over the shore. a deliveries via a continues to bring some desperately needed supplies. she managerial groups one,
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it's not enough. with hung a wide spreads and a looming risk of famine for many in gaza. data correspond tobacco data. i was just following developments in jerusalem. she told me more about what secretary blinking has had to say sofa during his trip to solve the they've got as well there has been can just spoke a few words that they are putting all of that us goals, cooperation council meeting, which is one of the reasons why he's in saudi arabia, and he said that the united states has a measurable progress in the humanitarian situation. even gaza in recent weeks. that's off to us. have been pushing israel to allow for more humanitarian aid to go through. but he followed those comments to say that the best way to alleviate the humanitarian situation in gaza is full. i say 5 to allow full that situation to, to better itself on the ground for the allow of the allowance of more a to go through. um, you know,
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that probably gives you an indication of what the top priority of this visit to saudi arabia and to all the parts of the region is really about this is his 7th trip to saudi arabia, a, sorry, his 7th to the region. but he's faced to saudi arabia since october 7, he's been doing the shuttle diplomacy trying to get all sides talking. and he's been bringing with him each time this message of say, sign it. and of course the release of the hostages. and, and the indication here from his words, is that so that means helping the agenda. but all the topics on the agenda will be discussing with all the arab leaders and all that are the officials about a post will gauze or and just what that will look like for me in gaza, but also around the region. and of course, he'll also be trying to revive or continue these. the discussions of a potential saudi is around normalization deal. that's something that is by an administration has been pushing since the beginning. but the major sticking point remains of israel, not, not really willing to look into a pathway to
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a palestinian state. so rebecca, well, actually blinking is talking about this is fine. so the a, b, c, 's firefox are expected to happen in egypt as well. today, with a how much delegation about it a, or there we've been saying some progress on base talks that it has been, you know, up and down since really for months now, since the last positive talks that was successful in allowing a 100, a moving a 100 hostages out of gaza, but we've been saying these talks a bit and slowly we've made saying recent a some success with the an egyptian delegation here in israel last week to discuss just where israel is willing to, to give, you know, give way on these deal. where we, where they could meet in the middle with a mazda now, accounting proposal from israel has been taken back to egypt. and as you say, a mazda officials do that today. we may well be hearing a response from them. yeah. if pages agency suggesting that how much the official saying that they don't really see any major issues with this counts of proposals.
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so that could indicate a positive response. but there is always a division often between the pilot 0 and the the mid us inside of a mouse headed by yeah, us and why and guys are and whether or not they, they going to be able to agree to just exactly what the as riley stipulate in that agreement remains to be seen, will hopefully have more information throughout today, where you leave the, to the, for the time being the does rebecca data. joining us from jerusalem, thanks so much i or to the war in ukraine next, where the country's top generals say, as his forces have suffered several setbacks on the battlefield, and russian troops advancing in the eastern don't ask region. unfortunately, the alexander civil ski said moscow is not attacking ukraine along the entire front line. and as a chief, tactical success is by concentrating its efforts rushing strikes now or to d today. a village in ukraine's east in the next region west fighting has been
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raging for days, must go claims that loudly now controls the area. russian forces have advanced through at least half a dozen villages on the east in front since capturing the town of of d if caught in february, the taking advantage of the superior troop numbers in munition stokes. well, keep waits for fresh supplies. ukraine's army leaders have conceded that moscow has had, quote tactical successes in post tomato and social media. the armed forces come on during chief on exam. does the escape said ukrainian troops had retreated to new positions for the west, as russian forces rapidly approach cordova and poker off. elsewhere in the country . ukrainian officials say russian drive and struck the black sea city of nichol tonight, setting a hotel, a blaze, and damaging energy infrastructure. russian media claims the strike target to the shipyard web. drones are assembled. president below do me,
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is the landscape science, the u. s. congress for the billions of dollars worth of new weapons. that's all finally on their way to ukraine, while also issuing a fresh key for more defense is actually could even you, same with we are interacting with our part does have a tool that will socrates the level of efficiency and assistance that is needed. not telling me to hold on sufficient oscar, but also to disrupt the russians. work samuels, very moderate. eas could blindly be me. it's great. i am, besides the need for patriot systems, they are needed as soon as possible. switch strong demands for a desperate situation with ukraine. in full states vastly outnumbered and keep struggling to recruit, to move sound just the landscape is counting on fresh us supplies. to turn the tide of the will quickly. now, at some of the stories making headlines around the world authorities in russia have detained to russian. john list some charges of extremism,
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accusing them of working for a band. the group funded by late opposition, lead to alexa and the valley sort of a katelyn and the constant team gob of who have previously worked for dw denied the charges they face years in prison. if convicted, thousands of protest as in georgia, have again valued against a controversial funding influence being if it bosses, organizations that get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad would have to reduce the as photo and agents critics of compared to, to a russian lo used to crush to send looking up houses, military hunter has blocked access to several international news media outlets including dw, it's also they reported on the human rights watch reports that accused the ministry of getting out most givings, the whole rich to pot in 2022 has called the claims baseless france, newspaper, limone, as well as british publication. the guardian are also among those blocked for an
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indefinite time. jetta in europe, spain's prime minister says he's staying in office despite for peace. describe as a campaign of harassment by the country's right wing federal. sanchez announced his decision in a live television address to the nation. it follows days of spec condition about his future. sanchez took time out to consider whether to resign in the wake of a corruption investigation into his wife. she has anything of what you have to say on there as it is either. so he decided to remain as refinement as stuff and seek to stay on with most rents. if that is even possible, but things will not continue as they have done this. this will mark a new beginning, is open to that so i can guarantee that is why i'm committing myself to what tirelessly. so this family and comedy for re generation about democracy. what, another thing and the consolidation of rights and freedoms. you know, society for the about them that it's just
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a bit of dice. and correspondent john phillip charles sent us this and not as is from budget, spend his private as the sunset says he will even emerge strong enough from this crisis. this political opponents say this has all been just a big political game and, but essentially was never really serious about resigning. but even if a major political crisis has been avoided, it is obvious that the toxic political climate to get and spend will continue. spain has been full of rights for a decade, but the aggressive edwards here has grown even stronger in the past years. a personal degree of dice and slender, even outright hatred, a part of every day politics, year and sunset. the decision to continue also plays a big role at your repeating level shortly before the european elections, such as is considered. one of the last strong lettering leaders in europe correspond to john phillip schultz or bought him back from madrid. in germany, 9 people suspected of being part of a violent fod,
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right. lots to over told the government are going on trying. prosecutors say the ringleader was the businessman. prince hind wish royce a german editor pratt, the legs, the conspirators faced charges of terrorism and high treason. it's claimed that end goal was to install drawers as a modern day and put all this was the moment prince handling slices. fairytale came crashing down. his alleged plan was simple, storm parliament and overthrow the german government. but all stories pounds before the plot could and fold more than 3000 officers were involved in the december 2022 raids. it was one of the biggest anti extremist raids in german history. at its heart, kindly close a business man and self sailed german aristocrats. he's accused of leading the plots at his hunting lodge. he and dozens of others are alleged to have hatched
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a plan to violently overthrow the government. the group is linked to the right wing extremist of iceberg, the movement or citizens of the rise. police say they conspired to establish a new german state based on the old empire from the late 19th century, with prince hinesville, as emperor among its members, former police officers soldiers, and a former politician for the far right a if the party prosecutors alleged the network had access to a huge arsenal of weapons. the whole affair is really a big burden for our democracy and really, really needs transparency. who is behind this grouping? what went wrong, that they could authorize so long without having being seen. now from time to wish and his fellow suspected conspirators are set to stand trial charged with planning and active treason and membership of a terrorist organization. they don't lose political correspondent judas identities
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following the story for us. and as more now on the background to this case, as well investigators and prosecutors believe that they, the plans were really concrete. we've seen from the investigations that they had already planned to over throw the government with violence one think the storm, the parliament arrest ministers and politicians. and they were even prepared to take into account that there would be people killed in this operation. they had already started setting up a regional local military units to carry out this kind of violent overtake of the states. and they also had a huge arsenal of weapons ready to be used up to over $300.00 fire arms they have started collecting. and they also have pet plans in place to set up a government once this violence part of the plan had been carry out and print time
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. the patient lies was meant to be the head of this government and also a former member of parliament for the far right is the party was meant to take over the justice ministry. so investigators and prosecutors believe these plans were quite concrete. and this was not just a group of conspiracy theorists coming together with vague plans, another 2 trials, and also planned, i believe, including one for prince hines which reuters the man it's claimed the group hopes to install in germany's new lead. uh, what more can you tell us on the yes, so the trial starting today is looking at what investigators have defined as the military arm of the group. this includes 9 people and then there will be 2 more proceedings starting in the next few weeks. one in a couple of weeks in frankfort, which will include the those that investigators have defined as the ring leaders, including kindly to lice. but these proceedings are considered, ma'am, if a man was case case in germany with hundreds of witnesses being called to the stand,
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thousands of documents having to be looked at. and this is a trial that prosecutors have the one of the biggest states security cases in postwar, german history. and it is believe that the proceedings will go on through the 2025 . the governor's political correspondent, judas identity reporting for us. the quick, if not some other stories making headlines around the world. a peaceful people have been killed and dozens injured off to donate those rips through oklahoma homes were leveled and cause of a ton. the states governor has declared the state of emergency and 12 counties flood warnings remain in place constantly active as henry to has received his new hong kong identity god up to a long battle change agenda. on the official document. he won his appeal against the government's refusal to change it a year ago. in hong kong public sentiment has become increasingly welcoming towards
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the l. g. b t q plus community about homosexual. and john's gender people's 10 face challenges. indeed, the nice and in the philippines schools have cancelled in person teaching due to the ongoing, each wave with student staying home. it is hope that online learning will bring somebody from profit classrooms, many of which do not have air conditioning. the heat index which combines the effects of temperature and humidity has reached to record $45.00 degrees celsius. the next stream here is one of the many factors that makes a show the most exhaustive prone continent in the world. that's according to a new report by the wall to meet your logical organization. last deal, extreme weather events across the region can 2000 people and effective millions. this latest report forms climate change is intensifying. the severity of climate disasters, floods the melting of play shows along the feet, remains the top for it's an issue, a bunch of other issues,
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one of the country's most vulnerable to the impact of the climate prices. it is kind of to be facing. it's the longest heat wave in 75 years. the stores quickly he'd separate them on nice plums kitchen and with the temperature of above 40 degrees celsius and tucker plus. mona buckman is stifling every use. summer comes, but the hate has become too much in the last few years. especially this year it's on bearable. i can't stand by the stories. when i cook, i don't feel like cooking anything, but i have to as i have children, i sweat when i cook my head start spinning. i feel like i'm full into the ground to tell a family cannot afford it, conditioning on funds for white. luke is released in this car to heat, or i can go to one of my children caught sleep. the rest was due to the heat wave.
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when does a power outage? i need to send them with a hand made sign and they often get sick. the bundle dish has been grouped by feeding temperatures for weeks. only do the heat load has been extended. the government has re open schools after closing them for a week. it says the students have to prepare for exams on the punishing heat varies many didn't know what was the temperatures high. now the children are more likely to fall sick than savvy. it's too hot in the sun. not every child can tolerate this hate situated on the world's largest data, the gun, jeez, bundle of dish unique geography mix. it validated with dig stream bridget events. and even though it makes less than one percent of global greenhouse gases, bundle with dish is among the most affected by climate change. the government
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spends roughly 7 percent of its on was budget on climate dish and international assistance. for far short of the country's needs. many turn to benefit to data, but the disastrous consequences like these will ship us bring funding. nissan. com is a climate change expert who has written extensively about the politics of climate change. i austin, idea of what was driving the caught on teeth wave in bangladesh. yeah, i do, i do all the dimensions, you know, so i'm a james is a global come on the bottom of this i, we've got as in manually i michel and virginia as a 100 percent of the all the events. and so this uh, global phenomenon has, has been that it's so far back to, by also the nationalism definitely happens. but example, have that the ball,
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this is the same to get potential to, thankfully, and we have a huge problem. so organizational the edition, and that is absolutely the outcome forestry for example, and then coming off of what the next the is a far beyond just a different my mothers is a very, a small country. so, and one room from this, from the books. because up in the shares the growth of 6 to 7 for something else as well as we are having by number one through the. is there something who is the additional america should this would be that mean that we have only 3 to 4 percent. the purpose would be, which is not sufficient. doctors to watch, uh, causing the fx impact of something. but this is not just the problem impact all of a salt vision in the,
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or even in the other issue that you didn't solutions. so what i'm uh, what is happening is that we have not been good mitigation. the alternate solution i probably would change, they've gone some production, right. and i was dressed as a business to be after i saw some agents, you know, what would you say is the responsibility of the government? everybody. you talked about compromises and you talked about all these buildings coming off and all these heat islands being created. what is the government doing here to mitigate the effects on the temperature from all this work as yeah, a golf measure. in fact we have uh, national nbc, the national government contributionship have government has got to find out the adoption of 200 people. some alpha emissions by just something we also have the national artificial drums and all over bottom of this would be 100 government administrators in a huge realm of uh,
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product station that impact of city. we have kind of different types of problems in the sense that you're most, that's the one of the most does because i'm interested in the on app and the laptop a space. so in a space pipe dream and lack of water bodies. what type of has has been done before the just trying to kind of out of the me, the in ross learns from the land grab us, for example, that has been some, such as the line. so we have names. can i raise foundations in the promo power in front of the programs for that but to this is not and so i'll just send you some of this to go on what we need the international software that we mentioned, the 7 percent of the develop in front of the spend book and that was not present at all. we news investments in millions of dollars visions. no. um, uh, uh,
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$767000000000.00 of shelters. oh. or private investment. so it, once we get a small benefit on the most simple, then i think things come down better. we'll leave it there for the time being. but thank you so much for joining us today. nissan con speaking to us from tucker. thanks so much, sir. thank you. and finally, in the sport into milan, have taken to the streets to celebrate the 20th. is that a title in the top tier of italian football jubilant into plans. put it into a folds of fans off to the straightforward to an end. we will, but tony no 6 days of defeating the party in adobe victory over city arrival. ac milan, the cities iconic cathedral was the top of the flags and fireworks to celebrate the newly crowned champions. a quick reminder now of the top stories secretary of state anthony blinking has sent
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the us copes almost when accept a quote. extraordinarily generous, sees fire off. i think it was speaking. it was you cannot make for them event in saudi arabia. he's on the to, out of the middle east of broke a, a cruise agreement between israel and abbas keeps come under the chief says, troops have withdrawn from 3 vintages. get done yet. i mean, a was thing of the situation. the ones russia is not talking. you praying along the tie up front line and the pride of 9 people suspected of crossing to over told the german government is beginning the, let's bring me the thought i'd scheme is a german adage to fred. prosecute to save the accused tenant. all still a weapons unplanned to seize the german parliament. and with that, you are up to date coming up next up to the break people. africa takes a closer look at how,
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thanks to communities in the can be struggling with the fishing and pollution. and don't forget, varies news available. 247 on our website, d, w dot com. i'm going to spend a jeep invalid. thanks so much for watching. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the people in dubia are fighting over fish the money and the economy. economy. it's very important. i will survive, but he allows the company and so i know since a chinese fish meal factory opens here, everything has changed. now, an impending ecological disaster is threatening the livelihood. the fishermen. what can they do? a co op next on d w. i think i got stuck
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on a piece. here's somebody who knew, but i would scroll out millions of people around the world can't attend school even though the un defines the human rights education for everyone. but how logo in 60 minutes on d w. the names to cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us
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as governments suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 thought documentary series on ma skiing has paula stats may, 4th on d, w. the environmental education is not the child's play, but sometimes we can approach climate issues in a ways that appeals to people of every age. that's really important as to look to the future. hello and welcome to a new it's ation of echo africa. i am present land and legal side,


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